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3835080 No.3835080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

David, a white guy is walking in his neighborhood when a black male appears in front of him, walking toward him. The black guy wears what one would call "hip-hop" clothing including a hoodie. David has been robbed three times the previous year in this neighborhood, all by black guys dressed like that.

If David decides to cross the street to the other side he is:

a. a stupid racist
b. cautious
c. rational
d. worse than Hitler
e. other:_________

Answer carefully

pic unrelated

>> No.3835083


>> No.3835088

fucking loser

>> No.3835089

This is a religious mind attempting subjectivity.

Take note.

>> No.3835092

>religious mind

then fuck off retard

>> No.3835097

e: reported

>> No.3835103

True, a religious "mind" technically does not exist because the religion is being used in place of actual critical thinking.

>> No.3835104
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Its not my problem that you cannot answer a fucking question because your ideology doesnt have an answer.

>> No.3835124

David is dumb for not moving after getting robbed three times. Obviously he will not change this fourth time around because he is an idiot. If David did anything to change his monotonous behavior it would be a miracle.

>> No.3835131

>Inductive Logic

>> No.3835138

e. pull a george zimmerman and land a first strike shooting him in the chest with your pistol

>> No.3835143

Not everyone can move whenever he wants

>> No.3835150

I'm assuming he's in America, and not under house arrest.

>> No.3835158

Would going across the street really prevent a guy from robbing you? He could just follow you and rob you on the other side of the street.

>> No.3835167

Is he jaywalking?

>> No.3835177

Lets talk about your picture OP that's a better discussion.

Why are we all working when we have the means to serve everybody.

>> No.3835184

People like to work.

>> No.3835189

And the people who like to work at precisely the ones who should work.

>> No.3835190

So let them work if they want too. I don't like working so let me work 4 hours a week.

>> No.3835193

There's no minimum requirement for how much you should work.

Some people like volunteering.

>> No.3835194

>work at
work are*

>> No.3835200


But why does David still live in this negro infested shithole? And why hasnt David bought a gun?

>> No.3835216

murican bashing on religions
so original

>> No.3835226

I think religions are genius. I mean, just look at the power they wield!

>> No.3835228


Cautious and rational.

If anything one could say David is utilizing the scientific method and I see nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3835232

A religious "mind" using science. That is laughable, too!

>> No.3835235


e. Yes

>> No.3835248
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>> No.3835284

e. David on the other side of the street.

>> No.3835300

David sounds like a complete pussy.
What is he doing walking around shady neighborhoods by himself when he looks like an obvious victim?
Boy needs a better crack connect.

>> No.3835304


>> No.3835328

ok, another /pol/ race-baiting, non-/lit/ thread. i like the pic, though. what I'm most critical of: is OP asking because is he put in this position and is wrestling with his feelings/looking for justification for maybe feeling racist? or--and I'm betting this one--nothing like this ever happened to him but he has been taught to hate niggers and he wants people to embrace that hate by asking a loaded question?

I live in a white neighborhood only a mile from the center of Atlanta, but it's not unusual for black people to be around because Atlanta. I'm a night owl so I'm up when the rest of the neighborhood is sleeping and I've run into blacks in hip hop gear trying doors/stealing bikes (seriously lol) four times since I've lived here. I was unarmed. each time, I asked them what was up. each time they ran off like bitches.

the other times there were black dudes in hip hop gear near my apt, it was because I invited my friends over to drink beer and watch tv. just throwing a real-life scenario out there.

>> No.3835332

This is a humble request to stop injecting real life scenarios into this metaphorically bigoted thread.

>> No.3835335

Great book op