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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 90 KB, 640x427, yale-campus-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3775403 No.3775403 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you go to college? What do you study there?

>> No.3775410

I don't go to college. I'm a college graduate.

>> No.3775414

I'm also a graduate, and actually employed (rarely enough).

>> No.3775415

Too ashamed to admit where you went to school?

>> No.3775419

The University of Iowa.

>> No.3775420
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The University of York. Computer Science.

>> No.3775423

Iowa has a university? I'll take your word for it

>> No.3775426

I graduated from the most prestigious university in my state then moved back home with parents because no job. I hang out with all of my old friends who stayed local (junior college, state schools, shit private christian schools). I inherently feel superior to them because of my education, but they have nice shit because they started working when they were 16 and now have decent $20/hour jobs (at 23)

>> No.3775430

What state do you live in?

>> No.3775435

The University of Building Construction

>> No.3775437

School of hard knocks. Study masturbation and stuffing my face with fast food. The streets are tough. Can almost see one from the window of my room. So I know.

>> No.3775438

>$20/hour jobs
Damn, this is way higher than what I'll ever make. Currently working for 7euro/hour. I don't think it gets any better if I ever get to be paid at my uni.

>> No.3775440

Several. You'd think a literature board would know about the university that's most renowned for creative writing, but not too much surprises me anymore about this place.

>> No.3775454

lol, everybody check this shit out

>> No.3775464
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Holy shit you guys are poor

>> No.3775467

I was thinking of doing a semester abroad at York. What's it like there?

>> No.3775474

My family is poor. I did well in school and got a scholarship. These guys are just fucking stupid

>> No.3775480

How do I go about getting to study in Europe?

>> No.3775484

Stupid is as stupid done(?). I've confused myself. Time to find my ball an play with it in the backyard. Oh, that ball. Will it never cease yielding fascination and joy? No. No was the correct answer.

>> No.3775489

Use your words

>> No.3775490
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I quite like it. The main campus is largely '60s concrete and pretty ugly, the new campus is largely modern artsy architecture and is also pretty ugly. If you don't mind ugly buildings (or if you actually like them), it's not bad. People are generally friendly and, whilst I can't really speak for any other than my own department, I've found the teaching to be fairly good.

There's always a lot of student-run stuff going on, so finding a club or something to join is pretty easy. Furthermore, campus is only half an hour or so away from the city centre (and hundreds of pubs), which is nice.

There are a lot of ducks, geese, and a couple of swans.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask away.

>> No.3775493

But I don't know words good?

>> No.3775498

They have a terrific creative writing program, actually. It's a bit embarrassing that you're not familiar with them.

>> No.3775503

Iowa Writers Workshops is really famous and if you're not familiar with it I'm not sure what to say except you should be.

>> No.3775505

Shh don't feed them

>> No.3775512

I'm a History&Political Science double major, and I'm studying French. How are those departments at York?

Also, geese are disgusting and they make a horrible mess

>> No.3775516

Bachelor of History/Art History at the Univeristy of BC
Bachelor of Environmental Design at Dalhousie
Currently taking an Architectural Technology cetificate program at SAIT because DAL's BEDS program was shit

kill me.

>> No.3775531
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I'm a rising 2L at Harvard Law School. I majored in English as an undergrad.

If you guys want to know anything about the whole law school thing, feel free to ask

>> No.3775533

I'm afraid I don't really know. I know a guy doing philosophy & politics, and he seems to really enjoy his course.

>> No.3775538

what are the best colleges for literature?

I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in this

>> No.3775542

The Ivy League schools are best for lit

>> No.3775562

Where'd you go undergrad?

>> No.3775573

Notre Dame

>> No.3775574

Well we know where you'll be going to school

>> No.3775577

non-ivy league because not everyone get in to the sekret club

>> No.3775579

psh, the sekret club is only at princeton

>> No.3775587

Should have gone to SAIT first bro

>> No.3775589

What's a rising 2L

>> No.3775595

It just means I've finished my first year and I'll be starting my second in the fall.

