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3752533 No.3752533 [Reply] [Original]

Martians are not just aliens, but are aliens from Mars.
"Ravenous" contains "raven."
"There are roughly 5,000 languages across the face of the Earth today"--the Earth's surface, with its mountains & valleys, is like a face.

>> No.3752544

A herd is so called because theres lots like a whole group aye.

Oranges are named after the colour, take note american scum: colour.

>> No.3752773

bump because interesting stuff is bound to come out of this

(from Greek ἱστορία - historia, meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation")

I actually bought the idiot myth of "his story" for a long time.

>> No.3752786

The Greeks had a word for people who were apathetic about politics: "idiote," which eventually became our "idiot"

>> No.3752794

paranoia: from para- "beside, beyond" (see para- (1)) + noos "mind."

So that feeling I get when I've smoked too much weed or I've taken acid and I imagine I *know* that other people are looking at me or that I *know* what they're thinking of me - that's when my mind is 'outer' - when I feel that my mind is someone else's - when my mind is beyond, within an 'Other' - outside of myself.

>> No.3752800


did you also learn this from a kids show today or is this some sort of weird coincidence?

my mind is yet to be blown.

>> No.3752811


Adulteration: being mixed with extraneous material; the product of adulterating.

Maturity...adulthood...is the state of being 'socialized' i.e. of being mixed, heterogenous...or recognizing oneself as the 'Other'...of seeing in another person Oneself. Conscience, knowledge, is the state of always being beyond oneself, of constantly transcending mere individuality.

>> No.3752839

>his story

Damn. I swear I can imagine what that myth is about. And I know exactly what you mean.

Those misleading definitions, made out of combinations of words, acronyms and false cognates. Do you know who does that kind of things? Lunatics, mystics, hippies, some occultists, people that are not right in the head. Gary Busey, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amIh-Jovulw

I'm not saying it's "wrong", I'm not saying it's their fault. They mislead but what they do is close to poetry and literature and that's a legitimate effort. It's your fault if you take it as a fact. You should be careful and not believe everything you hear because you can be the victim of a master ruseman and his bullshit.

>> No.3752854

I like this one a lot.

Oxymoron: oxus+moros.
oxus = sharp
moros = dull


>> No.3752871

Yahwveh, the name of God, basically means "coherence."

>> No.3752892

lmao, we all have our moments, i suppose.

>> No.3752896

now that's what i call pseudo-intellectualism

>> No.3752899

that's a good one, pretty cool if it's "true."

>> No.3752901


>> No.3752912

the word 'word' looks like a word

>> No.3752921


There was a really popular post on tumblr recently about the word "mrs" and its supposed underlying sexism.

Apparently some legbeard was convinced that Mrs was supposed to be 'Mr's', i.e. belonging to the Mr. Even though Mrs is just the contraction of Mistress, the female form of Master.

>> No.3752928

the word 'bed' looks like a bed

the word 'eye' looks like two eyes with a nose

>> No.3752933

The word 'noun' is one.

>> No.3752936

why do you say that? I felt that post was quite cogent. is your reaction just a knee-jerk response to any drug reference in matters of thought?

>> No.3752939

This isn't etymology in any way, but the section in Discipline & Punish where Foucault relates discipline to academic disciplines blew my mind

>> No.3752942
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>>mfw kids just discover Greek and Latin

>> No.3752943

good one

>> No.3752946

An anaconda is a really long snake, and the word isn't short either.

>> No.3752949

This isn't etymology in any way, but the section in Discipline & Punish where Foucault relates discipline to academic disciplines blew my mind

>being this edgy

>> No.3752954
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Alain? Alain, is that you Alain?

Alain! what happened to your head!? ALAIN!?


>> No.3752955

How is that edgy? Foucault's pretty mild when it comes to postructuralists

>> No.3752957

NAh its necaise its an aconda but a group of anaconda are called manyacondas.

ah mcain youve done it again chunt

>> No.3752964


>> No.3752965

All manatees are male.

>> No.3752973

Etymology for etymology

>The word etymology is derived from the Greek etymon, meaning true sense and the suffix -logia, denoting the study of.[1].

If you don't know the exact definition of etymology you can't ever know the exact definition of any other word in any language ever.

Thank me later /lit/ :)

>> No.3752994



>> No.3752997

Lions spend very little time on their feet.
Cheetahs are grossly unfair.
Other big cats tend to stay well clear of leopards.
Ocelots enjoy turning over repeatedly.

>> No.3753023
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>> No.3753060


>> No.3753064
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>> No.3753069


>tried to look that up and found awful porn.

>> No.3753087

The idea that Mrs comes from "Mr's" is silly, but it's not entirely wrong to critique "mistress." There's a degree of separation from "mastress," a separation from mastery, if not one into being owned.

Literally idiotikos means someone not trained at the gymnasium (for public service), so it has a connotation of both a private citizen and an amateur; there's a passage from Xenophon where Socrates tells some guy "you look like a idiot" in that sense.
also history is the root of story and in e.g. painting historia simply refers to the narrative suggesting feminist theories that all history is a form of narrative etc

>> No.3753101

No, it is entirely wrong.

>> No.3753102

This thread is same-faggotry at a high level.

