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/lit/ - Literature

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3794934 No.3794934 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you a terrible writer, /lit/?

Me? I write in first-person present.

>> No.3794939

I haven't left my "Self-Insert" phase yet.

I'm starting to feel that I never will.

>> No.3794952

I write in second person and end every sentence with a question mark.

I have yet to find an editor willing to take a look at my novel manuscript for some reason.

>> No.3794973

Long descriptions of what people look like and what they're wearing.

I've gotten better though after my friend was reading something of mine and literally started screaming at me "I DON'T CARE! I DON'T CARE THAT SHE'S WEARING A WHITE SKIRT, HOLY FUCK, STOP GIVING ME DESCRIPTIONS OF WHAT THIS BITCH IS WEARING!"

>> No.3794978
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I prefer writing fanfiction.

>> No.3794983
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>> No.3794980

I like writing poetry, but my sense of meter kinda sucks. Also I feel like my writing can be too vague.

>> No.3794986

I start my stories with characters waking up.

>> No.3794987

>Long descriptions of what people look like and what they're wearing.

Ergh, I could feel my eyes glazing over just thinking about this. Because of my aversion to description a lot of my own writing can seem sort of sparse/barren in terms of setting, which I don't quite like either. I'd like to have a better eye for detail.

>> No.3795009

Occasionally, I'll spend a few paragraphs on pure description that is basically unrelated to the story. It is purely because people tell me I need more description.
The next page or so may be filled with pure or almost pure dialogue. I could run at least half a word page without tags. Sometimes, I leave the 'who is talking right now, anyway,' up to the reader.
Another thing I leave up to the reader is character descriptions. Besides a general sense of age and the very rare clothing, I don't physically describe my characters.
This makes any 'I' story I write very poor, because I also don't ever give my opinions of any of these characters.
I'm also an asshole who will take every chance he gets to make snide remarks about conventions.

>> No.3795020

I don't really feel that I am

>> No.3795022

Then you're worse

>> No.3795024

Because I never have the energy to finish them. And it sucks.

>> No.3795027

I don't write enough and I steal most of my ideas from whatever non-fiction I'm reading at the time.

>> No.3795028

Because I always skip to the interesting bits, so nothing ever has any build-up to it.

>> No.3795033

but how many great literature pieces are self-inserts

isn't it absurd to write about something you don't know?

maybe im a bit more confused, if you mean that you are literally putting yourself in your story then yes, that is bad

>> No.3795036

You have to conjure images on the reader's mind as economically as possible. Paint it with broad strokes, or else you're underestimating the reader's imagination, it's boring and insulting.

Keep the dialogue going only as long as the image of it is still interesting, a couple of pages. Two people discussing Heidegger on a small boat dangling among the wild waves of an effacing storm, that will keep it going for some time. Two people discussing coffee sitting down and drinking coffee for 10 pages? Not so much.

>> No.3795054

I don't know what I'm doing.

Then again I've learned many other disciplines where I've put in the 10,000 hours I feel like I'm still shit. People tell me I'm good. I've won a couple of awards. It still doesn't feel like enough though.

>> No.3795061

I haven't learned, how to use commas, yet.

>> No.3795064


>> No.3795076
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But I'm not. I'm at least competent.
Not sure why that's a problem.

>> No.3795079

I'm not, everyone who has taken time to read anything by me seem to enjoy it, also nobody makes fun of me when I seriously say I want to get published.

Feels good, man.

>> No.3795088

Whenever I try to think up a story the only thing I can come up with is the ending. I don't have any idea had to do the middle or beginning.

>> No.3795100

among many things, I'm extremely edgy and all of my ideas end with the MC dying in the most miserable, humiliating way possible or suffering some horrible fate for the rest of time.

>> No.3795105


Nothing wrong with a self insert. You just need to be compelling.

>> No.3795107

I used to be sort of similar - could do beginnings, some middles, and so on, but hanging the structure together was a real problem. Now I write in pieces - whichever scene takes my interest - and finish editing it up into a coherent whole. Working well enough, nearing my thousandth thing sold on Amazon very soon.

>> No.3795118

I write in first person.

I have trouble writing more than 3,000 words before getting bored.

I very rarely write a cohesive plot.

>> No.3795117

All my story ideas involve characters leading miserable lives and dying horribly. I feel you. At least I've kept the rape-card at bay.

>> No.3795129

I'm a very good writer. But I watch too much anime and squander all of my ability with stories about giant robots and kawaii uguu girls rather than anything of literary merit.

>> No.3795139

>I write in first-person present.

Absolutetly disgusting

>> No.3795141

I get bored and never finish anything.

As such I have about 150 projects that I've started and only 2 that I've ever completed. It took my 6 years and 3 drafts to complete one of them. The other I made up on the fly, and is complete and utter drivel because I kept throwing in randomer and randomer plot twists to keep myself interested, and in the process digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole.

>> No.3795143

I hate my life.

So I make all of my characters suffer horribly from incurable diseases. It gives no actual meaning to the work. I do it just for the heck if it.