>> No.3775598 [DELETED] 

In retrospect, yeah. DAL was horrible at providing any kind of actual employable skills so I'm sort of having to play catchup.

>> No.3775611

In retrospect, yeah. DAL ended up being horrible at providing any kind of employable skills so I'm sort of playing catch-up. I know a bunch of people who work in design offices and they seem to view having both as a plus regardless, though

>> No.3775633

>implying ivy leagueism isn't the biggest circle-jerk sekret club known to man

>> No.3775637

someone sounds incredibly jealous

>> No.3775641


Bet you went to a state school in a flyover state! Hah.

>> No.3775650

Sarah Lawrence College, and I'm their model liberal arts student. Chemistry, economics, history, literature, creative writing, and psychology.
Passed up Columbia for them. Mixed bag, but ultimately I don't regret it.
Like every other tryhard out there, hoping for Iowa or Michigan after I graduate.

>> No.3775652


>passing up COlumbia for Sarah Lawrence

Dude. DUDE.

You fucked up big time.

>> No.3775653

University of Wisconsin
Computer Science and Math

>> No.3775654

University of Texas.


It's pretty cool.

>> No.3775668

Nah. I could take the classes I wanted without prereqs, and I actually got to talk to my professors -- though to be fair, all the truly amazing ones have a foot in the grave.
Going to an Ivy for undergrad isn't the best move unless you're really sweating job prospects. You can actually get an education elsewhere.

>> No.3775678

uh, you can talk to your professors at an ivy league school

I bet you weren't even accepted at Columbia

>> No.3775688


Did you get waitlisted at Columbia?

>> No.3775700

First time in the thread someone slung that particular handful of mud. A little shocked it wasn't earlier.
Friends and former flames at Harvard and Princeton confirm what I read when I was doing research -- you don't communicate with your professors, and many wind up being taught by aides.

No, but I admittedly had legacy going for me.
I didn't want to join my dad's frat

>> No.3775714


>I didn't want to join my dad's frat

Huh. Fair enough I guess, if you aren't like your dad. You wouldn't want to fail his expectations.

>> No.3775721

>University of British Columbia

>Political Science

>> No.3775732

He recently died in prison, so the "expectations" spiel isn't one I could ever compare with.
There is a large population of slunking would-be artists who are trying to get out of various familial shadows at the SLC, though, so I can't blame you for the potshot.

>> No.3775739

I dropped out.

sage because college should be for STEM

>> No.3775748
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> for STEM
whatever lel

>> No.3775761

College of William and Mary. Just got accepted. Senior in highschool.

>> No.3775763

>baby can't teach himself literature at home

crackhead detected

>> No.3775767

Huh? I study STEM you dolt

>> No.3775771

Nice breh. Oldest law school in the US, and Thomas Jefferson's alma mater.
There's mad respect for a W&M degree in certain circles, do good shit.
What are you studying?

>> No.3775778

Im going to Holy Cross next year. Kinda excited. Hope the English is good there.

>> No.3775780

see you soon faggot

hope you aren't an uncultured poorfag

>> No.3775788

Definitely want to go into English undergrad. Post grad I've yet to decide.

Just to entertain my dreams, I've always wanted to be a college professor. Not many positions though. Still, love to dream.

>> No.3775790

Ill try to steer clear of you.

>> No.3775794

All you have to do is get published.
Write a hip reading of a philosopher or major writer than can sell 20k copies, and you're good.
Either that or hitch yourself to a certain professor and ride the recommendations to a position.
It's doable, you should go for it.
What do you read?

>> No.3775795

i'll steal your gf weakling

>> No.3775808

>The Implications
Jonathan Franzen's investigation into the psyche of a crumbling man, Anonymous. With nothing to reach for but
> muh elitism
his slow descent into shitposting madness is chronicled with rare irony, and meditative birdwatching scenes. Currently being adapted into a HBO sic-part starring Jude Law.

>> No.3775810

Anthropology at UC Santa Cruz, which really means I read books about humanity and archaeology while smoking weed and skateboarding.

