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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 600x888, freakonomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3794401 No.3794401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post some thinking mans literature in this thread

>> No.3794406
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>> No.3794407
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Didn't mean to show yours up, OP.

>> No.3794409
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le bump : )

>> No.3794413
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this guy is soooooo smart XD

>> No.3794437 [DELETED] 

i feel this book fits in with the theme that seems to be emerging

>> No.3794441
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i feel this book fits in with the theme that seems to be emerging

>> No.3794442
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>> No.3794449
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>> No.3794508

Are all the books in this thread supposed to be ironic? I actually liked Freakonomics and was considering picking up Guns, Germs, and Steel sometime.

>> No.3794511

"Ayaguing with idiots"? What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.3794521
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>> No.3794526

This one is actually good.

>> No.3794532

>this is what anti-whites actually believe


>> No.3794545

Toys Yaus? What are they trying to say here??

>> No.3794547
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Do you mean practical, empirical thinking man?

Cuz yall niggaz be reading fluff. Freaknomics, Black Swan, Bill Maher.

This right here is a very hard hitting book.

>> No.3794553

The world is flat and a particularly good one is outliers

>> No.3794549

He's saying Russians cannot spell. Because Socialist Education is inferior to glorious capitalist homeschooling.

>> No.3794559


Guns, Germs, and Steel is a terrible book.

Diamond not only makes ridiculous assertions that he has no clue about when trying to find his mythical "ultimate causation", but he also gives complete bullshit evidence when comparing the results of different civilizations, ignoring his previous point about having one ultimate causation.

His whole book is basically saying "here's my baseless theory on what went down a thousand years ago, zebras can't be ridden guys."

>> No.3794568

Freakanomics is one of the worst book I've ever read in my life.

>> No.3794570

>zebras cant be ridden

well, he's right one that count.

>> No.3794580


Oh really? You know that as a fact?

Or are you just guessing on it based on the fact that no one has been able to domesticate zebras that can be ridden?

I mean fuck dude, maize wasn't edible when it was first grown by amerindians. They cultivated it into a staple of their diet.

Diamond fucked himself with that one, by explaining how maize came into use, and then saying how zebras can't be ridden, all he said was that the rules of domestication only apply when we can definitively see the outcomes, which is blatantly false.

>> No.3794582

Whoa. Calm down, faggot. You're being way too aggro.

>> No.3794587

>or are you just guessing on it based on the fact that no one has been able to domesticate zebras that can be ridden.

Yea, that one.
Also, your critique about the maize thing doesnt make any sense.

>> No.3794589


0/10 please don't troll

>> No.3794594


I just don't like Jared Diamond is all.


Sorry for getting angry. Jared Diamond just puts me in a mood.

What I was saying about maize is that before it was cultivated as a crop by Amerindians, it was inedible. They grew it, cultivated it to be a food crop, and the seed pods (corn-cobs) grew bigger due to the cultivation. It was only then that they became edible.

This shows an opposite line of thought compared to Jared Diamond's platitude that "Zebras cannot be ridden", because it is showing how something that can't happen now can happen in the future.

>> No.3794599

pop-'whatever' is generally trash

anthropology, economics, sociology, politics etc

it's ok for science, as a way of getting into it, there's not going to be some ideological bias or egregious error in a science book (generally now)

>> No.3794613

I teach Econ at a high school.

Day 2 of class essentially boils down to why Freakonomics isn't about economics.

>> No.3794617

Do you like Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt?

>> No.3794627

Sure. I recommend it under "Beginning" on my reading list, and I get a few reports on it a year.

I mean, it isn't that thrilling if I read it myself, but the kids don't dislike it more than anything else.

>> No.3794629

What else is on your reading list?

>> No.3794634

Communist Manifesto is there, if you're worried about me being biased to Austrians.

So is General Theory, to cover that aspect.

Basically, I try to cover all of the various viewpoints - I try to make each kid read at least one book from each school. At the end of the year (in my AP classes at least), I have the kids write a paper advocating for one school.

>> No.3794637

You're a good teacher, Anon.

