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/lit/ - Literature

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3825800 No.3825800 [Reply] [Original]

Remeber that time Iranman begged /lit/ for a copy of Today I Wrote Nothing by Daniil Kharms?

He begged for like a year. There were many false promises made but one day /lit/ banded together and demanded he get the book. He did. That's the /lit/ I love.

Good times.

>> No.3825802

awesome, a Kharms thread. I've missed these.

>> No.3825808


>> No.3825821

Man those threads when they were scanning the book was awesome. There was like 3 of them and they all had 300+ posts.

>> No.3825824

So is that book any good?

>> No.3825839

I don't "get" it, but some said they like that non-comprehensible stuff. Probably just caught up in the moment.

>> No.3825852

>So is that book any good?

Haha, no.

>> No.3825853
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>> No.3825856


>> No.3825884

There are a few dudes here who seem to love literature and love sharing it as well. There have been a few threads where this guy posted a massive collection of Japanese literature that he was compiling. A lot of those books aren't available (in digital form) on IRC or anywhere on the web as far as I know.

Those dudes are like fucking zen gurus or some shit. They don't seem to care about all of the stupid shit that happens on here. They just say, "Here are some books. Peace motherfuckers."

>> No.3825906

When dumping you get into a mindset of "I'm gonna finish what I started" and all the background noise on 4chan fades away. You're not bothered by haters because you can be fairly certain there's a lurking crowd that likes what you're doing.

>> No.3825979

Still makes me lol

>> No.3825983

Yeahs it's good if you like surreal, absurdist /lit/. His stories are out there, more so than Kafka. It's "Eraserhead" type stuff.

>> No.3825986


No thanks.

>> No.3826003

just saying, one of those people is not a dude

>> No.3826053

What happened to Iranman? Hope my Persian comrade is ok.

>> No.3826055

>Persian comrade

Reported to FBI

>> No.3826073
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>Reported to FBI

tfw Canadian

>> No.3826080
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>> No.3826083

Time to update your meme folder, grandpa.

>> No.3826097

Was not a big fan of his poetry, but his stories were spot on, really really enjoyable and easily read.

>> No.3826112

Which story was your favorite?

>> No.3826125

if you want to understand it, read the introduction. It explains everything

Does anyone remember those OC-stories we wrote while waiting for OCRanon? That was some good shit..

>> No.3826130

Oh yeah, those were great! I should go to the archives and revisit those threads.

>> No.3826141
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still makes me lol

>> No.3826145

Here are the threads in case anyone is interested

The hilarious thread that started it all

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The final thread-Iranman thank you post

>> No.3826147
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>> No.3826151


>> No.3826153


>> No.3826155

I love these remembrance threads.

>> No.3826162
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I would post more stories, but I don't have them with me. I remember this one being awesome.

>> No.3826194

Love that story.

>> No.3826226
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>> No.3826394

Today I Wrote Nothing is basically Edward Lear's Book of Nonsense 2.0 + a pinch of Kafka. At least that was my impression of it.

>> No.3826497

Damn I wish Iranman were here to see this :'(

>> No.3826570

Is this some sort of /lit/ meme? I don't get it, someone please explain this to me.

>> No.3826591

Are you fucking retarded? How did you even navigate to this board and figure out how to post since you can't read? OP explains everything in his fucking post. Some guy begged for a book for a long time and another guy finally scanned it for him.

>> No.3826710
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>> No.3826754

in that he's not a nice lad or in that it's a girl? cause girls can be pretty cool dudes too

>> No.3826841

Why are you so angry?

>> No.3826844

I don't get it.

>> No.3826847

"Dude" generally means male.

>> No.3826862

No one fucking cares. I use "dude" liberally all the time and I know many people who do so with their female friends as well. Also, why the fuck does it matter that one of those people is a girl? Why do you feel the need to point that out?

This is why I'm angry:

>He begged for like a year. There were many false promises made but one day /lit/ banded together and demanded he get the book. He did. That's the /lit/ I love.

OP fucking spelled out what that whole situation was about. Your inability to take 2 seconds to read three short sentences is unbelievable.

>> No.3826863

My first time here in a while. What happened to Deep and Edgy?

>> No.3826868

>Why do you feel the need to point that out?

The white knight betafaggotry which has infested 4chan.