>> No.3775811

Reading Pynchon's V. right now. Studying for finals so not a lot lately. I think I'm fairly well read and can hold my own in literary discussions. Finished up vonneguts cats cradle and slaughterhouse five a week ago and read the stranger three nights ago.

Doubt it. Have had three steady girlfriends since freshman year. You sound tough though

>> No.3775814

me and my boys run these parts

you best show some respect to the old money squad when you come on by

>> No.3775819

>having a gf
>not just fucking without consequences

get ur shit togethr m8

>> No.3775822

Sounds like you'll do fine. Just don't be that cunt who talks too much in class. No one likes that guy, and he doesn't get laid. If you're into war-related lit, definitely check out Journey to the End of the Night. Loved it is a younger man, still do. It might also get you French ladies someday.

>> No.3775829

Nah don't worry I'm really laid back in class and I hate those fucks that crave attention and anxiously boast about how much they know about everything. Ill add it to my wish list and check it out. Thanks a lot man

>> No.3775850
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Carleton University (lolCanada)

>> No.3775856


care to elaborate?

>> No.3775860

are you retarded

>> No.3775861


...a list of books you wish to read in the future.

>> No.3775865

I want to go to the Hampshire Community College in Huangshow, New Mexico. The opportunities that the college offers is large like a dick. You have the discipline of stacking sticks, the major's major, and a bachelors in food science. What else can you ask for? Possibly a few condoms, but I poke holes in them anyways. Look, there's nothing wrong. I just want to be the good old GK. He was my mane, dats it mane. Dats it.

>> No.3775874

What are the most patrician majors?

>> No.3775876

University of Minnesota. Thinking about transferring to Madison.

>> No.3775877

Whatever sparks your passions most.

>> No.3775899
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>> No.3775906
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Bard College (lel liberal arts)
Studying Russian and mathematics

>> No.3775910

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for their Graduate School of Library and Information Science.

It is what it is.

>> No.3775913

>Graduate School of Library and Information Science

what is that?

>> No.3775916


It probably means he's trying to become a librarian.

>> No.3775924

Librarians go to graduate school? What?

>> No.3775927
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that's pretty cool. I think a girl that graduated today from my school is going into the library science graduate school.

Millikin University.

>> No.3775947


More or less is what it states, except some people here are really computer science heavy whereas others are more traditional library oriented. Most of the students I know are studying to work in some sort of director role at a public library.


Yep. A master's degree from and ALA-accredited institution is a must if you want to work in most academic libraries, medical libraries, law libraries, federal libraries, large public libraries, etc. There's a lot more to librarians than the people who staff your local public circulation desk.

There are a few in the US that are highly esteemed in the library world. Do you know where she's going?

>> No.3775961


she's going to U of I baby

>> No.3775964

U-dub Seattle Master Race.

>> No.3775971

Oh shit, son.

Is she a qt?

>> No.3775974


Computational Physics - though I'm considering transferring somewhere (even LSU) because our department chair is a crackpot.

>> No.3775975

Hey, I go there too.

>> No.3775985
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Temple University, for journalism. It's okay.

>The main campus is largely '60s concrete and pretty ugly, the new campus is largely modern artsy architecture and is also pretty ugly

Sounds like Temple.

>all that library accreditation


>> No.3775990

dude you would be better off at UNO for anything STEM except neuroscience

>> No.3776019


me too

I like Bard

>> No.3776027

Shit, me too

Are your initials M.C. by any chance?

>> No.3776030

I do not go to college. I am a failure. That's why I'm 27 years old and on a message board, instead of fucking my hot wife or in bed right now at 2 am. See, don't be like me anon. Stay in school.

>> No.3776032

;_; go to school

>> No.3776073

I've been planning on law school, but my friends (1Ls at Columbia, BU, UVA) tell me they absolutely hate it.

I've scored 170-172 on my first couple LSAT preptests (taking in October), 4.0 state school gpa, captain of my nationally-ranked undergrad mock trial team. I've at least got a shot, right?

>> No.3776099

English Lit
University of Liverpool
Planning to apply to Oxford for the Mediaeval MSt, in October.

>> No.3776106

History and Politics, University of Liverpool
How's it going for you, friend?

