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/lit/ - Literature

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3817527 No.3817527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.3817528

this is my first time on /lit/

i never knew tfw no gf was this widespread

>> No.3817532

it aint, it's just that /mu/ shitheads come here and shit up our board

>> No.3817533
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>tfw pleb gf

>> No.3817535

I've seen tfw no gf on many boards. Ive never been to /mu/

is that where it started?

also lit seems bretty good. might stay a while

>> No.3817538
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>tfw I want to get off MR. BONES WILD RIDE

>> No.3817543

and /fit
and /fa
and /v
and /r9k
and /pol
and /mlp
and /b

>> No.3817565
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>tfw no trap gf to which I would suck dick

>> No.3817572
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>tfw no gf because she's all depressed and psychotic in relationships but also I'm not trying to take advantage of her weakened state because I'm enjoying communing with her soul

At first I thought Plato was just being a beta but there really is something to this.

>> No.3817573

> take advantage of her weakened state

To fuck her I mean.

>> No.3817578

/mu/ thinks that only females read.... thus with that conclusion /lit/ would be filled with females.... They come in here asking us to be their qt bookish gf.

>> No.3817580

I don't think you understand what girl means Daffy.
Maybe Bugs got you confused all these years, but when you take off the skirt of a girl there is no dick waiting.

>> No.3817584

I know this feel.
feels quite bad man.

>> No.3817613

i feel the feels with you

>> No.3817616

inb4 the Checkening

>> No.3817617
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>not knowing what traps are
why are you even here?

>> No.3817618

platonic love is the shit

>> No.3817627

This isn't /v/ or /b/ faggot go play with your men in stockings there.

>> No.3817644
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Where's your heart?

>> No.3817663
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>oh yeah that's like in grapes of wrath
>grapes of what?
>you know the dust bowl, Woody Guthrie, great depression
>woody who?


>that epiphany moment when you realize the worst

I'm dating a pleb

>> No.3817669
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>> No.3817682
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>tfw she's read the harry potter series right times over
>but has "no time to read"

>tfw when it's your fault for not being more desirable to cultured women who see right through you

>> No.3817734

But this is /lit/, you should go read Gender Trouble or something.

>> No.3817766

>implying there are real interested in literature cutie girl
>implying she wouldn't just steal your ideas and never have nothing with you

>> No.3817774

pro-tip: The only truly well read women you'll ever find will be right-wing

>> No.3817775

Gender Trouble is the worst piece of pseudo-theoretical trash written in the twentieth century. And as a Lacanian, I've read a lot of pseudo-theoretical trash.

>> No.3817780

this is obviously not true

>> No.3817784
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>tfw literate bf

>> No.3817788

>tfw gf never reads the books she borrows off me
>I have no time to read
>has two days off work a week
>won't even spend an hour of them reading

She wants to borrow my copy of The Bell Jar, I want to cause I know she'd read it then I can prove
>I have no time to read
to be laziness, but I'm also scared of her becoming plathcore tumblr

>> No.3817791
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>only girl that talks to me is in a different country probably because she suspects how lonely I am here and just wants to be nice

>> No.3817792

>Knowing people who finished highschool
aren't you high class.

>> No.3817793

or married

>> No.3817808

this isn't /r9k/ guys

jesus christ, is this really what we do now

>> No.3817824
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>tfw you date a big fat hog with autism and spooge on her face every night

>> No.3817831
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>tfw books

>> No.3817836
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u a bitch ass nigga

>> No.3817838

tfw gf is addicted to heroin

could be worse though, at least she doesn't smoke pot.

>> No.3817890

I used to date one that used crack.

I tried opium and woke up at the corner of a different city.