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3783216 No.3783216 [Reply] [Original]

While I really like Salinger in general and Franny and Zooey in particular, I recently re-read F&Z and--I'm sorry, but what exactly is the matter?

I get that Franny is having some sort of crisis about how everyone is false and none of or societal rituals matter, but since when does that make someone cry their eyes out and camp out on their mother's couch? Is it that Franny is overly sensitive? Is Salinger just being dramatic for the sake of telling a story?

I found myself really sympathizing with Mrs. Glass, who didn't know what Franny's problem is or how to take care of it.

>> No.3783227

Congratulations, you grew up

>> No.3783392

>but since when does that make someone cry their eyes out and camp out on their mother's couch?
>not taking your crises seriously

If philosophical revelations can't drive you to despair you ain't cut for this game.

>> No.3783394

Maturing is overcoming said stages, not being a dull cunt who doesn't even recognise them in retrospect. Mr Meth didn't get it because he never experienced it because he's a pleb.

>> No.3783395

Its about a family of mentally ill people.
This too.

>> No.3784275

It's pretty obvious that she has depression, same as her brother did before he eliminated his own map for keeps. Perhaps Salinger wouldn't have thought of it that way, though, medical depression being a concept that took off a bit later in the 20th century.

>> No.3784280

Isn't she pregnant?

>> No.3784292
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What she mainly cares about is finding meaning in life, finding wisdom, finding substance, and she doesnt see it around her save from her family every now and then. Shes going through an existential crisis and a crisis of faith, mainly, she hates others for not caring and she hates herself for hating them.

As far as her being overly sensitive, whatever floats your boat. I highly, highly relate to Franny, and am glad that I do. I personally would rather give a damn about something than not, even if it means that I will get hurt a lot more from time to time.

If you dont care as much as her about meaning and accepting others who you despise, thats fine, but I wouldnt call others who care more than you overly sensitive or dramatic. Theyre not putting on a show, they just care differently than you.


>> No.3784318
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here again
Its actually pretty funny OP that the convo I just had with you is the exact convo that happens throughout the story.

Franny vs. Lane, Zooey vs. Bessie

>> No.3784319
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I really wish I were capable of caring.

>> No.3784331
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You are capable of caring. You just replied to me didnt you? You care about this conversation.

Now you might not express it as much as you want, and you may see others be moved in a way you wish you were moved, but you certainly are capable of caring. The fact that you care ABOUT caring is a big deal.

Start forming better emotional habits. Really work up your emotions when shit hits you and follow where it goes. For example you see a sad video where a dog dies, and you think for an instant about your dog dying. Normally youd feel sad for a second and move on, but instead you should embrace it, focus on it, and bring it out. If you do this enough you should become more comfortable with your emotions, and showing it to people.

>> No.3784666

I found Franny kind of unbearable. And this is coming from someone who loves Holden.

>> No.3784749
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What why?

>> No.3784827

Sometimes I see me dead in the rain

>> No.3786818
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Seriously though, Franny and Zooey, best book ever? eh? eh?

>> No.3786823

I do it all for the fat lady.
That is what I lrarned from this book: love.

>> No.3788503

Why not? Holden's not all that bad.