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File: 1.40 MB, 1455x2320, the-god-delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3791097 No.3791097 [Reply] [Original]

How many years do you think it will take until religion disappears?

Theism has been disproven for a long time now, but it still exists thanks to the baggage religion has accumulated thanks to thousands of years of culture (tradition, money invested in institutions, etc). But the fact remains that they are false, and like all false theories they will fall out of favour eventually.

Is 100 years a good estimate? 500?

>> No.3791118

I live in Norway, and my generation is basically as non-religious as they come. Being openly religious over here in our age group (I'm 20) is about the equivalent of walking around with a sticker on your forehead which reads "I'm a gullible fool." Honestly, most religious people are just viewed as kind of... weird over here.

That being said, religion will persist in the poorest and the shittiest nations for a long time (which is not a coincidence...). It'll probably never go away in all its forms.

>> No.3791119

i think religion will always exist in some way. You are talking about religions that are based on blind faith and brainwashing instead of peoples own experiences and opinions.The mainstream religions will probably die out within the next 1000 years though. Hopefully Islam and Christianity first.

>> No.3791123

I don't think people understand how great Christianity is.

>> No.3791124
File: 109 KB, 374x324, alvin-plantinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theism has been disproven for a long time now

Bet you couldn't even comprehend a single modal ontological argument for the existence of God of mine.

Sophomoric pseudo-intellectual detected. Come back when you're philosophically literate and logically coherent.

>> No.3791126

that isn't how you preach the Gospel. You're doing more harm to Christianity than they are.

>> No.3791129
File: 27 KB, 775x387, science-vs-philosofaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs philosophy when we have science?

>> No.3791130


>my god is more real than your god i tell you!!


>> No.3791146


i want to move to norway now. i hate living in the US.

>> No.3791152

>>Another kid searching for something to believe in


Nothing to see here people, move on.

>> No.3791154
File: 53 KB, 271x271, Soren.Kierkegaard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it an excellence in your love that it can love only the extraordinary, the rare? If it were love’s merit to love the extraordinary, then God would be — if I dare say so — perplexed, for to Him the extraordinary does not exist at all. The merit of being able to love only the extraordinary is therefore more like an accusation, not against the extraordinary nor against love, but against the love which can love only the extraordinary. Perfection in the object is not perfection in the love. Erotic love is determined by the object; friendship is determined by the object; only love of one’s neighbor is determined by love. Therefore genuine love is recognizable by this, that its object is without any of the more definite qualifications of difference, which means that this love is recognizable only by love.

>> No.3791163 [DELETED] 

>not joining the Christian masterrace
how's 6th grade going for you buddy?

>> No.3791166

Norway sounds like it's full of edgy pasty faggots.

>> No.3791167

my hope for the future is that man will replace god and philosophies will replace religion. people will still fight wars but over ideals and under the flag of men. worship is replaced by admiration and respect for the dead who have become heroes of ethics.

there will still probably be some mystics left who believe in some religion but they will be regarded as believers of astrology or alchemy are today

>> No.3791169

I bet you're one of those idiots waiting on the Singularity.

>> No.3791179

>Theism has been disproven

A belief has been disproven?

>> No.3791180


Instead of friendly old Christian men like in the US you get violent muzzies in Norway. Thank your lucky stars m8.

>> No.3791183

people think this is some kind of progress, but it isn't. It's a retrogression.
Paganism was worship of the world, of the things in it, of nature, beauty, strength, war, peace, justice, wealth, health, wit, intelligence, etc. This is what we are heading towards - worship of Mammon.
Christianity taught us to worship the creator over the creation. The problem with the things of the world is that they are always corruptible, and they all breed envy and despair among men. Christianity gives men permission to love each other unconditionally, not for their qualities. There was no unconditional love in Paganism, there was no romance in antiquity; romantic love is an offshoot of Christianity. Romantic love is one of the the most popular ideals in society - Christianity is still more popular than it seems. Paganism was worship of the hero who stands above us all, Christianity is worship of the God who makes us all equal. Equality is one of the most popular ideals in society - Christianity is still more popular than it seems.

People don't understand how great Christianity is.

>> No.3791185

How does it feel that your intellectual capacity and progression doesn't exceed the overwhelming doses of pop-science books and the discovery channel you consume?
How does it feel to stagnate and repeatedly getting destroyed at every adult discourse you take part of?

Enjoy your teenage never-broadening flying spaghetti monster world-view and pseudo-intellectual paralysis, kid.

>> No.3791190

One of the things I really hate about /lit/ is how lenient it is towards religion and religious belief. It's pretty stupid.

>> No.3791194

it's one of the best things about the board

>> No.3791196

There's no reason for it to disappear.

>> No.3791198

It has been estimated that Belgium will be a muslim country by the year 2032.
Sweden will be in 2035
France in 2037
Germany in 2038
Italy in 2041

so, no

>> No.3791199

Didn't you hear? Once The God Delusion came out, everyone renounced religion in its entirety. It was LOGICAL thing to do, which is why those STEM majors were atheist way before us.

Seriously, people, religion has been around as long as "civilized" (meaning agricultural, non hunter-gatherer) humans have been around. Even if God didn't exist, religion has done more good for the world than it has done bad.

CAPTCHA: sheep iemaivi

Wake up, sheeple!

>> No.3791208

I used to feel that way about religion. Then I grew up.

>> No.3791210
File: 33 KB, 650x490, jari-kurri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And that is why our glorious Nordic countries will perish. Comfort, disposable income, shorter workdays, nice holidays in Thailand, no pressure to marry or have children, freedom to choose what the fuck we want to do, whether it is to play the drums or be a professional clown or booze all day long, no mundane worries... and a profound existential emptiness and moral decay.

While we decrease in moral fiber, backbone and the God-fearing, hard work culture our forefathers grabbed onto to survive the harshness of our environment, we become fatter, sluttier, emptier, and sadder... and the child-popping, god-loving immigrants with the hope and certainty their beliefs give to them, will take over in a few generations.

Relativism has fucked it all up.

>> No.3791211

I have hope because there are website like this:


but then I realize that nobody is reading it...

>> No.3791212

>more good for the world than it has done bad.


>> No.3791214


Lol, 9 out of 10 forums on the internet will cater to your edgy atheism taste, do you really need another?

>> No.3791216

Philosophy existed before science and the scientific method is predicated on and arose in a particular philosophical context. You kind-of need philosophy to have science.

>> No.3791218 [DELETED] 

ugh. us whities have to stop being so tolerant of this shit.