>> No.3776108

Studying literature at Cambridge.

>> No.3776109

Fucking metaphysicists and courtly poets are driving me round the bend. I set a goal for myself to learn 5 poems each from the repertoires of: Herbert, Marvell, Wyatt, and Sidney. Revision always takes so long. My other module, Mediaeval Narratives, was all c/w. Managed to get an 85 overall.

Are you in your 2nd year? How are things for you? I'm guessing you spend some of your time in the Cypress Building; I've probably seen you around, without realising.

>> No.3776110

Mad jeal.

>tfw A*AA
>tfw 4 rejections

Feels UCAS, man. Hopefully I'll get into Oxford, next year.

>> No.3776111
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London School of Economics. PhD in Economics.

>> No.3776112

Incidentally, I'll be in the Sydney Jones Library within the hour. I always sit in the same place. Lel.

>> No.3776113

Did your friends say why they hate it? I can't speak to what it's like at those schools, but I can say my experience at Harvard has been overwhelmingly positive. You learn an awful lot here and it's been a great experience. But I'm interested in the law and I enjoy studying it

>I've at least got a shot, right?
Do you mean a shot at Harvard, or a top law school? Bear in mind that people tend to perform worse on the real LSAT than they do on the practice ones. If you want to make it into Harvard, really study hard for the LSAT between now and October. Aim for 175+. (I scored a 176, and I believe this was a huge factor in my admission since I only had a 3.8 GPA) But I also founded a club, had a leadership position with two others, played sports, and volunteered for charity work. (Softs are of course secondary to the numbers though)

With your GPA and decent softs you've definitely got a shot at Harvard. And if not Harvard at least an upper T14. But if you want to make it into Harvard, kill the LSAT and write an awesome essay. Your LSAT score is of GREAT importance.

Also, don't forget your recommendations. Try and figure out as soon as you can who you want to ask to do your recommendations. Make sure it's not just prof's whose classes you did well in and ones that liked you, but be sure they can probably write a good recommendation. I knew a guy who asked this forgetful old clown of a prof. to write his recommendation. The professor agreed to do it but then forgot to and it totally ruined this guy's cycle. Don't be that guy!

But about the hating law school thing. If you don't want to practice law, don't go to law school. Simple as that. If you want to go to law school just to further your education, maybe look at some other options for grad school

However, if you're sure you want to study law and become a lawyer, then you're in a great position to go to a top law school, no doubt.

>> No.3776119

Damn, an 85? I just scraped one of those precious things on a shitty pre-dissertation module. Yeah, I'm in my second year. First exams on this coming Wednesday, so I'm sat at home trying to get down enough bits of media-related political science theory and Napoleonic history to survive. Taking a year out next year to go learn Mandarin in China (you probably got the emails they sent out about that). Not been in the Cypress Building much this term, but last term about two of my modules (War, Nationalism and Society in Europe 1792-1801, and International History 1900-1945) were done in there.

>> No.3776127

That sounds pretty cool. Too bad I have an outright fear of travel, or I might consider something like that. I always wanted to improve my fluency in French and Italian. Are you considering continuing down the Chinese route, or are you considering other things?

>> No.3776134

Ah, I'm not that much of a traveler myself really. But I do have a huge interest in Chinese history and politics - the Qing dynasty is probably the subject I'll end up doing for my dissertation when I get back.You're fluent in French and Italian?

>> No.3776135

Sort of. My Italian's much better than my French, but they're both at university level.

So, your course is 4 years, then? Or, are you just delaying the 3rd year for the year abroad?

>> No.3776136

Any Britfags considering doing a PGCE? Do any of you already have one?

>> No.3776139
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UCI Philosophy.

I will forever regret not being able to afford Berkley and NYU

>> No.3776143

I'm delaying the third year. Made my favourite tutor a little upset before he knew - he was hurt I hadn't taken his special subject. I'm to attend a summer school course at the university from June-July as a primer in basic Mandarin, then at the end of August I've got to pay my own way to Guangzhou. It's kinda terrifying, but at the same time really exciting. I'm assuming you're in your second year, too?

