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3776255 No.3776255 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books you tried to read but gave up on

>> No.3776278

Its bearable if its a analysis of it where he's constantly being bashed.

>> No.3776280
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>>a analysis

>> No.3776282



>> No.3776361
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I can't make it past the cover.

>> No.3776366



>> No.3776373
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The heavy dialect written in was too much for me.

>> No.3777399

there's an 'english' version for faggots as well i believe

>> No.3777411
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>> No.3777424
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I'm having trouble getting through Myth of the Machine: Technics and Human Development.

It's a very textbook styled read. Not quit what I was expecting. Haven't given up on it yet.

Pic related was fucking atrocious though.

>> No.3777430

Don Quixote.

too much repetition for my plebish mind.

>> No.3777434


lel, sounds like ye cannae intae pin pint reallisms, kill yirsell

>> No.3777439

Is that how trainspotting is written? Imma have to pick up this book soon.

>> No.3777442
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was thinking about reading this..

what are some reasons not to?

>> No.3777445
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the idiot

>> No.3777453

lmao.. too lazy to talk yourself out of reading an easy-mode book to you want us to talk you out of it?
It is a good book.. therefore read it.

>> No.3777471


yeah some parts are in hardcore scots dialect.
his short stories are also great.
here's one of my favorites:

a commentary on familial degeneration; black humor at it's finest

>> No.3777475

The Black Company by Glen Cook. I honestly can't believe this trash is so highly rated on GoodReads, Amazon, etc. I just couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.3777481

Like everyone else on /lit/, The Ambassadors.

>> No.3777487
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>> No.3777647


Lol am I too lazy to NOT read? lol the fuck?

nah I was going to read it but a prior post said it sucks. if you say it's a good book then I'll read it.

>> No.3777653

Jane Eyre, Black Boy, and Of Mice and Men are the only ones that came to mind. I'll probably revisit the last one but can say quite confidently that the first two were terrible

>> No.3777656

>Some parts

The entire book is in hardcore Scottish.

>> No.3777661


You can read it, fine, but it's not something you'd want to get caught reading.

It'd almost be as bad as being caught with an Ayn Rand book.

>> No.3777688

The Name of the Rose bored me to death some time ago, altough I'm thinking about retrying it, someday.

>> No.3777700

Faust: The Second Part of the Tragedy

>> No.3777710


You might like Foucalt's Pendulum better if you found The Name of the Rose boring. Same author though.

As for me, I couldn't finish "How to Read Literature like a Professor" by Joseph Campbell. I felt like it was just so damn pointless, when it comes to interpretation it's ultimately up to the individual, it's not really something you can learn to do.

>> No.3777722


except that it's not.
hardcore i'd consider that short story i posted above, or parts in trainspotting where Begbie is speaking.
the narration is fairly normal.

>> No.3777749
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I started when I was 9 years old. I will never finish it because that

>> No.3777757

gay ending

>> No.3777767


recently bought the idiot. why could you not finish it? have you read and enjoyed other dostoyevsky?

I have not by the way. I bought c+p at the same time.

>> No.3777773



>> No.3777775


What about Discipline and Punish?

The first chapter almost made me quit, but I've trudged through - will start the second chapter tonight, but goddamn. So many things could be stated in simpler terms, maybe the translation messed it up a little, but it's been pretty thick and dry.

>> No.3777787

Joan Didion is better than DFW get.

>> No.3777793


>> No.3777831

Gormenghast. Jesus christ.

>> No.3777841

Stanford, have you also read Skagboys and Porno? Good times.

Spud is also a great character with his whole catlife ideolect.

>> No.3777848

>So ah thinks tae masel, mibee no too bad an idea but.

fucking lel

>> No.3777853

Discipline and Punish is one of Foucault's easier books. Not to mention the fact that it has the most attention-grabbing introductory paragraph in the history of academic writing that even the most casual peruser of literature could appreciate.

Especially in regards to the opening chapter, I found the work pretty breezy and easy to read. But I only read Foucault after trudging through Derrida's Writing and Difference, so it could be that I'm used to French academic writing and its stylistic idiosyncrasies.