>> No.3826866

i actually would like a pdf of this if anybody has the one that was posted last

>> No.3826876

Now you remember the /lit/ we hate: the constant swarm of unread dipshit newfags.

>> No.3826881

The old tripfag megatrolls have been MIA for a long time now.

>> No.3826905

im kind of disappointed, they were very fun to hate

>> No.3827458

Oh look, a thread about a book everyone wanted for a week, /lit/ was clamoring for it. They finally got it, said it sucked and never discussed it again. Typical mob mentality.

>> No.3827461

I'm still here

>> No.3827823

No you're not.

>> No.3827828

My dad use to read me stories by Daniil Kharms when I was a kid. It was from a book with a collection of absurdist Russian short stories. Never thought I'd see Kharms on /lit/. Makes me miss my dad :(

>> No.3827829

What happened to your dad?

>> No.3827836

Nothing. Since moving away from work I don't get to see him often, like 3 times a year. Before that we saw each other several times a week. My mom passes away when I was a baby so my dad has always been there for me.

>> No.3827847
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the book was called fiction of the absurd: pratfalls in the void
you're welcome

>> No.3827867

It's on amazon for less than thirteen quid.
Fuck it, I'm buying a copy.

>> No.3827904

Aww. Your dad seems like a top bloke, anon.

>> No.3828175

Once you buy it can you scan it and post it online?

>> No.3828178

Thanks, yeah he's a great guy.

>> No.3828352

link to that dump of jap lit?

>> No.3828420


>> No.3828854

I should actually read this since I downloaded it.

>> No.3828878

It's linked on the wiki too, but tinyurl.com/japaneselit

>> No.3830845

Thank you my friend

>> No.3831383

This shit is gay, was gay and will always be gay. You faggots thought this guy was good and then you realized he sucked after reading his rambling. Bunch of try hard hipsters on this board.

>> No.3831389

i hate books about writing and writers, it's too meta, it's like no one cares except wannabe writers, i just like reading i have no interest in writing

>> No.3831407

>dat generalisation
I, for one, happen to like Kharms.

>> No.3831459

Too bad it just loses itself in nonsense and the tricks he uses to get a story somewhere aren't actually clever (although some of that might have been lost in translation). Frustrating, and bad. The best part was the play "Pushkin and Gogol".

>> No.3831470

>Why do you feel the need to point that out?
I think that's because
>where this guy posted a massive collection of Japanese literature that he was compiling.
That was done by that girl. Still not very important, but it seemed logical to point out.

It was not me though, it was some other guy.

>> No.3831487

You don't like nonsense?

>> No.3831779

There's plenty of books that people,not just wannabe writers, love that feature a writer as the main character.

>> No.3831794

Yeah my boyfriend loved Hunger and never wanted to be a writer, he hates writing. When I played football in high school my teammates were really into On The Road and none of them wanted to be writers I'm sure.

>> No.3831798

Since when do they let girls on hs football teams?

>> No.3831857

Seriously? Are you some country bumpkin?

>> No.3831863

it's possible she means "soccer". But there are girls on some american football teams too.

>> No.3831870

Do you mean football as in futbol? If not, that's pretty cool that you're school allowed a girl on the football team.

>> No.3831871


>> No.3832080

I'm a guy and I meant football as in Ametican football. Not really important but since you asked...

>> No.3832084

>Not really important

Oh shut the fuck up you drama queen. Why would you bring up your boyfriend and allude to being gay unless you wanted the attention. Ok, so you're a homosexual and you have us talking about it. Congratulations and happy pride week.

>> No.3832089

Sounds like you need a lot of loving. Preferably up your tush.

>> No.3832226
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>> No.3832260

Bread to the head, Fred. That'll show 'em!

>> No.3832266

I can guarantee you are a deeply repressed homosexual.

>> No.3832604

I love everyone that has posted in this thread, even the homophobes.


>> No.3832622

I Don't remember the name, but the one where there is a dead old woman lying on the floor of his house is very good.
Also, the Pushkin ones were extremely funny always.

>> No.3832624
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>> No.3832757

Leave mom's basement.

>> No.3832882


Way back before your mommy and daddy were born, people used commas as grammatical markers rather than to create rhythm. Other languages still do this, but English doesn't anymore.

>> No.3832904

It wasn't one person you fuck. Others contributed