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3826509 No.3826509 [Reply] [Original]

I've been writing my novel in wordpad like a faggot, and since it has reached novella length I want to use a better word program. What do you recommend I use?

>> No.3826513

libre office

/g/ out

>> No.3826516


>> No.3826517
File: 565 KB, 853x480, pulpfiction00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP here

>mfw that's what i've been using too write the outline to my faggy sci-fi story that i'll never actually write

>> No.3826518

>not vim or emacs

Sage for unrelated as fuck.

>> No.3826568


>> No.3826573

>asks for a word program
>doesnt know all the e/lit/es use typewriters

>> No.3826576

All the e/lit/es or all the hipsters?

>> No.3826578

I wish I could, I go through alot of drafts before I am satisfied, and frankly I cannot afford to go through all that ink and paper m8.

>> No.3826593

I feel your fucking pain OP. My comp died a while back and I was forced to write on notepad until I got Ms word.

>> No.3826612

Just use fucking word or openoffice

>> No.3826620

Download Open Office or if you have a google account you can use google drive.


>> No.3826624

Also if you use google drive it saves on the internet. So should anything happen to your computer it will still be ok.

>> No.3826630


As cute and hip I'm sure using typewriter is, open up Word and be sure to save often to something like DropBox. It's frankly the finest word processor you can ask for. I often colour-code text based on what I need to come back to or what things relate to one another, which helps with heavier editing.

Pages is ok if you use Mac but I like Word a lot more, personally.

>> No.3826639

Second. Just wrote and self published my first book in word. Had to convert it for amazon, but it recommended writing it in word first. I was already done and I was like "glad it's already in word then"

It's definitely the way to go.

>> No.3826653

Oh and also with google drive it saves as you go so you don't have to worry about saving.

>> No.3826757

Any possible link to it anon?

>> No.3826777

this thread is just starting to make me think

Supposing I just start typing in random urls on wordpad- what are the chances of me stumbling on a juicy golden nugget of unpublished work of OP quality to pawn off on amazon? It can't be impossibly hard, right?

>> No.3826782

elaborate you cheeky cunt

>> No.3826786

Use google, you'll find a plethora of PDF's.

or Piratbay
whichever you prefer.

Now, for OP.

I use PageFour, and All My Journals, I bought both.

I got Liquid Story Binder's latest version from their website and some serial from around, and I'm going to pay it so I can have an official license but it won't matter for now, because I originally got one from freegiveaway of the day and I'm sure it works even nowdays.

(I still have to make sure it works, haven't tested it and I'm yet to localize that old version 2 I had with the free serial they provided that specific date.)

I find PageFour more handy for jotting down, and it saves in RTF format but keeps everything handy in one interface.

You should try those. Well, good luck on your writing.

>> No.3826798


>> No.3826804

Microsoft word master race reporting in.
>just kidding, get zenwriter, it's free and it's immersive as fuck.

>> No.3826802

If on Windows, Scrivener. If on Mac, Ulysses III. Both will help with (re)structuring your work, will allow for image attachments to use as inspiration, and have great distraction-free writing modes.

>> No.3826807

OP here, all I really need atm is spell check, which wordpad does not have.

>> No.3826808

hey man back off from my golden nugget

I-I found it!! Finders keepers

>> No.3826820


If that's the case, just use Q10.

>> No.3826826


>> No.3826835

I had never heard of Zenwriter until you just mentioned it. Looked it up, looks fine. Why it versus just open office or something? what makes it good for writing?

>> No.3826845
File: 4 KB, 122x116, supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my invisible face when I started the q10 confidence trick
>jokes on you assholes writemonkey is ten times better

>> No.3826856

The only acceptable answer is Scrivner. You all should be using it since it was designed for writers by a writer.

>> No.3826872


That might be cost-prohibitive for someone who is only looking for spell check. I agree, though. It's definitely the best writing app on Windows, and is narrowly bested only by Ulysses III on Mac.

>> No.3826891

For first drafts if I don't write with a trusty pen and paper I use one of three minimalist word processors:

OmmWriter - Perfection as far as ambiance goes. Seamlessly looping music and non-intrusive keyboard sounds. Delicate backgrounds. Compatible with .txt files.

Zenwriter - like OmmWriter but you can customize the backgrounds. Only thing I don't like is that it adds a dark or light filter over the picture for a "night" or "day" mode, though I do like the idea of the latter option (I write scary shit, so I like my dark atmosphere). Also, the music isn't as seamless and the keyboard sounds are annoying. And you don't have as much freedom as where the text floats on the screen. Aaaand, it annoyingly auto-saves documents in a designated folder as .rtf files and if you ctrl+s it opens up a new dialogue box to save a different copy in a different location. I've heard horror stories about people rushing through the save process and losing shit. Word count is also screwy.

Dark Room - The best and most simple one. Default green-on-black Matrix look, which you can customize. No stupid native file format; goes to .txt by default. No bugs.

I take my first drafts and then put them in Open Office to edit, and work from then on in that program to bring to a final manuscript.

I usually write short fiction but I'm working on larger pieces and my game plan is for each chapter to be a separate document until they've passed through several drafts, then put it all in one Open Office document.

...Or I could get Scrivener. XD I tried the free alternative, yWriter, but I don't really like the learning curve. Plus most accomplished writer friends I know don't use all that shit. They even thumb their nose at my use of distraction-free word processors.

So that's my long-winded two cents.

>> No.3826921

I appreciate the feedback, /lit/ seems to be a much more helpful board.

>> No.3826935

Why not just use MS Word? Too pleb for you?

>> No.3826938

He's wrong, it's not free anymore, the author was asking for payments, released it free, and then put it back to a new 10$ price.

But guess what, the latest free version only has one bug, and, it's totally free, he DID release it free.

I found the setup after countless hours of searching on a russian website.

The only bug it has is it doesn't retain formatting (bold italics etc) when it autosaves and quits.

But since the resulting witten files are in RTF... you can edit them (they're saved in a gray color to fit the zenwriter)

Here's a link to it.

(It's not fake or a virus so don't worry.)

If you find a version 2.0 with serial btw, it gives a false positive to the anti-virus and it won't work with the serial, they expired the serial after a certain old version.

Try 2.0.4 if you wish to try the new version (bug fixed) and then install 1.43 if you don't care about the formatting bug, everything else works fine, just remember to change font size from the slider and the background to the last one on the list (it's the most clear one in night mode) and change the text to arial.

Good luck.

Here's the direct setup link, for 1.43.

(This one doesn't require serial, only lags a little on startup, and may give you a minimizing glitch, just press the windows key + d if this happens to force the minimize.)


If it doesn't work, tell me and I'll reply the original page.

>> No.3826969

>Windows version to be released never

>> No.3827054

MS Office Word if you dont care feeling pleb and mainstream

Notepad++ if you absolutely need to avoid the mainstream

>> No.3827075


>> No.3827869

>if you dont care feeling pleb and mainstream

Does writing in Microsoft Word make you feel 'pleb' and 'mainstream'? If so, you're not a fucking writer and should just stop. It's like those people who can only write in a Moleskine.

If you're a writer you write. On a napkin, in Word, in a cheap Staples branded notebook...whichever. Now if you want to use a program like Scrivner there's nothing wrong with that but stop acting like you're a special snowflake because you don't use Word like 'them people'.

>> No.3827893


>> No.3827894

>not just using LibreOffice and calling it a day

>> No.3827897

As long as you're not using a Mac, you're fine.

>> No.3827899
