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File: 32 KB, 357x599, Lolita_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3753585 No.3753585 [Reply] [Original]

how much of a pedo was this guy?? you cant write a story like this without being a fucking pedo deep down

>> No.3753592
File: 13 KB, 272x340, Vladimir_Nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'i love touching little girls' - vlad

>> No.3753595

I disagree, that's like saying if you're a man you can't write about women unless you're a woman deep down.

>> No.3753596

Well he could be a pedophile without engaging in sexual activities with children. Unless you meant to say that you can't write a book like that without engaging in such activities yourself. If you meant to state the second then you would have to provide evidence if you want to be taken seriously

>> No.3753612

Ivory tower scum!

>> No.3753634

People like you shouldn't be allowed to read or carry sharp objects.

>> No.3753648
File: 28 KB, 460x276, Gabrielle-Wit-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of a necro was this girl?? you cant write a story like this without fucking dead people

>> No.3753654

Is anyone supposed to know who that is?

>> No.3753664
File: 46 KB, 318x445, The Necrophiliac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3753665

I might be too naive but I believe you can search her by the name of the image

>> No.3753669

>reading women authors

>> No.3753671

I'm just saying, that Anon isn't doing much to bolster their argument using such an obscure author

>> No.3753675

well... when you can find out what he's talking about in 3 or 4 seconds, I don't see how his argument is hindered, really.

>> No.3753676

Hm, does this random old lady I don't know like to fuck corpses? Well, maybe so!!

>> No.3753678

Why does it matter? I couldn't care less if he was a 'fucking' paedophile. He was a glorious master craftsman of prose.

>> No.3753681

>be this scum

>> No.3753684

I hope he's a pedophile. If not, I'd feel cheated, and slightly angry that a non-pedo could write such an artful book on the desires of us real pedos.

>> No.3753712

I agree, only scumbags read women authors

>> No.3753719 [DELETED] 




>> No.3753725

Seriously. There isn't a man on the planet who wouldn't get rock hard looking at a 10-year-old's tight little pussy.

>> No.3753736

are you forgetting liberals?

>> No.3753742

>you cant write a story like this without being a fucking pedo deep down
You can.

>> No.3753745


Takes one to know one!

>> No.3753760
File: 64 KB, 468x765, obama's package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3753764

Well, obviously those fags are gonna be more interested in the little penises

>> No.3753772

>Well he could be a pedophile without engaging in sexual activities with children.

This is why identity based sexuality is a problem. We wouldn't be having these discussions if orientation was based on behavior.

>> No.3753818

Except it shouldn't be based on either of those things, but rather on neurology

>> No.3753821

Obama isn't a liberal.

>> No.3753841

I'm assuming you mean Neuroscience, which can tell you how a brain works at a given time, but can't tell you how it got there. Epigenetics is more applicable to developmental conditions like sexuality, plus it doesn't discount the value of experience in shaping these things.

Checkmate, reductionists.

>> No.3753846
File: 14 KB, 300x301, jrr-tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of a elf was this guy?? you cant write a story like this without being elven filth deep down

elves are only good for raping.

>> No.3753871

He is not a pedophile, he (the character) would be a hebephile and/or ephebophile. The girls he chased after were already in puberty, and some were even sexually active.

>> No.3753882 [DELETED] 



>> No.3753909

Elfs you moron
Do you know nothing of Tolkien

>> No.3753933

Since she is obviously a a pubescent, it isn't pedophilia at all.

>> No.3754018

This. It's technically hebephilia.

>> No.3754026


whatever it is, it gives me the hebe jeebies

>> No.3754343

can someone give me a link from where to download this?

>> No.3754372


>> No.3754383

pdf man, pdf

>> No.3754388

>hurr how do i convert
Fuck off.

>> No.3754406
File: 271 KB, 210x131, pooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, no! I thought /lit/ was better than ephplepophile apologetics and borderline pedophiles. also, >>3753725 is one of the most troubling comments I've seen on the internet, much less a place as smart as /lit/.

