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3770208 No.3770208 [Reply] [Original]

Is this even worth finishing?
I've read 50 pages and so far It's just the diary of an overly introspective recluse...

>> No.3770259

At page 102 the aliens finally show up. The autodidact is captured and turned into a beacon of corrupted knowledge that radiates out and turns all young boys insane. It's awesome.

>> No.3770262


And then in page 103 it goes back to introspection.

>> No.3770298

He does kinda repeat himself alot

>> No.3770308
File: 29 KB, 250x352, sartre2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How anyone can read Sartre is beyond me.

>> No.3770329

>It's just the diary of an overly introspective recluse

how is that criticism

>> No.3770334

Not really related, but has anyone read Baudrillard's Simulacrum?

It's only around 176 pages in length but holy fuck is it full-on. I've been reading a lot about postmodernism recently and it does seem pretty interesting, despite my initial suspicion that it was a hollow term used by hollow people

>> No.3770396

It's definitely not just a hollow idea. Although I suspect that at times he's intentionally obtuse in his prose.

>> No.3770397

You can finish it in 2 days stop being lazy.

>> No.3770456

i haven't read it since i was 16 or so, but at the time i thought it was good. there's a great passage where he's in a snowy park and he gets the impression that it's smiling at him or something. what translation are you reading? try the french if you can

>> No.3770562
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How Satre can read anyone is beyond me.