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/lit/ - Literature

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3813163 No.3813163 [Reply] [Original]

Last three
Currently reading
Next three

What are yours?

Reads that is

>> No.3813165

11 22 63
Crime and Punishment

Watership Down

Mistborn book one
A Walk in the Woods

>> No.3813177

Poetic Edda
Egil's Saga
Prose Edda

Njal's Saga

Independent People by Halldor Laxness
The Saga of The People of Laxardall
Some other Saga

going to Iceland in a few weeks...

>> No.3813185

Ready Player One
The Island
Slaughterhouse Five

The Brothers Kamarazov

Perdido Station
East of Eden

>> No.3813190

House Of Dolls

Oedipus Rex

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.3813191

A Walk in the Woods is a great read.

>> No.3813194

100 years of solitude
paradise lost

crime and punishment

maybe something by mishima
canterbury tales
maybe war and peace or anna karanina

>> No.3813199

>Last three
The Picture of Dorian Grey
Crime and Punishment
Slaughterhouse 5

State and Revolution

>Next three
Lord Jim

>> No.3813209

I enjoyed some other Bryson books. Im hoping Walk is more of the same

>> No.3813224

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
brothers karamazov
Generation A

Jane fucking Eyre - Fucking english electives

a scanner darkly
the picture of dorian grey
this would be better if we x/10 the past 3

>> No.3813230

Then x10 it sir

>> No.3813234

Just added Scanner Darkly to my next ten.

>> No.3813242

You read the whole book in 3 minutes?


>> No.3813250

Sorry, read it as last ten

>> No.3813263

I lold at your first post for a while. Not sure why the idea of speed reading A Scanner Darkly in three minutes made me laugh so hard. Maybe less drugs.

Also, I'm currently reading Jude the Obscure

>> No.3813266

How far in are you?

At times it hits pretty hard

>> No.3813340


>> No.3813419

At Swim-Two-Birds
Heart of Darkness
No Longer Human
A Personal Matter
Lolita/Today I Wrote Nothing

>> No.3813433

How's woodcutters?

>> No.3813436

It's great. Not exactly a positive thing, but I could identify with some of the character's habits. It's really mean and funny, but every other review has mentioned that.

>> No.3813455

Must check it out

>> No.3813548

The Feast of Love
As I Lay Dying
Blue Nude

House of Leaves

Not sure what's next...

>> No.3813594

The Collected Works of Billy the Kid
King Solomon's Mines
Heart of Darkness

Burmese Days

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
At the Mountains of Madness
Intro Text to Political Philosophy

>> No.3814195

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Rum Diaries

Tripping with Allah

Naked Lunch
A Naked Singularity
American Psycho

>> No.3814247

>Last three
Candide And Other Stories, Voltaire.
Nausea, Sartre.
The Stranger, Camus.
>Currently reading
Demanding The Impossible, Peter Marshall.
Life And Games Of Mikhail Tal, Mikhail Tal.
Rogue Moon, Algis Budrys.
>Next three

>> No.3814257

Is this an ass? Tits? A swolled arm? What the fuck is it ont he cover?

>> No.3814259

Knees you retard.

>> No.3814263

Knees? I don't see it. Are the flowers sticking out of someone's crotch then?

What a horrible cover.

>> No.3814264

>Are the flowers sticking out of someone's crotch then?
Yes. Metaphors everywhere.

>> No.3814265

Two left shoulders I believe, took me a little while to figure it out as well.

>> No.3814269


It's quite obvious that it's knees. Are you retarded or something?

>> No.3814280


Have you never seen anyone resting flowers on their knees while sitting down before?

>> No.3814288

To Kill a Mockingbird
Living Dead Girl

Robinson Crusoe

The Swiss Family Robinson (I have a leather-bound French version from 2862, shit's quack yo)
The Picture of Dorian Grey
The Life of Buddha and its Lessons

>> No.3814291

I meant 1862 of course.

>> No.3814292

A cover is a cover you fuck

>> No.3814295


What? And? Did I say it wasn't one? The fuck?

>> No.3814296

No you didn't. Go back to your shitty future and stop taking our jobs.

>> No.3814448

Dead Souls
Gulliver's Travels

Criminal law I. - General Part

Policies of the European Union
Family law

fucking finals

>> No.3814467

Nuer Journeys, Nuer Lives: Sudanese Refugees in Minnesota
Professing Literature: An Institutional History
The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald

Swann's Way by Marcel Proust

In The Shadow of Young Girls in Flower by Marcel Proust
The Guermantes Way by Marcel Proust
Sodom and Gomorrah by Marcel Proust

>> No.3814475


Oh, I'm also reading Umineko no Naku Koro ni on the side, but I always forget to think about that as a text.

