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File: 39 KB, 536x348, DawkinsAtItAgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3761067 No.3761067 [Reply] [Original]

Dawkins is at it again!

What a pleb.

>> No.3761071
File: 490 KB, 480x340, Carlton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dawkins can very much suck my dick.

He likes the cock it anyway.

>> No.3761073


So how would you refute that intelligently in the given character limit twitter has in place?

>> No.3761075

he's le correct, you francofaggot

>> No.3761076

the toppest lel is the fact of owning a twitter account and actually using it on a daily basis as a communication tool

>> No.3761077 [DELETED] 


Wow Dawkins is a retard. I mad.

>> No.3761078

>butthurt e/lit/ists

>> No.3761080

>English muffins
>German sausage
>Thai Chili Sauce
>hurrrr durrrr what kind of regionally specivic nosnseene is this? if you dond beleeb me you can fuck OFF

>> No.3761086

G-guys, I think he's joking

>> No.3761089


So why can't thought be region specific yet we quite happily accept the same for food, culture, and art?

Wasn't the whole point of 'continental' philosophy being described as thus and separate that it differed from the so-called 'analytic' philosophical movements which dominated the english speaking world?

>> No.3761090

>too soon

>> No.3761093
File: 57 KB, 445x542, your mother fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too soon from what?

>> No.3761098

the whole point of calling it "continental philosophy" is to separate it from "incontinental philosophy" which is basically to just piss on everything.

>> No.3761100

[x] Fucking pleb.
[ ] Bro, do you even x?
[ ] Summer in here!
[ ] Go back to Leddit
[ ] Spiderman
[ ] Cheese Pizza
[x] Faggot.
[ ] Nigger.
[ ] Newfag, how new can you be?
[ ] >implying
[ ] Check yur privilage.
[ ] Dubs tells me what to do.
[ ] nowthatswhaticalledgy.jpg
[ ] Anne Frankly I did Nazi that x coming!

>> No.3761105
File: 8 KB, 235x214, Dockins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I've never been a fan of Richard Dockins evolutionary theories.

>> No.3761112

>What a pleb.
And yet you're 'following' him. Tell me, tell me, who's the real pleb?

>> No.3761115

Richard Dawkins making a fool of himself by issuing pronouncements that only demonstrate his ignorance of the topic at hand?
Hell, that is essentially his *career* for the last decade plus.

>> No.3761117

he has a point, the very possibility of a "continental philosophy" shows us that philosophy as a whole is bullshit

its not a universal development like chemistry, there is no possibility of "continental chemistry" because chemistry doesn't depend on circle jerking subjectivity

>> No.3761118

Why does he give title capitalization to Search for Truth?

>> No.3761120

That white man's arm appears to have been partially devoured by that python. I'll just enlarge it to confirm it and - DAMNIT!

>> No.3761123

>its not a universal development like chemistry, there is no possibility of "continental chemistry"

yes there is

>implying there aren't conflicting theories and disciplines within the natural sciences

'Continental' philosophy and 'Analytical' philosophy have different subject matter and different approaches when they do overlap, just like Chemistry and Physics have different subject matter and different approaches when they do overlap.

>> No.3761132

There's no universal approach to taking a shit either.

>> No.3761137

>'Continental' philosophy and 'Analytical' philosophy have different subject matter and different approaches

same subject matter, different methods and they both don't reach any conclusions.

so both are useless, they just get to that uselessness in different ways.

>> No.3761138
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>> No.3761140

>so both are useless

bullshit, they both create jobs

>> No.3761141

It's called "Continental" philosophy because it originated on the Continent you shit-eating moron.


>> No.3761147

I'm a total pleb when it comes to philosophy but when I read "Continental Philosophy" it sounds like the study of philosophical ideas that originated in certain areas. Or region-specific schools of thought I guess.

I don't know what the fuck Dawkins is on about.

>> No.3761149

>Anne Frankly I did Nazi that x coming!

You are from reddit. Go back.

>> No.3761150

>it sounds like the study of philosophical ideas that originated in certain areas

that's pretty much what the title refers to

>> No.3761157

>bullshit, they both create jobs
good joke :)

>It's called "Continental" philosophy because it originated on the Continent

no if it was the same as analytic it wouldn't have a name, the differences inherent to the methods is what separates them

>> No.3761159

I agree with the core of his point but he hasn't expressed it very well.... I guess it's difficult to in under 140 characters. Also


>> No.3761162

>I agree with the core of his point but he hasn't expressed it very well

yep, the whole continental/analyitc thing should've never happened, analytic philosophy is even more useless than continental

we have science now, so ya....

I can't name one good theory or explanation or answer philosophy has provided us since the 1900s...and look at what science has done

>> No.3761163
File: 96 KB, 500x900, 1367434949522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously from Reddit. Thinking the "Anne Frank" shit started there and is only used there is like thinking the Navy Seal copypasta started there.

>> No.3761168

He's not, he really hates continental philosophy.

>> No.3761167

He capitalizes the word "Truth" the way christians capitalize "God". What a faggot.

