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File: 115 KB, 800x400, left_right_political_spectrum_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3827941 No.3827941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some political books.

>> No.3827945
File: 200 KB, 800x936, freedom_vs_slavery_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry here's a more accurate pic.

>> No.3827964

>Doesn't know what democracy is
>Doesn't know what communism is
>Implies Americans are more free than anarchists

>> No.3827970

>monarchism "less free" than Fascism and Nazism

Hahahahahahahah oh god where did you find these OP?

>> No.3827971

1984 and animal farm

>> No.3827974

I can't decide which one is most retarded...
Just kidding, it's obviously the second one. The first is bad too, though.

>> No.3827975

Everything is political so any book will do.

>> No.3827976

>everything else


>> No.3827980


>> No.3827997
File: 536 KB, 2022x1000, Real Talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3828009

All the King's Men

>> No.3828010


I don't think so Tim.

>> No.3828013

Stay sheep Al.

>> No.3828018

Holy shit it keeps getting worse

>> No.3828020

>this graph however is much more logical since it aligns political ideologies by how much governmental control the state exerts

And why is that a useful criteria, Uncle Smith?

>> No.3828039

Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead.
Even better, anything by glorious Ayn Rand.

>> No.3828074
File: 59 KB, 856x676, asdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, see? Took me 30 seconds.

>> No.3828077
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Read some Anthony Ludovici or Julius Evola.

>> No.3828097

How is anarchism more leftist than communism? Don't they both strive for a classless stateless society?

>> No.3828108

>American Conservatism and Liberalism farther right than Fascism


>> No.3828117

Yeah, I didn't bother in fixing it from the previous chart.

Fascism sustains it's authoritarian populism in an anti-capitalist speech, while still remaining in it and serving its interests. Both liberals and conservatives are proud defenders of the market. Do you even history?

>> No.3828120

>attempting to dichotomize something as vague and wide reaching as a political ideology

Every picture that does this will be wrong. Stop trying.

>> No.3828125

Fuck you OP for putting a bullshit image to a pretty good question.

>> No.3828129

Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" is pretty good.

>> No.3828130

This one's good, but it still falls into the trap of using the fucked up American modern definitions of liberal and conservative. They should be reversed.

>> No.3828136

yeah the only thing wrong with the chart is the placement of anarchism
its kind of got its own political spectrum

>> No.3828139
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>being a leftist or a rightist
>not being a northist

>> No.3828141

>communism and nazism beside each other on the left

>> No.3828142

>being on the spectrum at all

>> No.3828143
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>> No.3828145
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Some 400 pages into this. Really great, if you ask me, although kind of repetitive at times.

>> No.3828147

An anarchic society would be a terrible place to live unless you're rich as fuck or have a lot of guns. Why don't people realize this?

>> No.3828155
File: 70 KB, 800x400, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3828160

You could start with On Politics by Alan Ryan and work from there. It's a long but pretty entertaining book that covers political theory from Herodotus to the present day.
He has a long list of recommended reading for each chapter, which should give you plenty to pick from.

>> No.3828161

it kind of bugs me that the painting in the cover doesn't portray anarchists


>> No.3828192
File: 15 KB, 150x213, 29026_9781847873842[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was very wary of reading about" post-modern/post-structural" governmentality. However, this book analyzed governmentality studies in a systematic, thorough and chronological order that actually made the topic enjoyable

>> No.3828354


I suggest you read that book, or indeed any book on anarchism, because the only thing that is evident from what you say is that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.3828376

Anarchy means no government. What's to stop someone coming into your home at night and killing you and enslaving your family? Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.3828381

>dat spectrum
I hope you don't believe this bullshit, OP;

>> No.3828383

B-but... muh Non-Aggression Principle!

>> No.3828386


>> No.3828391
File: 23 KB, 484x445, anarchy chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again, read. Jesus christ, dude.

