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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1341473601001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3800788 No.3800788 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy a used book I like
>Previous owner has left their business card in it
>Can't tell if they were using it as a bookmark or leaving it in there for the next owner/reader to contact them so that they can talk about
>Stay up all night wondering about kindred spirits

>> No.3800793


>buy a used book
>entire page covered in blood

I hope to god they got a nosebleed while reading, or something.

Jesus, that book was creepy.

>> No.3800806

>borrow book from a girl
>used condom with dry semen in it

>> No.3800819

I can just imagine the slags you fraternize with.

>> No.3800822
File: 104 KB, 500x550, justgotspooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used book
>notes written all over it
>doesn't bother me too much
>never bother to actually read them
>re-read the book
>the notes are the most schizophrenic terrifying messages i've ever read
>detailing somebodies mother being stolen, lots of names of various people, some famous of historical others completely unknown to me
>constant repetition of certain words and names
>no seeming relation to the book
>500 pages, all written on


>> No.3800823


Maybe they were reading

>"How to Use Dried Out Condoms as Bookmarks"


>> No.3800830


>> No.3800833

wtf man

>> No.3800861

Were they written cleanly in the margins? Do you still have the book?

>> No.3800876


>> No.3800886

if you post pics i'll post my creepy edition of 20,000 leagues under the sea in which a small child probably of the 1940's drew crosses, distorted faces, and schizobabble all over every wide margin

>> No.3800902
File: 38 KB, 606x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested

>> No.3800921
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>tfw I used to draw distorted faces and grotesque monsters as a child

Am I a schizo?

>> No.3800922


please post.

>> No.3800933


>> No.3800941
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man, and i thought it was cool when I saw, like, a phone number written down in a used book.

>> No.3800949

My copy of Illuminatus! came with a folded up piece of notebook paper that had a set of numbers written down on it. I have no clue as to what the numbers indicate.

>> No.3800954

>buy used Romeo and Juliet to re-read it
>notice middle school girls chatting on it
>they become in lesbians

weird shit

>> No.3800959



>> No.3800974

they were writing on the paper pages (it seems like it was class shared by different sessions).

One of them basically wrote this for the first few pages: "R U bored? circle one. yes no . (please answer me)."

On the front page it says something like 'do you realize we've been a couple for five months?'

it's pretty cute

>> No.3800978

Lesbians are inherently cute.

>> No.3800985

Gonna have to give this one a big NO.

C+ for effort, try again next time.

>> No.3800987
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>Be in early teens
>Pick up a few used Dragonlance books
>mfw I open one of the books to find a nude photo of a woman which was used as a bookmark

>> No.3800989
File: 39 KB, 671x513, running.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't think lesbians are cute?

>> No.3800990

What, why?

I agree. Lipstick lesbians are the best bros.

>> No.3800991

>buy a used book of The Canterbury Tales
>get home and realize most of the pages are highlighted in yellow with bright pink notes written on the margins
>now I have learned to scan through used books before buying

I realize people can do whatever they want to their property but it always irks me when people write in books.

>> No.3800992


I find it cool when people jot notes on them, especially if they're really insightful.

>> No.3800995

Why? It can be extremely useful to annotate your copy of a book when you're studying it. The book is the words, the ideas, the collection of information. The paper is just paper.

>> No.3800999


Yeah, but the use of neon colors is kinda of jarring and is too distracting for me to actually read the book. Also, it's obvious that it was some high school girl who highlighted entire pages, completely negating the purpose of highlighting in the first place.

>> No.3801041

I don't know. There's a lot of people that is not "cute". Some of them may be lesbians.
Maybe young lesbians are "cute". But then again almost every young women is "cute".
Define "cute".

>> No.3801053

> There's a lot of people that is not "cute". Some of them may be lesbians.

B-but it's the purest form of love. It's always cute.

>> No.3801065

what about butch lesbians?

