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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 130 KB, 300x400, Fucking-Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3781503 No.3781503 [Reply] [Original]

so /llit/, tell me, have ye ever came oan yir own face?

>> No.3781510

All the time. I masturbate supine

>> No.3781512

>that beer

>> No.3781516
File: 20 KB, 500x375, fucking-austria-roadsign1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so ye never haird a fuckin austria mate?
one a me fuckin goalls in life is tae take me fat lass ovir thir tae fir proper ride and tosslle in front a that sign ken?
all the fuckin villagerrs therr watchin ye ride yer llass, tekin pikcherrs, mekin me stiff as a dead bebi's leg

>> No.3781519

Why do alcoholic Euros shit where they eat?

>> No.3781522


what so what yer sayin is, ye fuckin goat likes, a different fuckin hoos tae eat and anothir hame tae fuckin shit?
thass 2 fuckin right mate, ahm thinkin ah gettin me one a them strictly-fir-takin-shits hame. mibee ah ax that rich cunt stan tae gime the money

>> No.3781525

not intentionally. i may or may not have tasted a bit

>> No.3781529


>> No.3781533


Lot's of protein. I come in my protein shakes after a workout and wank each time.

>> No.3781609

did you manage to cull the taste

I think a scoop of ice cream with some organic milk could do the trick

>> No.3781673
File: 119 KB, 1135x943, prometh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, yes yes yes- I'm Christian at heart, metaphysically, ontologically, sexually, culturally and, most in all and all, pervertedly so-- being a Christian devotee of my sort requires self-glazing of the sort.

>> No.3782300

Just reminding everyone of the quality of your favorite tripfag's posting.

>> No.3782316


Usually the semeny taste is diluted by the shake. Sometimes I put a wee pinch of cinnamon in there to further help with the gamyness of my dick cheese, especially if I've been on a cabbage heavy diet.

>> No.3782318

ah dae it aw eh time ken is fuckin well mento aye

>> No.3782322 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 627x456, slide_193004_399564_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost came in my eye the first time I used a buttplug, but my glasses blocked it

this isn't literature at all

>> No.3782330

>mibee ah ax that rich cunt stan tae gime the money

But you are Stan, you multiple personality mental patient.