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3768448 No.3768448 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lil/

I just finished reading this book Childhood by Jona Oberski. It is a holocaust story through the eyes of a child. It really changed my view of Jews and why the world still hates them. I mean they went through so much in WW II.

I was never really into books but after reading this I am interested in books that changed your view on something. Do you have any suggestions what I should read next?

>> No.3768450

>holocaust story
into the trash it goes

>> No.3768458

Hmm why?

>> No.3768475

Explain please I'm new into reading.

>> No.3768474

not sure if you're trolling with this thread, but in case you aren't: it's common knowledge that you can't discuss anything Holocaust related, especially on /lit/, because all you'll get are "JEW LIES JEW LIES JEW LIES" and other such claptrap

you can talk about books related to any other primarily civilian experiences during WW2 that you'd like... Hiroshima, rape of Berlin, etc etc. Just not the Holocaust.

>> No.3768479

O I see guess antisemitsm is still around.

>> No.3768527

no. people are just tired of hearing about the holocaust. read a book on the armenian genocide or rwandan massacre instead.

>> No.3768567

Naw, if people were just tired of hearing something, we wouldn't have 2839743 threads every month about the same tired-ass topics (with the same tired-ass attempts at discussion). Let's not pretend it's anything other than basement dudes furiously typing LOL JEW LIES as they scratch at their acne and give themselves a Dorito face mask

>> No.3768628

Recommend me novels dealing with these events.

>> No.3768761


>> No.3768781

>not the worst collection of organisms to ever exist

>> No.3768788

Antisemitsm has only gotten worse since the end of WW 2.

>> No.3768797

You seem to be implying that that's a bad thing.

>> No.3768810

Isn't it ?

>> No.3768812

No, it is not.

>> No.3768947

Do you hate jews?

>> No.3769136

I don't know if I'd say it's gotten worse... more like it's always been present, ever after ww2, and retards are now free to spout their bullshit online whereas before they had to keep it in the privacy of their living rooms or only say shit when they were with like minded retards.

>> No.3769163 [DELETED] 
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Jews have been violently expelled from every nation they have ever inhabited.

No one likes you, so go away and stop your whining.

>> No.3769172 [DELETED] 
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>personal attacks because 'Oy vey they don't care about muh six trillion!

If you cant take the heat then get out of the oven

>> No.3769180

hit a nerve, did I? Wash your face before your mom calls you up for supper.

>> No.3769193 [DELETED] 
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>I point out your use of childish personal insults
>you respond with more personal insults

You seem vexed

>> No.3770813

Stop hating them its not like they did anything to you.

>> No.3770852

The origin of anti-Semitism in the modern world is the Black Plague. Jews cleaned their houses more thoroughly than other Europeans, and so their chances of contracting the Plague was far lower than that of the average European.

Uneducated Eurofags assumed that this meant that the Jews had caused the plague through 'lol magic I guess' and the uneducated descendents of those European peasants are the ones who hate Jews today.

That said, Jewish deaths during the Holocaust gets more attention because Jews have more money and clout than other victims of genocide (Gypsies, blacks and gays killed during the Holocaust, Rwandans, Armenians, etc).

tl;dr anti-Semitism is propagated by idiots who haven't gotten over the Plague

for a tragedy of a similar scale that gets nowhere near as much coverage, read up on Stalin's Great Purge. Millions of Russians were killed, many of whom were Jews. A modern day example of concentration camps which no one does anything about can be seen in North Korea -- we in the western world have no earthly idea as to how many people are executed there annually, but we know that the number is fairly high.

>> No.3771013

Anyone know any really good books about World War 2 but maybe from a German or Japanese civilian's POV?

>> No.3771037

>tfw sometimes you feel inclined towards antisemitism but then you listen to Leonard Cohen and read Spinoza

>> No.3771061

Heinrich Boll wrote a lot about german civilians' POV during the immediate postwar era, and he might have had some books about the war itself, too.

>> No.3771080 [DELETED] 
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Jews don't belong here. Their control over the media and financial institutions coupled with their materialistic social liberalism are a blight on the entire West.

The Holocaust deniers are idiots, but there's some truth to what they're saying.

>> No.3771123

Everyone is inclined towards anti-semitism because anti-semitics use the cheapest tactics. By saying or insinuating that those who don't agree with them are either Jewish (usually part of some secret society that controls everything anti-discrimination) or 'Jew lovers' they aim to make it so that those who spoke against it won't do so in the future because they don't wish to put up with the reaction they received; once they achieve this silencing it becomes far easier to make the 'fight' Them vs. Jews, rather than Them vs. Jews & those who oppose discrimination. It also works on you because the stereotypes are so far from removed from everyday life. If you saw an image of a black man with a ridiculously shaped skull rapping about gangs you'd dismiss because you encounter easily-identifiable black men in everyday life and realize that they are nothing like that. Jews on the other hand are not, usually, identifiable in everyday life unless they wear an item relating to their faith. Since most Jews won't outright say "I'M A JEW" when you meet them, you have no concept of an actual Jew in everyday life, making you far more susceptible to anti-semitic propaganda. Not to mention the amount of pure blame that's been placed on Jews, even in the last 50 years. It touches a very logical groupthink aspect of people, you think "If all these people discriminate and blame the Jews, they can't be all wrong."

