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3837684 No.3837684 [Reply] [Original]

I'm really interested in getting into the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett but im not sure which book i should start with.

Can you help /lit/?

>> No.3837695

I wouldn't recommend starting at the very beginning, because it's a poor reflection of his true standard.
Start with, say, Guards! Guards!, Wyrd Sisters or Small Gods so you can get a good idea on whether you like it.
And of course if you do, you can all the way to the start with The Colour of Magic and work your way up from there, that's what I'm doing.

>> No.3837712

Mort is another good starting point too.

>> No.3837713
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Thank's bro.

>> No.3837723

going postal was one of my fav's its a stand alone so its a good starter.
you don't need alot of knowledge about the history of discworld terry is good at explaining what little info u need

>> No.3837742

Fuck these nigs, The Colour of Magic is an awesome book and what got me into Pratchett in the first place.

I say start from the beginning and work your way through, you don't have to but it'll also satisfy the chronology loving part of your brain

>> No.3837747

Going Postal is an awesome book.

>> No.3837778

If anyone feels like making a list of books to start with, that would be great.

>> No.3837791

Going Postal.

>> No.3837806

In the bibliography:
1 & 2
30 & 32

I really would recommend starting with The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic, Rincewind is a brilliant character and pops-up in lots of the books he's not the main character of.

It's no coincidence that he's my favorite Discworld character.

>> No.3837808

I've never read any Discworld, but doesn't 'Going Postal' sound like a weird fantasy book title?

>> No.3837818

If you had read the book, you would understand the title.


>> No.3837826

My fav character is Death he is a HOOT

>> No.3837839

I don't think I deserve that emoticon, mister.

>> No.3837846

Mah nigga.

>> No.3838022

Read the first 2 then you can jump around. The first 2 introduce the world through Rincewind giving a tourist a tour of Discworld. It's the best global overview of the world up till The 5th Elephant, gets you used to the ridiculousness, etc. It's pretty much a novel meets travelogue. The thing is, book one cliffhangers into book two so read them both and you'll have a good handle of the whole world, the type of humor, meet many of the people who come into play later and get their own book.

>> No.3838037

-Death Of Rats

>> No.3838053
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Here you go OP.

>> No.3838141

Discworld books have gone downhill recently. The last one I really liked was Monstrous Regiment. Since then there's none that were that memorable.

I preferred the older ones that dealt with science and magic over parodies of British society.

>> No.3838336


>> No.3838438
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This is helpful to get a working knowledge of the series but in all seriousness I'd recommend just reading them in publication order provided you intend to read them all. If you only want to read a couple then the Watch narratie is probably the funnies, the Witches the 'darkest' etc some other discfags here might be able to elaborate and expand on that.