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/lit/ - Literature

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3762595 No.3762595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ have any red flags?

>girls who think they are above the library
>girls who refuse to buy/read used books

>> No.3762602

You forgot your trip suncock.

>> No.3762608
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>qt chick from college course adds me on facebook
>book section: Harry Potter

Fucking dropped.

>> No.3762618

>reads fantasy over the age of 10
>reads sci fi over the age of 15
>doesn't acknowledge that gender is performative

>> No.3762614

Girls who don't read or only read shit (Twillight, 50 Shades etc.)and think everything else is boring.

>> No.3762622

lol! toasting in another epic sunhock bread! archive quick!

>> No.3762624

guys who post in lit to discuss girls

>> No.3762644

why would you want to read books random slobs have had their grubby mitts all over?

>> No.3762653


>> No.3762663

>doesn't acknowledge that gender is performative.

>> No.3762670

Looks like some sci-fi fan is butthurt.

>> No.3762686

>mine are all political i guess...? being a particular kind of left gets to be problematic dating wise
>aside from that not really?

>> No.3762699

you mean the kind of left that likes to suck the cocks of strangers?

>> No.3762715

No it was your last comment that fueled my buttmad.

>> No.3762721

Boys who try to make me read shit.

>> No.3762734


>She has a vagina? No thanks!

>> No.3762735

>implying one ever meets intelligent right wing women worth fucking
>implying a good woman doesn't naturally have leftist care taker instincts

>> No.3762736

>lack of freedums

>> No.3762739

yeah i just mean is difficult sometimes

>> No.3762740

i have no standards pls just talk to me ;__;

>> No.3762744

Girls who only read slash fan fiction.

>> No.3762745

aww poor you.

>> No.3762747
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why? that sounds awesome

>> No.3762750

>i have no standards
>pls respond

That's your problem

>> No.3762751

>tfw no beautiful sweater-clad gf to raise your children

>> No.3762756

>>3762750 was for

>> No.3762775

Girls that say they're left-wing but then vote Democrat.

Girls that think their boyfriend being bi is gross (tough technically they run away from me)

Girls that don't recognize Cortázar as the best writer in existance.

>> No.3762778

b-b-but not voting doesn't really make sense..?

>> No.3762779
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Worst thread on /lit/.
Congratulations OP

>> No.3762782

>Go to a friend's house
>Meet her qt 9/10 roomate reading a book
>What are you reading?
>"Oh, just an anthology of Gongora's work, you know, the spanish poet."
>Y-yeah, s-sure
>Her nightstand is full of books in english, spanish and french
>"Do you like reading? What are you reading at the moment?"
>"Oh, good book"
>Smiles and then keep reading

I'm too beta and pleb to talk to her again.

>> No.3762785

It does. Representative democracy is not democracy at all. Particularly not in Murrica.

>> No.3762786

>Favourite books: no lol

>> No.3762788

Never tried anything of the sort, but good on you


>> No.3762792

i mean hey. i believe in participatory democracy as much the next guy, but y'know...
may as well?

>> No.3762797
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>she doesn't read at all

>> No.3762802

Nope, voting is not only voting for a candidate but validating the existence of the system as it is.

>> No.3762808

This board is for literature discussion

>> No.3762813

>That girl that reads almost only feminist books
She is a lesbian, so it doesn't matter

>> No.3762823

I'd rather her not to read than to read and be annoying about it.

This one girl who likes Plath way too much and hates all theory besides Post Colonial said that she's, "A big fan of minimalism" Who says that? ugh.

>> No.3762845

That's just taste, there is bound to be someone with a literary taste you can accept.

>> No.3762854


this can all be fine if she has some reasoning behind it

well, hating all theory but one is a bit of a stretch probably

>> No.3762859

>9/10 looks
>good taste in lit
Pick one and only one.

>> No.3762863

people who think they know anything about things

>> No.3762867

Guy who works at a public library here.

Library books are disgusting. After working with them all day you can feel a layer of "filth" on your hands, as if you had just finished eating some really greasy fried food or something. My home books are nice and clean, but if I take a book home from the library I have to wash my hands when I'm done reading it. The romance books have the most disgusting covers usually. The touch of a bunch of horny housewives, dissatisfied with their husbands and escaping into books with shirtless men on the covers and lots of sex scenes.

>> No.3762868

My last girlfriend read John Green and loved Harry Potter, which in itself doesn't annoy me, but she was super fucking self-righteous about it.

It was like she thought she was so above everybody for reading this high school shit.

That is a major turn-off for me. If you're gonna act like you know a lot about literature, you should know a lot about literature.

>> No.3762869

>he doesn't know about the damaged ones

>> No.3762871

Heathens and heretics.

>> No.3762880

>people who don't read
>people who associate themselves with those pseudo-intellectual facebook pages like fb.com/70percentofthepopulationareidiots

>> No.3762884
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Do they even elitist?

>> No.3762887

In their minds, I think anyone who isn't a redditor falls into the 70%

>> No.3762890
File: 931 KB, 250x197, YESIMAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this is so true. I work at a used bookstore, and you have no idea the nasty books I see everyday. I literally have seen shit on books before. What the hell do people do with their books I will never know. Also, never buy a book with "wavy" feeling pages. It's water stained, and probably been dropped in somebody's toilet.

>> No.3762906

>meet girl on college
>18, very nice body, spend the whole class touching me, throwing those 'looks' at me, etc.

>> No.3762923
