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3788535 No.3788535 [Reply] [Original]


So its time to finish one of the longer novels I have been pushing off.

Anna Karenina
Infinite Jest
100 Years of Solitude
The Idiot
Don Quixote

On a side note should I read Kierkegaard if I find Nietzsche challenging?

>> No.3788538


Forgot to add Gravitys Rainbow

>> No.3788560

don't read Infinite Jest, please.

>> No.3788571

Don Quixote is one of the most essential works of literature there is, plus a lot of fun. Infinite Jest is interesting because of its cultural proximity to us.

Re. Kierkegaard/Nietzsche: you can get anything if you're willing to put the time and effort into it.

>> No.3788790

Read Marienbad My Love instead.

>> No.3789638
File: 132 KB, 310x459, kirkegård fucks people in asses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say that people should read Kierkegaard in their teens, and then optionally later as well.

There is a lot of existentialism that you relate best with in your teens, the polemic against Hegel is perhaps more difficult to understand, but you'll figure that out later in your life.

>> No.3789711

Screw that. Read Infinite Jest. Skip 100 years of solitude unless you like 300 pages worth of Jose Arcadios.

>> No.3789720

Well, you know, they were boner inducing so could be worth it for OP>

>> No.3789729

Not OP, but could you recommend a good starting point for both Nietzche and Kirkegaard? Are they accessible to one who hasn't read much philosophy?

>> No.3789737

finnegans wake and campbell's guide as a companion, whatever other shit I can find around

>> No.3789748

I started with Fear and Trembling. Had read nothing but Camus and Sartre before hand. Wasn't too difficult to understand, just get an annotated edition.

>> No.3789934

>hasn't read much philosophy
>wants to read bullshit existentialism
>not wanting to read the great David Hume, Baruch Spinoza, or Epicurus
what's wrong with you man? Haven't you learned the god tier philosophy?

>> No.3790109


Scum. Read Epictetus instead.

>> No.3790376 [DELETED] 

Ulysses is a shit novel, very third rate.

>> No.3790568

Anna Karenina

>> No.3790585

Spinoza and Politics - Balibar
Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Freire
Capital vol 1 - Marx
Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life - Agamben

Those are definites right now, we'll see what else once I'm done.

>> No.3790588

I did the "looky looky in here" thing on Amazon and couldn't make it past the first page of Ulysses.. What the hell is going on?

>> No.3790599

>being an enlightenment dick-rider new atheist

Fuck you

>> No.3790606

A poet named Stephen Dedalus's fat roommate is pretending to be a priest with a shaving bowl as the eucharist in the early morning. Stephen thinks he's an ass

>> No.3790622

Yeah, it's not that hard. If you can't even understand the first page, you seriously need to read more.

>> No.3790651


>putting Infinite Jest alongside those masterpieces

You've been trolled, it's shit and has no literary worth.

>> No.3790652


The Manuscript found the Saragossa Encyclopedia of the Dead
The Comedians
Young Torless
Dictionary of the Khazars
The Bridge on the Drina

more Hrabal, Dyer, Flann O Brien, Simenon, Capek too

there are a lot more that if they came by my local used book store I would add to that list, so only time will tell

>> No.3791226

100 Years of Solitude is amazing.