>> No.3828396

This is where anarchists laugh at you for not having heard of Quinian Post-Ribbentrop AnarchoPARECONomilogical Republistatiformalism which allows you to do impressive intellectual backflips while simultaneously being grounded no axioms literally no more sophisticated than the non-aggression principle.


>> No.3828400


I consider myself a philosophical anarchist, which is pretty simple.
Also, this made me lol.

>> No.3828401


You'll learn a lot about politics from this page OP, since you know nothing as of now.

>> No.3828403

Your picture implies that the community would defend itself. What's to stop someone from forming an army and taking power for themselves?

>> No.3828412


1. Such crimes would be unecessary.
2. Why should this happen more often with ordered anarchy?

This is really dumb. It's like people who are against legalizing drugs who somehow seem think that if, god forbid, it got legalized, EVERYONE would instantly turn to drugs and all of society would fall apart. If the state did disappear, would people suddenly go crazy and kill each other? No. States can fall apart without societies falling apart.

>> No.3828427

>Not identifying as a moral centrist

Obviously the most sustainable and fair society would be one where people's basic needs are taken care of but still allows for growth of big business. Sustainable economy in the long term, maximized personal freedoms, and arguably the most morally justifiable form of government. Come on /lit/ catch up.

>> No.3828434

Also a balance of power between corporations and government, who wouldn't want this?

>> No.3828439

>Such crimes would be unecessary
Why are they unnecessary? A lot of crimes are unnecessary but people do them anyway.

>Why should this happen more often with ordered anarchy
If there is no central power to stop it, it will happen. Think of all those post-apocalyptic movies where roaming bands of raiders just drive around the place fucking shit up. That is exactly what will happen in an anarchic society unless communities raise their own militia, which also raises the question: who leads the militia? A temporary leader? Who will make him give up his power when the crisis has ended?

>> No.3828440

>States can fall apart without societies falling apart
do you even history?

>> No.3828442


I'm not involved in your current discussion however I must interject and wager the exact opposite.

That civilized states are only held together by the societies they create.

>> No.3828447

This. People who believe in Anarchism are either under the false assumption that people are innately moral, or this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis.. Government is a necessary evil to the extent that you are protected from being taken advantage of.

>> No.3828450

It's clearly not so black and white. They rely on each other, it's a symbiotic relationship.

>> No.3828452

>If there is no central power to stop it, it will happen

The 'central power' would be the society at large. The central tenet of most big anarchist thinkers is just that the individual should have optimal freedom, without impeding on the freedom of others. If you were to attack on someone you would be doing something authoritarian, and this isn't acceptable. So the only 'ruler' would be, I suppose, a moral one.

>Think of all those post-apocalyptic movies where roaming bands of raiders just drive around the place fucking shit up

Come on, man, do you really think so little of people?

>> No.3828462

And do you really think so highly of people? Do you really believe that every single person would just swallow the anarchy pill and accept the morals that come along with it that are required for the society to function? Grow up man, don't be so naive.

>> No.3828465
File: 1.71 MB, 1600x3066, 1359750835822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here to make the anarchos look stupid.

>> No.3828470


Well, how would you act if there was anarchy? Would you not be a co-operative and good person? I think most people would be this way. The only problem is the state of transition where you have to filter out the chavs and the shitheads who go against society (and this does sound a bit authoritarian).

>> No.3828474

>You just killed my brother!
>What are you gonna do about it, punk?
>Well, I'm gonna... I'm gonna...

This is where anarchism falls apart

>> No.3828476
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>> No.3828480

Oh my god are you thick or what

>the individual should have optimal freedom, without impeding on the freedom of others
Who will make sure this happens?

>If you were to attack on someone you would be doing something authoritarian, and this isn't acceptable
You think the fucking Vikings cared if it was acceptable or not to pillage Christian towns and cities?

>So the only 'ruler' would be, I suppose, a moral one
This is also a central tenet of fascism.

