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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 631 KB, 1944x1458, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3790971 No.3790971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see a battlestation thread, so I figured I'd make one. Pic obviously related.

>> No.3790974
File: 500 KB, 987x766, working class scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks poor.

>> No.3790982

1/10 made me respond

>> No.3790984

>battle station
>don't need to stay in one place to read a book
Go home /g/

>> No.3790993

You new here? /lit/ battlestation's are usually meant for writers.

>> No.3790998


:D nice try

we never have this threads bro, we have bookshelf threads

>> No.3791000

We always have these threads bro

>> No.3791002

Battlestation threads popped up fairly recently, I assume from people that don't know about bookporn.

>> No.3791009


>> No.3791012

Nook's too delicate for porn.

>> No.3791036

We just had a "battlestation" thread like less than a month ago...

>> No.3791044

yea you're new.

>> No.3791049
File: 32 KB, 500x375, notgettingfar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if bookporn fits this thread either. Maybe.

Anyway, On topic...

>> No.3791060

image aye therty yer auld wooden cher n aye plank held up likes wi two at them thinks in addition to one aye dem wee ikea hybrid couchbed gadgies te ne'er gets couchmade and ye got yirsael a pretty picture

>> No.3791066
File: 75 KB, 600x424, jc_desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3791072
File: 1.15 MB, 2100x1872, IMG_0273 - Kopi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've applied for a scholarship from the state to finish my novel. I'm not going to get it, but it never hurts to apply.

>> No.3791078

>no bookend on the right hand side of the desk


Summarize your novel in under 4 lines friend

>> No.3791099

How does one do that? Are you from the US?

Please do tell. I'm honestly interested, and getting a scholarship to finish a novel would really be something fresh.

>> No.3791111

The door frame works as a bookend. The problem with summarizing the novel is that it doesn't have an overarching story. It's a fairly episodic affair, mostly regarding the main character, Ove Tjostheim's, attempts to become a "proper person", with a job, relationships, &c. Several large portions of the novel are also devoted to him imagining how his life might turn out if he, say, talks to a cute girl in a shop, or starts studying theology, or attacks his co-workers.

Sorry, I'm from Norway. There are scholarships for artists here, so that they can focus on their work for a year, but they're (understandably) extremely picky. The scholarship is at, about, 34 500 dollars, which, here in Norway, is shitty, but entirely possible to survive on.

>> No.3791114


>Bust of Lenin and LGBT flag

Try-hard pretentious loser detected.

>> No.3791116

Ah. I just finished a novel recently, and I have no idea what to do with it. Literary agents want nothing to do with it.

>> No.3791128

Those are post-it notes, idiot.

>> No.3791133

Fuck off, you imbecile.

>> No.3791136

Still, though, that's a really great offer.

>> No.3791141

The bust of Lenin belonged to my grandfather, and I'm just keeping it around because of that. The "LGBT flag" is a holder for small plastic bookmarks.

Don't they even give you any feedback, though? Wait, what /is/ a literary agent? I've heard the phrase, but I don't think we have them in Norway.

>> No.3791142


Why would post-it notes be that small? And why would you arrange them that way? Do you think it would make you seem quirky and unique or something?

>> No.3791171
File: 13 KB, 300x300, postits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't "arrange" them, have you not seen these before?

>> No.3791182

I use those too. Mark spots where I find good quotes or ideas without having to mark up the book or crease it to shit by "dog earring".

>> No.3793094

lol straight people. is there anything you don't get offended by

>> No.3793109

"Build your own sexuality flag kit"

>> No.3793120

>LGBT flag

>> No.3793153

I read that filename as "post tits".

>> No.3793165

>Mesteren og Margarita

Try-hard caveman loser detected.

>> No.3793185

>le epick 4chan may mayXDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.3793201

well... post tits then, nigga!

>> No.3793215

I want that bust of Lenin.

>> No.3793238
File: 939 KB, 2560x1920, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone guess where i'm from?

>> No.3793257

argentinafag detected

>> No.3793369

kind of expensive but very cool

>> No.3793500

Southern cone? Guessing Paraguay since I remember a dude from there posting here. But we have an Argentinian and a Chilean as well I believe.

>> No.3793502

>not using adblock etc

>> No.3793503
File: 1.76 MB, 4320x2880, Battlestation room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do

>> No.3793507


As a note, shelf is read and the desk is unread.

My life is a mess basically

>> No.3793509


"Battlestation"? Which battle are you fighting, son?

>> No.3793512

Nice videogames, manchild.

>> No.3793515



>> No.3793524

these rooms in peoples' houses are always so gross

>> No.3793545


If it helps the room is fairly clean.

>> No.3793550

In the center-bottom photo there is a shelf which appears to have containers of liquid on it. What are those?

>> No.3793559


Numerous condiments including vinegar, brown sauce and mustard. I tend to eat my meals in this room

>> No.3793565

nah they always have that smell

>> No.3793567

>videogames are for kids

Boomer detected.

>> No.3793572


The window is always open but eating food in there always leaves a small smell sadly

>> No.3793577

That's tough. Is your home-life shit?

>> No.3793584


It's not too bad or anything, just that it's much more relaxing to have a separate room. The kitchen and living room are kind of merged together

Moving out for university quite soon

>> No.3793589

Enjoy your acidic paper and glue residue all over your books. Just use a damn notebook to jot down quotes or citations.

>> No.3793591

Join all the clubs you can fit into your schedule. It's easier to make friends at university when you have a common interest. Just because you dormed next to someone doesn't mean shit in the long run

>> No.3793603


That was the plan, shame I have so few interests.

>> No.3793613

Not him, but I like living in a single room. It's convenient and cosy. Studio apartments are great.

>> No.3793663

I believe i speak on behalf of all of /lit/ when i say thats pretty fucking disgusting stuff to stash in your room.

>> No.3793669



>Putting sauces in the fridge

>> No.3793673

>implying those things need to be refrigerated

>> No.3793694
File: 204 KB, 356x285, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Economist

>> No.3793700

awesome, thanks

>> No.3793701


>> No.3793704


What's wrong with the economist, I mainly use it to keep track of the news