>> No.3754414

>implying that converting from pdf doesn't produce an unreadable jumble of junk text and unreadable words

>> No.3754431

>converting from pdf
Are you always this dumb?

>> No.3754435

We're still on 4chan, friend.

>> No.3754454

Eh, I beg to differ.

>> No.3754459

Have you even tried it?

>> No.3754463
File: 82 KB, 278x251, 1365812239343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?

>> No.3754466

How can you be sure it wouldn't get you off looking at a ten year old's pussy if you haven't tried it?

>> No.3754479

I think most people have thought about at least once.

I could probably get horny enough to find it attractive, but that would be hormones taking control.

99 times out of 100 the idea of corrupting innocence and fucking up a kid's life is just far too overwhelming for me to find it arousing in any way at all.

Plus I could never live with myself if I ever did something like that.

>> No.3754493

>corrupting innocence and fucking up a kid's life
Is that what people really what people think sex is like?

>> No.3754496

But you've never done it?

>> No.3754498

I'm imagining it right now and I'm not even getting a twitch. Perhaps I've been brainwashed by society to love experienced roast beef pussy.

Captcha: had beefetyp

>> No.3754499


Are you retarded?

Make it 14 or something and of course, but 10? Dude, no. That's just a biological abnormality.

>> No.3754521

I never imagined I would like olives until I tried them.

You can't judge whether you would like some thing on your imaginings of it.

>> No.3754541

With a 10 year old, yes.

No, of course not.

Even if I did do it, I know I'd instantly regret it for the rest of my life, even if it was enjoyable on the spur of my hormones. But I know I could never bring myself to ever actually do it. I understand it can be arousing in theory, but that's as far as it goes for me.

>> No.3754550

Criticise societal constructs all you want, there's a good reason paedophilia's illegal.

>> No.3754563

What if it enriched the girls life in someway?

>> No.3754571

It might lead to open minded behavior

>> No.3754581


I think your grasping at straws here. I doubt that's the main reasoning behind anyone wanting to make it legal.

Even so, I think cases of it being beneficial would be rare.

>> No.3754582

Drinking alcohol was once illegal for good reasons.

>> No.3754599

Drinking alcohol alone affects nobody but the individual.

Don't bring up drink-driving or abuse, because those are in fact illegal. Many people drink responsibly with no harm to others.

>> No.3754604

what's your point? alcohol was made illegal for very good reasons. it's just that they had a better reason to re-legalize it. namely: everyone chimps the fuck out and burns shit down if you take "rights" away

>> No.3754606
File: 121 KB, 325x325, 1355719418940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting turned on by looking at a vagina

>> No.3754619

>very good reasons

I disagree. It was more a combination of unwarranted moral panic and forced Christian evangelism.

>> No.3754632

alcohol abuse isn't illegal. it's more than legal to sit at your house and drink yourself into a coma every night to the detriment of your and your family's physical health, mental well being, financial stability, etc. etc.

>> No.3754635

>I disagree.
well, you're wrong.
the moral panic wasn't unwarranted and the evangelism, besides being irrelevant to the point, wasn't forced.

>> No.3754638

I meant domestic abuse caused by alcohol etc. or even any violence caused by it

>> No.3754641

Sounds like the reasons sex with children is illegal.

>> No.3754658

>well, you're wrong

Pffft. So you think drinking alcohol /should/ be illegal? What possible argument can you have for that outside of wanting to force your own views on others?


Sex with children is illegal to the very likely possibility of abuse and severe mental scarring. Do you ever seen a victim of paedophilia having their life improved as a result of the experience? No. It's a tragic thing to go through and they have to live with the memory for the rest of their life.

>> No.3754668

only because our culture societizes them to believe that.

>> No.3754669

My spelling was all over the place there, sorry.