>> No.3795145

>A young couple, distanced from each other because they value the communal perception of their relationship rather than its actual value, create a Youtube channel. The videos they upload are of them driving their car fast at people and swerving out of the way just before impact, while silly music plays in the background. Soon, however, the boyfriend reveals that the entire operation is funded by a mysterious benefactor called Snuffman420, who now wants them to make contact.

Do you guys like my story idea

>> No.3795150

do it

>> No.3795169



>> No.3795171


You should add a sideplot with a porn website.

You should reveal that one of them has a weird fetish, like a bagpipe fetish

>> No.3795173

I hate establishing physical characteristics of characters and landscapes.

>> No.3795176


this is probably a good thing

>> No.3795179






necrophilia might be easier to integrate but thanks

>> No.3795182


I use the word prose without a trace of irony.

>> No.3795194

I lack a basic sense of structure.
I can't help writing in 1st person.
I can't help writing about stuff that happens to me directly.
I give too many explanations.
I'm very insecure when other people read my stuff.
I write "for myself".
I tend to be angsty.
I started every sentence with "I". That's another one. Maybe it's not a flaw but it makes me feel self-conscious.
Most of the time I don't know what is going on around me and what am I doing.

>> No.3795196

lol u sound autistic

>> No.3795206

I can only convince myself to write when I'm drunk or drinking coffee between midnight and 5am. I rarely edit. My diary is an exception to that rule but the way I use it, it spoils my other writing.
I tend to write the protagonist in first-person and having them tell bullshit, be one-dimensional and function as scapegoats. I don't have a lot of ideas that I like, so I reuse a lot of phrases and plots in different stories.
But worst of all I don't really have anything substantial to say.

>> No.3795217

What if the people around you are idiots and they don't know what is good and what is not good and you're actually writing stuff that only idiots enjoy?

>> No.3795254

>first person
Are you guys being serious? Why is this an issue? Just don't write in first person if you think it doesn't work for the story you're telling. Do you find third person difficult or something? I can't comprehend that. Third person is easier (for me at least) because it's a more neutral stance, and you don't have to take your character's personality and prejudices into account when writing.

>> No.3795301

>, and you don't have to take your character's personality and prejudices into account when writing.


>> No.3795311

I fucking love writing, and I can write a lot, but everything I write will need centuries worth of editing and I fucking loathe editing.

>> No.3795314

tfw I only have ideas but I can never start writing

>> No.3795318

Maybe it's because it feels like an impediment.
In my case, when I recount the stuff I've written I realize everything is in first person. I have nothing from another perspective.
This feels like an impediment. But now that I'm conscious of this, I'm going to write a few short stories in third person.
Let's do this.

>> No.3795321


>much irderwil

>> No.3795320

I find it hard to bring across a character's feelings and onions and thoughts when using third person.

>> No.3795333
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I know this all too well.

>> No.3795334

Because I'm only good at writing smut

Everything else turns to sand in my hands.

>> No.3795345
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>> No.3795384

I call my story sci-fi but it's pretty much science fantasy.

>> No.3795411

i dont no how 2 spel
its gay tho coz i hav lodes ov relly gud idears and i hav an iq ov ova 100
my mom sayz that im a rite litle shekspear coz iv got a fast vocablry
wen i lern 2 spel i wil becum a multybilonair

>> No.3795415

I don't actually write, I just think about writing.

>> No.3795448

I'm wondering how the people in your picture do if they have to take a dump.

>> No.3795454

Personally I'm wondering why they're bothering at all.
>Being able to sleep in a canvas bag attached to a 300ft sheer cliff face with just a few lengths of rope to hold you


>> No.3795477


>> No.3795481

Because i start every sentence with, 'he'

>> No.3795500

I can´t write prose nor action nor descriptions. Luckily I can avoid most of it by inserting the information in dialogues.

>> No.3795506

because my punctuation is awful and I don't want to embarrass myself.

>> No.3795512

just read your texts out loud you bafoon

>> No.3795555

just use a checker after you write it's not hard.

>> No.3795578
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>> No.3795608

I often end up writing tripe consisting of a cavalcade of cliches glued together in a conventional narrative structure.

>> No.3795612

I have trouble with description.

I either go overboard and venture into purple prose, or I omit any description at all leaving only action which is a little unsatisfying.

>> No.3795622

My stories are more a collection of interesting ideas and events than any overarching plot.

>> No.3795619

No soy tan mal escritor como todos piensan, pero como escribo en español en un país inglés la mayoría no es capaz de entender una mierda de lo que digo.

>> No.3795617


It was okay up until the mysterious benefactor.

>> No.3795625

Pretty much the opposite here, I rarely spend more than one sentence to describe something, maybe two if its really essential.

>> No.3795636

I write fantasy. As a result, there are no expectations of me and I feel no pressure to improve.

>> No.3795728

I have some ideas about stories, but I always seem to either write a very short story, or the beginning of a longer story, but end it after a couple of chapters. Usually, because I have an idea of events to happen, but can't write what's in between. I also think that my writing style isn't the best.

