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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 300x400, le trash man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3768198 No.3768198[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading through resumes
>BA in English

Into the trash it goes!

>> No.3768206

g8 b8 m8
>not /lit/

>> No.3768207

>tfw NEETzschean

I don't care, buddy.

>> No.3768213

wow you don't know shit about the job market do you. You must be horribly unemployed.

>> No.3768214
File: 4 KB, 88x113, 1248744968291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading through resumes
>BA in Women's Studies

Instantly hired!

>> No.3768221

Fuck you OP I make 11.50$/hr starting.

>> No.3768222


>bragging about making 11.50/hr

top lel, what are you, a janitor?

>> No.3768225

>tfw majored in STEM
>tfw don't have to worry about this shit
>tfw make 43k/year and feel like I should be making more
>tfw you will never know this feel

>> No.3768227

>reading through resumes
>applicant wasted four years of his life in college

Into the trash it goes!

>> No.3768230


>spent four years becoming a walking calculator
>bragging about it

My sides etc.

>> No.3768234


You really think that's all STEM is?

I've taken upper-level English and Philosophy courses, they're a fucking joke. Most of you people can't even write well.

>professor announces 10-page final paper
>entire class groans and bitches

>mfw I regularly had to write 30-page lab reports
>no room for fluff, all data, not a word wasted

>> No.3768235
File: 16 KB, 312x354, what to you mean you people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3768236

you just went to a shitty school, that's all.

>> No.3768237

English majors don't have jobs because they don't deserve jobs. I read more than any of the English majors I knew.

>> No.3768239


top lel, whatever helps you sleep at night

I won't even tell you where I went because it'd be bragging. Think "public Ivy"

>> No.3768245


All you've done in this thread is brag. Believe it or not some of us care about something besides making 45k/year.

>get Master's in library science
>get cushy job at library through connections
>make 22k/year, enough for rent and food and savings
>nice benefits and a pension
>most days at work I spent 7 hours reading at my desk and maybe one hour actually working or interacting with the public

You will never know these feels, you shallow prick.

>> No.3768248


Good luck attracting a wife or raising a family living the slacker hipster life.

>> No.3768249

> 10-page final paper

in high school maybe

>> No.3768252


>Implying LaTeX doesn't practically write the paper for you
>Implying half the lab report isn't pictures tweaked to fill space

I was once a STEM major too, hoss. Don't act like you're hot shit.

>> No.3768254


>wanting to breed

Way to waste your potential.

>> No.3768256

>Good luck attracting a wife or raising a family
top lel, opinion dismissed, pls go away, etc.

>> No.3768258


I'm fucking jelly m8, how hard is it to get a librarian job?

>> No.3768259

Aside troll OP, why do English majors in the USA just study English? If you're good with languages, why not study as many as possible? Not only one gets more /lit/ cred, but also has something that's useful in the job market.
>inb4 they're too dumb

>> No.3768262


Fairly difficult. Graduate school ain't free and there aren't a lot of jobs to go around. You need an "in" or else you'll be making 8$/hr working in Alabama or something.

>> No.3768263

go to bed heteroscum

>> No.3768265


English majors aren't much good at anything. In America English is a "I don't know what I want to major in but I thought The Great Gatsby was cool in high school" major.

It's just a notch above Business and Education majors.

>> No.3768268

>>inb4 they're too dumb
They're too dumb. Learning languages is too much like real work and education, and you don't major in English for that.

>> No.3768273


English isn't really the study of the language. It's the study of the literary arts and composition (particularly argumentative composition, which is one of the reasons a lot of people use English as a sort of pre-law degree).

>> No.3768278


>going to law school


>> No.3768281
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>reading through job applications
>applicant majored in Philosophy

Into the McDonald's it goes!

>> No.3768284

Are the requirements that relaxed there? Where I live, if a person wants to study the country's language as a university degree, they have to be seriously into it even in the lowest quality education establishments.

>> No.3768283


Hey man, the world needs law-pffthahaha okay sorry I just can't.

>> No.3768286


This is a country where over 70% of high school graduates attend college.