>> No.3791225
File: 59 KB, 688x960, 734884_549562241722975_610067807_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/, you are thinking too much

>> No.3791227


It's not that we have to bash it, like many atheists do (even though I think even that is perfectly legitimate, as dumb ideas should be criticized), but we could at the very least be a little more skeptical. I mean, jesus christ, this is supposed to be the most well-read board on 4chan.

>> No.3791233
File: 44 KB, 576x713, philosofaggotry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice projection. Unlike you I have scientific education. Please tell me how philosophy is anything but empty talk. You guys can't even into logic.

>> No.3791242

Appeal to tradition is a fallacy. With the invention of the scientific method philosophy became obsolete.

>> No.3791249

> With the invention of the scientific method philosophy became obsolete.

You would need to establish a philosophy to prove that.

>> No.3791257


A common theme of these armchair philosophers is that they are all crap at math and the sciences. That's why they escape to philosophy, which sounds deep and edgy and intelligent (and in many cases, it is!). The more desperate you are to be seen as intelligent, the more nonsense you read (Deleuze, Guattari, Derrida, and so on).

Just because you suck at math and the sciences that doesn't make you intelligent or creative.

>> No.3791258

No, I don't. The scientific method simply works.

>> No.3791266

>The scientific method simply works.

Well that's your philosophy then, isn't it? Though I have to inform you that it's a very poor one; it relies on a logical fallacy.

>> No.3791270

Around the time man isn't made of meat anymore.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to disprove Santa.

>> No.3791275

>Just because you suck at math and the sciences that doesn't make you intelligent or creative.

Just because you suck at the arts doesn't make you rational or logical.

>> No.3791276

>this is supposed to be the most well-read board on 4chan.

Right, and that's probably why there is a lot of religious tolerance here. People who've read a lot of philosophy tend to be open to different, non-literal interpretations of religious texts and also tend to be able to understand why some people might benefit from religious ontologies for their day to day well-being.

I think most people here are accepting of religious practice, but critical of religious control and using belief as an excuse for selfish/greedy behavior.

>> No.3791280

I'm a math major and I fucking love Lacan. Eat my ass.

>> No.3791281


That's not what appeal to tradition is.

I'm not saying philosophy is good or better than science because it's older than science. I'm saying you can't have science without philosophy because science itself is a based on a particular philosophical stance (called "materialism", BTW). Condemning philosophy as dead weight and tossing it overboard in favor of science is foolish because the two are bound together.

If you toss out philosophy, you toss out science as well.

>> No.3791283

What else do you want to believe? Magic and sky fairies? I prefer rationality.

>> No.3791285

I'd like to hear what you think the world would be like without religion/God.

If God does exist, the universe wouldn't exist if He was absent from it.

If He doesn't exist, there is no One to civilize humanity and make us into Men and Women.


>implying literally everything humanity did for the first 7,000 years of civilization wasn't because of religion

>> No.3791286


I did not mean absolutely everyone, but the majority.

And Lacan is fucking retarded.

>> No.3791287


I love you. I want to be your friend.

>> No.3791288

How do you know that you're good at math or science?

>> No.3791296

Prove that you're a math major.

>> No.3791297

>some people might benefit from religious ontologies for their day to day well-being.

I hate this condescending attitude towards religion:

>bless those poor, weak religious people. Well, at least they find some comfort in their little delusions.

Religion is a stance on reality, it's a claim on what is true. How can that be mere comfort for a person's "day to day well-being". If all religion was was a little bit of medicine then there wouldn't be so many wars about it. Men are passionate about their religion.

>> No.3791299

>And Lacan is fucking retarded.

Be honest, what have you read by him?

>> No.3791301

Brofist. Ne pas céder sur son désir.

>> No.3791302

Rationality by itself is a poor diet for the mind. It'll make you sick.

>> No.3791303

Everything in the Old Testament is completely rational and has been verified by independent sources and/or modern science.

I haven't read enough of the New Testament to vouch for it, I'm Jewish.

>> No.3791300

>If God does exist, the universe wouldn't exist if He was absent from it.

You know what, I'm not going to dignify this nonsense with a response. This is actually the kind of philosophical depth you get from these self-proclaimed called super-intelligent superhumans who have all somehow figured out the secret of life with the help of 'philosophy'. Fuck you.

And do you think that unto such as you;
A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew:
God gave the secret, and denied it me?--
Well, well, what matters it! Believe that, too.

>> No.3791307

It's not a projection, honey; it's the harsh reality of your malfunctioned cognition.

>Please tell me how philosophy is anything but empty talk.
Well, for one, folk that are truly educated will actually start to take you seriously.

>Unlike you I have scientific education
>You guys can't even into logic.
Not sure if trolling or trolling. You must be a hell of a dumb, prejudiced and illiterate fucking idiot, to think of philosophy as faggotry of any kind. You're heavily out of touch of any intellectual merit. Why don't you take a look at >>3791185 once again.

>> No.3791309

I understand why you're mad, I phrased that poorly.

You think I meant

>God created the universe
>the universe exists
>therefore God exists
>checkmate, athiests

I really meant to say that without God, humans wouldn't exist as we know them today.

>> No.3791313

>>implying literally everything humanity did for the first 7,000 years of civilization wasn't because of religion

Civilization was built by men trying to look cool and special in order to get laid.

>> No.3791319


And... who...created...god?

Lelelel checkmate theists.

God fucking damn it. To admit that you simply don't know is not a bad thing, you know.

>> No.3791323

>>What else do you want to believe? Magic and sky fairies? I prefer rationality.

Your subconscious and it is profoundly arational - not irrational - but above and beyond the rational mind. Religions tap this part of the human condition and thereby effect great change in people. The subconscious is more powerful than your pitiful rational mind could ever conceive

You should get to know it.

It knows you, very, very well.

>> No.3791324

And what was God's first commandment unto his people?

>"Go forth and multiply!"

In most cases, the word of God and science are interchangeable, if you look at it liberally.

>> No.3791325


And also, inb4
God always existed.

>> No.3791332


>Civilization was built by men trying to look cool and special in order to get laid.




>> No.3791333
File: 171 KB, 600x800, Metrodorus_Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its been almost 2,500 years and not a single thinker has been able to refute Epicurus

Christfags might just be the biggest sore losers in history.

>> No.3791339

>>And... who...created...god?

You did.

>> No.3791343


One day, kid, you will grow up, get on your shoulders all the weight that comes from it, and you will get an incurable cancer and then your heart will search with desperation for some hope.

You know who will be there with you in that precise moment?