>> No.3777882
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I'm just too pleb to really get what the big deal is, I guess. Everyone raves about the windmill bit and it was only like a page and a half long and nowhere near as funny as it's raved to be.

>> No.3777890


Most of the shit I've been reading this semester has been scholarly articles, primarily from studies at American universities (just graduated). Compared to that form of "academic writing," I consider Discipline and Punish to be... eh, like almost pretentious. Like "Your intelligence/reading comprehension/vocabulary must be this tall to ride." The language could be simpler, which I think would help me read it faster and retain the concepts better. Of course I've only read the first chapter, and I'm hopeful that things will smooth out.

>> No.3777927

I couldn't finish it. Way to advanced for me. I mean, how the hell does a cat in a hat even work amiright?

>> No.3777938


Can anyone tell me what the fuck on going on in that story?

>> No.3777943

On the subject of Ayn Rand: I picked up Atlas Shrugged at my local library (oh, the irony), and I couldn't get past the first 10 pages. I just expected a hodgepodge of fedora atheism and materialism out the wazoo. Some context: I am a non-religious/non-spiritual minarchist (former protestant and former democrat.)

>> No.3777952

On the Road

Boring as fuck

>> No.3777976

my fuckin sides have evaporated mate. that's the funniest thing i've read in a while.that poor woman.

>> No.3778008

The God Delusion
It was such masturbation over tired atheist arguments and required the same leaps in logic religious people use. I could hear people fapping into fedoras while I read it.

>> No.3778015

Because Hitler is a fucking terrible writer. Great public speaker. Terrible writer.
He complained about his daddy didn't hug him enough one page then bitched about art college another.

>> No.3778049

I think at this point it's more fedora-tier to castigate The God Delusion than enjoy it. Why don't we just stop talking about that pedestrian book.

>> No.3778054

Toppest lel i've had all week.

>> No.3778058
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Haven't quite given up on it but after three months I've only gotten through the first volume (about 500 pages).

>> No.3778059

Is he even writing in English? If Scottish literature continues this way it's about a century from being recognized as a unique language.

>> No.3778062


I don't know why, but both of these books were goddamned impossible for me to get into.

>I used to think I liked science fiction and fantasy.
>Turns out only like it when it's in a movie or a video games.

Literary fiction is always the best to read.
>you know it's true.

>> No.3778081

It's basically phonetic Scottish that's heavy on slang.
Once you acclimatise to the style it's actually quite endearing.
If English isn't your first language though then you have my most sincere sympathy.

>> No.3778097

Maybe the problem is that you choose to read shitty fantasy and science fiction.

Hint: stop listening to /lit/, this board is clueless about genre fiction.

>> No.3778146

Before I started reading Trainspotting, I knew it was phonetic scots and I figured "oh this can't be so bad" and I read the first two pages and gave up. Then I went back and read the whole thing plus Porno and Skagboys.

>> No.3778151
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I dont know how anyone finishes. Its so long winded and not very exciting.

>> No.3778160

It validates people looking for a carte-blanche to be a colossal douchebag

>> No.3778161

English isn't my first language and I greatly enjoy the way Welsh writes.

>> No.3778177


I thought it had good ideas and gave a different perspective on things. The writing (AWFUL dialog) and how long it was are what caused me to throw it down in frustration.

It was very prophetic though. Almost disturbingly so.

>> No.3778294


dude wants to watch a soccer match that starts at two (hibs fuckin hertz, hibernian vs hearts) but his wife wants to go down to the pub so that they can take out the bairns (their kids) on sech a rerr dey. so they go down to the pub and proceed to get shitfaced. the wife gets especially shitfaced afterwhich they start to make their way back to the house so that dude can catch his soccer game. he decides to take a shortcut through the train station, and tells his family to jump down onto the tracks so they can get to the other side. the wife objects because she's afraid a train might come but dude tells her that the train doesn't arrive for 5 more minutes and basically forces them to do it.the kids make it across but his wife is too fat and drunk so as he's trying to pull her onto the platform from the tracks the train comes and hits her, ripping out her legs.
he makes his little daughter pick up her mom's legs and threatens to stomp his wife if she doesn't stop swearing at him.
ambulance comes and instead of giving a single shit about his bleeding-to-death wife, he's worried that he'll miss the game and goes on to wrestle with the idea of sex with her leg-less.
he says he'll dump her if she doesn't put out or if she doesn't keep doing the house chores, because the way he sees it "it was her ain fuckin fault" for wanting to go to the pub in the first place.

haven't picked skagboys yet, been meaning to

>> No.3778301


Well, I remember it being heavily Scottish throughout, but it's been five years or so.