You can go damn near anywhere you want majoring in anything you please if you're willing to take out loans to pay for it.

>> No.3768288



So High School degree is the new GED and College is the new High School degree, but now everyone's in debt?

>> No.3768289


In a word, yes.

>> No.3768295


I paired my English degree with a Digital Art and Culture certification. I have experience in graphic design, am fluent with most of the Adobe programs, and have skills in social media for non-profit organizations.

A straight English major with no minor or certification is ridiculous. This point I will concede.

>> No.3768298


Weird. At my school English majors need a higher GPA than nursing majors in order to graduate. Also, there are people in the world who actually enjoy studying narratives and text within larger contexts.

Business majors, now them I can go on about forever. It's the ultimate major for people whose dads run companies.

>> No.3768301


In 'Murrca, Education majors literally make projects out of construction paper. The smart teacher major in their subject and then get teaching certification after they graduate, Education majors are all dumpy girls who "like, just LOVE kids, y'know?"

>> No.3768303


>tfw majoring in Adolescent Education
>tfw this is all too true

Easy pussy though.

>> No.3768306

yo OP i'm an english major at Swarthmore. You like your "public Ivy"? Yeah, well eat my shit, you go to a garbage school compared to mine.

I take mostly English classes, and those classes are 70% female. I've fucked nearly 20 english major girls so far, and they're all hot. I don't give a fuck if you can attract girls with your money, I have charisma and an actual personality that exists outside of my dreamspace. In other words, my education pays off every time I open my mouth to speak.

Oh, and here's another reason why my major's better than you. All that talk about "30 page lab reports" is bullshit. First of all, just give me the info and I can write it in a quarter of the time it takes you, guaranteed. Second, I actually enjoy doing my homework, because all it involves is me reading a book and coming up with ~20 pages worth of shit to say about it every once in a while. Shit's so cash, I don't ever complain.

Being an english major is awesome.

>> No.3768308


That was at least five words.

>> No.3768312

You're actually a NEET, aren't you?

>> No.3768314


>he thinks Swarthmore is better than UVA, UPenn, Berkeley, etc. etc.

I'm literally laughing out loud. Enjoy your 35k/year tuition.

>> No.3768318

UPenn is Ivy. Penn State is a public school, but not a public Ivy. Minor correction. I'm not the Swarthmore guy.

>> No.3768323

i like that your defense of your major is entirely based around how many girls you can pull

jesus wept

>> No.3768324


Well UVA and Berkeley then

>> No.3768326
File: 43 KB, 242x251, OrigCash[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

>> No.3768333


Wow you're the biggest faggot I've ever seen on /lit/.

You can't even write.

You don't even know how to use a goddamn comma.

English majors, ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.3768335

Actually it's way more than that, but my dad doesn't mind and neither do I. I got into UVA and visited and it was shit, as were all the other schools I got into except the liberal arts schools. Call me whatever you want but I like a liberal arts education, and Swarthmore has a fucking beautiful campus.

And if any of you motherfuckers goes to an Ivy League school, let me just say that I think you're fucking gay

>> No.3768346

Oh, look, a university thread.

What's wrong with people studying what they want to study, where they want to study it? Not everyone wants to get a degree simply for their future job.

>> No.3768350


Not everyone has rich parents who will drop 40 grand for a useless degree.



Lol me too, it is a shit school, the students all seemed like absolute faggots. The kinds of kids who worked really hard in high school to get 4.0s but weren't actually very bright.

>> No.3768354

Do you live in a third world country that doesn't have some sort of student loan system?

Also, are you simply saying that you are jealous of people who can study what they want, and so react by trolling on an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.3768359


>student loans are like free money bro!

>this is what 20-year-olds actually believe

>> No.3768364

Uh, no. You start paying them off in affordable installments once you get a job.

>> No.3768367


>once you get a job

>implying you'll make above 10$/hr with a useless degree

I would like my steak medium rare please.

