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/lit/ - Literature

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3834747 No.3834747 [Reply] [Original]

After searching online for this book for longer than I'd like to admit, one anon directed me here:

For those of you who are interested in seeing Women and Men by Joseph McElroy back in print, I suggest that you follow the link and fill it out. I'm not sure if they require a set number of requests for a consideration or what, but it can't hurt to try.

>> No.3834845

Never heard of it, but I'll request.

>> No.3834927

Requested; hope it helps out.
Incidentally, I've also never heard of this book. Would you mind explaining why exactly you want to see it back in print?

>> No.3834993

Gladly. All of the available copies of it don't go for anything less than $60. I've looked everywhere, and that's the lowest I can seem to find. I work at a library in west Alabama and have requested it a few times to the head librarian, along with several other works she has has success in ordering, but this is the one that she also can never find. And as for another reason why, the book description on Amazon does it more justice than I could:
Beginning in childbirth and entered like a multiple dwelling in motion, Women and Men embraces and anatomizes the 1970s in New Yorkfrom experiments in the chaotic relations between the sexes to the flux of the city itself. Yet through an intricate overlay of scenes, voices, fact, and myth, this expanding fiction finds its way also across continents and into earlier and future times and indeed the Earth, to reveal connections between the most disparate lives and systems of feeling and power. At its breathing heart, it plots the fuguelike and fieldlike densities of late-twentieth-century life.
McElroy rests a global vision on two people, apartment-house neighbors who never quite meet. Except, that is, in the population of others whose histories cross theirsbelievers and skeptics; lovers, friends, and hermits; children, parents, grandparents, avatars, and, apparently, angels. For Women and Men shows how the families through which we pass let one person's experience belong to that of many, so that we throw light on each other as if these kinships were refracted lives so real as to be reincarnate.

A mirror of manners, the book is also a meditation on the languagesrich, ludicrous, exact, and also Americanin which we try to grasp the world we're in. Along the kindred axes of separation and intimacy Women and Men extends the great line of twentieth-century innovative fiction.

>> No.3834992

Not OP, but I've read this/own a copy. It's one of those big (1191 pgs) novels where you can't really sum up the "plot" but basically it centers around a man and a women and deals with their lives, family histoires, and their mutual friends with the kicker being that these two never meet.

But it's gorgeous. McElroy's prose style is very descriptive and lush but is never purple. He also writes these long sentences that go go on for 12+ pages that jump from one century to another, so it requires very close detail. For example, something of similar size (Infinite Jest) took me about two weeks, but Women and Men took me 4months*. When some people read him they think of Joyce, but McElroy has stated that he was more influences by Gaddis, which is apparent because some chapters read like JR without the dashes.

Basically it's just an amazingly well written novel that requires lots of detail, and does a great job of examining relationships with people. I know this isn't the most well thought out post, but I love this book and had to comment. However, I know it will take a few more reads (years) for me to even approach most of the stuff he touches upon in this book. IMO he's the best living writer today (and has a new book out in this month) and should be read. I sugest everyone request that he comes back into print

*I like IJ, and this isn't commenting on anything but the style differences between the two writers, although when one reads Women and Men they can see the the influence on Wallace (particularly the McElroy novel Lookout Cartridge). Funny enough, Wallace hated Women and Men

>> No.3835010

Yeah it sucks at how expensive they have become. I got my copy on Amazon a few years ago for around $10-$20.

>> No.3835404

Bump for contemporary literary justice

>> No.3835494

I trust you found the book online, though? I just got it from Bookfi.

>> No.3835688

Oh God, thank you. This hadn't even crossed my mind. Still want a physical, though.

>> No.3835743

Filled it out

Please NYBR

Wait, do they even publish books longer than 200 pgs?

>> No.3835748

They did Anatomy of Melancholy and that's like 1200 pages.

>> No.3835752

They don't even have but a few dozen that are /below/ 200 pages...

They've published several hundred books in the Classics series

>> No.3835789

This thread is actually productive, thank you. Filled out the request.

>> No.3835813


>> No.3836893

I submitted a request a few months ago, but I guess it can't hurt to do another. Would love a nice affordable NYRB edition of this.

>> No.3837393


>> No.3837482

I submitted. Good luck, OP.