I've been meaning to trudge through it completely some time soon, since it's silly to own a book and not read it. I guess I'll see.

>> No.3778308


2/3 of the hilarity comes from his awesomely crass dialectic and destructively nihilistic inner monologues, so me giving you a summary is a big injustice.

>> No.3778315

For me, personally, it is/was "Crime and Punishment."

It was the only Dostoyvesky they had at my library. I would soon like to find other books by him and see if I like them.

"Atlas Shrugged" (although I'm an agorist) and "Don Quixote" I really like, but I have yet to finish simply because I lack the time to do so.

However, summer break begins tomorrow, so I should be able to at least start them again.

There are also numerous (such as The Wheel of Time series and the Harry Potter books) which I thoroughly enjoyed, I just kept losing interest in them and forgetting where I was at after extended periods of absence from them.

>> No.3778324


i mean youre not wrong. it is scottish, in a lot of parts the dialect is very heave. but it's not as such throughout. most of the book is rather accessible to most:

>Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life… But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin’ else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?”

>> No.3778332


whoops that was from the "English" version. Replace "pissing" with "pishing"; that's about it. Still very accessible. compare that to Fault in the Line.

>> No.3778339

Are there also non-alcoholics (who are not drug addicts) in Scotland?

>> No.3778349


idk probably and you're entirely missing the artform's fucking essence you knob

>> No.3778350


Really though,
are you scottish?

>> No.3778360
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ays frim fucken Albany ya radge cunt bairn tae Dutch and Cuban parents, raised in Miami.

>> No.3778421

I like how you saved that pic.

>> No.3778447
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Horrendously repetitive, uninspired prose and the most obnoxious characters.

>> No.3778450
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I really didn't like how it was written.
Just seemed like /pol/ redpilling to me.

>> No.3778451

I know man. That shit was so uninspired....

>> No.3778454
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All of them.

>> No.3778467

Oh lord I still remember from high school. I just couldn't keep reading, not even half way through. I had to bs the essays we were to write on it.

My friend's theory is that Woolf appeals more to women as Joyce appeals to men.

>> No.3778475

Really? I always imagined myself being the only person in the 305 who goes on /lit/

>> No.3778493

this bookshelf makes me feel good inside

>> No.3778531


"uninspired prose"

thick, solid, great choice for criticizing a book you didn't read

i also didn't read to the lighthouse. i found it to have "not good symbolism" and "unsatisfactory themes".

>> No.3778570

Half of it.

>> No.3778602

I'm reading that now actually. It was interesting up until page 50 or so when he starts ranting incoherently on Social Democracy. I'm hoping he stops soon because this is just stupid.

>> No.3778738

I'm contemplating cracking open Mason & Dixon. No-go?

>> No.3779038

I wouldn't know. I gave up on it like 15 pages in.
Ha, why?

>> No.3779040

>Infinite Jest
>Scotch tape on the spine.

>> No.3779042

Anyone read Saramago? I was thinking of picking up Blindness or something like that, is he good?

>> No.3779071

I've only read Death With Interruptions but I have to say I really really enjoyed his personification of death. Though with the specific book I was hoping for more of Death and her love-story than of the awkward mildly absurd parody that takes up the majority of the bok.

>> No.3779084


>litcore: the library

I could never get through "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk. I tried reading that book three times.