>> No.3801080


>> No.3801083
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>> No.3801116
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>> No.3801129


>> No.3801146

I haven't really met one.

Most of the lesbians I met are lipstick lesbians. And before anyone calls me something, whatever, I'm straight-acting gay.

>> No.3801320

>went out to buy some used books
>picked up Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
>read this thread
>hours later
>looking through my own book I bought
>business card falls out
>scared to look
>read it
>it's a business card for an optometrist
>look at back
>appointment written in pencil
>two lines below it
>groove dimension
>conflicted visions of reality
>what in the hell is this

>> No.3801328

I have the notes of a former psych student left inside some psychoanalytic book I purchased from an indigent in the city a while ago. Its all him self-criticizing and elucidating exactly how desperate and servile he is towards some woman.

tfwnogf is some timeless shit.

>> No.3801387

Man I wish I found some cool stuff in used books. Coolest and only thing I've gotten is a receipt from 1988 for a copy of Of Mice and Men used as a bookmark I guess. Whoever bought it paid $1.80 for it.

Looked up the store name and it's still around and not far from where I live. Next time I'm in that city I'll be on the lookout for it.

>> No.3801388

My main problem with used books is if a smoker had it previously, damn that stench just permeates everything.

>> No.3801395

>Implying the books of a smoker don't smell like literature in essence.

>> No.3801406

Only thing I ever get in used books are unidentifiable and yet suspicious brown marks. I buy fewer because of it.

>> No.3801412

i have an old copy of walden with TONS of notes

a friend had a funny copy of fear and loathing with notes by this dunce of a girl who read it to try and get with one of his friends. she made notes like "Beer for tanning?" and "because they are on drugs"

the best that can happen when getting a used book is when it is in pristine condition though...

>> No.3801426

I have a 1926 dated version of Macbeth and there's a signature with a date from 1945. That's so damn cool to me. I enjoyed the same book that some guy read before my dad was even born.

>> No.3801447
File: 64 KB, 440x641, tumblr_m5zyhyxj571qd76gto2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking out book at my uni's library is pretty awesome if youre looking for old notes from old readers.

Sometimes though its just unintelligible. The copy of Portrait of the artist as a young man by Joyce I got has practically nothing in it, then at the very last page someone wrote a paragraph of nonsense.

>> No.3801448

that pic
my sides

>> No.3802256

>Gap between book and original writing of play: 320 years
>gap between yourself and other reader: 88 years

>> No.3802272
File: 2.06 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a copy of Aesop's Fables.

>> No.3802310

I bought a used copy of The Bell Jar and it had a business card for some suicide hotline in it. Wasn't sure if the last person just had a really appropriate bookmark or if they put it in there when they sold it.

>> No.3802344

Sounds funky.

>> No.3802369

I usually get my books dirty with my makeup. Leaves light brown smudges on every damn thing. Maybe that's all....

>> No.3802376

is that 1899 or 1894?

Either way, that's pretty cool.

>> No.3802377


>> No.3802378

>wearing makeup

Why do you even read books when you tacitly admit your materialism by exploiting male lust for personal gain?

>> No.3802379

>my makeup

this will not end well...

>> No.3802381

1899. I can't find information on the publisher or the copy of the book anywhere though.

>> No.3802386
File: 26 KB, 400x300, ninth-gate_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go full Corso on it.

time to go on an adventure to investigate. who knows? maybe you'll even end up fucking the devil

>> No.3802390

This thread promises so much and delivers so little...

>> No.3802392
File: 85 KB, 425x282, stress-brain-emotion-support-worry-anxiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a used paper of Maze of Death by PKD
>inside cover has step by step instructions to a place next town over
>follow them
>its an insane asylum

>> No.3802411

*paper back

>> No.3802491

>be reading Ulysses
>it being a difficult book, I had a hard time knowing what Joyce was on about
>sat there wishing I had bought an annotated copy
>just then I saw a line of handwriting on the 10th page
>it perfectly encapsulated the essence of the book and many books of this sort that I have encountered since
>'Ulysses is a shit novel, very third rate.'

