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3790007 No.3790007 [Reply] [Original]

That feeling when you are the only person on /lit/ who isn't a Marxist ;_;

>> No.3790013
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>mfw when liberals and marxists conceive of the state as a bureaucratic nanny that isn't allowed to hurt their feelings by disapproving of their behaviour when it is a pointless drain on the community's resources or morals

>> No.3790016
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>mfw people actually give a shit about politics

>> No.3790018

>mfw shitthread

>> No.3790021
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>mfw you don't know that all action is political action

>> No.3790028
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>mfw I support the status quo since as a lumpenprole I'm a direct benefactor of the very system I'm exploiting

>> No.3790027

But you can't ignore politics.

Anyone who is intelligent has an ideal society they wish to live in.

>> No.3790041

Everyone serving my cock. Doesn't mean that such pipedreams are worth pursuing though. Best to look out for your own interest directly and work with what you have.

>> No.3790049

>In this shitty hole full of Americans.
>Religious Americans.
>Rand's fans.
>Against Nietzsche.

Yes, sir. Everyone here is marxist.

>> No.3790053

>non-individualist theory
>3 years befir the year 2016

>> No.3790059
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Politics don't matter if you are a parasite in your parent's basement...

>> No.3790062

>believing in society
>i seriously thatcher you guys don't do this

>> No.3790063

If that was the case i would care very much about my supplier

>> No.3790064

Beta males tend to turn to individualism as a hysteric reaction to their assigned rank in the hierarchy of the collective.

>> No.3790072

>le stangod
>parasite in parents basement

i would end my existence if that was the case, bud.

>> No.3790077


i am fucking ripped, beautiful and highly aggressive male specimen.i would make you my bitch in a matter of seconds figbai,

>> No.3790079

>not realising that being part of the collective is merely serving an individualist above you

>spookbased euthanasia

>> No.3790088


> 2010.5 + 2.5
> boasting of his real life achievements on an anonymous image board

>> No.3790092


i knae very fuckin well i goats me fuckin spooks tae tend tae...but ah cannae picturre mahsell as a fuckin untermensch ken?ah'd fuckin kill mahsel.

>> No.3790094

We have spoken of means; but in the carrying out of a subjective, limited aim, we have also to take into consideration the element of a material, either already present or which has to be procured. Thus the question would arise: What is the material in which the Ideal of Reason is wrought out? The primary answer would be, – Personality itself – human desires – Subjectivity generally. In human knowledge and volition, as its material element, Reason attains positive existence. We have considered subjective volition where it has an object which is the truth and essence of a reality, viz. where it constitutes a great world-historical passion. As a subjective will, occupied with limited passions, it is dependent, and can gratify its desires only within the limits of this dependence. But the subjective will has also a substantial life – a reality, – in which it moves in the region of essential being and has the essential itself as the object of its existence. This essential being is the union of the subjective with the rational Will: it is the moral Whole, the State, which is that form of reality in which the individual has and enjoys his freedom; but on the condition of his recognition, believing in and willing that which is common to the Whole. And this must not be understood as if the subjective will of the social unit attained its gratification and enjoyment through that common Will; as if this were a means provided for its benefit; as if the individual, in his relations to other individuals, thus limited his freedom, in order that this universal limitation – the mutual constraint of all – might secure a small space of liberty for each. Rather, we affirm, are Law, Morality, Government, and they alone, the positive reality and completion of Freedom. Freedom of a low and limited order, is mere caprice; which finds its exercise in the sphere of particular and limited desires.

>> No.3790095

I know that feel

now go away and stop polluting the board

>> No.3790097


i only do so after them cunts try tae tell ays that i'm sum sairt a fuckin beta likes?

i fucking start boiling inside at the idea that some radge cunt can get away with talking shit about me because they're off in the annonymous unreachable realms of the internet.
i pray to sweet christ every single day for some little faggot to approach me like this in real life.
insert navy seal copypasta, but i've dying inside for a reason to kick someone's fucking teeth in lately.
i'm losing it goats

>> No.3790099
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>tfw a market anarchist

>> No.3790103

lay of the roids mate

>> No.3790106

>not realising that being part of the collective is merely serving an individualist above you

You're operating under the illusion that you have a choice in the matter.

>> No.3790108
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Hegel was a faggot lel

>> No.3790112

>being a progressive

>> No.3790115

It's not the roids. It's just one of the many hysteric episodes that will rise to the surface until he accepts his place as a mediocre soon-to-be public defender.

>> No.3790117

But your idea of üntermensch is heavily based on contemporary standards and social relations which are ultimately limiting, making you feel obliged to, in addition to your own goals, keep up a certain appearance to pay service to the ideals of the plebs. This may have it's benefits in ladder climbing and all, but other than that turn into burdens quite quickly. That's why Malamatiyya practices are so glorious. Burning the bridge to social approval so that it doesn't end up sidetracking you in your own pursuits.

>> No.3790127

When I look around me at all these working folk I seem to fare quite well in comparison by the old Stirnerian method of asking money and giving nothing in return.