>> No.3761179


>doesn't understand the difference between relative truth and absolute Truth

hahaha, I remember being in grade 13 as well, fun times

>> No.3761180

It's only used there now faggot. Go back and upvote some epic maymays.

>> No.3761185

> analytic philosophy is even more useless than continental

bullshit, they both create jobs. And before this is written off as a "joke" again, then I'll inform you that it isn't a joke. If you're going to use the categories "useful/useless" then you're going to have to accept that continental and analytical are "useful", unless you think the creation of jobs isn't useful.

You may be implying that neither of these "philosophies" achieve what they aim to achieve, and that is why you call them useless, but in saying that you must have no understanding of what it is they are trying to achieve or else you would not say it. You might say that neither of them result in knowledge, but if I were to ask you what you meant when you said knowledge you'd likely have to resort to these so-called "useless" philosophies or to a cop-out, "shut up, it's obvious what knowledge is, philosophy just complicates what is simple and self-evident".

>> No.3761191

If something isn't true, it is a lie. There are no exceptions. Truth isn't an elastic concept.

>> No.3761198

>Decry the humanities and espouse shameless and unfettered scientism
>Wonder why your leaders are all sociopathic technocrats.


>> No.3761202


Adults are talking.

>> No.3761208

>I can't name one good theory or explanation or answer philosophy has provided us
>provided us

Philosophy has never been for the masses.

>> No.3761215
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1363342346244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3761224

Can you tell me a difference, and relate it to science, pls.
So at some point in the development of science, it will reach the absolut Truth, is this what Dawkins is about?

>> No.3761230

>thinks things need to be -useful-
what are you, 12yo ameritard?

>> No.3761251

>dawkins on twitter

i'm sure he doesn't hate it; he's just voicing his opinion on the continental/analytic divide.
lots of people feel this way. it's really not a big deal, made an even less of a deal by the fact that's its fucking dawkins lel

>> No.3761252

I've never read much Dawkins. Where should one start if they are totally new to him, "The God Delusion"?

One of my favorite "modern Philosophers" would be Gentile who founded the theory of Actual Idealism. I like Evola as well but only his Political ideas, not a fan of the eastern junk he wrote.

>> No.3761257

>Where should one start

how about no

>> No.3761319

>I can't name one good theory or explanation or answer philosophy has provided us since the 1900s

That merely shows your own ignorance and stupidity.

>'I' can't give any examples
>It is therefore nonsensical and worthless!

Take your head out of your ass and start reading.

>> No.3761322


I believe so, but this is a fallacy that scientist tend to fall for all the time because they enjoy getting caught up in there own hubris. For, example some current scientific thinking suggest that if dark matter does exist (and thats a big if) it might be in such a state that it will never be able to full understand because it will simply be unresearchable. Thus, we will never be able to reach an absolute truth, although we might have an idea of the 'known unknowns'. Or, more likely if dark matter does't exist, since it was only concocted in the first place because our current models of the universe do not work without it, then much off what we currently hold to be 'truths' about physics may well be false, and I'm not talking about some tinkering around with minor equations but the whole Newtonian shebang.

>> No.3761400
File: 31 KB, 300x400, into the trash it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>reading anything by Dawkins

>> No.3763581

Continental Philosophy isn't even a unified movement. There are fucking word-vomiting shitbags like Deleuze, and there are people who make (comparatively) more sense, like Adorno.

>> No.3764140

Why couldnt he just google the word if he didnt know it before tweeting it...

>> No.3764142

Dearie me, what a burk.

>> No.3764143

hey deleuze was the least venomous pomo.

>> No.3764144

He's right, though. You're a faggot.

>> No.3764147

That should ve costanza not penn giuliangs

>> No.3764149


"Personal life

On 19 August 1967, Dawkins married fellow ethologist Marian Stamp in Annestown, County Waterford, Ireland;[25] they divorced in 1984. Later that same year, on 1 June, he married Eve Barham (19 August 1951[26]–28 February 1999) in Oxford. They had a daughter, Juliet Emma Dawkins (born 1984, Oxford).[26] Dawkins and Barham also divorced.[27] In 1992, he married actress Lalla Ward[27] in Kensington and Chelsea, London.[26] Dawkins met her through their mutual friend Douglas Adams,[28] who had worked with her on the BBC's Doctor Who."

Honestly, he probably delved into atheism right after his second divorce. What a sad little shite.

>> No.3764150 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 543x427, 1366864022073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i love dawkins.

>> No.3764153
File: 21 KB, 516x223, continental.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3764314

italian detected

>> No.3764331


lol faggot

>> No.3764332

On a somewhat unrelated note, post-19th century continental philosophy is actually bullshit.

>> No.3764359
File: 884 KB, 500x277, tumblr_ml2hy0s0Dy1qdpbx3o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3764380

Truly sickening. You've let me down Bill Nye.

>> No.3764381
File: 922 KB, 496x372, 1352660905182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never read much Dawkins. Where should one start if they are totally new to him
The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype.
It's his area of expertise and his views there are far more relevant, even interesting at times, than his Atheism-proponency.

>> No.3764387

>(comparatively) more sense, like Adorno.
The marxist hacks arguments are even more flawed than Deleuzes. He's just less obscurist and openly admits to ripping off Spengler (whose views were actually relevant) to abuse them for his political leanings.