>> No.3795733

Did understand, stop being a wuss and write moar.

>> No.3796283

I write descriptive and often address the reader as 'we', use broken sentences and type as fast as I can, or else I forget specifics. Sometimes I worry about details, other times I forget to mention a bunch.
I'm trying not to worry about the first draft, and just write the equivalent of a basic (shitty) sketch. I may or may not illustrate the story, so I don't care a lot about the story's tone, or 'my voice as a writer' regarding prose and whatnot, rather that as much as possible has been written down describing a scene.

>> No.3796304

OP here. I write in first-person present because there's no question that way who the narrator is and what they know, so I don't have to go back later and change it upon discovering how the narrator differs from what I initially thought of them. Also, I like having the narrator be as clueless as the reader at time.

I say it makes me horrible because it's the easy way out in my mind.

>> No.3796324

I don't have enough self-discipline(or the creative juice, I delude myself) to devote myself entirely to writing.

>> No.3796359
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He sat hunched over the keyboard trying to think of a thoughtful way to reply to the post.
"It's because of third person narrative." He said. The filthy screen illuminating his fingertips.
"Maybe I'd be a better writer if I wrote in first person?"
He said, but in truth any new gimmick wouldn't change the fact that he was simply bad at the craft, and had no internal knack for storytelling.
"I just need to steal the right ideas and combine them in a way that no one will notice I'm stealing from other writers."
His reasoning was sound in his own mind, but he still found himself lacking something. That talent he really needed to break through the glass ceiling from dilettante to author.
"If only I knew how to read."

>> No.3796383

The first part reads to heavy and overloaded, the second to cut off.

>> No.3796390
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I'm clumsy and my emphasis are lopsided. I'm reading PKD's Ubik now, I've never read anything by him before, odd to see that he's clumsy in almost all the same areas, in a similar way. Stumbling on descriptions of simple actions, describing every article of clothing on a person as a description, usually so quick and psuedo-nonsensical that it doesn't provide any description at all.
Of course, he's on a much higher level than I am. I'm constantly hitting walls in descriptions and can barely write half a sentence to describe a scene I'm uninterested in. I'm just wondering if I'm critiquing my own writing by the wrong measures, maybe I should embrace the pulpier half-amateur novel approach of pkd. But then again, I don't really care, I think aspiring writing and aspiring writers are stupid.

>> No.3796399

>can barely write half a sentence to describe a scene I'm uninterested in
why are you writing about things you're not interested in?

>> No.3796417

School assignment and because I needed to transport Cleo (aspiring journalist) from the Dropline offices into Pheonix Apt and a "~" apparently doesn't cut it.

>> No.3796428

I try to hard to write like good writers when I need to just write like myself until it's good.

>> No.3796483

i only ever feel inspired to write scifi or fantasy, of the lowest most pulpy kind, i cant come up with any higher ideas than "RAR SWORDS RAR DRAGINS RAR LAZERS".

i over describe in a pretentious way, although it does mean that my flow and form isnt too bad as a result.

anything i try and write that isnt scifi/fantasy centers around some kind of self-insert metaphor for my unresolved angsts from my teenage years.

i can never come up with ideas, other than flights-of-fancy, such as ill be sitting having coffee before work and suddenly go "ooh, id like to write a scifi thriller with a detective/noir/murdermystery type feel" and get no further. even though ive never read anything even vaguely noir.
in this case id normally just get stuck in and hope something comes to me but more often than not its just too lacking in substance as an idea.
i should probably give up now i guess.

seems alot of us do similar sorts of things, is there an agreed "WORST OF THE WORST" habit around here?

>> No.3796490

>is there an agreed "WORST OF THE WORST" habit around here?

writing in first person

>> No.3796498

Many great works were written in first person.

Fuck this board

>> No.3796512
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Yeah, many are. Some of the most distinctive voices in literature like Holden Caulfield and Alexander Portnoy were written in first person.

But first person is also a crutch used by a lot of bad writers. They mistakenly think it's easier to write than 3rd person, or they believe that it adds authenticity to their story, or they completely fail to utilize the benefits inherent of first person. If you ever took a look at self-published crap or unpublished crap you'd see that 90% of it is first person, and there are a lot of people who write everything in first person because they don't put any thought into POV. Pic related.

>> No.3796519

Then he's the best-seller man.

>> No.3796549

My writing is too damn choppy. Whenever I start writing something - 'start' is the operative word here, I've never finished anything - I always have a good picture how a couple scenes will play out. I'll write the beginning, and then have no idea how to sew the next bit of the cloth onto the first patch.

If I can figure out a way to write 'mundane' bits without it reading like a laundry list, I will be a happy man. Still probably a bad writer, but a happy man.

>> No.3796604

Those mundane bits are part of literature. The skill is wether when to bring them out, because you can't always be on red bull narrative.. well, maybe you can.

Extreme on both sides of pacing, or just stand still--either, or isn't bad, its just gotta flow, you know?