*is illegal due to
*do you ever see

>> No.3754681

Are you this delusional? It's been proven. Hell, would you have understood the concept of sex, or love, at 10 years old? Do you not understand how potentially damaging that gap in comprehension can be if a sexual relationship is forced on you?

You're clutching at straws and beating a dead horse with the 'society's wrong, fuck the state' shtick. There's nothing wrong with feeling this way, in some ways it's a natural thing, but don't try and justify it as something OK to do, you can't.

>> No.3754687

it's actualy elves. tolkien hated the spelling "elfs." he also didn't like dwarfs instead of dwarves.

see, dude. you're retarded and you didn't even know it.

>> No.3754689

yeah. culture is everything in these cases. we'd have a lot more men in the US pissed about circumcision if they actually knew what it did to them physically. but we don't because circumcision is encouraged.

if someone fucked you gently at a young age and you weren't physically hurt/ostracized, it probably wouldn't have as many negative effects.

>> No.3754690

>paedophilia == sex with children

This is what white knights think.

>> No.3754691

>would you have understood the concept of sex, or love, at 10 years old?
Do you claim to understand these things now?
I am 22 and have been having sex for 7 years and I am still learning things about it.

>> No.3754695

what a crock of shit.

>> No.3754698

You have a better understanding of it at 22 than you would have had at 10.

Just think about it, ten years old.

I was more concerned with Power Rangers at that time.

>> No.3754701

Feelings of paedophilia shouldn't be criticised, as in a way there's nothing someone who feels that way can /do/ anything about it, even if they know it's wrong.

Acting on it is a different matter entirely.

>> No.3754703

No, only pedophiles think about sex with children.


>> No.3754705

>don't hurt mah feelings

What planet are you on, nigger?

>> No.3754709

10 isn't a given. The current law wills that anyone over over 18 can't have sex with anyone under 18. I'm 19 and if I sexed a 17 year old I'd be a pedophile.

>> No.3754718

>The current law wills


>> No.3754727

I wasn't even speaking from a paedophile's standpoint, dipshit. I'm being logical.

If someone is, for whatever reason, attracted to an underage girl, but does not act on it, do you expect them to be convicted? For having emotions, sexual libido, and hormones? Things which everybody has and cannot control?

But of course you can control your hormones.

>> No.3754734

Yeah, well they have to draw the line somewhere. I agree the line is a bit blurred when you get to latter teens. It can depend on the person having sex, so from the law's viewpoint it's better to be safe than sorry.

>> No.3754736

But that's all a law is....

>> No.3754740

anon only said that feelings are never wrong while physical actions could definitely be wrong and are wrong is some pedo acted on their impulses.

then you say nigger for what reason? because oh boy the world is a crazy place and you're a wild and crazy guy who gets this so you act like a retard because you think it's cute or entertaining? if you ever get your head out of your ass i swear you'll see the world better.

>> No.3754741

>But that's all a law is....

>> No.3754735

Nobody really cares about pedo's feelings.

>> No.3754743
File: 900 KB, 2757x2606, 1366173218606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does being a cunt online make you feel big?

>> No.3754745

Your feelings hurt?

I care? nope.

>> No.3754746

Does fucking a child make your dick look big?

>> No.3754748

Are you going to explain to me why I'm an idiot or not?

>> No.3754751

No, because I enjoy laughing.

>> No.3754752
File: 379 KB, 200x178, 1366827286615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dohohohoho big man

careful guys, he doesn't care

get the fuck outta here

>> No.3754753 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 280x249, roland-barthes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roland Barthes

>> No.3754754

Aw, you care that I don't care.

That's almost sweet.

>> No.3754758
File: 1.23 MB, 199x166, 1366211909973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know, because I don't have sex with children.

How about you learn to read before you come on /lit/, you assclown.

>> No.3754759
File: 211 KB, 448x463, 1356547935367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be surprised if you were actually doing that....

