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/lit/ - Literature

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3761217 No.3761217 [Reply] [Original]

what happened to this board?

Its average age appears to have lowered, and there is a marked increase in first-year student philosopher pissing contest.

>maybe I'm too old for /lit/ now

>> No.3761238


Yes, you are.


>> No.3761243

just ignore those threads you second year phil student faggot

>> No.3761258

Start an interesting thread and creative thread then

>> No.3761261

woah i fucked up the syntax there

>> No.3761262
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OP has been owned.

>> No.3761265

>tfw nobody talks about Tao or Penny any more

>> No.3761270

>mfw recent influx of people has led to more diversity and topics of debate in a long time

I actually saw a decent sci-fi thread the other day. I was glad.

>> No.3761275
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samefag please

>> No.3761286

I'm glad that /lit/ appears to be slowly becoming less elitist, but I don't like how politicised it is at the moment.

>> No.3761290


>> No.3761289

pick one u silly cunt

>> No.3761302


He said decent thread, nothing was noted or implied about the genre.

>> No.3761305

OP here, this has lifted my hopes that /lit/ has some fight left in her.

>> No.3761333

If you're one of _those_ posters, then I think this board would be better without you.

>> No.3761345

/lit/ has no fight in her, because /lit/ is the least collective or co-operative boards on 4chan.

/lit/ has barely any in-jokes or may-mays, others than DFW, Tao Lin, Laurie Penny, Harold Bloom, or Jimmy Joyce.

The one thing all these may-mays have in common is that the're usually brought up either ironically ("hey guys I love Finnegan's Wake!) or to troll other board users ("Hey Tao Lin is great!").

Most of the time /lit/ is everything wrong with literature: it makes those who read genuinely think they are some unique, uber-patrician whose taste is superior to everyone elses.

Writing threads suck because copy and pasting your latest short story in three segments in a big block doesn't make it look worth reading. Poetry threads (whether OC or favourites) are bad, for a similar reason.

TAR is shat on by most people on this board for reasons I've yet to grasp. The day we start taking Tao Lin seriously and discussing his works in a sincere way (purchasing them legally of course) is the day this board makes its first step in the right direction.

>> No.3761358

The Internet is dead.

>> No.3761363
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>> No.3761395

It'll die away.

>> No.3761401

>TAR is shat on by most people on this board for reasons I've yet to grasp.

Having seen TAR since Issue 1, I totally understand why it's shat on.

Also, Tao Lin isn't good and we shouldn't accept him as some go to , the new movement guy, just because he receives hype. His prose is not up to standards, neither are his thoughts and themes.

He was laid roadside as /lit/ kept on racing toward the future.

>> No.3761429

I think that guy's point is that having a civil, informed discussion about Lin's merit or lack thereof would be far healthier for the board than just 'sperging out every time he's posted. Once we had established through civil and informed discussion that no one here actually likes his work, we could just move on and never talk about him again.

>> No.3761431

Just started browing /lit/, and I'm really surprised at how accurate this >>3761217 is, but whatever, I still like it better than most boards