>> No.3837509

Anyone who sumbitted is a good person

>> No.3837960

I sent in my submission earlier. I think I've suggested Women and Men before.

>> No.3838356

Helpful bump

>> No.3838409

women and men? that's a big "and", monsieur.

>> No.3838434

I want to be able to say "My two favorite books are War and Peace & Women and Men, look how broad and worldly I am"

come on /lit/

>> No.3838504

sticky dis shit mods

>> No.3839450


>> No.3841138

Bump. This needs sticky, mods.

>> No.3841178

"Mr McElroy makes it impossible for his work to be reprinted. Please pass this on to all who continue to bother us about this tome. Thanks, Edwin Frank"


>> No.3841179

I sent my request in, was actually trying to find this book for a decent price quite recently.

>> No.3841212


Why is he a fucking autist?

>> No.3841326
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What a crock of shit.

>> No.3841344

he wrote an 1100 page novel is that even a question

>> No.3841373

Let's try to contact him.
I found a facebook but I'm not sure if it's official, though it has a pretty consistent calendar for him.
Anybody have an email for him or an agent?

>> No.3841400



>> No.3841406

Definitely worth a shot. Writing an email and checking grammar thrice.

>> No.3841413


He wrote a 1000+ post-modern brick that has a reputation as being one of the most difficult books out and you're wondering why he acts like an autist?

>> No.3842766

That's gay.

Be sure to mention how many of us there are that would like to purchase his work.

>> No.3843494

I sent a long message, hope it gets replied to.

>> No.3844384

you're a wonderful person

>> No.3845203

writing a message right now

>> No.3845486

This book is available in my uni's library. Holy shit. I'm kind of excited.

>> No.3845524

This poor guy is getting harassed by a foul-smelling legion of neckbeards.

No wonder Pynchon avoids faggots like you guys.

>> No.3845532

Leave him alone. Either get the book through interlibrary loan or download it here: file dropper you-know-what com / womenandmen-josephmcelroy

There's a reason NYC said you guys were "bothering them" about it. You are indeed bothering people.

>> No.3845540


Samefag. What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.3845713

We're politely requesting the opportunity to exchange money for the art he created. It's not like we're fucking ordering pizzas to his house or sending him death threats.

>> No.3846344

The closest available copy of this book to me is the University of Alabama, which is a 45 minute drive, and I'm not a student and/or not willing to steal it. I want to own it, I've read it, and I want to own it and read it again. And again. And again. My professor wants to read it, but he can't find a copy either, and we're both trying to find copies.

>> No.3846348

>continue to bother us

Yeah well fuck you too.

>> No.3846354
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I stumbled across a copy by chance in my uni's library.

>> No.3846380

>the art he created

He doesn't want it reprinted. You don't think he considered the monetary implications with that stance? I'm sure he has good reasons for his decision that have factored in the bribes of fans. Considering you're calling his book art for the sake of respect, why don't you take a moment and pretend the conventions of the publication industry don't exist and consider the idea that an "artist" might choose to make only a single limited run of his "art"work, and refuse to produce any further duplicates no matter how big the market? Just because it's a book doesn't mean it has to be produced and proliferated as much as possible. Use your fucking head.

>> No.3846436

That does not really apply. Most other art forms do not require as much investment as the novel, meaning you can see a picture of a painting and comprehend it just as well as in an exhibition, or a repreformance of a musical piece from written notes and hear it as clear as the first performance.

But since literature needs to be reprinted, it's tied to the market; unless he was to release online for free of course but he seems like an asshole.

>> No.3846458

I doubt that he doesn't want people to read his book. It's probably just some legal thing.

>> No.3846462

if he doesn't want us to read his book because he'd prefer it to 'exclusive' or something like the anon above suggested, i'm going to download it and spread the link around everywhere and send him an email of my spread ass cheeks (which is not a pleasant sight, believe me.)

>> No.3846479

yfw this was his marketing strategy all along

>> No.3846482

>Most other art forms do not require as much investment as the novel,
You're making a very weak case.
All I'm saying is that if you ignore the conventions of whatever respective industry, it's not incomprehensible that an artist might withhold the reproduction of his work. Maybe he thinks it IS best conveyed via a reading, ie an interpersonal performance. I really doubt that's true of McElroy but still, you seem to be confusing the medium of literature to be inherently tied to the modern publication industry. Literature does not "need" to be reprinted, and the author does not have any duty to release his work to anyone who wants it.