At this point I'm going to stop because I'm just repeating what I've already said in my previous post. If there is no law, nobody to enforce order because they "have no right to control by force the action of any other man" (got that from Anarchism wikiquote) things will fall to pieces, and fast. Anarchism relies far, far too much on the goodwill of humanity.

>do you really think so little of people
I do not think little of people, quite the opposite; I think quite highly of them. I'm just being realistic. There will always be scum; criminals and murderers and thieves, what have you. These types of people ruin anarchism.

>> No.3828486

I think I would act just as I do now. Remember though that I am an upper-middle class white male who grew up in a stable house hold and took the time to philosophically develop empathy based morals upon which I live my life. Any one who was a criminal before anarchism will be an even bigger criminal without any fear of punishment. Do you really want to live in a world where you may have to fight to defend yourself and family/property on a daily basis?

>> No.3828489

>for an anarchic society, we just need to cleanse ourselves of inferiors

Why hadn't we thought of this before?!

>> No.3828492


I suppose you might be correct after all. But to be fair, my own anarchism is only a short way of saying "being highly critical and skeptical of authority."

Truth be told I've been finding my own arguments rather stupid.

>> No.3828493

I can count on one hand the amount of times people have admitted they might be wrong on the Internet. Respect.

>> No.3828497

Remember there are two types of authority though. Most anarchists fear the direct kind which is the government. Most don't stop to consider the indirect kind which is corporations preying on your needs and wants. They essentially create the world you live in through the products they sell. Two types of authority. Fear both and work to keep them in check.

>> No.3828499

Having no hierarchical structure doesn't imply having no laws against people going around and killing anyone they feel like. But being at the top of that pyramid usually does, that's why anarchism is actually vastly preferable to what people in favour of those hierarchical systems advocate. I don't think you've demonstrated where the political philosophy 'falls apart' at all.

>> No.3828501


Not to mention that most governments kill people all the time and no one really cares. Government is in some way just systematic and legal murder.

>> No.3828502

Well what is the law then? Retribution? Are you going to go and punish someone who wrongs you? I guarantee you not many other people will, or are you a subscriber to this theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis?

>> No.3828505

Also it seems you're implying that people who already have more than anyone else won't use what they have to take the rest.

>> No.3828508

A lot of the time that's only when a person compromises national security. I'm not condoning governmental murder or anything, but sometimes it has a just reason.

>> No.3828509


Kropotkin writes about how one should care for the antisocial in a brotherly way. So correcting someone is not so much a punishment but moral teaching and trying to integrate the person into society as a functional person who will do no harm to their fellow human beings.

>> No.3828519

Makes sense, are you going to integrate those criminals? In case you aren't aware there are such things as psycho/sociopaths. These people are not nearly as rare as you think and they cannot be corrected. Their problem is a neurological one.

>> No.3828524


Not sure how to deal with psychopaths, but to be fair they are a problem in any society.

>> No.3828529

Lethal injection.

>> No.3828539

Yeah but at least in this society they are jailed and removed from society. Well most of them that is. No one seems to be taking them off of wall street and executive positions.

Good. You can be the judge, jury, and executioner! Your view of reality must be the only objectively correct one and thus you can tell us undoubtedly who is guilty and innocent! Thank god we got that one figured out. Oh wait you don"t want to do that? Well you better set up an institution for it. Oh wait...

>> No.3828543

Never heard of the just world hypothesis before, my point was that anarchy (going back to it's etymological roots) means without rulers not without rules. If one is against exerting any kind of illegitimate control over someone else's actions it seems only logical that they wouldn't be in favour of an action that results in taking the life of an innocent person, which no sane person would obviously ever consent to.

>> No.3828545


They couldn't be removed from an anarchist society?

And it seems most psychopaths enjoy a pretty high status in America.

>> No.3828550

What do you propose? Jail them for life? The question of the psychopath is a difficult one indeed.