>> No.3779086

This one, thee times.
Las Obras Completas de Julio Cortazar (the guy likes to go on tangents for whole pages then go back to what he was saying, which means constantly going back to see what was he saying before)
A self-help/yoga/zen book of my sister, which I started reading out of boredom (no internet, no other books, no tv, no radio). I put it down a quarter hour latter, more bored than before.
There are other books which I have “on hold”. It's not that I don't want to finish reading them as much as I have better things to do and other book genres and authors which interest me more.

>> No.3779092
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tfw no qt corvette intellectual gf.

>> No.3779146

I actually enjoyed Mein Kampf, it's not just a manifest of his party, but it shows reasons why Germans supported crazy rebuilding of an army, his ideas and why were they looking for enemies amongst themselves. He's far from crazy person, I admire him because he stands for what he believes to be right.

>> No.3779150

Would ride.

>> No.3779163



>> No.3779170

Oh God, this. Faust I was God-tier writing, I don't know what the fuck made Goethe think that slapping together a shitload of allusions into some chaotic mess was a good thing. Something may have been lost in the version of the translation I read, but it was still just awful and came off as 2edgy6me.

>> No.3779180

Naked Lunch.

Too fucking difficult to understand what was going on or when you did it was violent homoerotic content that just made me uncomfortable reading it.

>> No.3779186

For whom the bell tolls.
It was just to dry. Eh, Ingles?

>> No.3779193

It was a unique language, but it's becoming more and more similar to English.

You guys should try reading Orcadian. It's like highland Scots with a little Scandinavian.

>> No.3779219
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Thus Zarathustra Spoke. Two months ago this stupid guy gave me panic attacks one after another. Still 50 pages remain.

>> No.3779222
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Good, good. It means it is working.

>> No.3779224

I realized that. Scary shit.

>> No.3779236

And then he fucked up everything because he was a shitty military leader that rather shot himself then fought to the bitter end.

>> No.3779249

>actually believing the retoric he flung at the plebs
>not merely being the next in the honorable pan-european tradition of caesar and napoleon and others
>not one of the people with a vision for a united europe
>not seeing that the antisemite and nationalist ideas were merely means to an end

>> No.3779251
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>tfw revaluating all values

>> No.3779252


Yeah, a coward, just like all the stormfags and polscum mullets who worship him.

>> No.3779254

i really... i mean i like that you use the word "mullet" because it identifies you
but your anti/pol/fagging is really counterproductive
you're a very insecure individual

>> No.3779259



>> No.3779264 [DELETED] 

Suicide isn't cowardice, suicide is what people believe is a means to an end. When people kill themselves half the time it's not because they were too weak, it's because they were no longer able to cope, psychologically. The human mind is very tough, but it can be broken and once it does, logic breaks down with it.

Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is an amazing work of political literature, not in writing but in the message. His chapters on secret services and the SS are very interesting and logical. Fight to a bitter end? He has fought in war before, he knew the repercussions of taking his chances at being captured. He risked is life many times before and won many medals. he was not a coward, he was just a man that was a lot more intelligent than you and that ignites your inferiority complex.

No, I'm not white and no, I'm not a nazi.

>> No.3779268
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>>No, I'm not white and no, I'm not a nazi.

Then, you're a douchebag.

>> No.3779270

"He [Hitler] was at once everyone's enemy and everyone's friend: his programme of contradictory principles could succeed only in a community which had already lost all unity and self-confidence."

>> No.3779275
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good goy

>> No.3779278

Stop projecting

>> No.3779289

Yeah, getting captured and enduring show trails and being tortured, broken and ridiculed would have been a better idea for his heritage. Top lel. Emperors and the like don't merely run heroically into the gunfire like a common pleb. There is nothing wrong with killing yourself in such a situation. It's probably the right thing to do.

>> No.3779291

Now we're about Nazis, does anyone know of a book I could read about the willingness of the German soldiers to fight/execute whoever at the time?
The line I was given to believe was they were afraid of speaking out, and as it was a fascist state with secret police and labour camps I can see their point, but was wondering if there was any evidence to the contrary.

Thanks in advance, anon.

>> No.3779294

He led the defence of the city and took an active part in the fighting alongside his troops in the land walls. At the same time, he used his diplomatic skills to maintain the necessary unity between the Genovese, Venetian and the Greek troops.