>> No.3846495

>he doesn't want people to read his book
I never said that. I said he doesn't want the book reprinted.
Another thing I said was to use your fucking head. There's a very large and obvious difference between not wanting a book reprinted and wanting to make it totally inaccessible. But go ahead, spread the download and send him your spread ass, I'm not stopping you.

>> No.3846507

It's pretty inaccessible when a used copy is 70 bucks.

It's not like the only people who were going to read it bought it in the 90s. If this thread is any indication, many people still want to read it who haven't. Stopping it from being reprinted will make the few people who have read it the only people who have read it for quite some time.

By the way, can anyone supply a download link to the ebook? The other thread had a megaupload link that was well.. not working.

>> No.3846536

$70 is not a lot of money at all. How many times do I have to ask you to stop looking at it in terms of the publication industry? Compare that to the prices of easily produced print released in limited run rather than other books. Don't try to pretend literature is a special medium that "requires extra investment", it's not, don't lay down such strict rules on art. I mean, personally, I don't place any value on the creator's supposed intellectual property rights, I think their work should be released to as wide as possible an audience, I think all ebooks should be free and information shouldn't be regulated, but I can also easily imagine reasons why Mcelroy might disagree that you guys are don't want to entertain.

>> No.3848362

Go to bookfi.org and look for it there.

>> No.3848367

>implying this book is worth reading because it's hard to find

>> No.3848402

>$70 is not a lot of money at all.
it is for a book

>> No.3848436

I don't think anyone is here to read it because it's hard to find. That's just fucking stupid.

>> No.3848439

>implying you aren't a republican

>> No.3848463

But I'm from Norway.

>> No.3849242

exactly (bump)

>> No.3849340

Why has no one provided a source for this quote?

>> No.3849344

I thought that anon meant he emailed him. Still no proof though

>> No.3849348 [DELETED] 

I prefer the sequel "Women And Bathtubs"

>> No.3849356 [DELETED] 

he wrote a sequel called "women and men in bathtubs"

>> No.3849358 [DELETED] 

Sorry I got the name wrong

>> No.3849359 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 135x170, BD1435-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3849362 [DELETED] 

it's a trilogy

>> No.3849372
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le epic xD we r lejohn!

>> No.3849373

just ignore it and report it

>> No.3849376 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 615x409, article-new_ehow_images_a02_4u_bi_relax-hot-bath-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think someone need a nice hot bath.

>> No.3849385 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 583x363, installing-a-good-bathtub-sample-of-a-bathtub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, my name is dequan. Not lejohn. Pfft stupid.

>> No.3849669


Ctrl + F McElroy

>> No.3849689

>it's hard to find

The link gets posted to the .mobi of this book often. There is no need to bother the author about his wishes for it not to be reprinted.

P.S. a link to the fucking file is right here >>3845532 in this same exact thread.

>> No.3850831

THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

[spoilers]Would have loved a sleek NYRB edition though [/spoilers]

>> No.3850886
File: 20 KB, 200x284, flaneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings Mr Mcelroy,

Have no fear, I come from the internet. Yes, 'tis a fine place indeed, and doubtless you've heard of it before. I am a part of an online community of readers (readers of the literary genre, not of those blasphemous science-fiction and fantasy authors who've bastardized the art of story telling-- But I digress!) who would love to read your work, but it is out of print. Alas! I've wept many a night at this unfortunate mishap. However, it has come to my attention, and the attention of my colleagues, that NYbooks offers a reprinting service but refuses to print your work due to some scuffle on your part. Now sir, do not take grief as I have, your heart cannot bear the burden of grief and the long hours of torment I have spent in meditation upon how to rectify this conundrum of a quaffle. So I have written this letter, no! and plea! Please Sire McElroy, allow them to print your book. For art! For love! For decency. I implore you sir, let your work be recognized once more.

-A Humble Reader

>> No.3850892

needs more monsieur

>> No.3850895
File: 42 KB, 604x450, Smooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I originally meant to make it like this pic, but it somehow morphed into a kind of monsieur guy post.