>> No.3790137


>social approval
>social standards

the only person i try to impress is me ain fuckin sell mate. the prime spook here being the ideal vision of stangod, nowt fuckin else.

respect me fuckin spooks goats, you know i respect your free rider lumpenpatrician ideals, i just cannae intae

>> No.3790139



How does it feel to know that your entire ideological framework can be accounted for by your physical weakness?

There are implications here. Ignore them at your own risk. The world wasn't meant to be ruled by limp-wristed beta males. Read history, either Eastern or Western.

>> No.3790145

>Underpaid physical labour
>Overpaid pen-pushers
10/10 you sure told everyone here something new.

>> No.3790148


>me ain fuckin sell mate

that almost sounds like my own cell mate. lel. my own fucking self comma mate*
gay prison sax gang no homo

>> No.3790156



>> No.3790160


Are you bi, Stan?

>> No.3790161

>Rich men with large biceps were against redistribution
>Poor men with large biceps were for redistribution
I don't see your point here.

>> No.3790168

It's a dangerous path though since it bears such a resemblance to conformist success from an exterior position, making leaks and seeps all the more plausible. Jes watch yirsel 's what i'm spraffin' i guess but.

>> No.3790167
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>i am fucking ripped, beautiful and highly aggressive male specimen.i would make you my bitch in a matter of seconds figbai,

>> No.3790170


no sir. pure hetero here...but i did get aroused by a trap with huge tits once though. would bang a hot looking trap, yeah, most definitely

>> No.3790180

The point is that gymrats tend to be egocentric.

>> No.3790184

That merely implies that strength is related to assertiveness and selfishness. It also implies that you're a weak pleb if you support right wing politics if you're not upper class.

>> No.3790190

stan confirmed for gay as fucking shit lol

>> No.3790193
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>those comments

>> No.3790199
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>mfw americans who don't know what "liberal" means post a picture with the caption "Do you even read?"

>> No.3790205


>conformist success.

i'll wager you haven't fully pondered the morphology of an individual's ideal with regard to such seemingly "common standards". is it the case that we have before us an externally derived form which is subduing the spook-prone? but then, are we willing to commit ourselves to the completely removed externality of such a system. as in totally removed from egoist drives arising from the individual wants in the first place?
clearly not. because the status quo is a generative product of those who willed it into being; it is not some external mechanism, coming to us from the realms of "platonic spooks"

>> No.3790209

What? It is a scientific demonstration of an concept that has long floated around. Liberals are either weak and affluent, or thuggish and poor.

I was assuming that since this is /lit/, there are more of the former type than the latter.

>> No.3790210

>conservative posting a picture of a european conservative and criticizing the two major opposing political theories during the lifetime of the person in the picture (liberalism and marxism)

This should be a sign to you that you resort to this "you don't even know what liberalism is americunt" thing too much

>> No.3790217


top lel

>> No.3790223


haha, whatever faggot. attracted to the female form is attracted to female form is attracted to the female form. and the trap in question was a picture in /b/. it was a gif this beautiful woman with giant tits until the camera panned out to her balls. so technically i was aroused before i saw her balls.
but hey, if it walks like a duck

>> No.3790219

Isn't it great when stereotypes are confirmed with science? Should I pull out my crime statistics now?

>> No.3790235

>ideologically a national socialist

tep lol

>> No.3790252


Did her balls add on to the arousal?

>> No.3790251

lololol go take 50 dicks in your butt stan. massive faggot.

>> No.3790268


no i'd fuck her in spite of her balls. the balls were kind of a detriment

strap on a pair of tits sweet boi and we'll see who takes the dick
also, your overt homophobia leads me to believe you're that closet case EdgyR. lel, total fag yo

>> No.3790277

>overt homophobia
well yeah stan only gays support gays....say a lot about you gayboi. wanna go suck the schoolboy's cock now?

>> No.3790280
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'Tis true, but not to such a degree of making differentiating on a spectrum of the amount of which one is influenced by the ideals of his society something superfluous altogether. The distinction is still useful, if only as a tool to be able to dismiss anything you don't like but feel somehow obliged to.

>tfw all philosophy is mere conceptualisation and justification of what you want anyway
>tfw old Casparus Maximator Stirnerii's work is a cleansing tincture and not a nutritious stew
>tfw it can be distilled towards the old Hashashins creed as curated by Freddy

>> No.3790284

Heidegger Heidegger was a boozy begger

>> No.3790302


It's a proven scientific fact that homophobes are largely closet gays. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-big-questions/201106/homophobic-men-most-aroused-gay-male-porn

lelel, you gigantic faggot. i've taken the gay porn challenge and my dick did not even flinch. got the lube out and everything. was ready to wank it to some male on male ass pounding...alas, it did not work for me.

hard mode: take viagra beforehand

have you taken the gay porn challenge, you closet case faggboy

>> No.3790307


This. Homophobes are such faggots. Live and let live dude, is what I always say.

>> No.3790310

scientific proof that......youre a fag stan

a big fag

go be a big fag faggot hahahahahhaa

>> No.3790320


Yeah, I took that challenge last time you posted about it. Lost pretty bad. Oh well.