>> No.3828555

And my point which you may have missed is this: Who is going to enforce those rules? Who decides that the rules are moral? Do you not believe in insane people? Also, I'm assuming that you are a middle class american/brit (correct me if I'm wrong) possibly even lower class either way you've seen the best the world has to offer. Do you think people without education or even most people with it take the time to develop morals that would work towards sustaining anarchy? Who is going to educate those people on morals?

>> No.3828558

>>3828505 This >>3828501 isn't me I'm this guy >>3828499 but not the one after. I don't see how he's implying that though historically the function of state and military institutions is to do just that (using what you already have to consolidate power and take more from everyone else.

>> No.3828569

They could be! But who is going to remove them?

I don't know what I propose, but I would say jailing them for life is a better alternative to allowing them to run free. And it's waaaay better than having an average person make a judgement call on another person's sanity and having them react based on that judgement. Also, don't even get me started on the economics behind all of this. Society isn't here to take advantage of all of you. For the most part it has worked to your benefit.

>> No.3828575

I agree with you on that aspect too, but you don't have to throw out the baby with the bath water. You can maintain a military for defense purposes without using it to infringe upon the rights of others.

>> No.3828583

In my opinion a life sentence in prison is crueller than a quick death. And it costs the state money.

>And it's waaaay better than having an average person make a judgement call on another person's sanity and having them react based on that judgement
You're sending them to their death no matter what way you're looking at it. A life in prison is not a life.

>> No.3828585


Society. You must realise that anarchy is not chaos but rests on a highly organised society.

>> No.3828586

imo the ideal punishment for life/death is banishment to some island, like a tiny new Australia. Make them impotent and send them off to fend for themselves.

>> No.3828589

Ok what you quoted wasn't addressing the issue of sending people to death. That was addressing the issue that everyone here seems to be ignoring which is, who is going to enforce the laws that others claim can exist without exist without any structure? And who is to say that those laws are moral?

>> No.3828593

While they're alive they're still a threat.

>> No.3828596

If they're on an island that they can't possibly get off of (have a guard station offshore with sonar or something) what's the matter? They'll just be messing with other condemned people.

>> No.3828597

And if that society is enforcing rules, what is the difference between it and a government? You are talking about pure democracy at this point, not anarchy.

>> No.3828598



>> No.3828601

Who the hell is sending them there? Who is going to pool there resources to send these people there? Remember you have no structure at all. To have structure is to not have anarchy.

>> No.3828602

At least make some money off it and film what happens and put it on TV.

>> No.3828604

their* A typo on /lit/ must be some form of sacrilege.

>> No.3828621

>To have structure is to not have anarchy.

Haha, oh wow. It seems you have no clue what anarchy is and what anarchist thinkers have, well, thought.

>> No.3828624

Again it's not a question of "who is going to enforce those rules" it's really more of a socio-economic concern for me, one of equality since like most left anarchists I regard the idea as a more libertarian variety of what many socialists advocate and as for what I said about how no sane person would consent to being murdered by someone else thus no truly libertarian system would allow that doesn't mean "I don't believe in insane people" just that rules should be predicated upon ensuring the protection of people's rights not ensuring the protection of people's power.

>> No.3828626
File: 191 KB, 640x300, Anarchist_Poster_by_RedClassPride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.3828632

>To have structure is to not have anarchy.

Dude, what the fuck.


>> No.3828637


You have zero clue what anarchy is.

>> No.3828641

is that supposed to be a pun or something?

although w/r/t 'insane people,' I've been in plenty of mental hospitals and never seen a person who was actually insane, except for maybe the staffers and the people hurt by them

>> No.3828651

Have a boat armed to the teeth drop them off. Of course it'd cost money, but a fraction compared to the current system.

Why not? It could be some perilous adventure island where young journalists go to die.

>> No.3828653


>Government is a necessary evil

Humans did fine without it for ~200 000 years.

>> No.3828654

I didn't make that pic, didn't notice the error until now, here's one without the mistake. I almost completely agree with what you say about psychiatric institutions though having seen a few of them myself although I've seen some nursing staff who aren't too terrible, other than that I think you're totally right.