>> No.3768370

>I got into UVA and visited and it was shit
>Lol me too, it is a shit school, the students all seemed like absolute faggots

There are definitely plenty of douchebags at UVA, but y'all seem like you would fit right in with them. What was the problem?

>> No.3768372


Not either of those people but I've lived in Charlottesville most of my life and "plenty of douchebags" is an understatement.

The only thing worse than the students are the alumni. Thank God they're leaving this week.

>> No.3768373

I don't know about the shithole you're from, but here the installment amount is proportional to how much you earn.

>> No.3768378


Though to be fair I've known like two really cool UVA students in the 15 years I've lived here and it's a big enough school that there are probably more.

>> No.3768380

Why does this whole STEM vs. lib arts thing exist in America (and primarily on the internet)?

>> No.3768394

>Not either of those people but I've lived in Charlottesville most of my life

I'm sorry...

>and "plenty of douchebags" is an understatement.

Eh. I'm originally from Richmond and know a good number of people who went to UVA; very few of them are douchey at all. Seems like most of it comes from a few frats.

>> No.3768396

Butt blasted Occupy Wallstreeters mad that they can only get shit jobs with their BAs. LOL

>> No.3768406
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>being employed

>> No.3768461

reported for porn. enjoy your ban and your unemployment

>> No.3768476


>tfw lit/phil double major and make more than you only a year after graduating

>> No.3768487

I hope this is just your e-peen that needs some stroking. If you'd acht like this IRL, I'd be inclined to think you're a massive twat.

>> No.3768489

thanks mate, i will. have a nice weekend.

>> No.3768531


Insecure 20 somethings and a really shitty job market.

>> No.3768704

it's not really just Murrica, I live in Czech Republic and it exists too, mainly between philosophy and natural sciences/philosophy and engineering majors

>> No.3768710

What are you doing?

>> No.3768726

>people sending resumes
>not applying through the medium of interpretive dance

Into the trash it goes!

>> No.3768731

This is the biggest shit show I have seen on /lit/ in a very long time.

>> No.3768742

lol loser

>> No.3768892

I studied philosophy and i do 70k lel

>> No.3768912
File: 16 KB, 344x305, 1314549130645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I make more in a summer internship than 90% of english majors will make at the peak of their career.
>tfw I am also well read and didn't need a fucking professor to tell me what to think about literature.

>> No.3768918


Lib arts majors are worthless and Americans hate worthlessness.

>> No.3768922


What major? Let me guess, computer science.

>> No.3768938


This is so true. I know a girl who is teaching middle school math who was exactly like you are describing. She didn't even have to take CALCULUS and she is teaching algebra to kids. And people wonder why the U.S. does bad in math and science.

>> No.3768949

>the U.S. does bad in math and science
>does bad

Does 'bout as bad as you be bad in English, b.

>> No.3768953

>Tfw I have a trust fund and I will never have to work in my life.
>Tfw at the end of my life I will still have more money then you ever will without even trying.

>> No.3768961

All that money and you still use third-rate, cheap entertainment like 4chan?

Come on, son.

>> No.3768962

>implying the purpose of my life is to make money
>implying the purpose of my life is to help a CEO make money

stay pleb STEMfags

>> No.3768974

I don't have many friends that read.

>> No.3768979

Thank fucking God that I'm studying law, I'm basically in the top-tier of resumes.

>> No.3768983


Law is only good if you are smart and charismatic. You will wind up unemployed if you arent.

>> No.3768986



You've never seen a tax lawyer, have you?

We may not be the cutest, most charming, but boy is this shit well paid.

Like a sir.

>> No.3769005

I'm fairly certain that no one could've said that sentence without cracking up halfway through, not even the best lawyer.

>> No.3769028

You're a douche, and your girlfriend looks like a barbie doll that has been out in the sun for too long. What, are your parents John Boehner and the Sun? After you two get married, do us all a favor and don't make babies. Black holes are less empty than your girlfriend's personality. And you think that we're everything bad in the world? I tell you what: your girlfriend, after marrying you, will divorce you after 5 years because she cheated on another man (and she'll take all 5 cents in your bank account), and by the time you're 40, your house will be repossessed, or you'll find yourself lost in life with no friends. Have fun, cunt. Wouldn't that just be "cash"?