He died on 29 May 1453, the day the city fell. His last recorded words were: "The city is fallen and I am still alive",[16] and then he tore off his imperial ornaments so as to let nothing distinguish him from any other soldier and led his remaining soldiers into a last charge where he was killed.[17]

A *real* leader in a desperate, hopeless situation. Not your cowardly Austrian corporal.

>> No.3779298

Hitler's Empire, by Mark Mazower. Deals extensively with Wehrmacht involvement in the atrocities committed in occupied Europe and Russia, and debunks the common myth that the SS were the "evil Germans" and the Wehrmacht all tragic heroes on the wrong side.

>> No.3779299

I found the in depth descriptions of minute changes in characters facial expressions extremely irritating, especially since it happened so often. there were entire paragraphs drawing these long winded meanings from the slightest grimace.

>> No.3779300

> He led the defence of the city
Nah. Giovanni Giustiani was the prime leader. Venetians troops also did not take part in the siege: Ships, however, were recruited to Byzantine Navy led by Lukas Notaras who also betrayed Constantinos X and tried to go for collaboration with Ottomans.

Constantinos was overly dramatic leader who insisted dying on battlefield. It was the culmination of western world's martyrdom - Mongols had proven such to be absolutely irrelevant in warfare by showing the benefits of Commander actually commanding the battle from elevated position, not from lines.

>> No.3779304

Brilliant! Just what I was looking for. Thank you.

>> No.3779306

Dude just finish it I went to a coffee shop and read it in a day. There is a purpose to the repetitiveness. Also it gets better as it progresses

>> No.3779308


>> No.3779309

Did many cute-pies interrupt you to ask how it stands on good/bad dichonomy?

>> No.3779311

But my point still stands. 'Overly dramatic', sure - but it's a lot more admirable than ruining your country and then killing yourself before any punishment comes to you.

>> No.3779314

So would you say that the death of Mussolini was a lot more admirable? You know, being executed by partisans and flogged with a common whore.

>> No.3779320

I would say that Mussolini's death was pitiful in the exact same way; he was caught on the run, hiding from his fate rather than accepting it or rushing to it.

>> No.3779328
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>reading poststructuralism

lel plen do you even hardcore rationalism?

>> No.3779329
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>> No.3779331

Accepting rationalism is a leap of faith.

>> No.3779334


Mussolini assumed his defeat by being torn apart by the people he failed to.

Hitler was a coward. He escaped the consequences of his poor leadership and military skills, like, well, a coward.

Now, that is pure fact and there's not two ways about it.

>> No.3779339

Getting anonymously speared isn't much more heroic than eating a bullet. Especially not if you're deliberately soliciting death. Your precious emperor really just committed a histrionic version of suicide by cop.

>> No.3779342
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Except no. If you knew a thing or two about Parmenides you might know that reason can be proven to exist by differentiating it from the pre-reason One. From there you can just say that reason is by definition reliable, and boom, no more leaps. In other words: Into the trash do the Frenchies go!

>> No.3779347

It's a gesture of contempt against ones' enemies, and it's making your death part of the suffering of the people you've failed. It's the least a leader can be prepared to do.

>> No.3779349

Thank you! Too often do I have to explain this to people.

>> No.3779351


Bullocks. For the leader to take part of the suffering, the leader must follow the same faith as his followers.

The nazi pigs got slaughtered by the Red Army and, so, for Hitler to show some balls he should have gone out, guns blazing, ready to get shot.

No matter how much you deepthroat the Austrian failed artist and nutcase, this is fact and you have to chew on it.

>> No.3779354


Yup, pretty much this.

The only two types of Nazis who had balls were those fallen in combat and the ones gone to Nuremberg.

>> No.3779357

He would have to do so with a balaclava on his mug to be in the same situation as yon emperor. Which would mean he would simply get shot to death without too much trouble. Really not much of a difference to shooting yourself. It's a very empty gesture really.

