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File: 57 KB, 402x402, Sylvia-Plath-9442550-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3826356 No.3826356 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys let's talk about Sylvia Plath.

What the fuck was her problem? She had daddy issues, we know that. She even wrote her one hit wonder about it. We also know that she was the only 7/10 female writer who wrote serious work to ever exist.

Anyway, back to the point, what the fuck was her deal? Her dad died when she was young, so therefore she wanted to die too so she can be with him? That explains all the suicide attempts? Was she that attached to her father?

Or was it a narcissistic cry for help? It's obvious that she later capitalized on her suicidal tendencies in her poetry. Her history of suicide attempts was the primary cause of her poetry getting noticed--kind of like how Dennis Rodman is know to the world as a basketball player not because he was amazing, but because of his fucked up hairdo.

In conclusion I think Sylvia Plath was a sexy histrionic--nothing more really. If she was actually a good person she wouldn't have killed herself with her kids around (who were also in danger from the gas exploding, as well as dramatization).

I find it pretty funny that so many feminists flock to her.

>> No.3826363

>What the fuck was her problem?

Sticking her head in an oven

>> No.3826361
File: 101 KB, 560x451, Aww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Daddy' issues

>> No.3826371


More like a 5 or 6.

>> No.3826377

>We also know that she was the only 7/10 female writer who wrote serious work to ever exist.

Anne Sexton was a model and a better confessional poet. I hate that she was influenced by Plath.

Anyways, she felt spurned by her husband and her father left her alone at a young age so she wrote awful melodramatic poetry with women as the heroine and men as the BAD GUY. Women (and some men presumably) flock to The Bell Jar (to this day, the worst "serious" novel I have ever tried to read) because it depicts such relatable, common troubles and the malaise that follows. Too bad she was such a horrible writer, she was quite and I am attracted to other mentally fucked up people.

>> No.3826376

I was hoping that someone would point this bit out. However, I would like a more detailed dissection - at which point did Sylvia Plath make the major error? Was it the decision to stick the head into the oven, the physical act of doing so or was it turning the oven on?

>> No.3826380



>> No.3826383

>she was quite attractive

>> No.3826386

>horrible writer


>> No.3826391
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>kind of like how Dennis Rodman is know to the world as a basketball player not because he was amazing, but because of his fucked up hairdo.

>> No.3826420

>tfw Helen Keller
>tfw Ron Artest

>> No.3826421

when she died she didn't have the intention of killing herself; it was a cry for help gone wrong and she actually ended up dying. her neighbor wasn't home or something.

>> No.3826431

yeah, nah, she was a good poet

>> No.3826437

Still interesting that she towelled up the door frame to her children's room.

>> No.3826443

Apparently that never happened (the movie only added that in so you wouldn't absolutely hate her guts by the end).

>> No.3826445

That's a totally unsubstantiated myth.

>> No.3826448

>seals off room with wet towels
>turns on gas stove
>shoves head as far back into stove as possible

"She didn't mean to kill herself, it was a cry for help"


>> No.3826449


sounds like an attention whore, god damn

>> No.3826450

this is how I feel and absolutely nothing any of you can say will change that opinion :)
the bell jar was pretty good too

>> No.3826452

I agree. It's one of the only novels by which I've been so captivated, to the extent to which I was able to read it in one sitting. The only other book that's ever done that for me is Oryx and Crake.

>> No.3826453

It's not really about what happened to her. The reason she was so enamoured with her father and that crap is because she was a depressive. It's like Hemingway or Virginia Woolf or DFW or any other depressed writer. For the most part these people live sheltered or even gifted lives, but their brains are fucked and things look worse than they are (or if you subscribe to some theories, the rest of us see the world better than it is). They struggle with this perception of a shitty world their entire lives - and its a big reason their writing is sad and good. Sometimes it gets too much and they kill themselves.

Maybe she was histrionic too, but that's really a side issue.

>> No.3826459

Apparently, that's how they found the apartment.


>> No.3826463

So what you're saying is "she was sad a bloo bloo bloo bloo?"

