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/lit/ - Literature

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3777920 No.3777920 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finally gave up on writing

>> No.3777925

will you go full harold bloom mode?

>> No.3777929


>> No.3777931

This seems to imply that you wrote anything in the first place. Most of us don't, it's okay.

>> No.3777930
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>tfw I don't know that feel
You're disgusting, OP

>> No.3777935
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>tfw gave up trying in general

>> No.3777937

You don't have to have been published to have written anything stupid

>> No.3777941

That's too bad, it's wonderful

I actually see now that trying is kind of stupid when you look at the odds. Let other people try, we'll sit and enjoy our life free of expectations and unrealistic desires

>> No.3777959
File: 9 KB, 405x344, 1340045812819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I finally give up on writing twice a month
This is hell.

>> No.3777965

dude. You should write a story about it.

>> No.3777970
File: 356 KB, 320x239, 1333845320931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally get back into writing
>meet qt litizen
>is a thousand times the writer you will ever be
>give up on writing again

>> No.3777980

That's the spirit. Just deliciously float along the river of life and sometimes maybe sing a song that comes to you spontaneously with no effort at all.

>> No.3777992


>> No.3778013

Most of /lit/ sits around and whinges about how hard writing is without even writing anything. Or, if they do, they don't show it to anybody, which is equivalent to having never written anything at all.

>> No.3778017

>which is the equivalent of never having written anything at all

1. If you type words onto screen, write words onto paper you have written something
2. How could you possibly know OP never wrote anything and/or never showed what he wrote to people?

You should really stop being such a gigantic faggot

>> No.3778022

you probably failed before you even started.
when mood = why try >>op never gets good
also, write writes because he enjoys writing >> gets famous
write write to get famous >> op

>> No.3778025

lancelot faeggitttt

>> No.3778031

I'm making a generalisation about the board. Calm down, sperglord.

>> No.3778034

Nice backtracking and ad hominem

>> No.3778040

>oversimplifying the situation this much
Writers write because they enjoy writing. Writers can also cirticize their own work. Writers can also see how shitty their work is. Upon seeing how shitty their work is writers can cease to enjoy writing because they know everything they ever write is shit and always will be because they are just a shitty writer.

>> No.3778045

missing the point
i love jerking off
gf does it better
i still jerk off

>> No.3778046

That's you friend. You are not everybody.

>> No.3778050

also it's kind of idiotic and pointless to keep writing if your writing is horseshit just because it's "What you love". Someone makes cars that explode the second you close the door they should stop even if it's what they love to do

>> No.3778051

>take everything completely literally
>surprised when someone calls you a sperger

gd jb kepe itup

>> No.3778060
File: 52 KB, 551x325, 35uja9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoreau gave no fucks
loved life

>> No.3778067

Exactly how does that discredit what I just said at all?

>that 9fag image

>> No.3778070

Still not arguing the point

>> No.3778076

>also it's kind of idiotic and pointless to keep writing if your writing is horseshit just because it's "What you love"

top lel. thats a defeatist attitude. there is a such thing as getting better, but you never will if you don't try.

>> No.3778080
File: 9 KB, 186x272, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many people were killed by honda cars before they actually got recalled.
designer of that car loves life
still designing

winning, duh

>> No.3778086
File: 876 KB, 335x288, 1368951765975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you relearn how to have fun with writing.
>tfw you cast off major expectations
>tfw you no longer avoid it.
>tfw your writing gets better.

>> No.3778094

>implying you can't try over and over and never get better

>> No.3778090

I will never get better at flying no matter how hard I try.

>> No.3778095

how do you know without trying
even if you fail, the world will still be a better place

>> No.3778100

go die in solitude, you sir are contributing nothing to this species

>> No.3778103

Okay I will go jump off a cliff so I can try and fly
Great advice!

>> No.3778107

What have you contributed to the species in your entire life faggot?


No. I mean what the fuck have you fucking done in the last x years of your life that has actually advanced human existence, made existence better, or solved any big problem of humanity?

>> No.3778109

flying? like a plane? take lessons, its not that expensive. You'll be flying in no time

>implying I don't know you're trying to be a smartass.