>> No.3790327


Wow. We have a particularly bad case here. Did daddy touch you in the wrong places?

>> No.3790330

wow what the fuck man? you can't stop insulting me? okay. but you have to insult my daddy? what hte fuck? he loved me he could beat you the fuck up fucking come at me bro do you ev

>> No.3790342


This is embarrassing.

>> No.3790351


Haha, I just took the challenge Stan. Only watched about a minute and a half but nothing happened. I found it funny actually. What do I win?

>> No.3790354


>> No.3790362


lel, same here dude. this skinny mexican dude was getting drilled by this white guy and kept screaming papi at him in this fucking lispy offputting voice and i found the whole scene ridiculous. i did approach it with a totally open mind tbh.

anway, what do you win?
confidence in your sexuality. congratulations.

>> No.3790374


I'm not surprised at all.

>> No.3790381

There's a difference between genuine homophobia and "hating faggots". Most "homophobes" denounce faggots because it's the norm, but they don't feel any real phobos.

>> No.3790390

>>tfw all philosophy is mere conceptualisation and justification of what you want anyway

therein lies le rub m8

>> No.3790407

i disagree. it was through philosophy i was able to put to writing, read about, and learn the limits of my "own" ideas. i've changed my mind on a lot of stuff after doing some reading.

>> No.3790432

ahahaha what the fuck man

>> No.3790463


yeah definitely. there's also a basic difference between hating faggots and hating gay people.
if someone is acting like a faggot (which has come to mean a lot of things nowadays) i'll call him a faggot. but i don't hate gay people. you can't really chose who you love. like, i've been in love with my cousin ever since i was 13 and she was 14. societal norms and familial standards told me there was something wrong with that, but i just could not imagine something so good to be so bad. you can't choose this kind of shit.

you've changed your mind according to your natural pre-dispositions and innate capacity for maturation.
you hear of all these cases of "people being radicalized by philosophy". however, i'm confident that each of those instances was an example quasi-plagiaristic retroactive philosophizing, a product of innate wants/material condition justified through latter theory. or simply a matter of brainwashing though appeals to strong emotional pulls such as fear, pride, etc. (think young radicalized muslim extremists)
even in cases where you would think that philosophy is fundamentally affecting a person, we see that at the background loom the basic primal affects which drive all people, the "radicalization" being nothing but a catalyst for natural predisposition, albeit pushed farther than one would have expected under other circumstances.

>> No.3790469


Just Stan trolling people into watching gay porn. Move along.

>> No.3790530


That's cute but you're still a terrible person Stan.

>> No.3790535


the extremities of my moral ambiguity are in perfect symbiosis. i transcend le terrible,

>> No.3790541

It does m8. Picked up that Welsh yet? I really recommend Filth as kind of a jolly casual side read, it's hilarious and I think you'll love the protagonist. At least from what I've read so far. Pick it up along with Skagboys if you get the chance. If you're into electronic reading I'll shoot you a copy on the strokey mails.

>> No.3790545
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>any year

>tfw the left is now comprised of dyel retards who read pop philosophy and have never worked a day in their life

>> No.3790550
File: 51 KB, 640x360, bifo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never worked a day in their life


>> No.3790558


no i havent had a chance.

willin tae take a gander if you would sent it to me via multiple stroke victim route

but i'll order off amazon later today anyway probably

>> No.3790573


aw fuck ya radge ye goat me in this gabber n ah forgoat me fuckin game a fitba ken? bayern fuckin dortmund better thin hibs fuckin hertz,
im oot

>> No.3790586


It's just the opening ceremony right now anyway. Match won't start in another thirty.

>> No.3790591


Btw, what's up with this opening ceremony?
Fucking knights wtf?

>> No.3790595
File: 15 KB, 810x900, FEELING..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take almost no interest in politics and economics which makes me feel like an ignoramus.

>> No.3790617


Champions League Final you idiot American.

>> No.3790610


Ceremony for what?

>> No.3790644

slippin ye all the welsh i gots likes as we speak, enjoy eh

nae one fir the fitba maesel ken but ave a good one aye

>> No.3791677
File: 81 KB, 500x329, shitposting is not cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aiming for a state

>marxism and liberalism at all related

>> No.3791683

>that feel when you have a mental aversion to Hegel and gloss over anytime you see his name

It's pretty weird actually. I am determined to never read his work.

>> No.3791697

Oh look and other American. Why does almost nobody get the meaning of liberal there? The spread of ignorance is pretty scary.

>> No.3791725

Don't go to /pol/, it's hideous there.

>> No.3791729

A reasonable determination. Will save you time.

>> No.3791746

>this is me and Alan Watts

>> No.3792303

>communities resources
>not made irrelevant by the technological revolution
>implying capitalism doesn't hold everybody back in this day and age

>> No.3792307

Ah, an Ayn Rand fan.
>implying you can make a logical argument for ethical egoism that doesn't fall apart under a global worldview

>> No.3792310

>not being able to empathise
stay sociopathic

>> No.3792313

>being a libertarian

>> No.3792319

yeah i feel that way about both alan watts and hegel.

>> No.3792765

I am able to empathise, I'm just not a martyr.