>> No.3776146

>Planning to apply to Oxford for the Mediaeval MSt, in October
Putting off the real world for another year or are you desperate for a bit of Oxbridge on your CV?

>> No.3776149

UMass Dartmouth


>> No.3776152

Probably a troll, but I'll bite.

So apparently everyone at your school is either a terrorist or collaborates with terrorists?

>> No.3776153

Yes I'm planning on doing one in 2014. I'm graduating this year (History BA) and intend to work next year as a teaching asst to bolster my experience (and make sure its what I want to do).
Gonna be tough as fuck to get in on one! How about you, what did you read at undergrad?

>> No.3776156

That sounds cool; I'm sure you'll be fine. I guess your parents will help you out.

Yeah, I am. Last semester was fucking annoying. Managed to get 74 in American Literature, but I got a fucking 69 in Renaissance/ Restoration Drama, because the module had a group element, and my groupmates were fucking retarded. We had 6 weeks to do the damn thing, and none of them turned up until about a month in. I had to do all the work, and then they got pissy with me when I 'took control of everything'. I was 4 marks off a 70 overall, and that group project knocked 5 off of my total. I was incredibly pissed off. I'm currently on a 71 average. I'm hoping that my Renaissance module is a 1st, but I'm relatively shit when it comes to exams.

Next year, I'm doing a dissertation. I chose the topic of: the execution of homosexual catharsis in the 20th century, American bildungsroman. I'm focussing on TKAMB and Other Voices, Other Rooms. It's a topic I've wanted to do for years; it has some personal, emotional relevance.

>> No.3776157

I've always wanted to go. Besides, I'm probably gonna do the DPhil.

>> No.3776158

I'm still in my second year of Eng Lit. I was just considering doing one, but I'm still weighing my options.

>> No.3776165

Ah, it sucks when groupwork gets you fucked because no one else does anything. That happened to me last year. I tend to do better at exams because finding enough shit to cite in history can be a real pain in the ass sometimes - so depending on how anal the marker is about these things I either do really well with essays or kind of mediocre. Exams are much easier for me.

That's an interesting sort of topic for a dissertation. It's personally relevant? You're not a gayfag too? I mean, if you don't mind my prying.

>> No.3776169

You know that at postgrad, where you apply to should be dictated by supervisor, not reputation of the university. If you go somewhere for the latter, expect to be called out on it in all your postdoc interviews (if you get that far).

>> No.3776180

Oregon State University

Computer Science

Question: Is English a viable(career-wise) major choice in any way? I enjoy CS, but it's fucking hard and I have to spend, on average, about 5 times as much time on assignments than I should be.

tl;dr Love raeding, hate writing. Is there anything I could do with an English degree?

>> No.3776182

>>Is there anything I could do with an English degree?

Flip burger patties at McDonald's

>> No.3776184


Thought so. I guess I'll stick with the smart choice I kind of hate rather than doing what I kind of love.

>> No.3776186

did you see where there was a guy earlier in the thread that majored in English and got into Harvard Law School?

>> No.3776190


But I don't wanna be a lawyer, I just want to read books and talk about them professionally.

>> No.3776191

Yeah, I am. When i was in Year 11, we did TKAMB, and it led to a massive hoo-hah, the climax of which resulted in my suspension.

tl;dr, teacher was being a retarded homophobe; didn't like me; threatened to get me expelled because she was a stupid cunt.

>> No.3776192

Go into editorial/ publishing, then? The McDonald's thing is just a joke, really. There are many, many jobs that you can do, which don't require specific degree titles. Most others require a year or so of extra training (cf. accountancy/ financy), including law (GDL/ LPC). You should do what you love, first and foremost; there will always be a path for you. Just try and get some holiday work experience.

>> No.3776193


It is kind of silly to do professionally what should be a hobby. I wanted to be a poet though my dad talked me out of it. I went to law school and I've never stopped reading and writing on the side. I am a happy man. Good salary, nice home, hot wife, and tons of poetry. I am happy I listened to the old man.

>> No.3776195

Are you English, by the way?