>> No.3828656

Oh come on. You're not really this stupid.

>> No.3828658


What are you talking about?

>> No.3828659
File: 18 KB, 330x330, bak330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck! forgot it again

>> No.3828682
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I've actually read some conservative arguments for monarchism that run something like, "Well, if someone owns the state, they'll understand it as their property, and if they understand it as their property they'll take better care of it than a career politician who's going to go work for lobbyists in four years."

>politics without any historical context
>idiotic hypothetical solutions no one will ever implement
>your anarchism isn't my anarchism so I don't have to listen to you!
this is worse than /pol/

>> No.3828777

This, pretty much

There's no way in hell people will enforce a moral law if there are none

>> No.3828806


How do you think tribal people deal with murderers in their midst?

>> No.3828823


Tribalism is a system of government. A shitty one, but still.

>> No.3828834


The problem wouldn't be the lower class dissidents, it would be the upper class ones. They would want to reestablish a state to resume their former luxuries and privileges.

>> No.3828835


What on earth are you talking about? A tribe is just a small community of humans. It doesn't entail tribal leaders.

>> No.3828844

an: without
arch: archon (leader)

you will notice this does not imply a lack of structure
bitches don't know 'bout muh etymology

>> No.3828853

>being a statist tool who lacks any semblance of entrepreneurial foresight.

i would just start a business that protects people. Now what fag.

>> No.3828857

what if I started a business that hurts people

could we have battles

>> No.3828859


Not the guy, but:

A business that protects people that chases out competitors w/ force of arms. Protection companies now limited to geographic area. Protection company demands payment from all people within the geographic area under their control. Taxation and military have been reintroduced, a state has been formed again.

>> No.3828872
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>believing in private property

>> No.3828873

I can agree with this if you take into account ONLY the dichotomy statal control/freedom. A line is still a shitty way to make an accurate scheme.
I have bad news for you, illiterate.

>> No.3828875

Most people actually believe anarchy means disorder.

>> No.3828879

>what is the tragedy of the commons

>> No.3828896
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>> No.3828906

Resources are depleted way faster by capitalists though for the production of useless bullshit.

>> No.3828908
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>respecting private property
Pray do the like with what you call my property!

>> No.3828912

why would the capitalist produce useless bullshit and lower the market value per unit? the resources are only depleted by the capitalist when they do not own the resources (ie: overfishing).

here's a good video explaining some of this


>> No.3828915

Wrong. As if it isn't our society that created them in the first place. Well conditioned sociopaths are using their in a constructive matter, not by hurting others. And no, i don't believe in the superpsycho who can't feel anything for any being. It's given that there are some cases that are beyond repair with our current methods. As for the Mansons out there, I believe we aren't ready yet. But psychedelics would be of great help with otherwise basket cases.

>> No.3828929

Because it's cheap to produce useless bullshit, and there is a market for it.
It's a simple question of supply and demand, there is alot of copper, therefore we haven't run out of it yet, that isn't to say we don't excravate ridicoulus amounts of copper "more than 96% of all copper ever mined and smelted has been extracted since 1900, and more than half was extracted in only the last 24 years". We don't have as much oil and helium, and we are running out of both. His rationality doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.3828933

>why would the capitalist produce useless bullshit

Because there are people willing to buy new iPhones and cars ever couple of years.

>> No.3828946

it's not really useless bullshit if the market is demanding it, now is it? if you believe it is "useless bullshit", well that's just, like, your opinion man.
did you watch the video? it IS a simple question of supply and demand. the capitalist mine owner is not going to mine more copper than there is demand for and lower his profit. when the supply of copper dwindles to the point that it is too expensive to extract and use it, the capitalist will invest in other alternatives and reallocate our resources and labor to a more useful and practical alternative. i'm assuming you got two minutes into the video and stopped watching? you say we are running out of these things, but we continue to find oil reserves every day. perhaps it will be an issue once we drain the alberta tar sands in the 23rd century, but that's no reason to stop consuming oil now. necessity and urgency make for great motivating factors for the capitalist.