>> No.3791348


Homo sapiens have been around a lot longer than the Bible. You don't need instructions to want to breed, which is why every living organism on the planet does it automatically.

>> No.3791350
File: 41 KB, 430x538, Philosophy-Major-Most-Interesting-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked you tell me how philosophy is more than quisquilious balderdash without basis in reality. You failed to do so. Do your pointless musings about immaterial nonsense yield any practical results? Does your trite and pseudointellectual mental masturbation explain anything or solve any problems?

>> No.3791354

Probably never. The world is much bigger than you think, op.

>> No.3791359

Christianity has more or less absorbed the Epicurean position.

>> No.3791360

i was asking this question when i was about 14
then i got a bit older

>> No.3791363

Homo sapiens have been around longer than the Bible (I'm not one of the completely irrational the-earth-was-created-6,000-years-ago types) but civilized humans weren't.

That's why God created plants and animals first, and then finally humans. Because animals (like homo sapiens) have been around for much longer.

I did not phrase that well, but I am sick.

>> No.3791365

>Religion is a stance on reality

Right, an ontology. Everybody has one in some shape or form.

>mere comfort for a person's "day to day well-being"

Because all that is important in life for most people is well-being and survival.

>there wouldn't be so many wars about it

I'm not convinced that what certain people do under the name of religion is reason enough for condemnation of religion.

>Men are passionate about their religion

Because to them, it's the nature of their existence. Not everybody is driven by their passions, however.

>> No.3791369

Kind of a strange question to both sides...how would you feel about somebody who knows that God doesn't exist, yet still believes in him anyway?

>> No.3791370

>Because all that is important in life for most people is well-being and survival.

And yet so many would say they would sacrifice themselves to save somebody they loved.

>> No.3791378

Honestly, you can tolerate the idea that god somehow always existed or came from nothing and created the universe and everything in it, and many religions think he or it or she takes a special interest in us...

but it's not possible to think it's possible that the universe came from nothing or always existed in some form.

Now, tell me again how philosophically deep you are, and how intellectually honest you are. Please.

Philosophy of religion sounds deep only because it's a bunch of nonsensical explanations for a belief that is simply intellectually unjustifiable.

>> No.3791379

I'd ask how he knows God doesn't exist, for one.

If we're in a hypothetical future world where God has been disproven beyong all reasonable doubt, I'd call him crazy.

>> No.3791382

Probably samefag, but I'll bite.

Philosophy of Math, Logic, Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science > Quantitative, repetitive and mechanistic calculations of math and the sciences.

Conceptual stuff > your delusional horseshit

Enjoy your vapid and never-ending calculations, without ever wondering about the foundations and the philosophical underpinnings of arithmetic and logic.

And this is exactly why the average philosophy major will brutally embarrass any science major.

>> No.3791385

Cancer exists, therefore God does not.

>> No.3791388


Politics, Law and many other disciplines are founded on some sort of philosophical base. You are incredibly stupid. Not everything is quantifiable.

I'm sure that you're above it all and you think that wondering about what happens in space is the be-all and end-all to life.

>> No.3791389

I'm not even a theist, but this is god damn stupid argument.

>> No.3791390


20 more years, kid, just 20 more. Let's talk then.

>> No.3791391

>In the beginning, there was nothing

Kind of like how before the big bang, all the matter in the universe was compressed into a thimble-sized space

>And God said, "Let there be light!"

Kind of like how suddenly, the big bang happened and the universe as we know it was created.

>Separates night into day

stars form

etc, etc

>> No.3791392
File: 631 KB, 666x666, god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The god that presumably gave me cancer?

>religious logic

This is like footballers who thank god for winning a game. What about the other team, and those who also prayed? And what about all those other gods that were prayed to...?

It just makes absolutely no sense. A thinking being simply cannot believe this nonsense.

>> No.3791393

you can't make atheists believe in religion just by arguing about it like this

they'd have to see it on their own before they're convinced

until then whatever idc godking swag omg

>> No.3791394

Not the guy you're replying to, and I agree with you anyway, but there's no need for all of us to be so hostile about it. This PHILOSOPHY VS. SCIENCE, THE TWO ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE bullshit is really obnoxious, and pushed by scientists and philosophers who just want to feel superior. Both have their own different roles to play, and both are valuable.

>> No.3791395
File: 35 KB, 500x272, philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard did you fail your science and math courses? Philosophy is the last resort for pseudointellectual who are too unintelligent to study a real subject.

>> No.3791396

The problem of evil is a terrible argument, and you should feel bad.

>> No.3791397

>And yet so many would say they would sacrifice themselves to save somebody they loved.

They might say that, and they might actually be telling the truth. Who knows. But care for others certainly falls within the domain of your well-being. If you care about somebody and their life is in danger, your well-being is disrupted.

>> No.3791404
File: 42 KB, 407x405, philosophy majors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics and law are based on common sense and economics. No philosophy drivel is involved. Nobody would hire you to talk about pointless rubbish. Enjoy your unemployment.

>> No.3791406
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>> No.3791410
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>Politics and law are based on common sense

Oh wow.

>> No.3791412

>Politics and law are based on common sense

pls stop

>> No.3791413


Yeah, totally legit stuff. Really logical. Not at all based on what you want to believe, no, no, not at all.


>> No.3791417


You know when people criticize this board for being full of pretentious pseudo-intellectuals?

They're talking about you.

>> No.3791418

They are. That's why any idiot can study them. They don't require any intellectual qualifications.

>> No.3791419

I'm not in any way against science.

The guy claims to be educated in science; how can you not act hostile towards such disgusting ever-glaring ignorance and arrogance?

>> No.3791421

I don't believe in a god, but I think it's cool that /lit/ isn't douchey to the religious because they're are a lot of cool religious people unlike what your average thirteen year old militant atheist would lead you to believe.

>> No.3791422

>Is 100 years a good estimate? 500?

Keep dreaming, son.

>> No.3791424

A troll, after all.

>> No.3791426

i see your point but don't use the term 'common sense' like that

>> No.3791434
File: 31 KB, 331x473, 1357673402615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this give me faith in humanity.

>> No.3791436

>If we're in a hypothetical future world where God has been disproven beyong all reasonable doubt, I'd call him crazy.

That's called 'now.'

>> No.3791439

>implying god necessarily has to be 'good'

This thread is almost on /r/atheism-level
Please keep talking about how science disproves religion (or how science is the enemy of religion) and how every atheist is smart by default

>> No.3791447

>theism has been disproven for a long time now

>> No.3791449

>God has been disproven
Tell me how.