>> No.3776198

Or be a teacher. in the UK, you can earn upwards of 50k as an Engilsh teacher.

>> No.3776199

I didn't realise shit like that still happened. If nothing else you've gotten enough passion for a dissertation out of it, at least. I'm worried about doing my dissertation on a subject I really care about in case I grow to hate it by the time I reach the other end.

>> No.3776200

Yes I am.

>> No.3776205

Oxford has the best Mediaeval programme, though. Better than the one at Cambridge. The head of the department recommended it.

>> No.3776206

10k words really isn't that much. You'll probably be at the word limit before you know it.

>> No.3776207



Despite being a shitty state school our program in domestic & applied terrorism is #1 in the country

>> No.3776208

Yeah, that's what I'm really torn on. That, and it's kind of inconvenient to get primary sources on the Austro-Hungarian Empire when you don't know German, Hungarian, Czech, Polish, Italian, Croat...

>> No.3776210

Nothing on JSTOR/ Discover/ Catalogue?

>> No.3776215

I'm not saying it isn't great, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that postgrad at Oxford is the best by default. What aspect of the period are you interested in? Who is the top guy in your field and where is he?

>> No.3776213

There's quite a lot of diplomatic fluff from the Foreign Office and bits and pieces of stuff translated, but that's mostly to do with Anglo attitudes to the Monarchy, which if I'm honest isn't really what I'd prefer to do. Domestic sources would interest me more. Beggars can't be choosers sometimes though.

>> No.3776217

>primary sources
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.3776222

Chaucer/ Gawain-poet. I think Laura Ashe or Marion Turner are the best two for my interests. I absolutely adore the Book of the Duchess.

>> No.3776224

Sorry, I missed the word 'primary', in there. Even so, there's bound to be something useful on there.

>> No.3776234

I don't think my department would have let me choose a subject so reliant on primary sources in languages I didn't have. Recipe for a mediocre dissertation at best, disaster at worst.

>> No.3776237

Again, is why I probably won't really be doing that. That's just the subject area I'm really really into, which is a shame.

>> No.3776242

UCL. Geography. yeahhhhhhh.

>> No.3776243

I applied to UCL for English with A*AA. They rejected me the next day. Still haven't figured out why.

>> No.3776244

because they are kunts.

>> No.3776246

Are you an Oxbridge grad?

>> No.3776249

Did anyone else get rejected from Leeds when they applied for English, and get offered 'Cultural Studies', instead?

>> No.3776250

the fuck is that? i hope you ran a mile.

>> No.3776252

Yes, History.

>> No.3776257

I see. I imagine the two courses have different application procedures, anyway. Obviously, I won't apply to Oxford alone. I actually live about 30 seconds away from Warwick Uni, so I'll be looking into their programmes. I'm considering Nottingham, Durham, and Bristol, since they also have high research standards.

I might as well do Cambridge, while I'm at it. I'm just trying to get my marks as high as possible, and trying to do some holiday work, on the side.

>> No.3776258


I did a similar think in Korea, you'll have a great time anon. The space it gave me from uni also helped me develop in non-academic ways, which is probably the reason I was able to kick some ass with my dissertation and graduate with a first.

>> No.3776259

I did, indeed. Apparently, they throw it out like crazy.

>> No.3776260

A.B. University of California Los Angeles
J.D. Cornell University
Ph.D. ????????

>> No.3776265

Warwick has a fantastic interdisciplinary masters that spans late med/early modern. Look at that if you want a budget option that'll also be enjoyable.

Durham I've never heard many positive student experiences about, but Bristol is certainly right up there for many aspects in Historical research.

I can't speak for Cambridge, but I have a friend who went there after his undergrad and enjoyed it. He remarked that it was really well designed for supporting grad students, where Oxford has a bit of a reputation for being a money-spinner for (mostly) Americans.

>> No.3776266
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Applied for an MPhil at Cambridge, already got an offer from Manchester. Life is good.

>> No.3776269

There was a girl in my English A2 class who got into Cambridge for English Lit.

