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3761124 No.3761124 [Reply] [Original]

What is the source of procrastination?

Id really like a psychoanalytical approach to the answer, how does lazyness come to be?

>> No.3761131

>What is the source of procrastination?

Fear of discomfort.

>> No.3761136

I'll tell you later.

>> No.3761142

Good one, haha.

>> No.3761151

Fear of failure.

>> No.3761153

Yes, tell me later.

>> No.3761156
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Why we procrastinate by Vik Nithy @ TEDxYouth@TheScotsCollege

>> No.3761158

Rationalism. Some things are worth the effort, some aren't.

>> No.3761174

Procrastination is a symptom of a lingering, malignant childishness.

Unable to face our fears, we become trapped in an infantile bubble where our unconcious mind works hard to convince our conscious mind that we should stay as we are, rather than risk certain unpleasant experiences like rejection and failure.

Procrasitination is an easy to sublimate our desire to succeed, which is why for so many people procrastination does not consist merely of starting at walls but of an activity (like arguing with strangers on the internet) which allows us to imagine we are developing as individuals, when unconciously we know that the other thing we should be doing is in fact more important.

We will be among hte first generations who spend our entire lives not fulfuling our potential because of this infantile mentality

>> No.3761231

>We will be among hte first generations who spend our entire lives not fulfuling our potential because of this infantile mentality

Would yoy say that the incentives to be inactive that the welfare system gives ads to this? Previous generations had to do what was nacessary to literarly not go hungry. We have more options and if i don't work i wont be homeless nor starve.
Your turn.
I am not trying to change the course of this thread to politics

>> No.3761239

It's because you were treated as a slave


>> No.3761263

This hits the nail on the head.


>> No.3761282

To a degree yes, although the rebutal could be that most of those procrastination are not unemployed etc.

It's a matter of comfort being the end of society. Advertising has made us aware of so many things that we never thought we'd need to lived comfortably, that for many people hte aim of their life is merely to become more and more comfortable, until they at last become a member of the homogenous mass, sublimating any negativity or frustrations on twitter or facebook, so no negativity builds up inside them and leads to great achievements, since most if not all great achievements are the result of struggle and inner turmoil.

I'm by no means a Nietzsche-fanboy, but his concept of the Last Man is pretty accurate. I don't think consumerism, or the welfare state, is a wholly negative thing, and I htink it's a bourgoisie notion to say that the existence of a welfare state makes people indolent or that consumerism can't coexist with 'spirituality' or the secular equivalent, although I do believe that the childlike desire not to experience negative things is leading to more and more people becoming mentally inactive, corporally lazy and unhealthy, and existentially numb, all because comfort is their end.

And if you really need to know, then it's 7inches erect, medium girth

>> No.3761284


>> No.3761312

>What is the source of procrastination?

Human sinfulness.

Prov. 15:19 The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.

>> No.3761582

Natural selection. The types that didn't splurge away their energy too much had a better chance to survive. Laziness is a natural virtue. Procrastinations is a form of laziness when people are put in a world that is counter-intuitive. It's the same reason why we get fat. Every fiber of our being tells us that we should gorge outselves on high calorie food since it is the very instinct that survived because it is so effective for survival in nature. Yet placed in an unnatural environment it becomes a burden.

>> No.3761599

It's merely a symptom of affluence. The consequences of procrastination these days are very abstract. It's not like you won't eat if you fail French or something. The result is often far removed from the action which, especially amongst young people, leads to difficulty fully realising the connection or mustering up a feeling or urgency. In a way, we have become alienated from causality. This general weakness is nothing new though, it just presents itself to us in these particular ways these days.

Procrastination is like smoking whilst knowing better or having unprotected sex while rationally knowing the consequences but practically not minding them. It's the same thing that leads us to say "I won't get hooked" and heat the tin foil. That's why we ruin the environment. People are rationally capable, but the effect of rational contemplation on our actions is less than we would often like. Beyond a certain range we just aren't that susceptible to the idea of causality.

>> No.3761622

Avoidance, usually out of fear. When we think we wont meet expectations we become anxious and try to seek a way out, and if there is no-one to force you into action (which is typical during childhood), you'll pretty much stay where you are until crunch time.

>> No.3761654

That's only rationalism in the extremely short term, though.

>> No.3761656

Plz go Calvin, no one wants you here

>> No.3761767

Slothful, indolent swine detected.

>> No.3761778

Habits. If you want to live a virtuous life and get shit done, make this a habit of yours. Read Nichomacheans Etic.

>> No.3761793
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It comes from secretly not wanting what you want to do but not really being willing to own up to it.