It's the man's belief that god should be in "our" side for he is the one who created us.

>> No.3791451

>God has been disproven beyong all reasonable doubt
Na, really, get wrekt

>> No.3791453

your faith is misplaced.

>> No.3791456

>implying the bible-as-metaphor stance isn't intellectual backpedaling

not to mention that the genesis describes events in the wrong order and doesn't really match reality at all

>> No.3791466

>implying bib-as-metaphor stance is intellectual backpedaling

Do you even Joseph Campbell?

>> No.3791469

lol, bible*

>> No.3791470

there will be the day when a man will be considered insane for even muttering the word faith in a serious sense because it is considered stupid and unreasonable and illogical.

being this harsh on simple terms will not deem you important or highly intelligent

>> No.3791474

why do you think reason/logic go hand-in-hand with sanity?
people in insane asylums usually have a very nuanced reasoning as to why they believe what they believe.

>> No.3791479

im not saying that this is what I believe, Im just relaying what I am hearing in this thread

it seems like most people on this thread will say that having faith or not being entirely sure of yourself means disaster

>> No.3791482

Faith means to have trust in something.

>> No.3791488

Well he can still have a totally different point of view than us. I mean, we can't even know how God would think.

>> No.3791491

What are some good philosophers on religion?

>> No.3791492

I think there will always be people who are religious. There are still many many religious people around today, and those people are probably going to have children who become religious, and those children will have children etc etc etc

>> No.3791495


>> No.3791496


>> No.3791498

>Not recognizing that science is just as dogmatic as any other religion
Replication and association of events has nothing to do with causality and no predictions can logically be made on the grounds of either.
We do make those predictions because we feel good about it.

>> No.3791500

>I don't know what words mean

>> No.3791501

Because there will always be a constant rate of immigration and no Muslims will convert or renounce their faith

>> No.3791504

not just simply religious but people who are spirited in nature and believe in some sort of spiritual existence

You can never stop "religion"

>> No.3791505

Families get progressively less religious, though.

>> No.3791512

do not misunderstand my post. I see that people are speaking against the idea of faith in general and I am questioning why

>> No.3791519


>science holds a position
>some time later, new evidence emerges that disproves it
>science changes to accomodate this development

Wow it's almost like science is, by definition, not dogmatic.

>> No.3791523

Which families?
From the US?
Who gives a shit?
You know why the new pope isn't from europe? Because most religious people - and most people in general - come from the 'third world' nowadays. Religion isn't in decline. Maybe it is in some countries of the west, but not in the whole world

>> No.3791524

Central to the position changes is a dogma that says they are justified.
The scientific method doesn't hold up under rigorous logical evaluation.
I feel warmer reading a journal than the bible, but that's entirely personal.

>> No.3791530

Some people do act like science is a cult.
These people are praying everyday to their prophet richard dawkins that all dumb religious people die.

>> No.3791532

Sounds like Chesterton

>> No.3791542

>Some people do act like science is a cult

These people don't actually know science beyond "It's absolutely proven that evolution is correct."

>> No.3791550

There's no way to prove anything false. We don't know why we're here, including you. And sometimes, the improbable is a possibility.

>> No.3791555

>there's no way to prove anything false

Well, logic and math and stuff. If I say T is true, then ~T is false.

>> No.3791559

>can't into logic

>> No.3791567

Logic and math I mean.. Not science. God I'm slow today...

>> No.3791565

I was referring only to this thread. I wasn't talking about science. I should have made that clear.

>> No.3791572


>> No.3791601

>people still claiming that science is the opposite of religion
>while the pope is a scientist

>> No.3791620

>implying false dichotomy
>implying the pope, as an individual, represents the totality of the scientific knowledge
>implying the pope, as an individual, represents the variety of religion
>implying the former education and the current post of the pope is somehow capable of universalizing the union of science and religion

just stop

>> No.3791635

I'll be the first to say it: sure is summer in here.

Actually, no it isn't. This is probably how a normal thread would operate here. I don't remember. Bye.

>> No.3791701

I just wish certain believers and atheists on this board and everywhere else would dispense with the childish perceptions they have of each other. 'Edgy militant teen atheists' and 'ignorant bigoted christfags'. That's all I hear half the time. I assume it's only vocal minorities in each camp that are like this, but still, enough with this shit.

I don't ever see Religion disappearing. Faith is essential to the psyche of the vast majority of humans, especially those who live in adverse conditions, and the third world is never going to disappear, at least as long as capitalism is here to stay.
Religion in the sense of organised religion could very well be reduced (something I would like to see), but I can't see it disappearing for good as long as belief in a higher power(s) remains.

>> No.3791709
File: 103 KB, 959x960, 228279_555156327831446_1515858982_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' amen brother.

>> No.3791734

>How many years do you think it will take until religion disappears?

The average intelligence levels need to rise a lot before that happens. This isn't going to happen anytime soon. Perhaps in a few hundred years.

>> No.3791759

Religion will not disappear so long as there are questions about the universe.

It's better to just resign to silence and merely correct illogical propositions.

>> No.3791764

Fuck off you stupid little shit.

>> No.3791773

Accept that your penis is ugly and no one wants to look at it.

>> No.3791800

It's not just questions about the universe, but also doubts and hardships experienced by people that are the reasons we have faith. We might discover everything there is to know about the universe, but as long as people interact with each other in a society where there is poverty, love, hate, oppression, joy, greed etc. In other words, as long as humans remain human at least some will have the need to believe, and as long as some believe, there will be religion.

>> No.3791824

Go suck Williams Lane's dick you filthy little shit! All these "theologists" do is incorrectly deduct to some conclusion:
> infinite - 1
> Someone created the universe then.
> The bible/quaran has some gnarrly "divine text". hurr dat text be so broad it explaines the science after the sceince has been discovered you can't explain that"
> Because someone must have created the universe and the scripture has some gnarrly "divine texts" therefore god/allah must have created the universe.
> also, god did morals, he gave us grounding for the morals, that's why parents don't rape their newborns and sum stupid shit like that.

People like you should hang ourselves.

>> No.3791831


But srsly man, all you people are doing is circle jerking, that's fine, nothing wrong with having a hobby. but the difference between you and the role players is that they know that what they are doing and the world they are creating is a fantasy.

>> No.3791836

Basically this: Christianity, for all it's faults, lead to a more cohesive and unified society. Worship of creation leads to more warfare and aggression due to competition.

This is why I hate super militant atheists. They are literally sending us back to the stone age.

>> No.3791842

But, not everyone is going to be Christian, so it's not complete in itself.