>> No.3754762
File: 393 KB, 250x250, 1368396418247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, it's like I'm back in preschool

>> No.3754764

>I wouldn't know.

Doesn't know if placing an object next to something smaller than usual makes the object look bigger...

>How about you learn to read before you come on /lit/, you assclown.

Why so mad? Jesus loves pedophiles, so it's all good!

>> No.3754768

>I'd be surprised if you were actually doing that....
Yah, because it would hurt yaw feewings.

>> No.3754771


>> No.3754775
File: 1.82 MB, 300x264, 1366488642231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's time to stop posting

>> No.3754776

This is what butthurt pedos actually believe

>> No.3754777
File: 150 KB, 405x412, 1354562024983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me.

>> No.3754780

I've always wanted to get a pedophile.

>> No.3754783 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 200x200, 1367164713522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3754785

I got tricked by a pedophile?


>> No.3754791
File: 78 KB, 624x471, wholesome_entertainment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think... I'm a pedophile...

>> No.3754795

I don't think about you, sorry.

>> No.3754803

I think she's actually the corpse.

>> No.3754805
File: 71 KB, 947x768, 467072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to post this picture because it's cool.

>> No.3754880

Because sexual orientation has everything to do with the level of intelligence.

>> No.3754885

>I could probably get horny enough to find it attractive, but that would be hormones taking control.
>Not the definition of sexual orientation
>Sexuality is a choice

>> No.3754893

Paedofilia isn't illegal. Having sex with children is.

>> No.3754899

Alcohol abuse is illegal?

>> No.3754904

>What possible argument can you have for that outside of wanting to force your own views on others?

>> No.3754905

Bullshit, mark it 8, dude.

>> No.3754907

Typical puritan yank who doesn't see naked 10 year old girls playing around on the beach all the time and shit or naked anything for that matter and therefore sexualises all nudity.

>> No.3754925
File: 56 KB, 413x395, 1339342138075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not sexualizing any and all nudity

>> No.3754941

I'm jelly. I've only seen that like twice and I had a raging boner each time.

>> No.3754945


That memory fades is the greatest injustice to us pedophiles.

>> No.3754951
File: 84 KB, 669x960, INGMAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is some truth to that I think.

>> No.3754957

This is true to an extent. If we didn't treat pedophile as worse than murderers, I doubt kids would have such a hard time getting over it. But if you were molested and you hear or see people saying shit like, "How could he do that to a child I wish I could just take a razor blade and cut his balls like the monster he is I hope he gets sodomized and murdered and jail, monstrosity", how are you not going to feel worse than if you and everyone around you realized that it was just some horny person with no self-control?

I'm not saying the act itself has no impact, of course it does, but I feel a great part of the emotional damage is done afterwards by people with "good intentions".

>> No.3754959

>rustle pic

>> No.3754963

m8 i dnt evn lik appils

>> No.3754960

U the type of nigga to get us cast out of the garden of Eden.

>> No.3754966

FBI monitor all digital communication. As you were.

>> No.3754968

Well was Eve an 8 year old girl?

>> No.3754972

He/U the type of nigga to fuck a lamb

>> No.3754978

I dink a lam wud rther be fukd than slauterd nd blud put on da doorfram jus me

>> No.3754981

That's why I picked it yo.

>> No.3755005
File: 19 KB, 128x207, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of a serial killer was this guy?? you cant write a story like this without being a fucking serial killer deep down

>> No.3755020

I am not afraid, like the other pedophiles on this board/thread, to admit what I am.

I am no coward.

>> No.3755054

lel, pedophiles compare themselves to accomplished artists lel

>> No.3755062

Most accomplished artists like young girls, and you can shove your citation up that sweet, succulent, 10 year old ass.

>> No.3755073

Your imagery of child rape is vivid.

Where does your inspiration come from?

>> No.3755084

Your little sister.

