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/lit/ - Literature

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3770163 No.3770163 [Reply] [Original]


Gosh this girl's blog annoys me. "Look at me, I write in purple prose and listen to Bach!"

Real quote:
"I wear a face lit up. Beautiful. Mellow sweet eyes, dulcet toned gaze. Lips blushed with the first rose. The very God I despise so seems to have crafted my visage with infinite care, and planted a tiny black mole to sign his masterpiece. I am beautiful, so they say. Fools."


>> No.3770165

OP's a fag

>> No.3770166


>> No.3770169

OP's a fag.

>> No.3770171

I agree, I am a horrible person.

>> No.3770174


I really don't know if you are a terrible person. But what is demonstrated beyond doubt is that you're a fag.

So, what's up with the chick? Did she dump you or are you jealous of how fabulous she looks like on high heels unlike you?

>> No.3770180

I've never met her, all my friends on Facebook share her blog posts all the time. I took the time to read them and was supremely annoyed.

>> No.3770182

There's nothing wrong with purple prose and Back, OP.

>> No.3770185


brb, committing soduku

>> No.3770186


Well, don't read it then.

And then unfriend people from your fagbook.

Finally, delete this thread. You're being childish and wasting precious space from the main page of /lit/

>> No.3770187

The quote you brought up is great

this thread is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.3770193


How do I delete?

>> No.3770542

>How do I delete?
kill yourself

>> No.3770919

Yeah, this isn't terrible. Parts of it could be refined, but it could be a lot worse.

I hereby declare this a shitty fanfic thread.


>> No.3771403
File: 88 KB, 500x500, lo-and-behold-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lo and Behold, I had a thought while showering last week that people on 4chan can complain about everything. Lo and behold, if some random Indian woman was online that some fag on 4chan would find some problem with her and post it. Lo and behold, I said that shit out loud.

Lo and behold it fucking happens, not a week later.. Lo and behold. Lo and behold. Lo and behold. Lo and behold. Lo and behold. Lo and behold.

>> No.3771426

The real question: are there nudes?

>> No.3771438

>wasting precious space from the main page of /lit/
>precious space

Yeah, have to reserve some room for the 50th Tao Lin thread of the day and all those "Which should I read first, X or Y?" threads.

Every thread is precious. Damn skippy.

I agree with everything else you said. Just...let's not pretend /lit/ is some crucial mechanism for which resources are limited or even valuable.