>> No.3814494

>Yes. Metaphors everywhere.
There's nothing in Anna Karenina that can be metaphorically expressed as an image of flowers between someone's legs.

>> No.3814497

>Have you never seen anyone resting flowers on their knees while sitting down before?
Where the fuck do you live that people actually sit on their knees?

>> No.3814498


What about that time Levin harvests the grass?

>> No.3814506

>There's nothing in Anna Karenina that can be metaphorically expressed as an image of flowers between someone's legs.
Have you read it? It's p sexually charged.

>> No.3814534

>Last three
The Black Company by Glen Cook (I actually gave this up after about 150 pages or so, so I don't know if it counts as a "read.")
Stoner by John Williams
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

>Currently reading
Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

>Next three
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordechai Richler
After the Quake by Haruki Murakami
Ulysses by James Joyce

>> No.3814537

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter

The Idiot

>> No.3814564

Anna Karenina? Sexually charged? Are you fucking nuts?

>> No.3814574

You haven't read it then. It's a good book, I recommend it.

>> No.3814610

>Last three
The Great Gatsby

>Currently reading
Crime and Punishment

>Next three
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus

>> No.3814645


It's 800 pages about adultery, dude.

>> No.3814647

Yeah, but it's all in oldentimey language like thou and thee and shit. Nobody can understand that stuff. He could be talking about dripping wet pussies and massive dongs and nobody would know.

Literature is hard. Help.

>> No.3814656


Yo but any ol' nigga can talk about dripping pussies and shit, that Tolstoy nigga managed to talk about it by talking about peasants and dancing and horse racing and shooting yourself in the gut.

>> No.3814658

>Yeah, but it's all in oldentimey language like thou and thee and shit.
You know Tolstoy wrote in Russian right? 19th Century Golden Era Russian, but Russian nonetheless.

>> No.3814671



>> No.3814752

someone goet this nigga out of here

>> No.3814796

You should check out Tolkien's compositions of The Lays of Sigurd and Gudrun.

>Last three:
The Gypsy's Curse by Harry Crews. One of the funniest books I've ever read.

Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner. My first Faulkner, absolutely incredible. I was underwhelmed at first, but the farther I got into it the more I started to appreciate it.

Armored Hearts by David Bottoms. The first full collection of poetry I've ever read. David Bottoms is my favorite poet, simply awesome. You all need to read him.

>Currently Reading:
Intruder in the Dust by William Faulkner. I had picked up both this and Absalom, Absalom! together at a library sale. I'm only about 60 pages into it, but am enjoying it so far.

A Coney Island of the Mind by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. I've only read a couple of poems out of it so far, but I can dig it. Was loaned to me by a professor after I showed him some of my own poetry.

>Next three:
Lord of the Flies
Stranger in a Strange Land

>> No.3814806

>It's 800 pages about adultery, dude.
I have read it in Russian. You should read it, too, junior. It's the least arousing book ever, which is the whole point of it: adultery's uncool.

>Yeah, but it's all in oldentimey language like thou and thee and shit.
That is incorrect.

>> No.3814874

How is Tripping with Allah?

>> No.3814902
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>Last three
David Goodis - The Burglar
Maurice Blanchot - Thomas the Obscure
Horkheimer & Adorno - The Dialectic of Enlightenment

>Currently reading
Picture related.

>Next three
Lorenzo Chiesa - Subjectivity and Otherness
Jacques Lacan - "The Youth of Gide"
E.M. Forster - Maurice

>> No.3814981

V., Pynchon
The Broom of the System, Wallace
The Castle, Kafka

Vineland, Pynchon

A Confederacy of Dunces, Toole
The Eye, Nabokov
Either Ada or The Trial.

>> No.3815590

The Idiot
The Master and Margarita

Jupiter's Travels: Four Years on One Motorcycle

The Feast of the Goat
One Bullet Away
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.3815635

Doctor Faustus (Mann)

The Man Without Qualities

Crime And Punishment
The Brothers Kamarazov
The Idiot

>> No.3815639

How did you like Buddenbrooks?

>> No.3815648

Crime and Punishment
As I Lay Dying
The Death of Ivan Ilyich


Swann's Way
The Waves

>> No.3815658

loved it, best book i read so far.
but i must say that i read it in german, i don't know how a translated version feels...