>> No.3791852

Christian love is as hollow for the downtrodden as a serial killers love is to his victims.

>> No.3791855

Dawkins is creating a fantasy by pontificating on matters he admits he has no training in

>inb4 "hurr theology is reletive, years of study dosent matter"

>> No.3791878

Theology us bullshit, some people are into bullshit, others are into uncoiling the real truth about our universe. You should be allowed to mold your own shrine of shit but please do it in your own home and keep it away from me! Don't make me partake in your filth.

>> No.3791880

Everyone is into bullshit. Just not the same bullshit.

>> No.3791889

most people who call themselves christian aren't actually christians in practice
so you're probably got heathens who think they're christians confused with actual ones

>> No.3791896

Every Christian is a better Christian than every other Christian.

>> No.3791897

Yes, but those who aren't Christian will most likely be crushed by those who are, because Christianity is a unifying force.

So, in a net result, you produce a more unified society via outlasting the others.

>> No.3791900

the best christians don't even call themselves so
jesus was a hobo

>> No.3791902

The world isn't subjective, making shit up as you go is not the way to go.

>> No.3791903

Yes, they pretend to be humble for added greatness.

>> No.3791907

But that won't happen, so you are promoting a failed "unified humanity" when it does more than that.

>> No.3791911

someone sounds bitter
don't let the bigots affect you and turn you into a different breed of bigotry.

>> No.3791914

>Christian love is as hollow for the downtrodden as a serial killers love is to his victims.
Hardly. Christian love is the love of life, basically. To love life so much that you won't end it over petty bullshit. To help those who are in pain.

You can't compare that to a sick infatuation.

>> No.3791917

you just staying the same breed of bigotry is not impressive

>> No.3791918

I know it does more than that. I'm putting it in terms a "hurr durr god is dead" libtard can understand.

>> No.3791920

You are subjective.

>> No.3791928

Condescension is ugly.

>> No.3791930

not all christians are hateful, all true ones aren't

you're acting much different from a militant christian right now

>> No.3791931

Every religion thinks their love is the love of life, basically. I can't believe you cannot see this.

>> No.3791936

I suppose so. I'm sorry, I've just went a few rounds with people like that before.

How would you describe religion, anon?

>> No.3791937

There are no "true" Christians. Only Jesus is the true Christian. You're second, at best.

>> No.3791940

>Every religion thinks their love is the love of life
Many do, yes. But this all depends on what they see "life" as.

In my opinion, and from what I've observed, Christian love is the love of people. The willingness and eagerness to protect and help them, sometimes from themselves. Has this been used to harm? Yes. Does that make it useless and invalid? No.

>> No.3791941


Your problem is you debate too much.

>> No.3791943

i realized lately that i do too and it can get pretty dam ugly when it seeps in

>> No.3791944

It's just an opinion.

>> No.3791953

Fine, believe in your god, live a wholesome prude life. Enjoy your blue balls and not being able to jerk off or have casual sex.

But what kind of life is this? Better hope it's all worth it because of not... then you've been played for a fool.

>> No.3791954

As long as the concept of "reason" exists.
The ultimate end of rational empiricism is The Forms.

>> No.3791960

Another atheist who uses the term 'religion' to refer to western beliefs they disagree with. Nice one bro.

>> No.3791990
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NEVER. Christfags will soon rapture themselves away only to be replaced by the hordes of dunecoons. When they destroy all of western civilization the new gens of cavemen and lawlwss feudal states will make up their own gods and superstitious cults and history will start again. Stupidity is ineradicable

>> No.3791999
File: 87 KB, 500x496, 8KPba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. WLC is asweatervest wearing crackpot who supports genocide and murder as long as it's christfags who are commiting it in the name of YHWH

>> No.3792006

What the hell is with all the Plantinga images I've seen here in the past few weeks? Is it just the same person posting it all the time?

>> No.3792032

>live a wholesome prude life.
I have been.

>Enjoy your blue balls and not being able to jerk off or have casual sex.
I don't think you understand what the seven deadly sins represent. Everyone is bound to commit the sins throughout their life, yet that isn't what the bible warns.

It's that each sin is deadly if done in excess, until it becomes an addiction. Masturbation isn't a sin, far from it.

It's not about the "ultimate reward", either. Living a good life is it's own reward, as cheesy as it sounds.

Besides, there's more to life than just sexual pleasure.

>> No.3792057

I choose to believe that /lit/ isn't stupid enough to fall for trolls as obvious as OP and is just playing along for fun, but this belief is being sorely tested by the fact that every one of these moronic threads gets 200+ replies.

>> No.3792067

Not the guy you're talking to.

You are so angry and so restrictive. You think you can't have a balance of happiness in your life. You think hedonism is the answer because there can be no other way.

I think that's the thing most athiests can't get through their head. I'm gonna speak for myself when I say this, but I don't really care if an afterlife exists. Religion gives me structure and makes me happy. It makes sense. Because of Christianity and learning of many other religions I earned a belief that humanity has hope. Science and normal philosophy do not teach us that. It's not about being right or wrong. After I found religion I became so much happier than when I was younger and cynical. I used to think humanity was totally screwed and everybody was a dick. I'm not like that anymore.

>> No.3792236

Confirmed for not grasping anything of Plantinga's work

Come back when you do. Meanwhile -- you're free to stay mad.

>> No.3792242

Lol plantiga.

Learn it from our best living philosopher:

>> No.3792244

Prove logic true

>> No.3792245

>the real truth about our universe

>> No.3792268

>Calling philosophy useless
>Still pointing out logical fallacies

>> No.3792289


>> No.3792292

Scientism is so fucking retarded. There is no conflict between religion and science. One is speculation and ideas about morals and purpose, the other is a study of the mechanisms of perceived objects.

Both are pretty shortsighted, and while they make sense in their own context, they're equally degenerative in terms of reaching the "truth".

>> No.3792294

well propositional and predicate logic is 'complete' and legit; though arithmetic/logic itself cannot be reduced to any complete formal system

>the real truth
>our universe
woah, my head is spinning

>> No.3792306

>let there be light
>obviously thermonuclear fusion in dense balls of hydrogen/helium that implode/explode when peaking in binding energy elements.


>> No.3792308

I don't agree with scientism but religion is not a speculation.
Religion is a tradition. Rational theology as a branch of metaphysics is a speculation.
But religion is something you receive and at best you may struggle to understand and interpret, but there is no speculation.

>> No.3792311

You've taken up a position of comfort that doesn't fascillitate truth.