>> No.3794641

I try.

I also teach Geography, if you'd like to hear about that.

>> No.3794645

Yeah. Although I'm seriously curious, teachanon, since I've read General Theory and Econ. In One Lesson, what more should I read?

>> No.3794647
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>> No.3794651

I love this book. I'm surprised there's someone who's actually read it on /lit/.

>> No.3794662

Well, what more do you want to know? Those are macroecon books, which cover one aspect of it. You could delve into microeconomics, which is something else entirely.

Assuming you stay macro, the only textbooks that aren't biased to some extent are the shitty ones.

Sowell's Basic Economics is another good one, it's more Austrian than Hazlitt, though.

>> No.3794665

I forgot to add: Animal Spirits is pretty much unbiased, and it's good. It's my "one exception" to the rule.

>> No.3794668

One last thing.

Textbooks are another thing altogether.

Mankiw, Bernanke, Krugman and Cowen are all okay, though they're all slanted in some way. Mankiw and Bernanke are the least so.

Also, let me offer http://www.reddit.com/r/AskSocialScience/comments/kxrgr/im_looking_to_learn_more_about_economics/c3lrgz1 as another option. It's pretty thorough, and if you can track down all the books, fixes some of the problems I have with what I've suggested.

>> No.3794670

Where do you lean economically?

>> No.3794676

I'm a moderate, and I'll leave it at that.

I try my hardest with my students to provide a "my opinions"-free environment, if you couldn't tell. I want to see them develop their own opinions; if only because I've found that the two government teachers here are set on warping them.

>> No.3794680

>if only because I've found that the two government teachers here are set on warping them.

How so? Sorry if I come off as a douche, I'm legitimately curious.

You seem awesome, by the way.

>> No.3794685

They're both feel very strongly about their positions, and would love nothing more than to indoctrinate their kids.

I've only taught at this school for two years now, but I really don't like the environment they've created for the social studies department.

>> No.3794689

My Geography teacher loved me in 6th grade because my parents had given me an interactive trivia globe/game the year before.

>> No.3794692
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>> No.3794693

My Geography teacher loved me because I went to the State Geography Bee two years in a row.

Shame that it's only for 4-8 grade.

I worked at the state bee one year, and it's dead anyways. All of the tiger parents super-train their kids so that they beat the kids who are genuinely interested in the subject.

>> No.3794696


I went to my state geo-bee too. Still have the medal.

I remember getting my ass kicked by Indians.

>> No.3794698

What year and what state?

>> No.3794701
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>> No.3794703


California. Don't remember the exact year, I think I was 5th grade though?

Does it say what year on the medal? I might have to go find it and take a look.

>> No.3794704

Holy hell I'm Cali too.

I think my medal says the year.

>> No.3794705

I would! I start Student Teaching in the fall. Teacher I was assigned to teaches gifted Geography.

>> No.3794708
File: 30 KB, 325x500, the_selfish_gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading this. Best biology book I ever read. It's Easy and Avoids technical terms every sentence.

>> No.3794710



From what I've discerned from my travels there are a lot of Indian people in our state compared to other states, no clue why.

Northern California or Southern California?

>> No.3794713

I have to ask is this supposed to be ironic or is it a good suggestion?

>> No.3794714

What's it about?

>> No.3794720


No, I was being serious.

I have a newfound respect for richard dawkins because of this book. No wonder atheists suck his dick

>> No.3794722

I read half this book a few years back, it was incredibly interesting and informative.

>> No.3794728

Yea but jared's point is that we've domesticated other breeds of ruminants (thats what they are right?) and yet still haven't domesticated zebras (and the like) even after all these years and expanded knowledge of rearing animals. So I don't think the comparison to maize is justified.

Theres an argument to make I suppose that we have more or less given up on domestication of zebras because we don't need to anymore.

>> No.3794731


I agree that we don't need to domesticate zebras, and I agree that you can assume that there's a reason why we never did, but Jared Diamond is wrong in the assumption that they are simply UN-domesticable.

>> No.3794733

Too bad he hasn't published any original research in decades.