>> No.3802538

I once found a Polaroid picture of a small, country altar to the Blessed Mother in a copy of Livy's Ab urbe condita. Other than that, not much.

>> No.3802582
File: 587 KB, 250x188, Y9CgwM4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move to a new house
>Previous owner has left a box of books behind, all in a terrible state, third-hand at the very least
>Open The Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin
>It has a name on it written on black ink
>More recent owner has crossed it in blue
>Mfw he has written "Property is theft!" under it

>> No.3802609

Post them.
Who knows where they might lead us.

>> No.3802643
File: 208 KB, 994x664, 1366137453773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3802722


>> No.3802758

>Buy used book
>Previous owner wrote his name on the side, top and bottom of the book like a 5 year old
>Wrote it on back of the front cover
>Wrote it on fourth page
>All these folded pages
>All this inane highlighting
Fuck you Peter Song.

I usually don't run into this.

>> No.3802767


>> No.3802771

>then at the very last page someone wrote a paragraph of nonsense
That was probably just joyce

>> No.3802779

Picked up some books recently, some from the library, some from charity shops.
>The Books
History of Western Philosophy
Read and Write Chinese Script
The Hobbit
Architecture by John Stones

>The things I found in them
The first line of an address in my city
A library card PIN
A library receipt
A piece of car with some Hindu/Buddhist quotes on

Anyone want to try to match them up?

I also own a copy of The Stuarts by Barry Coward which has scrawled at the bottom of one of the pages "Comprehensives are shit!" I lol'd then fondly remembered my independent and (selective) grammar school education.

>> No.3802784
File: 83 KB, 350x321, ete5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter Song


>> No.3802787

Fuck you Pete.

>> No.3802790

I'm sorry

>> No.3802795
File: 371 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently bought a decrepit old copy of Treasure Island from a charity shop which had this inscription

>> No.3802802

mind transcribing it for us?

>> No.3802845

To Frank
with best wishes
for a Happy Xmas
Grand Grand
from ^Mummie &^Dad
Dec 25th 1919

>> No.3802850

Fuck I forgot about that formatting thing... The "Grand"s are above the ^s
>inb4 lrn2triforce

>> No.3802920

I have a mini-bible from the first world war, an aussie trooper's. It's only got his name in it though.

>> No.3802936

>tfw Frank is probably dead by now

>> No.3802975

>tfw GrandMummie and GrandDad definitely are

>> No.3802986

So it goes.

>> No.3803004

this was written in red ink on an inside page of "white teeth":

"walk away, walk away (give up your gremlins)".


>> No.3803320



if he was given that book in 1919, if he was, say 14 then he would have to be 108 now. I think the chance is pretty much 0.

>> No.3804502

sorry a little late but if anybody still wants to see my copy of 20,000 leagues under the sea here goes


on the left what appears to be an american flag and possibly a crudely drawn confederate flag (i do live in virginia and bought this volume from a local antique store)

on the right a drawing of a little girl, with the words "christmas 1937" scribbled out at the top

>> No.3804504
File: 554 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20130529_235722_353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow forgot picture

>> No.3804511


gibberish and incorrectly drawn letters on the left (a common theme throughout the rest of the book although i don't show too many more examples of it) on the right a christ figure impaled on a cross and a stick figure in what appears to be a skirt seemingly enclosed in some kind of circular room, although that is up for interpretation

>> No.3804514
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sorry i'm 0 for 2, it's getting late

>> No.3804518
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another example of the chicken scratch, while the only legible words are diane davis i'm not sure if this is the owner because there are many female names throughout the book, there are many other two or three word meaningless phrases surrounded by skewed characters throughout

>> No.3804521
File: 572 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20130529_235825_635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Betsy", also a cross leading to a grave...