>> No.3769050

I was about to say how wonderful it was that no one had taken this particular troll seriously. Shame on you.

>> No.3769057


>>Being this new

>> No.3769058


>> No.3769068

Well, fuck. With no further ado, What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in guerilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3769108
File: 61 KB, 300x281, Tarman-BRAINS-YOU-NEED-THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading through resumes...
>pleb tier confirmed...
>that's not how it works in the real world, you know, cupcake...

>> No.3769124

i'm all for english majors, but this is borderline navy seals copypasta material... your degree did come in handy, brilliant

>> No.3769130
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Every time.

>> No.3769139

>tfw LL.B

>> No.3769143

philo/ art histoy double major here. tell me how you've done it.

>> No.3769152
File: 62 KB, 485x599, 1364344407476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>want to be chaplain
>>high of about 46,000 with masters or doctorate

>> No.3769155
File: 251 KB, 897x1200, xWq65Qx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a STEM major, my first and second criteria when judging whether or not people are worthy of my time in general, is are they well-read and do they have a more than cursory understanding of Philosophy.

There are a lot of classist assumptions about what the role of university is. Some people have to obtain more marketable degrees so they can live comfortably. Plus, solving hard problems for a living has been pretty fun.

This. Most English majors don't read shit and have terrible taste. It's even worse for Political Science majors.

>> No.3769156 [DELETED] 

>STEM is vastly more intellectually engaging than made up stories will ever be though.

>> No.3769157
File: 100 KB, 584x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anthropology major
>just looking for book recommendations

>> No.3769161

STEM is vastly more intellectually engaging than made up stories will ever be though.

>> No.3769165

These things aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.3769166

>There are a lot of classist assumptions about what the role of university is. Some people have to obtain more marketable degrees so they can live comfortably.
It's funny how all the English majors on /lit/ claims to be above such wordly concerns when they're likely all upper middle class white kids who've never had to worry about jack shit except their latest existential crisis.

>> No.3769169

STEM majors aren't so fucking vain and privileged that they go around bragging about how much they don't care about money though.

>> No.3769173

i'll actually put it into my shitpostan file, you'll see it around here again sooner or later.

>> No.3769175


I'm taking an anthropology course this semester, and my textbook described something called "reflexive ethnographies", and it sounded like a very interesting thing to write. But I'm entirely ignorant of the field of anthropology.

So, if you can recommend a few of those, I will trade you for lit recommendations. Deal?

>> No.3769176

I just moved to ny and I'm at this upper east side restaurant to have an interview for a front of the house position.

The interview went badly, I got the famous "I will call you back", and depressed I decide to sit at the bar and get a negroni.

A lady in her 40s sitting next to me turns around and tells me that it's her favorite drink. Probably because of my accent she asks me where I'm from. I tell her that I'm Italian. She sees the resume in my hand and asks me if I was looking for a job. I say yeah. She offers me another drink and tells me that she works for an advertising company. I talk about my experience in Italy as an art director for a club. She asks me which band we used to call to play there, and she knows them.
She gives me her business card and tells me to call her if I ever feel like getting in advertisement. Then she asks me if I would be so nice to walk with her to lexington and help her get a can, and maybe have another drink at her place.

So now I'm an account manager in an advertising firm.

>> No.3769182

That's why we are good at thinking, because we don't have to worry and can dedicate all our energies to that.

>> No.3769183


I'm an English major. I was raised by a single mother. My mother makes about 19 thousand dollars a year, just around the federal poverty line. I have an EBT card. I am upper middle class as fuck, huh?

>> No.3769185

Well you dun goof'd studying english. Switch your major as soon as you can.

>> No.3769191


I was looking for life advice, dude. Who do you think you are?

>> No.3769192

A person wiser than you.

>> No.3769195

>Good at thinking
>Analyzing (read: projecting your worthless opinions onto) made up stories.

>> No.3769196


Hah, alright.