She was a dumb slut, and possibly the worst student in the class. I am still, to this day, utterly bewildered as to how she managed to get accepted. Even one of my best friends, who applied to Cambridge for Biology with A*A*A*A*A*A*, got pooled twice.

UCAS is the biggest load of shit ever conceived.

>> No.3776270

Apparently the American unis send their mediaeval postgrads over here quite often.

>> No.3776271

University of Texas

english/comparative lit

>> No.3776272

uh, you're going to do a PhD after law school? why?

>> No.3776274


Because he's smart.

>> No.3776275 [DELETED] 

I went to university in nz, got a BA(hons) in philosophy.

>> No.3776279


Oxbridge is vastly overrated and overrun by undergraduate narcissist, it is literally hitler. I don't see why any right minded person would want to go there. Postgrad is good, but often not as good as their reputation would have you believe.

>> No.3776285

UT Austin
Radio, TV, and Film major

Surprisingly enough, the major seems pretty fulfilling one year in, and I might actually do something with it post-graduation.

>> No.3776294

UMass Boston, Mathematics

Just finished first year and I'm liking it. Had to turn down going for engineering at a better school in the city because of the cost, but it's slowly becoming less and less of a compromise.

>> No.3776297

I actually wonder what their selection criteria are. I'm a fucking qualified pianist, and yet they still said 'your application isn't as well-rounded as those of the other applicants'. Jesus Christ, what do they want?

>> No.3776309

erm, so what else was on your application...? being good at piano and having good grades does not = well rounded buddy.

>> No.3776310

what uni? vic?

>> No.3776311
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Are you a minority or go to a state school? that's probably why.

>> No.3776317

I'm an undergrad warwick english lit student. Course is fantastic, uni is fantastic as well.

I'm really enjoying everything about here.

>> No.3776323

I was in about 5 choirs and 4 orchestras.
I have a Diploma in Piano, Grade 8 Clarinet, Grade 7 Singing, and Grade 4 Violin.
I was a student at the Birmingham Conservatoire for 5 years.
I won poetry and music competitions relatively often.
Stellar references

I didn't even get to interview.

>> No.3776324

Economics, LSE

>> No.3776326

I'm gay, but they never knew that.

>> No.3776330


Why study, then?

>> No.3776331


>> No.3776335

Does /lit/ think linguistics is a good major for an undergraduate degree?

>> No.3776337

I quite liked the campus. I remember my interview, though. It really didn't go very well.

>> No.3776339


Yeah, you're gay. All you need to do is to be gay and you will be showered with opportunities and sympathy.

>> No.3776340

Adelaide university rep.

>> No.3776344


Sixth Form was a living hell. I was outed against my will by someone I thought was my friend. The second I told him I was gay, he told absolutely all of his friends, and soon, the whole school knew.
I got death threats all the time, and the staff completely ignored everything that happened. Toward the very end of Year 13, one guy called me a disgusting fag to my face while the teacher was standing within 3 feet. You know what he did? The little midget coward walked out of the room and pretended not to hear it.

Not to mention getting beaten with hockey sticks.

Sure is privilege.

>> No.3776346


Well no-ones interview is going to be very good for undergrad, everyone looks back and cringes at the things they did for UCAS and interviews, so don't worry about it to much.

>> No.3776353

I kinda remember mine. It was a woman; she gave me a poem to read before starting the interview. I didn't recognise it, then, but I now realise that it was Wyatt's 'They Flee From Me'. We started talking about Lacan, and it all went downhill from there.

>> No.3776358


You're in the wrong place then, anon. Move to New York, Stockholm, or Berlin and you will get it easy.

>> No.3776363

Huh? Not that guy, but I'm gay and I get treated just like anyone else, occasionally threatened if I hold my boyfriend's hand in public. Where do I sign up for all this sympathy?

>> No.3776368


San Francisco, Ca.

>> No.3776387


UCL English student here. Such is life at UCL. You aren't missing much, the course is kinda shit anyway.

>> No.3776401


PhD in Physics. Princeton.

>> No.3776408

How competitive was it to get into a science PhD program?

>> No.3776409


PhD in Physics. MIT.