>> No.3815679

The Read Frank Zappa Book
The Third Policeman

Kornél Esti

Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille
The Way of the Shadows
A Game of Thrones

>> No.3815697

The Gargoyle

The Wisdom of Crocodiles

Hidden Empire
A Forest of Stars
Horizon Storms

>> No.3815698

The Sun Also Rises

Lord Jim
The Iliad
Lovevraft compilation

The Odyssey
The Republic

>> No.3815703

Sure is James Dostoevsky in here.

>> No.3815705 [SPOILER] 
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Rate me

>> No.3815721

Grapes of Wrath
For Whom the Bell Tolls

The World of Catholic Renewal 1540-1770
Catholic Germany from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
Byzantine Theology

>> No.3815725

oops, currently reading Catholic Renewal.
A third next read would be Orthodox Russia: Belief and Practice under the Tsars

I greatly enjoyed The Sun Also Rises. I didn't like reading parts of The Republic two years back but maybe I've matured since then.

>> No.3815804

last three were all sallinger I think

Crime and Punishment

The soft machine
The sound and the fury

>> No.3817359

>Last three
The Picture of Dorian Grey
Heart of a Dog
>Currently Reading
The Sun Also Rises
>Next three
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.3817374

Heart of a Dog any good? Recently finished The Master and Margarita and thinking about getting it.

>> No.3817376

It's a funny book

>> No.3817390
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>Last three

Flowers for Algernon
Homage to Catalonia
The Big Sleep

>Currently reading

The Remains of the Day

>In the queue

Flashman and the Redskins
The Great War for Civilisation
Gardens of the Moon

>> No.3817397

Do you ever read books longer than 150 pages?

>> No.3817403

Last time I checked, The Idiot was slightly over 150 pages.

>> No.3817404

M&M was the shittiest fiction I've read in recent memory. HOAD was at least somewhat less shitty but it depends what you're into. It's "fun" in a Russian kind of way that personally I don't care for.

>> No.3817406

We Disappear
City of Night
Pattern Recognition


Generation A
East of Eden

>> No.3817408

I bet you only get 150 pages into it. Shit sucks.

>> No.3817434

On the Road
Fear and Trembling
City Kid: A Writer's Memoir of Ghetto Life and Post-Soul Success

The Subterraneans

The Flowers of Evil
The Republic

>> No.3817435


Ulysses is a shit novel, very third rate.

>> No.3817442
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>previous three
alain de botton - consolations of philosophy
schopenhauer - essays and aphorisms
plato - meno

sartre - nausea

>next three
dostoyevsky - karamazov brothers
marcus aurelius - meditations
ayn rand - virtue of selfishness

>> No.3817454

>Last three
The Great Gatsby
The Stranger
>Currently reading
Anna Karenina
>Next three
Brave New World
Don Quijote
Crime and Punishment

>> No.3818045

Stephen King's On Writing.
Patricia Highsmith's The Snail-Watcher and Other Stories.
Zadie Smith's On Beauty.

Reading Titus Groan from Mervyn Peake.

Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake.
Titus Alone by Mervyn Peake.
La Littérature sans estomac by Pierre Jourde.

>> No.3818088

As an Icelandic person I approve.
You should also take a look at Laxness' Gerpla and Justine Undone by Thor Vilhjálmsson

>> No.3818187

Mrs. Dalloway
I'm Ready To Die A Violent Death

The Bonfire of the Vanities

Madame Bovary
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Pilgrim's Progress

>> No.3818300

>Previous Three
- Children of Hurin
- Trainspotting
- Ecstasy

>Currently reading
- The Sun Also Rises

>Next Three
- Beautiful and The Damned
- Animal Farm
- Filth

>> No.3818311

We're reading the same one aw

>> No.3818362

House of Leaves
American Psycho
Lost World

It (by S.king)

Read lord of the flies again
Then some "light" shitty books, perhaps The hunger games
And then a classic, maybe Gone with the wind or Dr. Zhivago

>> No.3818368

Last three:
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
Ask the Dust by John Fante
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Next three:
The Tin Drum by Gunter Grass
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers

>> No.3818432

Skagboys (for the second time in a month)
The second hunger games book

Eating animals

The third hunger games
The foundation trilogy

>> No.3818452
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essays in persuasion - keynes
technique of coup d'etat - malaparte
austerity - mark blyth

>Currently reading
conjuring hitler - guido preparata
>interesting chapters about russian civil war, weimar republic and the occult roots of NSDAP. 50% through, but still not sure where exactly he draws the line between historical coincidence and conspiracy theory.

tales of the dying earth - jack vance (RIP)
imperial germany and the industrial revolution - thorstein veblen
fabian, the story of a moralist - erich kästner

>> No.3818463

>I have read it in Russian.
The ultimate lie.