>> No.3828967

of course it's useless bullshit, the market feeds it down our throats and is succesfully removing anything that doesn't require money to enjoy.
Of course i didn't watch the movie, that's a dick move. I'm not forcing a 60 minute David Harvey lecture down your throat to prove my point. We have already run out of hundreds of animal and plant species, but you are saying capitalism will find a way to bring back biodiversity? Or problems with polution?

>> No.3828972

>it's not really useless bullshit if the market is demanding it, now is it?

You forget that they have to funnel billions of dollars into the advertising industry every year just to convince people to buy their garbage.

>> No.3828975
File: 24 KB, 325x300, fat-belt-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not really useless bullshit if the market is demanding it, now is it?

Not that guy, and I can kind of see your point, but just because people are lining up to buy something doesn't mean it's useful and not bullshit.

Take any "fitness fad" garbage gadget they come out with yearly. I mean, people were actually buying electro--shock belts to strap to their overspilling guts because they thought it would turn them into Brad Pitt overnight.

Alll this shit ends up on garage sales or in Goodwills within a matter of months, and then another gadget equally useless and equally bullshit comes out.

I refuse to believe people buying this garbage somehow makes it not "useless bullshit".

See also: snake oil.

>> No.3828985

>implying they didn't have some form of organizational hierarchy or other societal structure

>> No.3828988

Anarchy /= lack of structure or any form of social hierarchy, it just means lack of a state.

>> No.3828994

i would gladly listen to any lecture you think would help prove yr point. it's not really a "dick move". i just can't explain it nearly as well as Rothbard can, and it's a complicated subject that takes time to understand.

we've run out of those species because people had no vested interest in preserving them, possibly because no one owned the land they were living on??? as Rothbard points out, many forests in Europe are privately owned and preserved because of this. i don't want to call you a hippie, but i'm not sure why you think every single species that was once living must be preserved?? if we want to preserve everything in its natural state, i guess humans should have continued to live in the jungles as hunter/gatherers instead of ever developing agriculture.

if there was a market demand to bring back biodiversity of course the capitalist would find a way to bring it back, because there would be incentive!! problems with pollution could be solved if the land was privately owned and you could arbitrate against those polluting your land. why do you think people dump their waste into the ocean? because no one can sue you for it. i'm not saying capitalism and "muh free market" can solve everything, but Rothbard does point to some of these things in the lecture i previously linked.

i didn't not forget that, but i'm not sure what yr point is? or what yr solution is?

>> No.3829012

well you don't see much demand for "electro--shock belts" today, do you? the market weeds out the useless items as people realize they are useless. this is more a consequence of our consumer culture and idiocy than the market (and no i'm not trying to make special pleas). i clearly oversimplified my point, but frankly calling anything "useless bullshit" is just a matter of opinion.

>> No.3829022

>i'm not sure what yr point is?

My point was that the "demand" for this bullshit is artificially created.

>> No.3829023
File: 87 KB, 464x464, card games are theft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the resources are only depleted by the capitalist when they do not own the resources
b-but all property is theft, anon...

>> No.3829025

so perhaps we should go back to being subsistence farmers?

>> No.3829037

"How can one steal if property is not already extant?"

I'll admit I've never read 'What is Property?' (though it's on my list), but I never understood from whom one could possibly be stealing by making a claim to some property? Perhaps you could enlighten me?

Also why are you using a Bakunin pic with a Proudhon quote?