>> No.3779359

The only raison d'etre of nazism is antisemitism, nigger

Racism and antisemitism is ingrained into nazism, the racial purity is at its very core, and holds a literally mythical level

>thule society
>master race concepts
>aryan origin archeologic expeditions in Tibet
>"medical" experiments

Please explain why antisemitism was a mean to a end, I'm waiting... antisemitism WAS the end and war only the means.

You take away antisemitism, everything crumbles

>> No.3779361
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np broski

>> No.3779364

It says something about you that your idea of being though is letting yourself be tortured for no good reason. It's a very passive, bend over, meek martyr Christian sort of heroics. Before Christian times suicide was actually considered the aristocratic and noble way to die in a lot of cultures. You choose your own death instead of delivering it into the hands of some pleb. It's being in control of your destiny.

There's also something disgustingly egalitarian to demand leaders to symbolically mimic the way of death of their subordinates as a grand gesture of 'we're all in this together!'.

>> No.3779365


Every time.

>> No.3779366

Differentiation is unfounded. Nice try.

>> No.3779368
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>can be proven to exist
>reason is by definition reliable
>and boom, no more leaps

>> No.3779371

Nope, you get good old fascism without the convenient jew scapegoat. Antisemitism was an aspect of National Socialism but so heavily emphasised after the war that it can seem to be it's main cause. It was about establishing a new order in Europe with Germany at the helm. The rest were details.

>> No.3779374


But it's true. Once you establish that reason must actually exist, you need to admit that its definition is that it is at least usually tells us the truth.


Prove it m8.

>> No.3779375

>The only raison d'etre of nazism is antisemitism, nigger
Behold, I present to you the pinnacle of American education. Where is your God now, huh?

>> No.3779378


>find Nazis "logical"
>"martyrdom is a valid value"

>...77 virgins?

Why am I not surprized

You should have sex more often youssef, your sexual frustration & narcissim is showing through suicidal thoughts

>> No.3779382


is that it at least*

>> No.3779385

Differentiation is merely projection. Before people start drawing lines there are no many and there is no one. Separateness and oneness are mere concepts. Stop cherishing the concepts, disrupt the constant discriminative interpretation of your experience and they both disappear. It's mere map-drawing. Convenient in that sense, but no more than that and confusing the map for the territory leads to nothing but confusion.

>> No.3779389

I'm a Christian. If you know anything about the actual person my tripcode is, maybe I'd take you seriously. Youssef Bek Karam led a nationalist movement in my home in Lebanon against the Turks.

>sexual frustration
Only leftists are sexually frustrated.

>> No.3779393

>living outside of civilisation
>thinks Hitler was an okay guy

now it all makes sense

>> No.3779394

A good and very valid point, Mussolini facism wasn't very mystical about race and jews, cause you know, catholics

That's exactly why it failed hard and would have crumbled without germany

>implying continental Europe isn't established into a new order with Germany at the helm today

>> No.3779397

Mussolini's fascism failed because of Hitler and Germany. It was too fragile to survive a war, too young - as was National Socialism. If Hitler had been a leader of any ability or foresight war wouldn't have happened in 1939.

>> No.3779398


I agree; everything but the One is mere deception. However, we must admit that there exists the deception. The One is not within our experience, as our experience relies on reason. The One naturally exists in a pre-reason state, because for it to be interpreted by reason would not make it the true One. But, insofar as it exists only within deception, reason is reliable to some extent. We cannot hope to overcome the deception, because this would require a two-step process towards self-annihilation, and then there would be no we.

>> No.3779406

> Italy
> Failed hard

Italian fascism didn't fail as a system - It failed when due to external pressures it went for war, even though it clearly wasn't ready for one.

>> No.3779409

Hitler was a genius but his soul was a bucket full of shit. He also had the special charisma to turn everything into shit. Proof? You. Look at this thread, look at you. You are the cancer. Hitler would be proud of you.

>> No.3779412


people in germany were anti-semetic at the time because they had a tendancy to try and start communist revolutions.

>> No.3779413

I think there is a lot of overlap in a lot of traditions regarding what you call the One.