>> No.3818518

Last 3:
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Don Quixote

Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintainence

Next 3:
Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.3818560

>Last three
The Stranger
Existentialism is a Humanism

> Reading
The Plague

> Next three
The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell
A New History of Western Philosophy
The Broom of the System

DFW has finally made his way onto my queue. I'm eager to see what his works are like since /lit/ loves them so.

>> No.3818592

Last three:

Paul West, The Very Rich Hours of Count von Stauffenberg
Ian McEwan, Atonement

Currently reading:
John Fowles, The Magus

Next reading:
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
William Faulkner, Absolom, Absolom!
Anthony Burgess, Earthly Powers

>> No.3818614

Madame Bovary was a major disappointment to me. Two-dimensional characters and a very, very contrived storyline. It's also exceptionally dull.

>> No.3818670

>Last three
Der Steppenwolf, Das Glasperlenspiel(but didn't finish it) and Jarhead.

>Currently reading
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
I noticed that it's kinda useless reading the book when you saw the movie. They are very similar.
Back when i read Jarhead i had already seen the movie but the book added a lot of things that werent present in the movie.

>Next Three

>> No.3818726

>Last three
Atlas Shrugged
(I've only read these two ;_;)

The Great Gatsby

>Next three
The Crying Lot of 49
Things Fall Apart
The Brothers Karamozov

>> No.3818748

Wuthering Heights
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold
A Moveable Feast

The Wayward Bus

Don Quixote
The Poetic Edda

Hope you enjoy Independent People, it's one of my all-time favourites.

>> No.3818760
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Pitcher, ed. - Wittgenstein: The Philosophical Investigations
Sluga and Baker, ed. - The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein
Emile Durkheim - Rules of Sociological Method

Glock, ed. - Wittgenstein: A Critical Reader
Weber - The Methodology of the Social Sciences

Althusser - Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists
Kuhn - Structure of Scientific Revolution
Adorno - Critical Models

>> No.3818769


Are you an STS guy?

>> No.3818771

what do you mean you have only read those 2? You've only read 2 books?

>> No.3818772

>Last three
White Noise
The Satanic Verses
The Bell Jar

>Currently Reading
Blood Meridian
Philosophical Investigations

>Next three
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
The Savage Detectives
The Man Without Qualities

>> No.3818780


>> No.3818830

Nausea, Sartre
Swann's Way, Proust
Letters to Emma Bowlcut, Callahan
Selected Stories of Anton Chekhov
>next three
Democracy in America, Tocqueville
Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda
3rd isn't set in stone, probably will be brushing up on mythology though

>> No.3818839

no, but I've got a budding interest in philosophy of science and sociological theory since I read Capital Vol. 1 last winter. My fall semester will be spent on Hegel and Foucault and the spring semester on Kant and Plato so I'm trying to read as much as I can this summer. Got some Popper lined up if I can get to it.

>> No.3818844

I have it on hold, I was always told it was one of the most beautiful books ever written in the original French. Do you think this didn't translate well, or that it simply wasn't true?

>> No.3818886

Anna Karenina
The Grapes of Wrath
Might is RIght


The Complete Chronicles of Conan
The Warriors
Crime and Punishment

>> No.3818900

>Philosophical Investigations
>The Man Without Qualities

u seem cool. How'd you like the Bell Jar?

>> No.3818915


On the whole I rather liked it. It was funnier than I expected it to be.

If there was one thing that kept it from being truly great it was that it was lacking in insight: it was a wonderful (or rather, terrifying) depiction, but it didn't bring much in the way of understanding.

>> No.3818949

The Death of Ivan Ilych
Dharma Bums
The Brothers Karamazov

Still deciding what to read next.

Either Notes from the Underground,
or Steppenwolf


>> No.3818967


>> No.3818975

>Last Three
Phantoms in the Brain
Through The Language Glass
Flowers for Algernon

Aping Language
Original Intelligence

>Next Three
Bending the Rules: The Flexibility of Absolutes in Modern Life
I Am Legend
The Feeling of What Happens

I have some books by Peter Krotopkin I've meant to read but the formatting in the editions I have is so ugly...

>> No.3818998

If you liked the character of Smerdyakov in Brothers, you should definitely read Notes, it's basically an exploration of many of his ideals.