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3755829 No.3755829 [Reply] [Original]

What's the coolest title to a book you can think of? Ignore the content of the book, take only the title. I've always thought East of Eden and Atlus Shrugged sounded really impressive.

>> No.3755839

Gravity's Rainbow
Tropic of Cancer
The Power and the Glory
The Sound and the Fury
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.3755847

The Divine Comedy

>> No.3755855

Les Fleurs du mal

>> No.3755863

Sartor Resartus - silly title but it's Latin so it sounds cool

>> No.3755872

Yeah but Dante's original title, just 'The Comedy' , leaves a larger impression. IMO

>> No.3755874

Always sounded to me like a high schooler trying to write high fantasy.

Terrible title. Great content, though.

>> No.3755883

The Man Without Qualities - maybe it's not 'cool' but I've always liked it, even without having read the book

>> No.3755886

Atlas Shrugged is a really good title.

The Sound and the Fury wins best title of all time, imo.

>> No.3755888

The Battlefield Where The Moon Says I Love You

I love long-ass titles. It seems like they were really in vogue in the 70s for some reason.

>> No.3755889
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does The Doors of Perception count?

>> No.3755890

Maybe, but not if you strip the title of all that it refers to, IMO.

>> No.3755892

Well, obviously titles taken directly from Shakespeare are going to be the best.

>> No.3755896

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.3755905

On a Pale Horse

always thought that was a mysterious title.
also Gormenghast, just a badass name.

>> No.3755910

The Pale King
The Stranger
The Art of War
A Thief in the Night
A Farewell to Arms
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The White Luck Warrior

>> No.3755921

Book of the New Sun

sounds like somekind of awesome mystical tome

>> No.3755926

Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills

>> No.3755929

'The Recognitions' I like a lot

>> No.3755934

Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said

>> No.3755965

The Happy Hooker worked for me.

>> No.3755976

King Solomon's Mines

>> No.3755978

Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West

>> No.3755989

Being and Nothingness

>> No.3755993

Nietzsche's Lover/Love

>> No.3756006

House of Butterflies
Pornographic Salesman
Lolita's Return
Eternity's Light
Black Eyed Angel
Little Boy Lost
The Last Starlet

>> No.3756041

The Sun Also Rises
Leaves of Grass

>> No.3756100

on murder (considered as a fine art)

>> No.3756103

one of the fine arts*


>> No.3756104

The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.3756115

Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit

>> No.3756114
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I've always thought The Lord of the Rings was a pretty awesome title. I like it when a story is named after the principle antagonist.

>> No.3756119


>> No.3756125

Sexual Chocolate: The Novel

>> No.3756124

A Confederacy of Dunces
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Notes From the Underground
The Pale King
Inherent Vice

>> No.3756145

the book is god awful, but i've always been fond of atlas shrugged

>> No.3756159

Sleep It Off, Lady
Good Morning, Midnight
Half of a Yellow Sun
Speak, Memory
Stand on Zanzibar

>> No.3756180

The Forever War

>> No.3756245

The Sirens of Titan
The Tempest
Infinite Jest
100 Years of Solitude

>> No.3756273

Love in the Time of Cholera
The Fault in Our Stars
Sirens of Titan

>> No.3756277

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

>> No.3756278

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: A Secret Gay Romance

>> No.3756292

Ecce Homo: Why Am I a Destiny

>> No.3756312
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actually all of those titles are great

>> No.3756317

Sex in Nazi Germany

>> No.3756320

Lets see, off the top of my head:

100 Years of Solitude

South of the Border, West of the Sun.

The Man who was a Thursday.

>> No.3756324

Danefag here - Either/Or sounds much sexier in english than it does in its original Danish.

>> No.3756326

Sound and the fury

>> No.3756331

If on a winter's night a traveler

>> No.3756334

The Archaeology of Knowledge
The Origin of Species
Enten ‒ Eller
The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.3756360

My favorite book title has always been 'Things Fall Apart'.

>> No.3756375

Paradise Lost
Desolation Angels
Mostly Harmless
The Dharma Bums
Kafka on the Shore

>> No.3756396


that's from Keats :X

>> No.3756405

Tender is the Night
Mistranslation; it's actually "The Phenomenology of Ghosts"

Hegel wrote it to scare his niece off doing philosophy

>> No.3756411


>> No.3756425

Twilight of the Idols
Leaves of Grass
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Where the Wild Things Are
Fear and Trembling
The Niche of Lights

>> No.3756427


>> No.3756429

We the Living

>> No.3756455

Timeout for Turkey

>> No.3756457

Paradise Lost tops it for me.
Honorable mentions: I have no mouth and I must scream, the Silence of the Lambs, Lord of the Flies

>> No.3756563

As I Lie Dying
The Agony and the Ecstacy
Knitting With Dog Hair
Captain Underpants
Everybody Farts

>> No.3756565



Both are titles that simply resonate with me

>> No.3756607

The unbearable lightness of being

>> No.3756628

Two by the same author:

This Day All Gods Die
Against All Things Ending

>> No.3756635

"The Pale King" is excellent.
"And You Die so Slowly That You Think You are Living" seems a bit unoriginal, but I still like it.
"The Painted Man" is a nice title, even though the book wasn't that great.
"Confessions of a Mask" is bloody excellent.

>> No.3756643

Are you suggesting this makes it somehow less worthy? I think many great book titles come from other works. e.g. 'Slouching Towards Bethlehem' (from the same poem in fact) and 'The Sound and the Fury'

>> No.3756653

I have no mouth and I must scream
No longer human
Bought them for the title alone

The sun also rises is also cool.

>> No.3756734

When you are engulfed in flames

I've always loved that title.