>> No.3764401


>> No.3764433

Why do trains of thought like this ever gain traction in the first place? Who are the people that hear this and just decide it makes sense? I demand answers.

>> No.3764446

>more likely if dark matter doesn't exist

Armchair scientist on 4chan? No surprise.

>> No.3764450

There are people who think equality transcends to everything; and want to go so far as to create quotas.

There's really no reason to even think any field should represent its demographics. Sowell covered it better than I can.


>> No.3766917

well, he assumes men and women are equally able

whether you realize it or not, you assume they are not equally able and by extension since things are the way they are, the people on top are better which right now is the men. sucks to not be a man, good luck, eh?

frankly (but i might be adding things to this but) his argument could just be a counter-push to what he feels is an un-just state of things which must be rectified. he's pushing for a utopian ideal and he's doing it so things will get better. whether things can be made in that image is unknown and might seem improbable but no one knows so why not strive for it and so he says what he says.

>> No.3766926


looks like the joke's on /lit/

>> No.3766927


The Dawkins tweet is older though

>> No.3766947

I usually defend Dawkins but his views on Postmodernism and now apparently Continental Philosophy, and the way he conducts himself in dialogue about them, are kind of childish and embaressing

>> No.3766962


>childish and embaressing

o le ironing

>> No.3766984

>So how would you refute that intelligently in the given character limit twitter has in place?
Like so:

>getting this hung up over labels

>> No.3766994


>> No.3767004


wow what

>> No.3767008

What is wrong with his biology books?

>> No.3767011


Literally in the same thread you talk shit about dawkins and now you're defending him.

>> No.3767015

you are claiming irony over a one letter typo like it's somehow equivalent to intellectual malpractice

>> No.3767022


hardly a one letter typo ace

im not defending him, i just found ironic that childish spelling of embarrassing

>> No.3767067

holy shit, the irony

>> No.3767090


yeah not really though

>> No.3767095

Can someone fill me in here? Is he joking? Does he not know that it's called Continental Philosophy because it originated in continental Europe? I'm in the U.S. and I've studied Continental Philosophy taught by Continental Philosophers who are Americans, so I don't really get his point. I've never bothered reading any Dawkins, so I don't know if he has some strange sense of humor. Please tell me this is the case.

>> No.3767100

Bunsen burner? What kind of burner is limited to just one man?

>> No.3767143

would someone like to tell Mathew Haas that Neitzche is continental, not analytic?

>> No.3767353

I've read Hitchens and Harris, but I got nothing out of The God Delusion. It's one of the very few books i got absolutely nothing from reading. It's as pointless as a childrens book.

Hitchens writes well, and Harris can be interesting at times, even if it's just so you can refute him, but Dawkins brings nothing to the table, there isn't even a table.

>> No.3767422

Does it mean continental in the same way that catholic means whole

>> No.3767424

Dawkins doesn't realize that island life is fundamentally different.

>> No.3767427

None of them bring anything to the table. Except possibly Harris which his whole, science can answer moral questions, which is probably bollocks anyway.

Those entire arguments about the existence of God are essentially people paraphrasing Nietzsche and Schopenhauer and then Aquinas and Augustine.

>> No.3767453

so you see how petty to attack others over minute spelling mistakes? no? carry on being a snobbish tripfag then...

>> No.3767460

Hitchens is a good writer. His politics were interesting and his voice has always been clear and succinct.

The Harris morality thing is mostly bollocks, but he's trying to write by mixing together, in a shaky ground, between philosophical ethics and real practicality.

>> No.3767583
File: 15 KB, 306x227, 1183312253551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truth isn't subjective
>Morals, and therefore objectives aren't different.
>History has no impact
>Religion has no impact
>Culture has no impact
>Society has no impact
How did this fucker get so famous.

>> No.3767593

>His politics were interesting

no they weren't

>> No.3767594

It means "of the continent".

>> No.3767603

i think richard dawkins is autistic

>> No.3767659

Most "hardcore" atheists are. And I mean the real definition of autism, not 4chan's. Like the ones on reddit who take the bible literally and whatnot

>> No.3767671

The Joke is even stronger because it's analytics that first made the distinction and then they attack you on the distinction.

It's like the guy in jail who first calls you a fag and then fucks you in the ass saying "hey why do you call yourself a fag if you don't like it in the ass?"

It's all politics anyway. Dawkins does this because he wants funds his way and wants people stop reading philosophers who might actually undermine his system.

>> No.3767673



>> No.3767677
File: 201 KB, 960x720, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right.

>> No.3767684


>> No.3767695

Please tell me those are real quotes from r/atheism?

>> No.3767702


No troglodytes with dumb opinions allowed. There's a place for you and it's called Reddit.

>> No.3767704

>There's a place for you and it's called Reddit.

>> No.3767720

Neil deGrasse Tyson is considered a condom-denying homophobic pedophile in the Vatican?

>> No.3767731

>"Newtonian", "dark matter", "unsearchable"

At some point, /lit/ needs to have a flood of pop science recommendations.