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3771853 No.3771853 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to live authentically?

>> No.3771867

Be true to your morals, ideals, and philosophy. Be a "real" person instead of just another person.

>> No.3771872


that's what people already do

>> No.3771883

You misunderstood me.

Live by YOUR morals, ideals, and philosophy. Not what someone else wants you to do but what you actually want. People follow religions mostly, and while that can be authentic I doubt that most people understand why they do the things they do other than, "This book told me so."

>> No.3771884


>> No.3771887


Are you implying no one has lived authentically? Because the argument that people are doing something already shouldn't invalidate your question.

>> No.3771889

shouldn't invalidate the answer.*

Sorry, I don't know what happened on that one.

>> No.3771911

>having ideals

What the fuck are you doing.

>> No.3771914

I never said I live authentically or follow ideals.

>> No.3771915

and i think you misunderstood him. people find meaning and value in religions, that doesn't mean they are mindless or don't have some kind of individualized moral code. if that was the case all christians would be automatons, but they're not. huge variety among them about what they believe and do.

>> No.3771944

To become effortless, to never try, to shed artifice.

>> No.3771950

The phrase is a sophism.

>> No.3771961

I chose my words carefully on purpose, I said that religious people can be authentic but most of the ones I know are just following it because they were raised that way or are afraid of going to hell. I know what I meant and I don't feel I have misunderstood anything.

Just a question though. How can you be an authentic person when you follow guidelines set for people over a two thousand years ago? It just seems a bit dated to me, times have changed but the theology stays the same. It isn't normal, usually religions come and go with civilizations but Abrahamic religions have maintained relevance somehow and tell people what to believe, think, and feel without any regard to the individual.

>> No.3771974

False problem.

>> No.3771979

It means getting to know your nature and developing it harmonically. Becoming the best yourself, as it were.

>> No.3773554

Your ideal is not having ideals.
Now go sit in the corner and think about the infinite recursions

>> No.3773560

>Not what someone else wants you to do but what you actually want.

What they actually want is to do what other people do.

>> No.3773563

I did not know Superman was Meursault.

>> No.3773576
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You were wrong