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File: 50 KB, 402x402, Joan-Didion-9274355-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3766164 No.3766164 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Joan Didion?

I just read three of her books (Run River, Play It As It Lays, and The Last Thing He Wanted). Out of that bunch Play It As It Lays was probably the only somewhat decent one, the other two were boring and shitty. Really, I just find her writing style incredibly pretentious, and especially in The Last Thing He Wanted, obtuse for no real reason.

>> No.3766170

she looks like a skeksis

>> No.3766171

I read the year of magical thinking.
Bourgeois as fuck, not incredibly intelligent nor deep.

Reading her gets me annoyed as talking with my aunt.

>> No.3766173

Why is it that old women are so much uglier than old men? Am I a misogynist? Would I feel the same way about men if I were sexually attracted to them?

What I am saying here is that I have never heard of that author, but there's just something almost compelling about how wiry she looks

>> No.3766182
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she used to be kind of qt.
people get old.

she seems pretty cool to me so far.

i remember reading some quotation from her where she was saying people are addicted to confirming reality by taking pictures

>> No.3766188

>Am I a misogynist?

No, you're observant.

>> No.3766193

>Would I feel the same way about men if I were sexually attracted to them?

>> No.3766198

I find her essays pleasurable to read, she has a smooth writing style.

>> No.3766201

Yeah, would have fucked her.

>> No.3766207

>Why is it that old women are so much uglier than old men?
patently false. women are by far always more attractive than men. and i say this with tears in my eyes as a gay man.

>> No.3766211

My guess would be that once women are past childbearing-age, there is no biological reason for them to look attractive.

>> No.3766218

Ridiculous. Women just spend far more time trying to making themselves look better.

>> No.3766221
File: 195 KB, 1600x1067, Large_brown_mantid_close_up_nohair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3766230

okay if that were true that doesn't dispute my claim.

>> No.3766237

She's fucking 78 years old.
Anyone making comments about her appearance needs to think a little harder.

>> No.3766255

her journalism type stuff is pretty good. some of it reminds me of hunter s thompson except less intense. they were both about 10 years older than the hippies and wrote about american culture during the 70s and stuff. I haven't read her ones about personal life, they're probably more boring.