>> No.3776411



>> No.3776412

this is an honest question, don't mean to shit on anybody:
why participate in these threads?
i get maybe if you're going into school or an undergrad, talk about how it's like, share tips (although the chances of a fellow c/lit/ on here now and going to the school are slim)
but postgrads, what's the draw?

>> No.3776413

if this is indeed the poster of the comment that was responded to, you are a huge fag

>> No.3776414


Not really. I was actually offered it through the advanced courses for gifted kids, mensa and that stuff.

>> No.3776423
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Postgrads need to procrastinate too. That and comparing the size of our overeducated, academic members.

>> No.3776426

I imagine that most of the "postgrads" are either
a) Trolling, like:
>Economics PhD, London School of Economics.
or b) trying to justify their decision to themselves somehow. In most cases it is a terrible decision to go past undergrad, esp. in humanities (80% if /lit/).

>> No.3776429

>terrible decision

Erm, no. Not in the UK, anyway. If you have a Masters in English Lit, and a PGCE, you can easily make £40k+ in an independent school.

>> No.3776435

Its the PGCE that gets you there, not the MA. Find me a job advert that requires post-grad in non-education and prove me wrong.

>> No.3776437

i know, that's why i'm on here (the procrastination...). maybe i'm a paranoid cunt, but sharing info for free without a requirement stemming from context is weird.
is that so unbelievable? anyway, it's not that bad a decision if you aren't paying for it (those who pay, seriously, WOW, kill yourselves)

>> No.3776438

I find it hard to believe that his named PhD would be as simple as 'Economics', rather than believing that an LSE postgrad posts somewhere on 4chan.

>> No.3776439

It's an unspoken rule. Take it from someone who's the son of a director for an independent school, in the West Midlands. It's basically a compensation for when Oxbridge still gave inclusive MAs in their undergraduate courses.

You don't actually need a PGCE to teach in an independent school, anyway. They sometimes let you on if you have an MA, but not a PGCE.

>> No.3776440

Also, at the school that I went to, most of the teachers in the science department had PhDs in something or other, or had extensive industrial experience. One of them held a very high-power position at BP.

>> No.3776444

You are talking rare occurances, I'm as well placed as you to someone running a ind. school- and I can tell you that its rare for new teachers to be taken on these days without a PGCE. Only happens in the most niche of subjects (music, for example).

With a surfeit of top class grads with PGCE's, why wouldn't they? Not only shows know-how, but dedication.

Things have moved on from Waugh's day, old chum.

>> No.3776447

good point, but maybe he was simplifying
or he didn't want us to be able to find him... that's my paranoia flaring up

>> No.3776448



All of us at PhD level mention the department we're in, not the specifics. It would be a waste of time and effort to type the whole dissertation hypothesis.

And, what am I doing here? Hey, smart people fap too, you know, and /gif/ provides the necessary resources to carry such tasks. Then, in-between faps, at least I pop in here to have a laugh or two.

>> No.3776449

>Regularly check these threads when I see them
>never see Information Systems

one day ;_;

>> No.3776450

I never said it wasn't rare, but it does happen. If you have a Masters, you can get your salary bumped up, as well.

>> No.3776455

ok, i'll bite, where
also what do you look at?
it's a vague field

>> No.3776459

Unity College

Adventure Therapy

I bring kids in social work systems into the woods for 20 days and do therapy. $165/day.

>> No.3776460


As long as you don't molest them, it's fine.

>> No.3776461


They've usually already had that experience =(.

>> No.3776465


What you do is superb and worthy of praise, mate. Keep up the good work!

>> No.3776466


I'm going to let you off the hook this time, considering your line of work, but please don't do that, in the future.

>> No.3776470


Clarification: I did not mean to imply that if they had not already had that experience that I would therefore do that.

>> No.3776471
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> Level of education is dictated by the amount of wealth you have.

Oh America, you so silly
(and England for that matter too)

>> No.3776473

University of Sydney
It's essentially an intermediary between business and IT based around developing systems for companies. It's a growing area in Australia and it's a much safer (and for me, preferable) area to enter when compared with programming.

Business people see us as part of IT and programmers see us as part of business.