>> No.3755090

What brilliant country folk come up with these "your family member" lines?

They're so effective every time.

>> No.3755093

Uh yes you are a coward.
You're afraid of adult relatiionships and are so cowardly you deny even the slightest attempt on your miniscule amount of control

>> No.3755101

Everyone is a coward compared to something. You're a coward compare to Team Seal Six. Whatever.

My context was with my pedophile crowd. I trump them all.

>> No.3755131


Isn't the girl 12?

>> No.3755135

Nobody cares about the distinction except pedos.

>> No.3755138

Where do you draw the line?

>> No.3755144

Legal is easy.

I fuck whatever walks though.

>> No.3755148

Legal by what countries laws?

>> No.3755150

*or crawls


>> No.3755151

The one I happen to be in at the time, duh.

>> No.3755153

13 is legal in Spain, for example.
Some places don't even have any age restrictions.

But anyway, liking 12 year olds is not pedo.

>> No.3755156

Like I said, no one cares about the distinction except pedos.

Stop boring everyone.

>> No.3755294

not true, it is an interesting discussion topic

If the AOC in your country is 16, and in neighbor countries is 13, how do you deal with that? Do you call everyone in the other country a pedophile? Are they wrong and you are right? Are they right are you are wrong? Could it be that you're both wrong? If so, who can really tell what's an appropriate age to start having sexual relationships?

I would go for something like a 10-year-old range limit, that is a person can have sex with people either 5 years older or 5 years younger than them. That counts also for old people, I don't see why only the age is only taken into consideration when sex with minors is discussed, old people are just as likely to get coerced into having sex.

>> No.3755295

I have a question. How do you know his pedo impersonation was accurate? Either you are a pedo or you think you have a legitimate reason. WHy don't you give the benefit of the doubt to old vlad and figure he had that same legitimate reason.

>> No.3755298

That's fucking disturbing...
>See the cover
>Must have...

>> No.3755322

Off-topic, sort of.

I have a book called "Pedophiles", an insipid story about a detective/writer who finds out he can communicate with the ghost of dead girls raped by a certain pedophile. He immerses himself in the search of this person, accompanied by a lady whose daughter was one of the victims.
The book would pass as just another dull book had it not been by the sexual experiences between the detective and this lady, in which the author (who has described pedophiles as monsters, horrible disgusting people that deserve to die) doesn't spare any effort to describe how the lady looks like a naughty girl playing with his dick like it is a lollipop, and always begging for more like a girl asking her father for a reward.

I remember thinking that although the guy tries his best to attack pedophiles and make us think that he considers them to be less than vermin, he unfortunately couldn't stop himself from including a sexual release passage right in the middle of the story, perhaps in anticipation that the readers were going to find the story about the little girls not just interesting but also sexually arousing.

>> No.3755325

When you're old, do you really wanna be limited to fucking other old bitches. Men generally age better than women you know.

>> No.3755329


>> No.3755339

yeah, so? if the whole point is to protect human beings from others who could trick them into having sex, why not go for all age groups? Someone who is 40 might as well manipulate a person who is 30, with money, power, etc. Or is it that we think all people over 18 are the same?

I'm not trying to justify the actions of pedophiles, I'm just saying that if protecting the weak is the main reason to ban adult-minor relationships, we should then ban most types of relationships where one person in a position of power might have the opportunity to impose sex into another one

>> No.3755343

As a very loose standard, I'd say being attracted to preteen girls is a clear indication of pedophilia. My own personal experiences and biases, though, lead me to think that actually wanting to have sex with any girl under, say, 16 is odd for an adult. I think there is a certain parental/protective feeling that kicks in for most men when it comes to even people around that age for men over a certain age (and the window basically moves as you get older), even if said man isn't a parent themselves. Obviously, culture's going to play a role, though.

