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File: 48 KB, 580x348, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3801147 No.3801147 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3801153

Thanks, your soccer-mom van looks quite nifty as well!

>> No.3801151

They're going to hell so why should I care what they think?

>> No.3801160


>> No.3801168
File: 1023 KB, 578x788, 1368390501527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3801200


Hey he gave me a thumbs up so it must be a compliment!

>> No.3801203

#bang bang

>> No.3801208
File: 42 KB, 580x348, dfw car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even publish?

>> No.3801214

it was funny the first time

>> No.3801217

put zadie smith in the back

>> No.3801241
File: 43 KB, 580x348, dfw zadie car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3801248


>> No.3801262


>> No.3801441

A car approached, quicker than I imagine it would take for me to cum inside the girl cackling in the backseat.
"NICE BOOK, FAAAAAAAAG," I heard someone say, the car dragging the "fag" out to hurtful length.
Two honks, a head poking out a window to look back at me, and they were gone, 'round the corner, back into the advertisement from J-Crew from which they came. What could they have seen in me to make me their target? Five people walked ahead of me, and each one was ignored, left unmolested, but me. I was very molested. What did they see in me to make them want to holler so vulgarly at me? I tried to see it from their point of view: lonely guy with pale skin, admittedly stylish hat (a fedora I was gifted by my parents for my 27th birthday) covering what to their eyes must have seemed like a bowl cut, hawaiian shirt starched and tucked, pleated black cargo pants, a hefty tome held aloft, a book on shoppenhawzer and focault - into which my merchant's nose was mercifully hidden. Was it the cargo pants? I needed to know what was so wrong about me. I decided to run up to the woman walking about half a block in front of me to ask. My clogs clipped and clopped on the marble roads of gray-day Gloucestershire. She looked back and saw me approach with what, on reflection, was alarming speed. Scared, she dropped her grocery bags full of phallic loafs of bread. My subconscious became pregnant with Big Ideas, I think, for the next think that happened surprised me as much as it did her. Clogs on marble not being great for traction, I slippity-slipped and tripped, landing penis-first into her vagina. I came explosively, and she gave birth right then and there.

>> No.3801442

We weren't happy together at first. I could tell she resented me. But as she got older and fatter, as her looks decayed to match mine, I could tell that beneath the layer of hateful scorn - perhaps at having stolen her life from her - that there was a glimmer of love, a wry wink that sed to me, Globopolous, truly we were meant to be, and truly our child is a miracle from the Heaven himself, and that fateful day, when your feelins were hort and I impregnatid, was the sting of Cupid's arrow upon my then-fertile bosom. It was hard to raise Junior, but his tragically misplaced arms did have their advantages. Concerning my wife, she wanted a divorce, but I told her that it was impossible for us to separate. She said "no, Globopolous, we can no be together more, becoz I im pregnatious again, but this time, it is with...."
I did not like to hear the words. So she became quiet. I shut her up, for she was I, and Junior, but a loaf of lettuce. Needless to say the car-bourne bullies did not bother me again.

>> No.3801481

"Why yes, it is a nice book."

He's such an observant person, that boy. I wonder how he does it - always spotting how nice a book is, from a distance, and from a moving car, too! I think he must put a lot of effort into it.

This is a good neighbourhood. I'm glad we moved here.

>> No.3801489

Come back and fight me!

>> No.3801574

Your mom thought it was nice too! What I mean to say by that is that I slept with her (sleeping with someone's mother apparently being a grave insult), and that's how she knows about the book, and that it was nice!

>> No.3801584


>> No.3801594
File: 281 KB, 1000x1600, 1292701972495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it better when I posted this troll post three weeks ago Mr. Plebeian.

>> No.3801601


>> No.3801625

"lol, pleb"

>> No.3801637

But can YOU steer your car with your feet?

>> No.3801740

ai dont

>> No.3801909

>look at them with despise
>continue reading

>> No.3801912

omg lold hard.