>> No.3792317

>Religion is a tradition. Rational theology as a branch of metaphysics is a speculation.
well put tbh

>> No.3792405

Science is not "based on" materialism. Damn, not every scientist is a materialist.

>> No.3792416

Logic is axiomatic. If you assert logic is not true with any reasoning behind it, you are using logic to disprove it, a contradiction. And you're asking me to use logic to prove logic..hmm..
Causality doesn't necessarily apply to extra-universal beings.

>> No.3792426

>cloaking your psuedointellectualism in big words

>> No.3792444
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>How many years do you think it will take until religion disappears?

"There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the Beast."
Simon's mouth labored, brought forth audible words.
"Pig's head on a stick."
"Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn't you?" said the head. For a moment or two the forest and all the other dimly appreciated places echoed with the parody of laughter. "You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?"

>> No.3792463

Take that presuppositionalist nonsense elsewhere.

>> No.3792472

>There is no conflict between religion and science

There is when 44% of Americans believe that the world is less than 10,000 years old.

There's a DIRECT conflict, there.

Any religion that makes claims about the history and composition of reality is making scientific claims and, surprise surprise, they're almost always proven to be bullshit.

Fucking talking snakes, man.

>> No.3792494

Leviticus 20:13
"If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense."

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21)

Slaves are to be under the control of their masters in all respects, giving them satisfaction, not talking back to them or stealing from them, but exhibiting completely good faith, so as to adorn the doctrine of God our savior in every way. (Titus 2:9-10)

Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse. (1 Peter 2:18)

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46)

> Christianity
>pick one

>> No.3792514

The same applies to the Exodus passage, since the laws being discussed are for Israelites and almost certainly not meant to be followed 2,000 years later
likewise, criticizing the Bible for its views on slavery is pretty stupid and anachronistic. I know that you live in a magical time where we can manufacture fedoras by the dozen and nobody really has to work, but believing in moral progress is dangerous for all of us. We are't more "civilized" than "desert people" just because we're able to get our government (or in your case 'our' government) to kill their children with drones without getting our hands dirty; modern global capitalism operates worse than slavery, and you're buying into it whether you pretend to be Enlightened by your own intelligence or not.
Take the plank out of your own eye before criticizing superficial details of a faith that grew specifically because it catered to the needs of women, children, slaves, and the underprivileged in general.

>> No.3792518

at least 700 years. Depends on how the western world handles the middle east. Need I remind you all of Israel/Palestine?

>> No.3792524

You know what's really funny is that fundamentalist Christians and New Atheists interpret the scripture the same way.

>> No.3792532
File: 64 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capital punishment for homosexuality
>'Guys please, you're just interpreting it in a wrong way'
>Theology, not even once.

>> No.3792534

>Theism has been disproven

>> No.3792537

until the nukes finally fly

>> No.3792541

>Interpreted one way for most of history
>human reason kicks in
>"alright lads, maybe this is a bit retarded afterall... let's just pretend to be deep and interpret this a totally different way"
>"now let's call those who interpret it the way it reads as fundamentalists and idiots"

And it says a lot when people of the same faith can't even agree on how to interpret it. Religion is fucking retarded and you have to be pretty damn stupid to buy into it.

>> No.3792543


Seconding this.

>> No.3792545

>Christianity is worship of the God who makes us all equal
Except with god. Or those who are destined for hell for the sin of never hearing about Jesus. Or those who choose their own morality rather than blindly following instructions. Under Christianity Christians are equally enslaved. True freedom comes from free will, which Christianity does not offer.

>> No.3792546

But, see, your problem is assuming that it has been interpreted one way for most of history.

It fucking hasn't, you ignorant cunt.

>> No.3792554

By pretty much every institution that has been in power, it has.

And in any case, I don't see how being able to interpret it a million different ways is an argument for you. It only makes it more retarded, especially with all the contradictions in the bible and other scripture.

>> No.3792559
File: 123 KB, 924x685, god vs people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So.. how are these things supposed to be interpreted?

>> No.3792564

>By pretty much every institution that has been in power, it has.


You have to be kidding me, right? You can't seriously be this woefully ignorant of Christianity's history and still make claims about it, can you? Is this real life?

>> No.3792565

> Or those who are destined for hell for the sin of never hearing about Jesus.
No. Those who never heard about can go to heaven by their acts. Which is better, believing in such bullshit is quite hard when most of it makes no sense.

>> No.3792569

How about you produce your own scholarship instead of relying on an infographic you little cunt

fucking including Matthew 5:17, typical of a fedora wearing cunt who's never fucking read the Bible, much less thought about it
a cunt like you
fucking stereotype

>> No.3792570


So it's wrong or...? Doesn't count or..?

>> No.3792573

Interpret them however you want, it's a bunch of ancient texts written by anonymous desert-dwellers. Only someone with a child's understanding of theology doesn't understand that the Bible was penned by very human humans. All of their prejudices and anachronisms carried over into the text, big deal. That's why serious Christians spend so much time studying the Bible, to find the pure golden nuggets amidst all the bronze age social commentary.

>> No.3792575

exhibit a: your average Christian sheep, unable to elucidate his/her views and beliefs without resorting to ad hominem and a string of vulgar profanities. A most startling aberration of human nature, behold!

>> No.3792577

>>Interpreted one way for most of history

Let' just ask our friends Thomas Aquinas and Augustine
Do you even Scholasticism?

>> No.3792586

>read the bible
Which one? Really. Every church has more or less books inside.

>> No.3792588

>Every church has more or less books inside.
But that's fucking wrong you idiot

>> No.3792599

Typical New Atheist reaching into the mythical sphere of rhetoric when his ideas collapse under their own weight ("exhibit a," try harder). If there's any activity typical of "sheeple," it's mindlessly reposting pseudoinformative pictures as if they substitute genuine thought.

I didn't elucidate anything—and you can cut the five-nickle words—because we can all clearly see what happens when we cast pearls before filthy swines like yourself.

>> No.3792600

>A common theme of these armchair philosophers is that they are all crap at math and the sciences.

the same can be said of those 'hurr SCIENCE!' fags who know nothing of science as it is, nor understand it, but still scream 'SCIENCE' circlejerking over their pop-sci figures.

Science is great, practical, applicable yes, but these casual idiots who salivate over it without really spending the time to do their own research of invest understanding beyond the superficial news headlines are the no better than the casual idiots who retreat into philosophy to appear 'educated'.

>> No.3792602

You never read the bible, right?

>> No.3792603

>and those people are probably going to have children who become religious, and those children will have children etc etc etc

And those few who came from irreligious backgrounds who convert. A minority sure, but they exist.

