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3827687 No.3827687 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good?

I'd like to read some interesting non-fiction on the psychology of branding, marketing, consumerism, and globalisation. No Logo seems a bit...childish? I'm just looking for insight, not TAKE ACTION FIGHT MCDONALDS proselytizing.

Any recommendations, or should I read No Logo?

>> No.3827688

no. it is childish, much like Michael Moore. Go to the Frankfurter school if you went to read some prober criticism of capitalism.

>> No.3827695

Or, for an awesome modern take on anti-capitalism, David Harvey. Naomi Klein is to ideology what Apple is to computers.

>> No.3827700

I disagree. Naomi Klein is to the critical school what Tamagochi is to computers

>> No.3827705

Thanks, did some reading and I'm going to pick up Dialectic of Enlightenment and Minima Moralia.

Where would you recommend starting with Harvey?

>> No.3827715

right to the city


>> No.3827717
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Too many snobby dickheads in this thread. Yes it is good. This is coming from someone who read it.

>> No.3827725

but it's sooooo basic. we all know brands are bad, doesn't really require an entire book. And the conclusion on movements like ad-busters, reclaim the streets etc. being the future, doesn't take into accounts that capitalism is excellent in absorbing youth movements like this. This is seen through guerilla marketing, commercial street parties etc. Jesus Christ, take this Levi's commercial as example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT16DcHcjRA..

>> No.3827732

thank ya

>> No.3827750

tell me why brands are bad. one or two sentences, please.

>> No.3827756


Go for it. It is not the bible on the subject but it is not bad.

>> No.3827763
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>Frankfurter school

>> No.3827764

they emphasize a sentimental value of an object that doesn't have anything todo with the quality or function of the object, it's form without function. they abuse basic human nature too make os slaves to consumerism.

Of course it's all symptomatic to the real culprit das Kapital.

>> No.3827768

I apologize for english not being my native language, and that i therefore used the germanic version of a germanic term (Frankfurter Schule).

>> No.3827772



>> No.3827773

check your privilege, scum

>> No.3827776

The first clause was all you really needed. that does make sense. The rest seems irredeemably problematic.

Would you say that branding also damages the entity doing the branding, or only puts the consumer and the economic system at risk?

>> No.3827779

i'm danish btw. go be nazi in the midwest

>> No.3827795


And I am Finnish. When will you guys stop sucking Muslim cock, uh? Also, your queen is a slut.

>> No.3827799


You're mixing semiotics with political economics. So is the dude to whom you're replying.

Both of you suck.

>> No.3827802

I guess the second sentence was meant to emphasize that human nature is dependent on symbols to some extend, and that brands abuse this dependence.

What do you mean by entity? I don't follow the putting the consumer and the economic system at risk.. I mean, the consumer and the current economic system is part of the brand, they are interdependent. If we just removed brands, as in product logos and names, there would be other ways to stimulate some kind of mythology or symbology around the product.

>> No.3827804

I'm sure she is. I admire primary education system.

>implying all systems are atomic entities with no interelation.

>> No.3827816

>Naomi Klein is to ideology what Apple is to computers

Beautiful, simple, and desired?

>> No.3827817

>>all systems are atomic entities with no interelation.

That does not exclude the need, in order to analyze better a certain phenomenon, to approach it through the canons of each structure.

If we're discussing brands and approach it chaotically, you can speak about the graphic design point of view while I do from the behavioral one and another anon from the political... and we will never reach any knowledge.

Therefore, I do not deny your assertion, though I believe we ought to start picking a perspective and building up from there. Then another one, and so on and so forth.

>> No.3827824

they seem like good things to mix. Why is that bad?
I mean at risk of inefficiency in the case of the economic system (the cardinal sin of all economies) and of making bad decisons in resource partitioning in the case of the consumer.

And in the sense that branding something as, say, "Levi's" is as likely to create negative awareness and association as positive, force a standard on the manufacturere he may have difficulty maintaining and provide a set of expectations in the consumer that can cause them to reject the product for arbitrary political or sentimental reasons (muslims might not feel right buying apples at piggly wiggly, for example).

whereas if all cheese were simply identified as cheese, caveat emptor would be firmly in place and there would be no problem of expectations, positive or negative. Like buying a hot dog from a street vendor.

>> No.3827891

there are different kinds of efficiencies and inefficiencies, it depend on what the weights and values are. if you only view economy from a growth perspective, i believe you are doomed at default.
i guess brands can be positive or negative for the manufactor, depends on the brand, the newer the better.

And I believe that we just as easily could pick up multiple perspectives and start building up from there, that's how most branches of science started (IE. chemistry, quantum mechanics, sociology, linguistics, history etc etc etc.)

>> No.3830015

I'm reading Culture Jam right now and goddamn is it bad. No Logo is actually good.