I don't think we are forever divorced from it in our lifetime though. The differentiating is the very rationalising. Stop rationalising and the deception falls away. There are a lot of practices that pursue this aim. Buddhist realisation of sunyata, Taoist becoming one with the Tao, Sufi, Hindu and Christian mysticisms experience of God, Pyrrhonian suspension of judgement etc. I don't think Heraclitus' Logos isn't very different from Parmenides' One in principle either. I'd like to think I've had glimpses of this pre-reason state and therefore I have good faith in the notion that it can be expanded upon, perhaps become a continuous.

My knowledge of Parmenides is rusty though but you've rekindled my interest. Any specific texts and translations you recommend?

>> No.3779415


Into the trash it goes.

>> No.3779416


just a side note, 'anti-semetic' itself is somewhat of a misnomer here, european jews are khazars, arabs are more ethnically semetic.

>> No.3779417

> Also, let's not forget - let's *not* forget, Dude - that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city - that aint ...

>> No.3779421

Catcher in the Rye. Holden was such a prick, I could never get past the first thirty pages.

>> No.3779422

Also because German jews were at the forefront of "degenerate culture and grotesque art", i.e. modernism. This rhetoric still lives on among neonazis who praise kitsch romantic art that's on the same level as power metal album covers.

>> No.3779423

>didn't even read those 20 pages

>> No.3779424


I agree

I see Hitler as a tragic personage and the very exemple of "be careful of what you fish for"

In his youth Hitler wanted to be a recognized artist, to create something that will survive him and be recognized
He thought his dream was dead when he failed to get in art-school, he gave up on his dream to focus in politics

But he got what he wished for

The ultimate results of brooding over his initial failure was the creation of a symbolic&artistic system extremely powerful, maybe more semantically significant than ANY symbol existing

>Swaziska & nazi flags
>nazis uniforms & helmets
>SS runes, totenkofpts

system which is recognized quasi-universally and will be for decades, maybe centuries.

Now artschools accept anybody to prevent this

>> No.3779428

>tfw mod is dead and we have killed him

>> No.3779429
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>Now artschools accept anybody to prevent this

>> No.3779436


I'm actually living in Australia, lel.
Oh my. Someone's assuming a bit too much!

>> No.3779438
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>To the Lighthouse
>uninspired prose

Board is 18+.

>> No.3779440

Diary of Anne Frank
The Castle
Moby Dick
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.3779443
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almost. Gonna finish it today, about 4 weeks after picking it up. I really don't know what to think about it yet.

>> No.3779445


>> No.3779447

>not wanting to live in the glorious land of sunshine, hot chicks and kangaroo's

>> No.3779449
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>Now artschools accept anybody to prevent this

>> No.3779450
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> the heck am I fucking reading?

All the time. Half an hour after starting it I gave up.

>> No.3779451
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>> No.3779455

Fuckin' lebo's

>mfw I'm going to have a sick sesh with my blue eyes blonde haired true blue mate

All the Anglo's love me because I'm the only one actually in a party that is stopping the building of mosques in our area, fuckin' muzza's

>> No.3779453


> Now artschools accept anybody to prevent this


So Warhol is a Hitler creation?

>> No.3779457

That was hilarious.

>> No.3779458
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>> No.3779460
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>aussie leb

HAHAHA fuck off you massive shit cunt

>> No.3779462
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Lel, check out this mutt, aye mate you know that every girlfriend I've had so far is aussie? Yeah, don't worry, I'll try save some for you (if you leave your subhuman melbourne apartment that is)

>> No.3779463
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I am happy to hear you won't be there when we roll the tanks again over your country. Sincerely.

>> No.3779467
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>rolling anything

>> No.3779468


>self-hating leb

lol poor child you are so confused

>> No.3779469


"pre-reason state"

Oh, you mean 30 minutes after eating magic mushrooms? The only time in my life I can think about things as if not through a lens or my own paradigms? The only problem is the childlike innocence and naivety.

>> No.3779473
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>> No.3779474
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>self hating leb
>tripcode is of a national hero of Lebanon

logic, not even once

>> No.3779476

LOL 10/10

>> No.3779479

I've no experience with that, I was referring more towards meditation and moments of 'flow', but they might as well relate to each other.