>> No.3829149

>Man comes into your house with intention of robbing you
>You shoot him
>State forces you into a lengthy trial and blames you for defensive action

>Man comes into your house with intention of robbing you
>You shoot him
>Problem solved

>> No.3829159
File: 8 KB, 150x150, cmon boys smokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

survival of the fitness, boys

>> No.3829160

idk, I liked the pun
Proudhon's face is on the left, tho
mostly I was referencing people who are anarchists out of entirely sentimental reasons or because capitalism is 'bad' (in the same way that Marx's revolutionary work is much more popular than his extremely long economic analyses of capitalist inefficiency) and I haven't actually read What is Property? either

>> No.3829177
File: 425 KB, 717x1024, Prins+WIllem-Alexander+%28foto+RVD%29[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a king
Look at these plebs

>> No.3829181

most accurate ITT

>> No.3829184

Yes, I think even Proudhon regretted saying something so catch-all as "property is theft" because it can be taken entirely out of context. Emotional appeals have no argumentative power and I agree that it is unfortunate that so many fall for them without having a solid base of facts to support their position.

Though I think Marx's revolutionary work is more popular because it is pragmatic and less refutable than his economic analysis (which has been pretty thoroughly refuted).

>> No.3829188

I just want to point out that that picture is enormously flawed. Political ideology is not a point along a single axis; rather, ideology (at its most basic) is a location on a plane with the two axes being economic freedom and the other social freedom. Eg, conservatism has high economic freedom for the individual and low social freedom, liberalism has low economic freedom and high social freedom, etc.

>> No.3829201

Whatever you do, don't read anything by Ayn Rand. Bitch leans way to right for my taste.

>> No.3829202

>liberalism has low economic freedom and high social freedom, etc.
liberalism is all about economic freedom, you moron

>> No.3829213

Not that poster, but seriously? alright... well... why don't you point to the ~20,000 years of humans doing well without a state, for me? If you are referring to prehistory, you may want to ask yourself how you know how well they were doing since, ahem, it was PRE history. Furthermore, fighting starvation, disease, anal rot, bears, lions, rhinos, and other spear wielders doesn't sound 'alright' to me... Then there is the fact that all of early history is fraught with slavery, rape, murder, wars (just like today), disease, intolerance, stupidity, religious persecution, anal rot, public burnings, hangins, tearings, wipping, mauling, etc...
I mean SHIT, son.

>> No.3829225

>man comes into your house with the intention of robbing you
>His friends would have done it earlier, but the force of the law deterred them
>He couldn't buy a gun because this is Obama's America
>Later he is arrested and put in jail

>Your child gets raped
>You go to the rapists house to fuck him up (Laws in my hands, bitch!)
> He and a bunch of thugs have formed a posse, all wielding AK47s and 74s and they rape you for fun and chop off your arms
>The townsfolk all fear the rapist colony and they start statism back up.
>The ayatollahs take power

>> No.3829231

>He couldn't buy a gun
>So he uses a knife instead
>You also have a knife
>Knife fights everywhere

There would be no problem with statism at all if our rulers weren't fucking failing us.

>> No.3829235

>>He couldn't buy a gun because this is Obama's America
lol no
>>You go to the rapists house to fuck him up (Laws in my hands, bitch!)
>> He and a bunch of thugs have formed a posse, all wielding AK47s and 74s and they rape you for fun and chop off your arms
>implying I wouldn't start up my own posse of townsfolk, all armed with the superior AR15 platform

>> No.3829236

>being on the spectrum at all

>> No.3829239

the gun thing was a bit fatuous, I agree. But I must say I do not want to be in a state of perpetual war.

>> No.3829242

not really considering the government's getting more involved in business

>> No.3829245

>I do not want to be in a state of perpetual war

and this is why humans aligned with each other and formed states.

>> No.3829249

i'm pretty sure that poster means classical liberalism (which is true liberalism) whereas you mean modern American liberalism, which is basically center-right conservatism.