LOL DFW killed himself because...lol because he was an immense faggot who couldn't find a woman to please him. I guarantee you that if there was a woman in DFWs life who'd suck his dick until he came every single day, he would be still with us today.

I guarantee you that a lot of men who an hero'd would still be here today if they recieved good head weekly.

>> No.3826465

>calls Sylvia Plath an attention whore

This may be /lit/, but it's still 4chan

>> No.3826469

Hmmm, guess my memory is broken again.

But still, that whole thing about the "cry for help--didn't mean to kill herself" is a myth.

>> No.3826473

>This may be /lit/, but it's still 4chan

Lol does this selfish cunt deserve some kind of respect or something? Killing herself with her children in the other room? How fucked up is that?

She's half as bad as one of those mothers who drowns the kids in the tub.

>> No.3826472



>> No.3826475


she was histrionic, of course she was an attention whore.

>> No.3826477

>generic dead soul hipster drone
Almost as bad as the music they play on radiostations that start with "Kiss"

>> No.3826481

Ophelia syndrome.

>> No.3826482

>disliking something because /mu/ tells you to

It's a decent album that could have been improved with better production.

>> No.3826485

Frieda and Nicholas seemed to turn out okay, tho-

Still, I wonder why he killed himself, exactly.

>> No.3826489

That she was egocentric isn't my point, it's calling someone who's egocentric "an attention whore" being so incredibly....4chan.

>> No.3826493

woohoo, yet another meeting of /lit/'s he-man women hater's club

seriously, it's kind of extraordinary how much of this critique comes from the fact that sylvia plath was a woman, how much it assumes that people are mostly going to share that opinion, how much of the discourse is shaped around that assumption

and its such a bad look for critique, for god's sake, because it completely takes away from any attempt to actually look at the work whether it's critical or positive. i don't even like sylvia plath. but jesus christ guys, there's so much room for talking about how she's a shitty poet and writer, why is that the only thing we can talk about is that she's a woman.

>> No.3826500


she was raped by her father when she was 9. thats why she killed her self. her most famous poem is about this.

>> No.3826501

lol buttmad.

>> No.3826504
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I'm going to have to require you to submit a deconstruction of her poem to illustrate what you are purporting.

>> No.3826506

Isn't Anne Sexton the one who raped her daughter?

>> No.3826511

A blowjob a day keeps depression away.

Fuck man, prostitutes would probably have amazing medicinal characteristics.

I wish we made prostitutes apart of healthcare, that way we could control stds with regular check ups for both prostitute and patient, and everyone gets a blow job everyday.


>> No.3826515

That's nice. But I'm not saying life circumstances are irrelevant in general, I was however saying that they aren't the only thing. Keep in mind, my post was a retort to the OP who seems to be under that impression that if your life is fine and you kill yourself it's because you want attention. And it was framed with this in mind.

I mean you literally picked the only person on my list who was forever alone. Who knows how many women Hemingway fucked. And Sylvia Plath, the topic of this thread and who I was talking about, died with her kids in the house, so clearly someone fucked her.

>> No.3826523


source on this

>> No.3826933

I don't know if this was common knowledge before but I've recently discovered she was really into celebrities/fame and the like, which is kind of interesting considering I thought she had zero interest in that stuff.

>> No.3826943

there's some controversy because sexton went through psychology when they were convincing everyone there was rape somewhere, so whether convincing her she was a rapist turned her into one, or she was one, or everyone in the family just believed the therapist is up for grabs

>> No.3826955

No but she definitely fucked her up i.e. beat her. Her daughter has written stuff damning but also kind of revering her.

>> No.3826959
File: 335 KB, 533x800, 1324669983459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand how the fuck you can keep your head in an oven. I feel like the anesthetic quality of the gas would be offset by the feeling of one's skull melting.

>> No.3826962


based electric stove bros.

>> No.3826965

I read The Bell Jar quite a while but I remember liking it; I can't remember if this as because of her technical ability or just the general mood of the novel though. I really liked the line towards the end of the novel, "Who knows when the bell jar might descend again?"

>I know that feeling

Her poetry has always struck me as overwrought, though the line "Every woman loves a fascist" has always intrigued me.