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3798392 No.3798392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's pretend that you are about to embark on a long range interstellar voyage with several hundred people, including your family, to a "new" earth. You are limited in weight and volume and thus can only take a maximum of THREE books with you. These are presumably the only three books you'll ever read again so choose wisely... which three books do you take?

>> No.3798442

Should have made it an island, because it would be dumb to be limited by weight since you'd just bring it in digital format.

>> No.3798469

How perceptive, you found a flaw in a hypothetical question.
1. The Iliad - Homer
2. Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
3. Lord of the Rings - J.R.R Tolkein

>> No.3798491
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In Search of Lost Time - M. Proust
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Gibbon
The Gulag Archipelago - Solzhenitsyn

>> No.3798518

one hundred years of solitude, the fifth column and the first forty-nine, and .... the oxford dictionary of philosophy

>> No.3798533


>> No.3798666

I take only one... my E-reader.

>> No.3798680

Can't You Sleep, Little Bear?
Miss MacIntosh, My Darling
Against the Day

>> No.3798708

>John Fante - Ask the dust
>André Gide - Les nourritures terrestres
>Baudelaire - Les fleurs du mal

>> No.3798753

>The Perks of Being A Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
>BFG - Roald Dahl
>Warm Bodies - Isaac Marion

>> No.3798755

The Garden of Forking Paths.
I don't mean the one Borges wrote, I mean the one he wrote about.
That'll do.

>> No.3798772

The tale of Peter rabbit, some kind of collected works of Cicero, catechism of the Catholic Church.

Can't we just kick out some of the people for more room? Hard to classify all of earth's humanity in three books.

>> No.3798777

>not picking aniara

>> No.3798819

I think we can store books on a book reader bro.

>> No.3798831

À la recherche du temps perdu - Marcel Prous
Les Fleurs du Mal - Charles Baudelair
Ulysses - James Joyce

>> No.3798832

Thank you for that
Can't you sleep little bear would be very helpful on such a trip

Then I take the godfather - Mario Puzo
and The Joke - Milan Kundera

>> No.3798867

You Kant Make It Up (inb4 popular philosophy fag)

>> No.3798875

But when I got there I would set up a library, because if everybody bought three books that would be quite a good amount.

>> No.3798899


>> No.3798901


>> No.3798908

Should have wrote Joyc as well.

>> No.3798925

The three most complex and/or longest I can find.

1. "Finnegans Wake" maybe?
Don't know about the others.

>> No.3798944

Does my family absolutely have to come?


1. War and Peace
2. Finnegan's Wake
3. Gravity's Rainbow?

I don't know, it would just have to be three longass books.

>> No.3798951

harry potter 1, 3 and 6

>> No.3798979

The Quran and the Bible.

>> No.3798982


>> No.3799011

I'll agree to this

>> No.3799017

No Bhagavad Gita ?

>> No.3799020

The Ego and Its Own, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and the Daodejing.

>> No.3799044

The Society of Spectacle
Collected Works of Karl Marx
Structure and Integration of Computer Programs

cyber art collective here we go

>> No.3799164


Ulysses is a shit novel, very third rate.

>> No.3799196
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um... i have a kindle. and can easily get a hold of a solar charger, wall adapter, and one of those crank generators from think geek. so i could take a fuckton of books

>> No.3799202

>le epic maymay

>> No.3799225

The Quran is stylistically well-written, I've been told. Maybe that's how so many people have memorized it?
The Kalevala.
A good textbook on an obscure subject. Plant biology?

>> No.3799227
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>Not just taking a laptop.

>> No.3799238

The Norton Shakespeare
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
The Complete Dialogues of Plato

>> No.3799244

You mean 2, 3 and 4.

>> No.3799250

In Search of Lost Time is seven books.

>> No.3799260
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>mfw suddenly realise the advantages of owning an ereader thanks to this thread

>> No.3799272

Yes! Next time I'm on a long range interstellar voyage with several hundred people, including your family, to a "new" earth and for some reason I'm the only one who's using my luggage allowance to bring books, an ebook reader will be a god-send.