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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 315x475, 8131491[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3768998 No.3768998 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe not the best place for this, but anyways:

I'm looking for extremely vulgar, offensive or ridiculous satire/comedy books, like pic related.

>> No.3769006

The title made me burst into laughter. Well done.

I have nothing to contribute though.

>> No.3769007
File: 146 KB, 573x860, vagina-ass-of-lucifer-niggerbastard-9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fairly entertaining for the shock value but it drags a bit towards the end. It's very short.

>> No.3769009 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 308x475, 6965582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic

>> No.3769011 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 224x300, Babyfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's genuinely good

>> No.3769015
File: 100 KB, 625x1000, yurope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurope by Smegmaking is actually pretty decent. It's "4chan the book".

>I was given HIV at a young age due to rampant child prostitution in my native country. Thankfully, I was able to escape, and have since lived out my day-to-day life in poverty in the slums of Hoboken, NJ, barely able to afford my AIDS treatment. However, one day, while perusing this website at my local internet cafe (they luckily accept government cheese as payment) I happened across Yurope: The American Invasion. The cover, bearing an American flag and a zesty-looking cheeseburger piqued my interest immediately, partially due to the fact that I hadn't eaten in days. I purchased the book using a stolen credit card I found in a fat man's asscrack, and began to read.
>Almost instantly, I felt my cavernous vagina begin to tighten--the open sores on my face and neck ruptured and healed almost instantly. I was transformed into a gorgeous, curvaceous woman--my breasts growing to double the size they were before. Michael D. Wood's brilliant wordplay and stunningly accurate political commentary not only cured my AIDS, it cured my soul. Now I'm dating a man with a dick the size of an aircraft carrier, who owns several yachts and a mariachi band. Life is good, and I have this book to thank.
>So, Michael, if you can read this from your throne amongst the gods, I'd like to offer you my sincere gratitude. Let this glowing review remain on this website eternally, a undying testament to this book's infinite glory. Thank you.

>> No.3769017 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 328x500, 51Z4xnShG+L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude fucks a shark, hangs out with prostitutes, and kills little boys with his nails... and tells you how awesome it is to kill little boys

also it inspired Butoh and french surrealism and so much other shit

>> No.3769018 [DELETED] 

this one takes itself really seriously though

>> No.3769019

Thanks a lot, zeta, I'll check them out.

>> No.3769022

Though not comedy, Sade's most prominent works border on the absurd while being quite disturbing at the same time. Examples:

120 days of sodome, Justine, Juliette.

>> No.3769030 [DELETED] 

thanks for making a thread about books, dude.

>> No.3769031

Is this in digital format for pirating or buying? The jews at amazon charge me double the price of the book to ship to my country

>> No.3769032

Haha, I'm not from this board but I assume like most of 4chan people talk about anything except about the things that pertain to the board?

>> No.3769039 [DELETED] 

yep - and the on topics threads are 90% shit like "which book should I read first" or "where to start with x", "about to read x, what to expect?"... "x is a pleb and a hack", etc.

>> No.3769046
File: 393 KB, 428x510, xdtv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like /v/.

>> No.3769052 [DELETED] 

well, we aren't that bad.

>> No.3769075

Bataille's Story of the Eye should be exactly what you're looking for, especially if you liked Zeta's rec.

>> No.3769078

But that has actual literary merit.

>> No.3769093

true, i kinda missed that OP asked for satire/comedy type of books. though I suppose you could read it as satire. but yeah, i see your point. OP would probably still like it anyway.

>> No.3769100

120 Days of Sodom, or most De Sade, sounds more up his alley. A bit of literary merit but a lot of senseless depravity sounds perfect for him.

SotE is fantastic though.

>> No.3769104

Op here, I read all of Sade's works, not exactly the type I'm looking for, but if it's good I'll read it.

>> No.3769222

Give Gargantua and Pantagruel a try. It's a magnificent read. It's serious literature chock full of scatological humor which I'm sure you'd enjoy.

>> No.3769246

thakns bra

>> No.3769470

I second this. One of my favorite books.

>> No.3769483

>Might not be the best place for this...
>Vulgar and offensive...

... You're in good hands.

>> No.3770085

It doesn't seem very offensive. Vulgar, sure, but not offensive.

>> No.3770110

John Dies at the End
David Wong

I genuinely enjoyed it.

>> No.3770133

psh, hardly.
though it's about as mature as the one OP posted.