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3835868 No.3835868 [Reply] [Original]

So because of recent events, such as the NSA announcement and the Xbox One reveal, I decided to start reading 1984 this morning. I can't believe I haven't read it before. I'm about halfway done, and I'm looking for similar books. Thoughts about 1984? Recommendations?

>> No.3835871

read the goddamn sticky

>> No.3835882

George Orwell cant write romance for shit. That entire aspect of it really takes a shit because a good deal of our emotional investment later on relies on us believing that there was any true affection between the two characters. This book is more praised for its 'big ideas'. The obly problem is is that those ideas really dont hold much weight to be people who when they open their mouths aren't insufferable as fuck. Its inconsistent and occasionally the dialogue is stokpiece for orwell, as in the clumsy inclusion of the famous 2+2 does not equal 5 line.

>> No.3835884

I always felt that line came out of nowhere.

>> No.3835891


burmese days was far superior but plebs gonna pleb

>muh freedom

>> No.3836037

>muh contrarianism

>> No.3836040

Ooooh you know that word sk now you apply it to any instance of criticism against popular works. Good for you.

>> No.3836042


don't flatter yourself.

>> No.3836048

OP, that picture makes me feel embarrassed as hell for you. Orwell is for stupid pseudo-intellectual liberals and libertarians and is a waste of fucking time. You might as well be reading the cunt Hanna Arendt.

>> No.3836053 [DELETED] 

Thats a nice way of spelling Hanna. Looks very clean compared to the added h at the end. Thats why I spell my name Jonny. First friend I ever had was named Hanna. I'm doubtful she would still hold a place in my heart were I to know her now. Time writes the best endings.

>> No.3836087

1984 is great, but different from the whine-fest I expected, thankfully.

Go for Fahrenheit 451, and before that, Brave New World.

Brave New World takes the other extreme, but an extreme that far more closely resembles our reality.

451 mixes them wonderfully. Some of the stuff made up in this book simply became reality.

>> No.3836090
File: 2.00 MB, 240x180, retarded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're paranoid, uneducated, and obviously somewhat psychopathic in your lack of emotional response to a very emotional novel.

Did you know stories were also intended as experiences? Not just thought experiments?

Glad you've learned something today.

Now go away.

>> No.3836093

What's wrong with Arendt?

>> No.3836101

what movie is the gif from?

>> No.3836112
File: 53 KB, 352x600, bookwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3836114

>Did you know stories were also intended as experiences? Not just thought experiments?
You're missing the damn point of the author, man. You're emotionally invested in a poor book

>> No.3836115
File: 565 KB, 993x1549, church of release.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy points out some nice books to continue your reading.

I'd also like to chime in about Robert Heinlein; books like SST get praised for being Meritocratic and I will dickslap you if you use the f-word.

But he also wrote Stranger in a Strange Land which is anti-government enough. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is great for reading about Lunar independance.

However some other dystopian novels include Harry Turtledoves works, alternate histories about how the South won the US CW and keeps blacks as second-class citizens after a de jure manumission.

V for Vendetta is also a good read even if you've already seen the movie. Also Transmetropolitan, though it's a graphic novel, is quite wordy since it's about a Journalist in the future.

Pic related. I had to choose either this or a SST movie picture.

>> No.3836127
File: 699 KB, 953x1518, spider inform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late night bump, I know not many people are on.

>> No.3836144

It looks like an episode of Quantum Leap.

>> No.3836154



>> No.3836163


>> No.3836166
File: 423 KB, 987x1050, coming-to-a-party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also Transmetropolitan, though it's a graphic novel, is quite wordy since it's about a Journalist in the future.

>> No.3836168


>> No.3836173


Sweet thanks.

>> No.3836179
File: 507 KB, 995x1529, Transmetropolitan_07_p06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comic can be torrented, what better way to show your support for Warren Ellis' ideas about the future by downloading his work?

>inb4 paying for it

>> No.3836184

I heard The Giver was good.

>> No.3836186
File: 960 KB, 620x1019, 1370391687332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>error: duplicate file exists here

>> No.3838015

Every goddamn time.

>> No.3838044