>> No.3769197


Wait, that should be wasn't*, fuck's sake.

>> No.3769198

Who creates the models used in science?

>> No.3769201

English majors, naturally.

>> No.3769206


Programmer. I'm not even using my degrees.

>> No.3769207

But we are upper-middle class. Even our own existences are not worthless, so much that chances are that we are gonna stay in that class no matter what we studied.

>> No.3769210

Reading this sentence gave me cancer. Thank you.

>> No.3769211


Are you even a fluent English speaker? The fuck was that post.

>> No.3769213

English is my fourth language.

>> No.3769214

>english major
>can read and understand texts on any subject
>read faster so learn any subject faster
>sound more eloquent on paper and in person
>crush any/all interviews, even for jobs outside my major
remind me again why I'd want to be STEM mustard race?

>> No.3769217


It fucking shows.

>> No.3769225

How about:

Our opinions are far from worthless. As members of upper-middle class not only our opinions are going to be highly considered from the positions of leadership we will inherit, but also our same existence is valued and guaranteed. No matter how little we do, what we study or how much we fuck up, chances are that we are still going to be upper-middle class.

>> No.3769227

>Never taken a college English course
>Have a larger vocabulary than anyone I know.

>> No.3769229


There's more to communicating well than vocabulary, my illiterate, greentexting friend.

>> No.3769230


I don't shit all over your language, can you please stop shitting all over mine?

>> No.3769233
File: 498 KB, 1600x1523, you_tried__by_the_mexican_whovian-d5od4z7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3769238

Please correct it then. What mistakes did I make?

>> No.3769243


There's more to communicating well than technical mistakes, my autistic, foreign friend.

Also I'm not your goddamn English teacher.

>> No.3769244

yo OP i'm an english major at Swarthmore. You like your "public Ivy"? Yeah, well eat my shit, you go to a garbage school compared to mine.

I take mostly English classes, and those classes are 70% female. I've fucked nearly 20 english major girls so far, and they're all hot. I don't give a fuck if you can attract girls with your money, I have charisma and an actual personality that exists outside of my dreamspace. In other words, my education pays off every time I open my mouth to speak.

Oh, and here's another reason why my major's better than you. All that talk about "30 page lab reports" is bullshit. First of all, just give me the info and I can write it in a quarter of the time it takes you, guaranteed. Second, I actually enjoy doing my homework, because all it involves is me reading a book and coming up with ~20 pages worth of shit to say about it every once in a while. Shit's so cash, I don't ever complain.

Being an english major is awesome.

>> No.3769254

I feel like you are just bitter for the content. I know for a fact that my English is not as bad as you say.

>> No.3769257


It's good enough to ask directions or to buy a beer, but you trying to have a conversation with me about anything meaningful feels disrespectful.

>> No.3769264

You sound really mad. I mean, I have to admit I'm jelly -your 20 beats my 0 handily- but you still sound really mad.

Also, Swathmore is way overpriced and Jonathan Franzen went there. Also, if you're a transplant to PA just know I fucking hate you. Damnit now I'm mad.

>> No.3769267


>tfw you don't know anyone

>> No.3769276

I think it's because the very proper grammar the guy is using. You need to learn to talk to formal people dweeb.

>> No.3769277
File: 38 KB, 606x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they're all hot

>> No.3769281

Why should I take any of the STEM fields if I don't give a fuck about STEM? Who takes majors and careers just to get loads of dollops instead of actually being interested in it?

>> No.3769285

swarthmore does have a very beautiful campus

>> No.3769288


If you don't take something in STEM you're going to end up as a homeless homosexual prostitute, don't you know anything about the real world?

>> No.3769302

Someone with a brain?

>> No.3769306

You're all faggots.

>Creative Writing major coming through, everybody stand back.

I like reading, but what the fuck is the point if your devoting the majority of your education to learning how to read books? At least learn how to make the fucking things.

>> No.3769310


No, someone who lacks foresight.

>> No.3769313

>but what the fuck is the point if your devoting the majority of your education to learning how to read books?

I like reading books and I want to be good at is.