>> No.3792606
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>only stupid people practice religion!

>> No.3792607


>literary interpretation

That's a conflict between the practitioner and science, not the religion and science.

>> No.3792608
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>stepping foot into an Orthodox church

apocrypha doesn't really matter anyway
how does that change the passages quoted?

>> No.3792613

Catholic has more books than protestant. Are you calling it Orthodox church too?

>> No.3792625


You're wrong for so many reasons I don't even have the time to type it all out. First of all, trying to understand science and scientific theories without a Ph.D is not a bad thing. And furthermore, you talk of pop-sci as if it as bad thing, which is just utterly incorrect. Again, trying to understand the universe without having a Ph.D or without mastering mathematics... there is nothing wrong in this.

Secondly, the "circlejerk" over science is justifiable namely because of what you say, that "science is great, practical, applicable", meaning, it actually brings forth real, testable data, and real results.

And you are also missing what these people love when they say "science". It's not science as such, but curiosity that they celebrate, as well as the scientific method and skeptical inquiry. Again, it's very, very hard to see how this can possibly be a bad thing, even if it's done without doctorates and a deep mathematical understanding.

As for the philosophers: these religious 'philosophers' on /lit/ simply seem to escape to philosophy in order to find justifications for their beliefs, and use philosophy as a way to sound intelligent and deep. It's just rationalization.

>> No.3792630

>but curiosity that they celebrate, as well as the scientific method and skeptical inquiry.
Lol. Dumbest thing I read all day.

>> No.3792633

The average atheist is smarter than the average theist.

>> No.3792644

>apocrypha doesn't really matter anyway
what other significant differences are there?
I don't even see the reason why how many books the Bible has is that important other than as a "gotcha" question by someone ignorant of the church's stance on Biblical infallibility

>> No.3792647

>The average atheist is smarter than the average theist.

This holds both within countries and between countries by the way.

The best reference for within countries is: http://kspark.kaist.ac.kr/jesus/intelligence%20&%20religion.htm

For between countries, try: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289608000238

"Evidence is reviewed pointing to a negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief in the United States and Europe. It is shown that intelligence measured as psychometric g is negatively related to religious belief. We also examine whether this negative relationship between intelligence and religious belief is present between nations. We find that in a sample of 137 countries the correlation between national IQ and disbelief in God is 0.60."

>> No.3792652

If someone told you to read a book, would you get abridged version of it?

>> No.3792653

Do you control for urban/rural divide?

>> No.3792656

IQ is not intelligence. In fact, IQ and intelligence are probably inversely correlated. (Once you filter out the very low IQ scores of functionally retarded people.)

>> No.3792659

yeah, but the exceptional theist is smarter than the exceptional atheist

>> No.3792674

'Existence' is a predicate, you can't apply predicates to something wholly above and wholly beyond, i.e. God. The whole discussion is a waste of time because the language atheists insist on using isn't applicable to the subject being discussed. All this talk of 'proof' and 'evidence' is pointless. God isn't the boiling point of water, you can't devise an experiment to verify or falsify Him.

TLDR You can't science everything.

>> No.3792679

Except to a positivist that just sounds like a massive copout. Atheists then to come at things from the view that you CAN science everythings, and claims of unscienceability are, to them, evidence of bullshit in of themselves.

>> No.3792680

So he's saying it's better to love without reason?
That sounds pretty self harming.
What's so great about loving other people anyway?

>> No.3792683
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>make Dawkins atheism thread
>everyone becomes mad forever

/lit/ never changes indeed.

>> No.3792686

Religion will never disappear because being religious is a better social strategy than not being religious.

>> No.3792697

>IQ and intelligence are probably inversely correlated
If you're still in the thread, what makes you say that?
IQ measures how much you can do simple memorization and pattern recognition specific to your culture, right?
So how are those things something that an intelligent person doesn't have?

>> No.3792706

So we should accept, or seriously entertain any proposition, so long as it's sufficiently "above and beyond" that our tiny pea brains cannot devise a language to discuss it.

I propose that your a faggot.

>> No.3792707

Man, those stories are about dragons and Maccabees and other nonsense, I don't have time for that shit. You're raising a question about to what extent one should seek the true and full Word of God, but total understanding isn't the goal of Christian experience in the way it is for scientific endeavors—faith of a mustard seed and all that. God reaches to us through all books of the Bible, of course, but He reaches us through all books and through everything, too.

>> No.3792713

No, he did not say that, what he said was that you cannot apply logic to something that transcends it.

>> No.3792722


Usually I avoid that place like the plague, but...

>> No.3792723

>hurr how do I into the right thread

Sorry, guys

>> No.3792741

So any bible(that is not from Orthodox) is enough? Thanks.

>> No.3792742

>If I can't be proven wrong I must be right!

This is like that teapot shit again.

>> No.3792753

ITT: people who know nothing about science, philosophy or the philosophy of science. its scary how confident you people can be in your own ignorance and just keep discussing things you havent got the slightest clue about. wikipedia and pop-science books have made you experts on the field and now youre being arrogant without realizing how little you actually know about this stuff. fucking highschool kids omg. how many of you actually have a degree in a relevant field?

>> No.3792766
File: 7 KB, 167x144, are you even trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argument from authority

>> No.3792772

oh did you read about that on wikipedia?
i dont even know why im getting mad, youre all just a bunch of teenage kids wasting time.
also, that wasnt even an argument from authority. i merely pointed out that the people in this thread are talking about things they dont know shit about.

>> No.3792794

>It's not science as such, but curiosity that they celebrate

No they don't.

The most vocal of these SCIENCE! idiots don't even have a degree in a science discipline and can't explain what it is they're excited about beyond the headline of the latest pop-sci book or tabloid paper they read.

>> No.3792795

gr8 argument

>> No.3792797

>i dont even know why im getting mad

You haven't matured yet. You will with time

>> No.3792798

I don't want religion to ever disappear
just think it should remain a deeply personal thing that doesn't play into societal rules

>> No.3792807

Atheist here, religion will never go away, because we don't know everything there is to know about reality (which results in the good parts of religion) and people will always prefer their desires over what is rational (which results in the bad parts of religion)

>> No.3792811

>How many years do you think it will take until religion disappears?

implying history as a straight progress towards LOL SCIENC

>> No.3792816

what argument are you talking about?
nah usually ignorant people dont even annoy me this much. but in this case its a topic i care a lot about and their arrogance combined with ignorance is what makes me mad.

>> No.3792818
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>> No.3792825

Has anyone read 'The Dawkins Delusion'?