Anti-semitism is ridiculous.

>> No.3771124

They say that Jews had those jobs cause they were declined when applying to the normal jobs. However that was alot of years ago. In the 21th century you have poor and rich Jews.

>> No.3771142

>Their control
Your evidence of this?

>> No.3771162
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tl;dr jews still attempting to strike guilt into the innocent's hearts.

Move along, nothing to see here.

>> No.3771199 [DELETED] 
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What matters is that most of the people at the top of the media ladder are Jewish. Because of this, pro-Jewish views (support for multiculturalism and "diversity" is a huge one; traditionally Jews saw peace on Earth as being necessary for the coming of the Messiah) are being pushed on the gentiles with little regard to their effects on the nation as a whole.

Take a look at this page on Wikipedia:
>although Jews do hold many prominent positions in the U.S. media industry, they "do not make a high priority of Jewish concerns" and that Jewish Americans generally perceive the media as anti-Israel.
The article admits that a lot of the higher-ups are Jewish, with the main caveat being that "Jewish concerns" aren't a high priority (as if a topic would have to be explicitly Jewish to be relevant to Jewish interests). Nobody is sitting in a smoke-filled room conspiring to destroy the goyim, it's a lot more subtle than that.

Pic related, as much as I hate sensationalistic trash like Jew Watch, it shows you a few of the influential people I'm talking about.

>> No.3771232

>The article admits that a lot of the higher-ups are Jewish, with the main caveat being that "Jewish concerns" aren't a high priority (as if a topic would have to be explicitly Jewish to be relevant to Jewish interests). Nobody is sitting in a smoke-filled room conspiring to destroy the goyim, it's a lot more subtle than that.
>T-They're trying to push it onto you guys, y-you just can't tell yet
>Trust me

>> No.3771289 [DELETED] 

They'll do whatever they can to further their own interests. They like to push things like multiculturalism and "diversity" because no nationalism means there would ideally be far less antisemitism. When you're an alien in your society, alienating everyone else could be seen as beneficial for you.

Religious Jews see themselves as God's People (usually not in a supremacist way but rather in the sense that they should be a guiding light for the people of the earth and prepare the way for the Messiah), and this utopian sentiment seems to have rubbed off onto the secular Jewish community as well.

>> No.3771300

None of those people save Levin, Kann, and Redstone really influence opinion or affairs.

>> No.3771308

>Jews see themselves as God's People
>a guiding light for the people of the earth
>prepare the way for the Messiah

Unlike, of course, followers of the other religions

>> No.3771323 [DELETED] 
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I wouldn't say that.
Social justice and left-wing politics aren't a huge part of most other religions. Also, religion is just one component of Judaism.

>> No.3771350 [DELETED] 
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I wouldn't say that.
Other religions don't have the emphasis on social justice or liberal politics that Jewish culture has. Also, there's more to the Jews than just the religion itself.

>> No.3771477

That's no reason to hate all Jews.
Everyone should be treated as an individual.

>> No.3771530 [DELETED] 

I don't hate all Jewish individuals. As a group, though, they're exerting a negative influence over our culture. I just wish they'd go back to their homeland and support their people there instead of sitting in America to ensure public support and to keep the aid money flowing.

>> No.3771668

walt d hated jews with a passion

>> No.3771677

Please just report /pol/ idiots. If you treat them with respect you're just inviting more of them.

>> No.3771703 [DELETED] 
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I wonder how he'd react if he saw what became of his company.
Please refrain from shitposting.

>> No.3772110 [DELETED] 


Yeah, nah. Its been going on long before the Black Plague

see >>3769163

>> No.3772123
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>it started with the Black Plague!

Yeah, nah. Pic related is a list of countries they were expelled from before the Black Plague emerged.

>> No.3772279

"Anti-Semitism exists, so Jews must be bad!"

good argument

>> No.3772303


This should've been you're first hint.

>> No.3774668

What about books that changed your view on something?

>> No.3774940


>Jews have been expelled from multiple nations all over the world throughout history, thus they must do something that causes this.

That is my argument. You're rebuttal to this seems to be 'Everyone else but Jews are the problem'.

>> No.3774949


>> No.3775043
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I got the list from a Jewish website.