>> No.3779480
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Not a Turk, son, not a turk ;)

>> No.3779485

I am begging you, roll the fuck back in and cleanse my country because Hezbollah and Saudi Arabia have turned my country into a fucking muslim infested shithole

>> No.3779488


Yup, that's the idea. We love you, people, we just don't like Hezbollah.

I finished my service and returned to my country of birth (Spain), but I would happily enlist for that "crusade".

>> No.3779491

The Maronite people are being suppressed because we simply have no allies. Look what happened with the Assyrians. We don't want that to happen here.

Lebanon is the land of the real Lebanese, the Maronite, Aramaic peoples.

>> No.3779498

Also, I guess when you approach such states slowly and deliberately instead of forcing it with psychoactives you sort of get to walk the line of what Buddhists call the two truth doctrine, being aware of both convention and 'truth', being some sort of a functioning mystic.

>> No.3779562

If you're fine with reading terrible books which make extensive use of allegory that involves animals go ahead.

>> No.3779578

9 out of 10 fantasy books I ever tried.

I wasn't aware that fantasy stands for "more of the same written by some other author".

And the worst is that all that garbage written by those coat-tail riders lessens the actually good works they rip-off and make them feel cliché.

>> No.3779601


But to witness the One would be to shatter all of reality. As far as I know, there is still existence. And you couldn't witness the One to begin with, because the One is not is, but is also not not is. You see, existence is action, and reason is the categorization of action. The One transcends action and the existence/nonexistence dichotomy, and therefore could not be witnessed, since it cannot be at all. It is pure substance. I don't think you quite understand what I'm telling you. I don't think it is possible to break the dichotomy of being/nonbeing, because possibility itself is. Only the One can be and not be at once. Everything else only is.

>> No.3779605


but also is not not

>> No.3779642

>Journey to the End of the Night

Once I finished that book, all I could think was why anyone would write that? It's so bleak and dark and full of despair. There are some things humans should just keep to themselves.

>> No.3779651
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What anyone see's in this pretentious tripe is beyond me

>> No.3779675

You could say that they see... infinite jest.

>> No.3779689
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>But to witness the [...] You see, existence is action, and reason is the categorization of action.
I'd say to witness the One is to see reality unobstructed. You are always witnessing the One, you just don't realise it. To do away with the illusion that things are not the One is to experience the One. And to do away with illusion doesn't lead to 'you' witnessing 'the One' but the dissolving of this discrimination where you are the One or there is the One or there is no idea of the One nor not the One but merely hehehehee/cuntrag/three pounds of flax/suchness/KAAAAATZ etc post-dualism of unutterableness since all linguistic expression is based on contradictory notions and qualities and discrimination and as soon as a word is uttered or concept is entertained the suchness shatters into fragments.

>The One transcends action and the existence/nonexistence dichotomy, and therefore could not be witnessed, since it cannot be at all.
But it is, since everything is. Existence/non-existence is a false dichotomy. Non-existence is an empty category, an error. Correct this error and you will remain with the dichotomy falling away. Everything per definition exists. Existance is merely another word for the One/Logos/Dao/Brahman etc.

>It is pure substance.
The dichotomy between substance and not-substance is false. All dichotomies are false.

>I don't think you quite understand what I'm telling you.
I think I do but just don't agree, but you might be right. Maybe we don't understand eachother mutually.

>I don't think it is possible to break the dichotomy of being/nonbeing, because possibility itself is. Only the One can be and not be at once. Everything else only is.
This is where our main difference lies since non-existence as a concept is nothing but human error to me. It's a stunted byproduct of a dualistic language.

>> No.3779694

Also how about them recommendations, friend?

>> No.3781427
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It's just fucking imposible.

>> No.3782040


>> No.3782118
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I'm with you man.
I read Crime and Punishment.
I did my time.

>> No.3782168
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So. Fucking. Slow.

>> No.3782211

>heavy dialect
It's not, though.
You need to learn like 10 words max if you've never heard a scot before, and if you have met a scot before you should be fine.

>> No.3782244

>uninspired prose

fucking WOW