>> No.3755357

30 year olds are reliant on adults for everything though, like a minor is. A 10 year old girl can't just up and leave if his/her father starts trying to rape them, whereas there's probably nothing stopping a 30 year old woman from leaving unless the 40 year old is physically holding her down, in which case it enters in rape territory anyway. I could see an argument against having sex with older people though, as they're usually just as weak and just as dependent as young people are for certain things.

>> No.3755360

aren't reliant*

10 year old can't*

I'm fucking up today, I'm sorry.

>> No.3755361

It is interesting to pedophiles like us, I agree, but I'm trying to be considerate of our guests.

>> No.3755373
File: 167 KB, 493x500, 1363755291508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


paraphilias dont entail exclusivity. exclusive paraphilias entail exclusivity, though paraphilias can range in levels of exclusivity, up to the point where one finds women equally attractive to say, bonobos.
also, despite common consensus, i would not categorize pedophilia as a paraphilia per-se as the bio-promulgant derivative sex-focus is the girls 'vagina', which for all sexual wiring purposes, with reference to the predominant mode of arousal, denotes the principal point of penile targeting thus making it rather usual and highly typical (as opposed to the atypical targeting of paraphilias). an even stronger argument can be made for ephebophiles.
homosexuality, on the other hand, is a definite paraphilia, since the biological standard of sexual wiring is in this case violated. this type of paraphilia is of an even greater peculiarity that a sexual attachment to female bonobo monkeys, since it the monkey's sweet "pussy" being craved here, and despite the mismatch in species, the principal target of penile arousal is the focal point of an inherently typical mode (the monkey's vagina). insofar as the vagina is totally abstracted from the bonobo, this does not constitute a paraphilia at all. is is only through a species mismatch, that the paraphilia criterion enters. compare this to homosexuality, where the arousal targeting focus is a complete mismatch of reproductive organs (we have penis lusting for penis), a matching of species being overshadowed by the first order mismatch in relevant sexual organs, making the reprehensible peculiarity of this paraphilia far more condemnable than an arousal towards female bonobos.

praise the god of aids for swift judgment on anderson cooper, having sex with monkeys is better than being a faggot, all hair richard petty

>> No.3755388

Is it really odd, or is it just that nobody wants to express their thoughts due to the nature of the issue?

I think we all have the right to be attracted to whomsoever we want. How do you tell the brain to stop being attracted to one particular type of creature? Be it a young girl, a fat girl, a thin girl, a girl with red head. All those are simply traits. Why is getting aroused by one group of traits worse than being attracted by other?

I think the main reason is that we're always told that we need to protect the children, and we also have the idea that sex is wrong, that sex somehow destroys their innocence and turns them into monsters. Does it? I don't think so.

Rape is something to take into consideration, but it isn't by any means the only way a child can be traumatized or harmed. What about families with dysfunctional parents? It doesn't have to involve rape, it can be simply verbal abuse, a father telling a child that they were not wanted, that they were an accident. A mother telling her daughter that she's fed up with her and that she wishes she had given her for adoption. Are those things not horrible things too? And why don't we treat these parents the same way we treat pedophiles?

I have three cousins who were abandoned by her mother and were raised by their grandmother. The youngest one cries every time that she gets drunk and asks me what is wrong with her, why didn't her parents love her. The other two moved away (they're only 17) because their grandmother used to tell them that one day she was going to go and abandon them too, and she would always call them names. Sometimes even while we were there. I'm talking me and other family members, they see this, and they don't pretend that she's a horrible person, they only think well, children can deal with this, they won't end up being fucked up people because we threaten them like this. But they do.

>> No.3755390


all hair richard pettylel

captcha pleafures iommitm

>> No.3755392

Did you know if you fuck a male baby in the ass, his ass will heal if tears?

>> No.3755397

As of yesterday, I do.

>> No.3755404

…so yeah, it is wrong to force a minor to have sex with you, even if you're the same age. But I don't see how having consensual sex can be a bad thing.
And someone will say "children don't really know what they're doing". Well, sometimes neither do we. Is it illegal for me to get drunk and have sex just because I have no idea what I'm doing?