>> No.3804534

Looks like a kid's work. My little brother would steal my books all the time and try to color in them or draw "pictures" to make the book better.

>> No.3804546

Might be creepy, but I don't think it's that weird to find stuff like this in a book considering the date.

>> No.3804887
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>waiting for 5/5

>> No.3804908
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1365115224828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a bunch of used books today.
From Electric Kool-aid Acid Test:
(inside of front cover)
Merry Chistmas Candice

So you think my book is tame - it's all in your perspective!

Life's a good time
Enjoy it!

Dempe (Denise?)

(inside of back cover)
So how'd you like it?
I thought the experience would be invaluable to your development - was it?

>people writing in books

>> No.3804914
File: 90 KB, 486x960, 485903_539031829463286_655092401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem second hand feels!

>> No.3804918
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>that image

>> No.3804939

Did the book have any signs that it had been read - creases on the spine, rumpled pages and such?

>> No.3804963

one dogear
page 16

>> No.3804972

I sincerely hope that never catches on, and that you're just same guy posting it over and over again.

>> No.3804997

>it's the purest form of love

Nice delusion there.

>> No.3805020

>buy old book
>Book has passages circled
>cigarette burns on pages

dat old, rustic feel :)))))

>> No.3805024

It already caught on, bubba.

>> No.3805247

>buy book for 50 cents at library sale
>find dollar bill being used as bookmark

>> No.3805277


>> No.3805283
File: 176 KB, 489x354, 188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>library sale
>Pristine books
>including hardcovers and Anathem
>5 books for 50 cents
>I do this regularly

>> No.3805312

>get some books from a friend of mine
>They used to belong to her grandmother
>they're in a box
>inside of the box I find some papers
>it's part of her grandmother's journal
>the old lady talks about her life and how lonely she is
>typical entry: "<name of someone" came by today, we talked about <name of her son> and how he's doing. She left an hour later after coffee. I wonder when will anyone come and visit me again"
>pages and pages of depressing talk about people leaving her and people dying and slowly falling into solitude
>I ask my friend about her grandmother
>she says she died a few months ago and left a bunch of crap, including those books in a box, and they threw away everything else, they just never noticed the box
>I cover my face with my hands
>I don't want her to see me crying

>> No.3805335
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/lit/ feels

>> No.3805365
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Goddammit all to hell.

>> No.3805387

This one is strong...

>> No.3805396

This! A colleague of mine found diaries written by a woman from her young age until old age.

>> No.3805424

>browsing used book store
>pick up a copy of Sophie's World
>start flipping through the pages to get a general idea as to what it's like
>find post it note stuck on one of the first pages that reads:

Dear Thomas and Sam,
This is the 'educational' gift for Christmas this year. It is my plan to begin reading this with you, as we spend time learning the world of philosophy -- I hope it brings us many good hours of conversation.
-- Dad

>notice after reading the note that the book is in perfect condition; it looks unread
>feel bad so I buy the book

>> No.3805435

Heeengh. That's sad.

>> No.3805504

>Be a teen
>Heping my grandma clean her house
>Found a box with some diaries
>She said they belonged to my grandfather (Who i never meet)
>Pick up one, is about a travel he made to Japan during the early 50s for a few months
>He is really good at writing
>Describes Japan and it's people, and daily situations, how strange this place seems to him
>He also talked a bit about his life, like if you already knew him or had already read his previous diaries, like he expected a reader, so just mentions people like if you knew them (he briefly mentions my grandma)
>He stayed with a japanese company, their host barely speaked english, neither did he
>You could isolation he had from the rest of the people, the way he wrote, his toughs, he talked about his hopes and goals in life...