It seems like you're trying to mask your insecurity. Remember nobody said you were bad but you.

>> No.3778112

>implying humanity contributes anything to itself
>implying all humans shouldn't just die at the same time to save themselves and the planet Earth from further torture

>> No.3778114

lol ... comencing victory lap

>> No.3778119

I'm not masking my insecurity stupid I'm trying to point out how stupid your analogies are and you're making it extremely easy by willfully missing my point which is that some things you can never achieve no matter how many times you try. Here, I'll use a more down to earth example so you can wrap your miniscule mind around it: An amputee with no legs can try to walk on their own with no assistance from others or prostethics however many times they wish, but they never will

A midget can try to grow in his sleep over and over and over again but he won't

>> No.3778120

I don't believe you. its nearly impossible practice writing regularly and not improve even a little.

I mean actively writing. not just pounding words and saying "i'm done" but actively trying to improve, trying new techniques, studying new techniques and evaluating your past work.

hell I can see the difference between something I wrote a week ago and something I wrote yesterday.

>> No.3778128

Well aren't you just a brilliant little faggot

10/10 response
/my life
/3rd dimension
/4th dimension
/5th dimension

>> No.3778129

i did

>> No.3778134

What? You did what? What the fuck?

>> No.3778136

yeah dude you're trying to compensate for something. I do the same thing when someone tells me something I don't like and don't want to accept even though it's true. Lash out, call names, try to be a smartass.

>An amputee with no legs can try to walk on their own with no assistance from others or prostethics however many times they wish, but they never will
Have you heard of walking on your hands? I know a guy in L.A. who has no legs below the waist but he walks on his hands. He has like wooden blocks he holds in his hands so he doesn't touch glass or scrape his hands, shits crazy.

>A midget can try to grow in his sleep over and over and over again but he won't
Now you're talking about something biologically impossible.

Are you saying you have a biological disability that prevents you from getting better at writing? Doesn't that sound silly?

>> No.3778139
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>being this autistic

>> No.3778137
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1357723411547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this upset

>> No.3778149

It seems like you're the one with the impaired social and communication skills friends.

>bahh I no good at write. Me am suck at write
>"but anon you could get better"
>fuk youuuu!! can me get better at fly? can me walk with no have legs?? can me grow in sleep if me midgit?????!!?!
>"those aren't really..."
*reaction image*

>> No.3778150

bump for victory lap

>> No.3778163

>if they do, they don't show it to anybody, which is equivalent to having never written anything at all.

How is that the equivalent in any way? You can still develop artistically in total isolation, other individuals are not the only possible source of criticism.

>> No.3778172

can you truly develop in total isolation?
I would've agreed with you a few years ago but I don't trust myself to be objective, and I think if people are honest most would agree

>> No.3778176

You're assuming objective criticism is required to develop, or at least develop in a favorable way.

>> No.3778178

and I don't see how you could ever truly arrive at objective criticism, any individual's or conglomerate's interpretation of your work will be just as subjective as your own.

>> No.3778184

My problem is I need to listen to people talk to learn to write accurate dialogue, but I'm a misanthrope and when people speak near me I go into a rage. Movies and TV aren't an accurate representation on conversation, or I'd use that exclusively.

>> No.3778192

>Tfw too addicted to dota 2 to write anything

>> No.3778309

Well wouldn't your misanthropy reflect in your writing? Indulging in a biased spin with your dialogue and characters could be a lot more interesting than trying to stifle it. Have you ever read Thomas Bernhand? Try Woodcutters, embraces misanthropy to great effect.

>> No.3778328

>Someone makes cars that explode the second you close the door
fund it. death to carfags.

>> No.3778379

>tfw can't think of a half-decent plot to write about in the first place

>> No.3778423 [DELETED] 

>tfw being knowledgeable on X subjects and writing ABOUT them, instead writing for writing's sake.

>> No.3778437

>tfw being knowledgeable on X subjects and writing ABOUT them, instead of writing for writing's sake.

>> No.3778516

>tfw perfectly satisfied to merely be a great conversationalist