If more parents talked about sex with their children maybe we wouldn't need a law to tell us what to do. If a person with AIDS wanted to have sex with me, I wouldn't do it, because I know of the consequences of such act. Should we make it illegal for people with aids to have sex because they might do it with someone who doesn't know that aids is a sexually transmitted disease?

WHo knows, maybe there's already a law for that

>> No.3755405

Oh, snap!

>implying an ass tear heals in one day

>> No.3755406

No I tore it 2 weeks ago but when I went back yesterday, it was healed.

>> No.3755407

I like to fuck kids. I don't care how old they are.

I just like to know the age cut off for legal purposes, so I can keep my on-call lawyer informed in case some white knights ruin my fun.

>> No.3755409


>> No.3755410

What, so we just do a study of everyone's brain and decide if they're gay based off of that? Even if we could do that with 100% accuracy, it would be fairly impractical.

>> No.3755412

It should be based off my dick. I'm an adult. I want what I want. Children are commodities.

>> No.3755414

this would, of course, place a homosexual attraction to bonobo males higher on the hierarchy of condemnable paraphilias (condemnable with regard to biological standards, eliciting freak-of-nature-esque judgment)

so we have
Pedophilia, then attraction to female bonobo monkeys, then homosexuality, then attraction to male bonobo monkeys, with the first item containing a very minor to nonexistent status of paraphilia with other items progressing in level up until the most condemnable of paraphilias, attraction to male bonobos

>> No.3755423

What about non-primate species? I hear the ass a komodo dragon is smooth as silk.

>> No.3755426


You need to write a book on this, Stan.

are you attracted to female or male bonobos?

>> No.3755434

I'm drawing a distinction between attraction (what turns you on) and a desire to have sex with (who you might comfortably imagine yourself having sex with). My own experience from when I was a younger man, suggests to me that girls around 17 are just barely equipped to deal with a sexual relationship. Granted, my experience is limited, and obviously anecdotal, but the point remains. Either way, a protective instinct need not be entirely rational to factor in how a person perceives things.

>> No.3755435


idk about komodos, but i heard from a reliable source that once you go Bengal Monitor Lizard you err..never go back

depends on my mood

>> No.3755472

But I don't see why there should be a distinction between them, unless the object of your desire absolutely cannot have sex for whatever reason.
Do horses turn you on? have sex with horses
Do little girls turn you on? Have sex with little girls

I know of at least two girls older than 22 that have drunk a few drinks too many , and have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous men. Does that mean it should be illegal to have sex with them because they seem to not be aware of the consequence of their acts?

I probably just don't like restrictions, I think everyone should be allowed to do as they please as long as it doesn't harm any other person in a very direct way, and we should make of sex just a fun activity to kill some time, not one of the pillars or our society.

>> No.3755481

I think I should be allowed to do as I please. Period.

Philosophizing like you are is just lame.

>> No.3755487

>Does that mean it should be illegal to have sex with them because they seem to not be aware of the consequence of their acts?

It actually is in many places, and I've known girls who have deeply regretted having sex with men when drunk. I see you're a libertine, but as a matter of morality as opposed to law, I think people should avoid taking advantage of others. Legal matters are a bit less interesting to me.

>> No.3755498

It's only illegal if you get caught.

>Legal matters are a bit less interesting to me.

That's what I've been saying!~

>> No.3755501

if you get drunk and *consent* to sex, and the alcohol was *willingly* consumed by you, too bad

>> No.3755505

Every one wants sex. Every one should be grateful that someone wants to fuck them and does, no matter at what age.

>> No.3755512

fuck off, the most important thing in this case is just consent

>> No.3755519

Which is a fine rationalization, but it's a rationalization. I'm too prone to guilt to think I can get away with telling myself that so-and-so deserves it because what-have-you, and be perfectly fine with that. Different strokes, though, as they say.