Pic related, sage advice.

>> No.3761821


That's not sage advice, that's a teenager's selfish, shortsighted advice.

>> No.3761829

Your brain trying to shoo you from things it considers useless, like you writing that shitty novel you really, REALLY are not interested in writing.

Like you're extatic about this young homosexual artist, he's your dream character, right? His shenanigans are the most important thing in your life, so let's write them down, edit meticulously, oh wait, your brain thinks it's stupid and boring you're more interested in shitty sword and sorcery, too bad you'll never allow yourself to write that, ha ha, there goes procrastination.

>> No.3761858 [DELETED] 

>Your brain trying to shoo you from things it considers useless, like you writing that shitty novel you really, REALLY are not interested in writing.

fuck man.

>> No.3761863

I agree with him. I will not pick up a pen nor go near a keyboard unless I feel an absolute yearning to do, as if what is in my head simply has to be written down. I haven't felt that feeling since I was a child.. still waiting.

>> No.3761888

There is nothing selfish or short sighted about matching walk and talk.

>> No.3761895

What should we do?

>> No.3761912

This is a question for /sci/ or better yet /r/askscience. Here you get quasi-philosophical bullshit to a question that has a scientific answer

>> No.3761939

Great achievements are not only the result of struggle and turmoil. they're only necessary because of them. Longing for greatness where it is not necessary merely stems from boredom and vanity.

>> No.3761965

>to a question that has a scientific answer

Yeah - it's all down to a chemical interaction in the brain. Give it a bit of time - soon neuroscientists will unveil the answer and a new drug will be created that will allow all man to overcome this crippling, debilitating, socially useless mental state.

>> No.3761973

What do you consider a great achievement?

>> No.3761998

Well in this context I would say succeeding in something that takes considerable effort and risk. Great in the sense of grand. When such acts are needed it's a sure sign things are shitty already. Hence the curse 'may you live in interesting times'.

>> No.3762027


That... that doesn't mean anything...

>> No.3762052

a world with no problems.. will be boring.

is becoming already boring.

>> No.3762119

It does. People who procrastinate don't really want to do what they think or claim they want to do, otherwise they would be doing it. Instead they choose to do something else. That is really what they want to do. The thing you do is the thing you want to do. Per definition. The thing you say you want to do is usually the thing you want to want to do. Mostly out of some sense of obligation or vanity.

>> No.3762126

or maybe they dont what they "want to do" because some hidden reason. fear of failure, a moral dilema, some kind of trauma. whatever.

>> No.3762133

Only to boring people. The need for and lack of external stimulation is what creates boredom. A certain demand to be fed interesting things creates boredom. Only the boring are bored. An interesting mind doesn't need much to entertained.

That's why philosophers can live mostly reclusive lives of simple routine and the dimwitted are always seeking company or entertainment.

>> No.3762151

That means they don't really want to. When I'm standing next to a busy street and I say "I want to cross" I actually mean "I want the street to be less busy and then go to the other side without getting run over." The street is busy, so that is not an option. My options are crossing and getting run over or not crossing and not getting run over. What I really want to, under actual circumstances and not in some fantasy world, is not crossing the street.

If people don't do what they think they want to do, it's because they really don't want to in reality. "I want to X if only Y" is a de facto "I don't want to X" when it's not Y. Wants under circumstances that are not in fact the circumstances don't qualify as actual wants but as self-delusion and posturing.

>> No.3762162

i dont want to work. but i want to want to work .

>> No.3762236

I wanted to want to work once, it was horrible. Now I just want to be happy not working and it's a much more realistic objective.

>> No.3762249

how you survive ?

>> No.3762253


>> No.3762304
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I've read The Three Musketeers by Dumas and it was my first ever book i read cover to cover. It gave me an inspiration into reading. I'm looking forward to reading the sequals to TTM, but does it matter if I read them in order? I have The Man In The Iron Mask, do you recommending reading that one before the earlier ones?

>> No.3762315


Yes, preferably.

>> No.3762362

That is just a plain wrong over simplistic theory you made up with no substantial evidence or data to back it up with except for your own personal experience which you completely misinterpreted because you lack basic insight and the ability to introspect. Congratulations you stupid fuck up. Enjoy your unemployment and decay in to depression and suicide you useless shit.

>> No.3762382
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>> No.3762442

Apparently hit a sore spot there. When you're eating ice cream and saying you don't want to I'm going to judge you by your actions instead of your justifications, excuses and pipe dreams.

>> No.3762450

>What is the source of procrastination?