I already knew how it all ended up. He died 54 years old of cancer, I recall how he talked about when he turn 60 he would buy a small house by the sea to live with his wife. Or that he would encourage his grandchildren to live adventures like him... (I'm his older grandchild)

I haven't read more of those books, i can't. This one made me love him. With his final chapter, in which he talks about what he got from the experience i cried like a bitch

>> No.3805528
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>get into western books for some reason
>go to library to check out a few westerns
>every single one smells like cigarettes
>get distracted while reading imagining a scruffy 50 year old man smoking and sipping whiskey while reading the same books I had in my hand
>eventually get turned on, and start jerking off
>contemplate suicide after I finish

>> No.3805550

You should have

>> No.3805638

I'll fucking buy that book off you.

>> No.3805646

Not really. I seem to have hallucinated a few years of my childhood.

I remember living in a small house on stilts at the edge of the woods with my father, I remember orange juice and ants and scratching my legs bloody while running through the watermelon fields of a neighbor I never saw and that my favorite icecream from the truck was those snocones with the bubblegum at the bottom.. I remember my bed, set under a window and I remember laying on my back and chewing the feet off of a barbie.
Last time I asked my father he swore we never lived in such a place.
One of us is crazy and I don't know which one.

>> No.3805651

That's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.3805754

Pics please.

This goes to everyone else ITT too

>> No.3805771

Oh man, I actually teared up a little.
Probably because it's exactly the sort of thing I can imagine my dad doing.

>> No.3805830

All you cunts should post pictures, they're great stories at it is but some visuals would make this thread truly a thing of beauty.

>> No.3805831

>borrow book from school library
>is cheap edition of school reading with ugly illustrations
>someone transformed two soldiers into a couple
>on other illustration doctor is holding main hero's butt, who was made into goth/lolita chick
quite funny
in other book from library i found notes on how it didn't make sense
recently i was reading another school book and saw "i love <name of physics teacher>"

>> No.3806064
File: 70 KB, 360x240, spiderman_meme_by_gothicgir66-d3cs1rq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A used book store near my place has grab-bags of comics and old magazines go on sale for a dollar,
> I bought one when I was in grade 9 or so.
> Open the paper bag and the first 2 are old no-name comics
> Car magazine, or rather the cover of one... Inside was a Gent men's magazine.
> Proceed to gain a pervasive big-boob fetish for the next 20+ years.

Sadly, they stopped doing the grab-bags. After I graduated High School. :(

>> No.3806124


>Define "cute".

lmao fuck off lit

>> No.3806147


>> No.3806193

I posted >>3805312, I had the journal pages but then I felt that her family should read what she wrote, and feel bad for leaving her alone in her last days, so I gave the pages back to them

I bet they just threw them away and didn't even read a single line. I wish I could say hi to her.

Maybe I should volunteer to read to old people.

>> No.3806252

This isn't creepy, just somebody's little kid couldn't find paper so drew on the book.

>> No.3806277
File: 61 KB, 450x585, gent68-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will like this website.

>> No.3806332
File: 57 KB, 412x550, 111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute lesbians are cute.
these ones are not.
i would say that the majority of lesbians are not cute and therefore lesbians in general cannot be said to be cute.

>> No.3806365


allez da's nie echt de bedoeling he

>> No.3806560
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Imagine the dad making this face while writing the note.
It would turn into an abusive father.

>> No.3806601

>buy a used book
>The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
>on the last page of The Metamorphosis...
>a dead, flattened bug on the page
>it slides off the page and lands in my lap

>> No.3806634
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>> No.3806653

Lesbiams have dogshit tier taste in music though.

>> No.3806662

>that gif

my little professor can't be this scary

>> No.3806666

that's great.

>> No.3807580

pretty kafkaesque

>> No.3807613
File: 50 KB, 750x500, Soda_bubbles_macro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I once found a Polaroid picture of a small, country altar to the Blessed Mother in a copy of Livy's Ab urbe condita. Other than that, not much.
>a copy

was it in all 16 volumes or just one

>> No.3807643

That was probably a subtle offer from her.

>> No.3808323
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Please post excepts that you like.... please......