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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 700x484, rats_in_a_maze_2V2860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3764041 No.3764041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most people on this board don't have a clue at how related picture related is to contemporary society.

>> No.3764044


You're like 60 years late, kid.

>> No.3764046


>> No.3764055

Why does this board attract so many misanthropes with superiority complexes? Fuck, you guys are pathetic.

>> No.3764063

Boy, when you run out of cheese and porn, reality is going to mercilessly hit you.

>> No.3764065

Rats represent the consumer, the view represents the culture industry, and the maze represents the culture industry's simulacral accounts of "choice"/"worth"/"direction" - the emotional connection humans base interaction and society upon is then used by instrumental reason in an attempt to quantify these emotional aspects while selling them back to the initial emotive receptor within us. A small tragedy.

>> No.3764066

>implying the study of cognitive psychology and behaviorism hasn't reached impressive new heights since then, and that their new findings are not being used to socially engineer us.

>> No.3764068

That's one take on it, but not necessarily the one I had in mind.

>> No.3764069

>hurrr i red sum sico-logy buk
Stay in school.

>> No.3764073

>berates someone for reading a book on a literature board

3/5 almost had me.

>> No.3764074

I ain't no rat yo.

>> No.3764077

why didn't they just climb on top of each other?

>> No.3764085

Yes, it's the reading that I criticised you for. Clearly. You're a regular Nietzsche.

>> No.3764086

I'm just wondering where reddit's /r/onthetoilet ties in to all of this.

>> No.3764088

Oh man, can't wait until your mom dies and your leeching off the government won't bring you enough income to keep you off the streets.

Life's gonna hit you hard kid.

>> No.3764093

Oh god, it's like you can actually see me through the internet! You're some sort of psychic, obviously. A lone, rebel psychic who's the only man intelligent and privileged enough to realise the truth of the rat race. You should start a church so you can show everyone the truth they're too stupid to understand themselves.

>> No.3764098

>You should start a church
I've been honestly entertaining that for a while now.

Do you know that in order for a church to have legitimate tax exemption status, it must be an institution based on supernatural understandings of the life and the universe?

This made me suspect that the church of scientology doesn't actually believe the gobbledegook they say they do, they only pretend they do so that their social institution can stay "legitimate" in the eyes of the law as a tax exempted institution.

Interesting no?

I honestly think I'd make a good priest, but I'd make a terrible christian priest.

>> No.3764102

It's like 2008 all over again.
I'm pretty sure you're not old enough to be on this website.

>> No.3764101

>still thinking one can have a clue about anything

>> No.3764104

Most people don't have as good of an understanding of the world as I do.

>> No.3764110

>Not having a clue about anything
>Thinking "I'm retarded so everyone must be like me"

>> No.3764126

>Not having a clue about anything
>Thinking "I'm retarded so everyone must be like me"
>You must be new around here.

>> No.3764135
File: 30 KB, 251x236, 1342840879892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit mat were all jsut funckn animeals thats all we are werejust promgamed to fine hte cheese

thats deep

>> No.3764165

This is adorable.

>> No.3764171
File: 1019 KB, 250x230, 1368368124921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and like

society man

this is so important

like for real tho

society is like a maze and we're like, in a maze, man.

this post really changed my life man, it really made me think about things on a whole other level, peace bro

>> No.3764175

Most newfags to this board don't know how to make a thread without appearing as a passive aggressive dick.

>> No.3764199

This is so true, god bless.

>> No.3764242

I came to /lit/ because I thought it might be the only board not inhabited by >18 year olds.

I was wrong.

>> No.3764247

I'm here a lot and I can assure you it's not normally like this. Maybe summer has started in the US or UK? I'm not au fait with the calendar.

>> No.3764452
File: 203 KB, 482x399, mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw NEET mouse outside of the maze

>> No.3764466

>people like this
do you notice how people glance at each other when you talk about anything

>> No.3764471

it's because they don't see the world as well as I do they're not as smart they havent seen zeitgeist or read NEETzsche they don't know what the rat race is damn ignorant plebs all of you