>> No.3829251

>having a king that looks like a faggot and would get stomped to death in a street fight

>> No.3829266

ok, thanks for the clarification

>> No.3829269

>Government refuses to help anyone and individual soldiers always assume that walking, talking human beings are actually zombies




>> No.3829291
File: 84 KB, 452x170, 10823-scotland-police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing the living conditions of cavemen to modern society seems a little silly, as if they would be much better off if they had a caveman parliament or something. It doesn't make much sense to say that their anarchic condition was simply a product of brutality, since it gets us into a Foucauldian mess of how the state manages to punish more effectively and whether or not that's a good thing. What was your point talking about early history? The slavery that Spartans used, for example, was entirely based around the state (q.e. that helots were slaves because of their nationality)

>knife fights everywhere
Scot detected

>> No.3829302

not by itself, no.

>> No.3829321



>> No.3829358

actually, while I'm not sure if Somalia is an example of this, many of the more 'developed' African countries have a greater problem with AIDS because of issues with local governance and apathy, whereas the more "anarchic" states (in the more vulgar sense) utilize foreign aid more effectively. I don't remember where I read this, though.

>> No.3829377

>source: my ass

>> No.3829442

>having a fat guy that only serves the purpose of appearing in celebrity magazines
>anything to do with monarchism

3/10 made me reply

>> No.3829444


Americans are so cute

>> No.3829477

>implying libertarianism isn't right wing

>> No.3829488

>Implying that it is

Libertarianism can be either

>> No.3829513

Libertarianism is an Americentric political stance promoted by corporations that would take yr rights away the second the gov't gets out of their way.

Classical liberalism is where it's at.

>> No.3829535

I agree.... are you retarded?

>> No.3829562

no i was pointing it out to the other idiots in this thread. but there was no need to resort to ad hominems when someone is agreeing with you. why can't aggressive faggots like yourself just keep quiet instead of spewing yr inane shit all over these boards.

>> No.3829613

You obviously don't have a clue about what libertarianism is

>> No.3829614

I agree with you though... Ad Hominem refers to trying to argue a point by asserting the opponent is somehow personally deficient.
My shit is insane but we agree.
you accuse me of ad hominem, then call me a faggot.
You call me aggressive for a 5 word post, two words of which are "I agree". Check out your own post. talk about aggressive.
You tell me to shut my gob, and not spew my inane shit, when I merely pointed out anarchism leads to statism... is any one who isn't anarchistic, in your mind, inane, gay, aggressive, and too loud?
If you don't want people to imply you're retarded, get off the internet.

>> No.3829621
File: 25 KB, 200x322, 200px-Principayellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book contain all the answers

>> No.3829624

>Implying you can put a train back on its tracks
Utopian Detected

>> No.3829634

Distopian, if you allow me to correct you.
All Hail Discordia!

>> No.3829648

The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt

I finished that book two days ago, and it changed my thinking on politics. I highly recommend it.

>> No.3829833

Oh well, I wan't referring to the book. I was talking about how the poster was trying to re-rail the thread.

>> No.3829840

You deserve no less than a sea of dot dot dotting.............................................................................................................................................................

>> No.3829849

This implies Rachel Maddow wants to enslave us more than Hitler wanted to enslave the Jews... it implies Obama is more controlling than Hitler and that Hilary Clinton must be worse than Henreich Himler...

>> No.3829864

That's what American Republicans actually believe apparently.

I heard a guy say the other day, "Obama's house of cards is finally falling apart, socialism at its finest."

>> No.3829875

This is sour news. I knew that they compared him to Obama, but I thought that was just (over the top) hyperbole, but apparently they think it isn't far enough; they've got the whole idea of hyperbolic demagoguery backwards.
My question to republicans that believe Obama is actually worse than Hitler: why do you undervalue the lives of jews so much? Was them being sent to slaughter not as bad as obamacare? Perhaps you are a bit, I don't want to say anti-Semitic but, you seem to discount their existence and suffering altogether, as if it is unimportant... are you deranged?

>> No.3829891

I would like to have the ablity to exit the game of Tyranny of the Masses or Tyranny of the State. I just wish there was a place somewhere I could settle down away from dumb laws and dumb people, and just make my own living.