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/lit/ - Literature

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3762412 No.3762412 [Reply] [Original]


What say you, /lit/?

>> No.3762422



>> No.3762503

yeah seriously, this is a lot of bullshit and not a lot of great literature which will help shape your soul. muh classics

>> No.3762504

The fact that a pop-pleb website like this is encouraging people to read over six books a year is good.

>> No.3762524

6 out of the top 10 books are fictions by women. No thanks

>> No.3762527

Not a bad list, all things considered. I still kind of hate Buzzfeed though.

>> No.3762879

wow that is a shit list

They are implying that I will read good books just in my 30s? or that I just have read then?

>> No.3762885



>> No.3762888
File: 325 KB, 625x808, enhanced-buzz-18752-1368209506-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck kind of list is this?

and why the fuck does it have a how-to-draw manual on it?

>> No.3762889 [DELETED] 

>6 of the top 10 are by female authors
>"article" (generous usage) is by kike female

I say fuck you, OP.

>> No.3762895

Found another /pol/ leak...

>> No.3762903
File: 28 KB, 462x353, 1359046602635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring the "author's" cultural (and genetic) predispositions is a rookie mistake. Have you never taken a social sciences class?

>> No.3762957

One other most disappointing "must read" lists I've ever seen. What happened to Shakespeare? Shakespeare is to literature and art now as mythology was to Shakespeare. He is the most important author in the western cannon because of it.

>> No.3762977

The fact that so many books still name Shakespeare "the greatest or most significant or most influential" playwright ever only tells you how far literature still is from becoming a serious art. Paint critics have long recognized that the greatest painters of all times are Michelangelo and Van Gogh, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Philosophy critics rank the highly controversial Wittgenstein over classical philosophers who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Literature critics are still blinded by commercial success: Shakespeare sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the greatest. Paint critics grow up looking at a lot of paintings of the past, philosophy critics grow up learning a lot of philosophy of the past. Literature critics are often totally ignorant of the literature of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Shakespeare did anything worth of being saved.

>> No.3762983

Laughing my ass off

>> No.3762981

Any true student of literature internalizes the complete works of Shakespeare by 19.

>> No.3762985


so edgy

>> No.3762991

>No wonder they will think that Shakespeare did anything worth of being saved.


> Literature critics are still blinded by commercial success: Shakespeare sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the greatest.

What what?

I don't even want to try to argue with you. I even think you're trolling. P. good, troll, bro. P. good troll.

>> No.3762997

>tfw i realized i could have left in the Beethoven part

>> No.3763027

>post enormous picture of book cover
>you should read this
>doesn't say what it's about or why it's any good

buzzfeed is giving you guys a run for your money

>> No.3763035


>> No.3763743

It kind of doubles as a general primer on creativity in general.

Like, you don't have to be film-centric to find Lynch on Lynch a great little book on creativity and the creative process.

>> No.3763756

You don't belong here, Pietro.


>> No.3763758


I'm retarded

>> No.3763763

Call me misogynist, but I just can't get into most books I've read by women. I own hundreds of books, but I can only think of five female authors amongst them, and most of those are crime fiction writers.

>> No.3763769

get out with your fagat shit

>> No.3763778
File: 480 KB, 474x632, le epic post face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic post bro

>> No.3763782


>> No.3763788

All I thought of scrolling through the list was of all the good books that I would miss out on

>> No.3763787


crushingly mediocre

>> No.3763824

I'm spending my 20s reading all the books I should have read in high school, or rather the books that should have fucking been taught to me in high school. The system failed us and we have to make up for it now.
It's taken me 3 years just to read all the ancient literature that's been skimmed over.

>> No.3763953

>Song of Solomon

Is this good?

>> No.3764125

I can vouch for Slouching towards Bethlehem. Shit, Didion packs a punch. Some of these books look promising, not from what this list's blurbs say, but from what I've heard from other sources. Nella Larsen's book Passing focuses on a fascinating trend in 1920s USA, if you're into race relations. In style she plays with a loose pacing, with elements that remind me of Fitzgerald. And that window scene, damn. Choice Harlem Renaissance author. My conclusions: the list has some grounding; the closer-to-contemporary books look like a crapshoot to me because I'm poor-read in them; and despite that, I can certainly say the list's presentation is subpar, whether or not the choices themselves are great.

>> No.3764146
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>> No.3764155


Their politics coverage is getting kind of scary. They've been more or less bought by libertarian interests and it really shows.

>> No.3764157
File: 43 KB, 425x312, 1355588096564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moust of them are shit for shitheads and for faggots, so fuck off...
>Decartes disapproves

>> No.3764161

pathetic hoi polloi

>> No.3764168

>David Foster Wallace


>> No.3764196

>47. /lit/ by Mary Karr

P. good show buzzfeed.

>> No.3764213

Didn't read a single one of them and I'm proud of it.

>> No.3764223

Anna Matzner · Works at AutoZone Inc.
Everyone knows those are classics, I'm sure. I really disliked Madame Bovary, don't see why it is considered such a classic. What a waste of a woman.

>> No.3764237

I tried to read the year of the magical thinking by Didion. It's nicely written but the impression that I get is that she doesn't think it through. Every page reeks with middle-class prejudice.

>> No.3764272

it's a copy-pasta from /mu/ about how shitty the beatles are

>> No.3764277

>Van Gogh
>a good painter
I'm going to cut off my sides and send them to you.

>> No.3764326

If critics are blinded by commercial success... Why 50 shades of Grey or Harry Potter aren´t the most critical acclaimed books of our era?

>> No.3764469

because then he couldn't trelelele you

>> No.3764474


but surprisingly he was. he just wasn't groundbreaking and he's terribly old hat now.

>> No.3764492

It's not a copypasta from /mu/ you fucking piece of shit.
It's from Scaruffi.

>> No.3764503

I know it's from Piero, but it was spread via /mu/. Jeez dude, just calm down

>> No.3764524

>hmm interesting, maybe i should check some of these books
>i enjoyed oscar wao, and even the goon squad more than i should have
>scrolling down
>ready player one?
>close tab in a huff

>> No.3764545


Yeah fine it'll get the shit shared out of it on your Twitterbooks and your MyFace but when it comes to introducing the proles to good books, AoM still has the best list.


>> No.3764547

sounds gay

>> No.3764561

> Reading article
> The Secret History
Why would they include Temujin's epic? It's good but really?
> It's some book about college secret society
What is Donna Tartt trying to be, James Joyce?