>> No.3792828

no, but congrats on wasting 15 dollars on a bullshit reaction to a populist propaganda-piece, brought to us by some random theologian and probably even more shallow than the god delusion.

>> No.3792830

As another norwegian, this is only the case amongst the ethnic norwegian population. While the "whites" abandon the faith, the amount of Islamic believers are definitely on the rise. So I'd say we're far away from an atheist community

>> No.3792834 [DELETED] 

>he thinks there won't be crusades this decade

>> No.3792839

It stands to reason that reason itself is capable of grasping what's within its reach, and not what's beyond it. Admitting the existance of something beyond reason make it at the same time unconceivable through reason itself and thus undisprovable.

That being said, the human need for structure makes us develop the idea of this "unconceivable something" into religions, with rules and everything.

In my opinion, all religions are wrong. As much as is wrong the scientific assumption of nothing existing that scientific reason cannot grasp.

Dawkins is flawed by that same cultural context he attack so much; as all amerifags, he lives in the wrong presumption of having the Truth in his hands. That's just they way you amerifags are, I suppose.
Which is way Philosophy will never found fertile ground in the USA.

tl;dr Just proved that USA < RESTOFTHEFUCKINGWORLD

>> No.3792842


I haven't read it nor intend to buy it - what made you assume that?

I just wanted to know what someone's opinion on it who has read it might be.

>> No.3792848

>as all amerifags


>> No.3792853

Well, if we keep on this "PC all day erryday" policy we'll eventually see a rise of sharia laws being enforced by radical groups. That's just how it is

>> No.3792854

He's lived in the USA long enough to be retarded as his connationals, should I put it that way?

>> No.3792861

It's not the PC, per se. It's the goddamn passivity and overtolerance. If you're too lax (or oppressive), people won't assimilate.

>> No.3793020

Did you just jump out of your grave and stumble onto a computer to find this thread Nietzsche? ...

(I use this argument as well :P, tis a good one)

>> No.3793062

How is that presuppositionalism? And nice job rebutting his arguments.

>> No.3793073

1. 46%
2. That's on human origins. Not nearly as far off considering civilization is around 10,000 years old and they may have interpreted that as so.

>> No.3793113

Oh, I never said he was right, I was just trying to ensure you hadn't misunderstood him.

>> No.3793149
File: 241 KB, 1075x862, Beliefs_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theism has been disproven for a long time now
hundred bidedue

>> No.3793177

Religion is never going away.

It's coming back. Brace yourself, faggots.

>> No.3793188


People who believe that 44% of Americans believe the world to be less than 10,000 years old are retarded.

Seriously, wake the fuck up.

>> No.3793191


Yep, I never cease to marvel at that.

>neither seems to know that literalism is fucking recent and was never a dogma of the religion

>> No.3793194


That image is a testament to how fucking dumb you are.


>> No.3793205

Agreed. Only the "independent evangelicals" (read too crazy to belong to a mainstream church), baptists and some petecostals might believe the age of the earth is related to the begats in the Bible. They are the vast minority in Christianity.

>> No.3793274

You mean realism, get the right terms pls

>> No.3793295

Kierkegaard completely tore down and transformed my view of religion. You might want to start with him.

>> No.3793309
File: 9 KB, 202x250, sadbeckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls go back to pol or kill yourself, either way is fine

>> No.3793327
File: 61 KB, 252x221, bugs bunnny puts on 3d glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that OP
>that image
>284 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.3793345

I don't know that "God" exists. In fact, I'm logically inclined to believe God doesn't exist.

But I choose to believe in God.

It's my way of alleviating the absurd tension of the inherent meaninglessness of life. Is that so wrong?

>> No.3793374


No, not really but apparently subscribing to one 'irrational' thing renders your entire life irrational, worthy of scrutiny, and someone to be treated with caution.

>> No.3793385

There will come another time, like 1500 years ago where atheist are going to be haunted. Op you know most humans are stupid, so religion will never die, in fact its followers will increase and its all going to happen violently. Were going backwards without noticing. Being tolerent suddenly isnt such a good idea

>> No.3793391

>Op you know most humans are stupid, so religion will never die


>> No.3793496
File: 436 KB, 750x545, 1362601562717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> implying a person wit your atrocious grammar and writing is not borderline retarded

>> No.3793506

Please don't confuse communists with antitheists.

>> No.3793716

>christian: "atheist is wrong"
>atheist: "christian is stupid"

dat rudeness

>> No.3793721

>manichean opinion on religion
>blind faith in science
>thinking scientific method is objective
>not being everything wrong with this world

>> No.3793734


>> No.3793737

14 year olds, dude.

>> No.3793740

whoever made this should have at least bothered enough to put an actual Buddha picture to the buddhism section

>> No.3793745

Yeah, kind of like most zealots.

>> No.3793759

Forgive me if this is more of an opinion but I would argue trust is formed based on reasons, faith lacks any such logical prerequisite.

>> No.3793774

I've been reading the bible as my summer project and so far I'm loving the experience. Can someone plese recommend further reading on theology? I know the big guys like Augustine, how about lesser known ones of smaller denominations or modern times?

>> No.3793777

Thank you. Just... sincerely, thank you.

>> No.3794080
File: 15 KB, 296x275, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for modal ontological argument.

Haha, want some reeses?

>> No.3794109

>If you're still in the thread, what makes you say that?

Lack of knowledge of IQ testing. No one who has even read Wikipedia would say such a thing. It is actually really stupid because if it really was the case, one could just reverse the scores and still have an intelligence test...

>IQ measures how much you can do simple memorization and pattern recognition specific to your culture, right?

No. Rote memorization is actually pretty independent of intelligence/IQ. Cf. Level I and Level II systems.

>> No.3794113

>Bet you couldn't even comprehend a single modal ontological argument for the existence of God of mine.

It is actually not that difficult if one has a background in logic and especially modal (alethic) logic. But it is a really bad argument. It's the usual sleight of the hand kind of argument.

For whoever is interested, try: http://analyticabstraction.blogspot.dk/2007/11/philosophy-of-religion-2-natural_14.html

>> No.3794543

Organized Judeaic religion has never had that strong of a foothold barring some heretical version that bred the world's bloodiest civil war... but China is becoming more Christian everyday

>> No.3794667

that's the Buddha symbol encountered most often
symbol is the riff in that pic

>> No.3796080

Can anyoneone explain to me what it is you mean when you say that science is just as dogmatic as theism/ the scientific method isn't objective etc.

I'm interested, but haven't seen anyone actually go into detail.