>> No.3755525

The problem is that once you have sex with a person that is drunk, there is no way to prove that they were going to have sex with you had they not been drunk. Nor can you prove the opposite.

That's why there might be cases where a girl pretends that she got raped when in fact she was just too drunk and horny.

I guess my point would be that nobody is asking for alcohol to be made illegal because it's might be involved in rape situations. There are girls who drink, get "raped", take legal action, and then just keep on drinking (i personally know one like that).

>> No.3755534

but you aren't drugging them - they chose to get drunk and unless they are passed out getting fucked on the floor unconsciously they still made their choice and rather than persecuting the poor guy should learn to drink responsibly and act responsibly... it's all just bullshit, the fact that people have actually been persecuted for such garbage is so sad to me

>> No.3755537

they should***
the girl should learn some responsibility, the guy too i'm sure, but the girl especially

>> No.3755545

I wonder what would happen if a guy claimed rape if he fucked a girl while they were both drunk. I can't think of a case existing, at least not one as publicized as the dozens of drunk girl rape.

>> No.3755564

Yes, I just said that because some people argue that the reason to prevent minors from having sex with old people is that situations can arise where the old person is using violence or some form of coercion to get what they want, so minors are considered to be always in danger because they are not thought to be bright enough to know what's going on. But nobody is saying anything about making alcohol illegal because of the same reasons.

>> No.3755633

There are factors which make it so men have less concern over casual sex than women. One is frankly reputation. In general, though not always, men stand to benefit more in terms of reputation from indiscriminate sex with many partners than do women. Another factor is perhaps biological propensity towards such things. From an evolutionary standpoint, men can impregnate any number of women, while women can only be pregnant with one child at a time (barring twins or whatnot). Perhaps this plays out in our psychology in terms of our feelings towards certain sexual encounters. So pretending that the sexes are equal in terms of this stuff is a bit questionable.

>> No.3755652

You mean brown/night/wathever the fuck elves

>> No.3755657
File: 39 KB, 478x600, 1367706590604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's the pussy that gives me a boner, but the moral degradation of the whole thing. Mine, hers, etc.

>> No.3755730


le creepy eurasians jaypg

>> No.3755764
File: 370 KB, 1280x850, 1368403997872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having been molested as a child, I would like to say no we do not like it. You are a sick fuck who should die. Even if you are a troll.

>> No.3755919

It's the same as in your country of origin unless the country you're in has it higher.

>> No.3755933

everyone gives consent to sex on some level

it's what we live for

>> No.3755935

You have been trained through society to think you are harmed.

You enjoyed it.

>> No.3755936

Tell that to my lawyer.

I don't care.

>> No.3755942

OP have you even read the book? Not one sentence was even remotely titillating.

Humbert Humbert is a stuffy literature professor and as a narrator he's extremely dry, even when talking about having sex with lolis.

>> No.3755944

You weren't turned on?

Shame. Sorry, fellow pedo.

>> No.3755945

I definitely realize that, but the one's doing the prosecuting and blogging about the cases will vehemently deny it.

>> No.3755948

Why do you care what other people think?

You can't change their minds.

Fuck away and enjoy yourself while you're still getting away with it!

>> No.3755949

Who the hell asked if you like it? Now get those briefs off.

>> No.3755952

Oh snap! So funnay, the way you said that. Geenius.

>> No.3755954

>Why do you care what other people think?
Then why even bother saying anything? You could use this argument for almost anything in the world. Why are you trying to convince me when you apparently won't change my mind?

>> No.3755957

You ever heard of asserting yourself?

What a piece of shit.

>> No.3755959

Eat shit nigga fight me

>> No.3755969

Raping is the only thing that cures fear of "pedophiles."

>> No.3756333

>being 15

never again.

>> No.3757535

What is this?