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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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3763883 No.3763883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>this board

>> No.3763884

I'm just so tired, /lit/

>> No.3763892

go to bed anon, we're counting on you.

>> No.3763928

sounds like you're dying m8

>> No.3763945

Just go to sleep anon, we will be here tomorrow.

>> No.3764023
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This Bored?

>> No.3764094
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I know exactly what you mean OP.

>> No.3764096

>this board since the invasion of faggots from /mu/ and /tv/

/lit/ used to be the best board, once upon a time.

>> No.3764099

I loved it when /lit/ was barely moderated. The only thing that would get deleted and banned was spam and CP.

>> No.3764105
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>this board

>> No.3764106

this, less moderation is always good

>> No.3764107

Entire days can get away from me on this board. I love it here.
Am I the only one?

>> No.3764109

Are you the only one on the board? Yes. It's just you perpetually samefagging.
In fact, I'm you. Or rather, I'm me. Responding to myself.

>> No.3764111
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>> No.3764114

I think there was a Twilight Zone episode like that.

>> No.3764118

But what you're not telling is you're him from the future!!!!!

>> No.3764121

T-then w-who are you?

>> No.3764122

I'm you from before then who finds out that he's me from the future!!!!!

>> No.3764124


Guys, guys calm down. Dont freak out but I'm you from another thread! You gotta see this!
Have a look I just totally trolled the OP-myself by replying with a silly retort. Haha.

>> No.3764127

I meant "am I the only one who loves it here," idiot.

>> No.3764130

>le bloom face

It's how I imagine everyone looks as they browse /lit/

>> No.3764131
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>> No.3764132
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Where we're going, we don't need tripcodes.

>> No.3764134

Don't be so hard on yourself.

>> No.3764148

This is heavy.

>> No.3764151
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Has anyone else started to notice the summerfags?
I'm not talking about this thread.
But across the board I've started to see signs.

>> No.3764195
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fuck my wife

>> No.3765080

Shouldn't you be used to it by now though? Just ignore them. And stay out of /b/ as much as possible

>> No.3765114


Seriously does no-one else find it freaky how much Tim Lott looks like a young Harold Bloom?

>> No.3765115

/b/ has small interesting things. whatever you do, do NOT stay out of /b/. just dive into that thrash and look for a diamond

>> No.3765127
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>> No.3765140

>I loved it when /lit/ was barely moderated
what are you talking about? there are tons of troll threads everyday like "what socks do you use for reading, /lit/" or plain "what do you think about x movie" and nothing gets deleted

>> No.3765198
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>this thread