>> No.3753103

Master/Mastress (young boys and girls)
Mister/Mistress (older men)

>> No.3753113

shut up nerd
mister is just an abbreviation of master, though.
"madam" is actually a more egalitarian word, sort of, since it comes from mea domina, but not really in the modern sense obviously

>> No.3753120
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>1784, "one who has a taste for (something)," from French amateur "lover of," from Latin amatorem (nominative amator) "lover," agent noun from amatus, past participle of amare "to love" (see Amy). Meaning "dabbler" (as opposed to professional) is from 1786. As an adjective, by 1838.

How did I not notice the romance prefix? It's too bad this word has degraded into a synonym for loser. Now what do we have? Hobbyist? Weeaboo? Enthusiast? Fanatic? I don't know.

Amateur, damn.


>> No.3753122

i saw this exact post
fuck the social justice warriors

>> No.3753125

so, it's basically "a lover of amore", sounds like a poet to me. I can totally see why it became a synonym for loser.

>> No.3753127

No wait. I'm stupid.

>> No.3753128

author in french
writer of ama on reddit


>> No.3753132

I really like looking at cognate words.

Ale is cognate with Latin alumen ("alum", a bitter mineral)

Moon is cognate with Latin mensis ("month")

Ace as in the playing-card is a cool one, not a cognate, but it comes from Latin as which was a penny.

Shoe is cognate with the "scurus" part of Latin obscurus (covered, hidden)

Ewe is cognate with Latin "ovis"

etc. etc. etc.

>> No.3753137

Plato is just a nickname, which mean "broad" or "ample". His real name was Aristocles, after his grandfather.

There are 3 theories as to the origin of the nickname:

-given to him by his wrestling coach because of his robust figure

-given to him because of his "broad" eloquence and knowledge

-given to him because of his broad forehead

>> No.3753142


>> No.3753147


The "were" part of "werewolf" is cognate with Latin vir ("man")

>> No.3753151



>> No.3753154

wow youre p dumb if u just realized that lmao

>> No.3753166
File: 1.66 MB, 3872x2592, calculus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Taxis in Rome determined fair by using a cylinder filled with pebbles, which, after a certain amount of turns would drop a pebble into another cylinder. The amount of pebbles in the second cylinder helped determine the fair. "Calculus" is Latin for pebble, and calculus is the math of change.

>> No.3753210

It's derived from the Tamil "anaikolra", or "elephant killer".

>> No.3753215

'pedia says you're ron.

Idiot as a word derived from the Greek ἰδιώτης, idiōtēs ("person lacking professional skill", "a private citizen", "individual"), from ἴδιος, idios ("private", "one's own").[1] In Latin the word idiota ("ordinary person, layman") preceded the Late Latin meaning "uneducated or ignorant person".[2] Its modern meaning and form dates back to Middle English around the year 1300, from the Old French idiote ("uneducated or ignorant person").

>> No.3753247

Nah man, it's pretty much the same.

To be a part of the polis, you became a citizen and a part of the politics. The polis was the collective.

Solon "the founder of athenian democracy" had a rule instituted as an example: When a certain political controversial topic to split or divide the state, all men were forced (even if you didn't want to) to take a stand on the topic otherwise they would get kicked out from the city. This usually ensured that "the middle class" came together and enforced a middle-line.

So if you would be kicked out, you wouldn't be apart of the politics. you'd be an idiot.

Being political and being human is the same. That is what aristoteles meant by "political animal."

In order to be human you must be the citizien of a polis. and in order to be a citizen of a polis you must engage in politics.

>> No.3753250



Able to be cognized again

>> No.3753251

'Romantic' is a contraction of 'Roman' and 'Antique'.

>> No.3753252


Historia is cognate with English "wise", coming from the PIE meaning "to see".

>> No.3753253

'mannequin' comes from Dutch 'manneken', little man.

>> No.3753271

haha, oh you manikin.

>> No.3753274

Nope. The colour is named after the fruit. Before oranges were around in Western culture, the colour was just called yellow-red.

>> No.3753281

>Martians are not just aliens, but are aliens from Mars.
...yes? If this "blew your mind", I have some bad news.

>> No.3753301

oh, and 'roman' means novel in French - romantic feelings are those which aspire to a literary sort of idealism - a romantic might be said to be one who wishes to lives his life as if he were a character in a novel, with the attendant critical perspective on one's own actions such a lifestyle would require

>> No.3753329

see also: munchkin.

>> No.3753361

That is the awesome.

>> No.3753381

Oh, come off it. It's one of those things you could go your entire life without ever thinking about.

>> No.3753385

You're right, it goes without thinking.

>> No.3753410

>Martians are not just aliens, but are aliens from Mars.
Stopped reading there. Kill yourself.

>> No.3753441

Why would you think Martians meant all aliens?

>> No.3753457
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>Martians are not just aliens, but are aliens from Mars.

>> No.3753473

>given to him because of his broad forehead
Stirner=Plato, Philosophy is over

>> No.3753476

>"There are roughly 5,000 languages across the face of the Earth today"--the Earth's surface, with its mountains & valleys, is like a face.
what the fuck does this have to do with etymology?

>> No.3753478


He might have learnt it from 'Young Indiana Jones' in the episode called "Travels With My Father"

>> No.3753484


Here you go.


>> No.3753487

He thinks they're like facial features rather than it being a face as in a side.

>> No.3753489

And that's where the word moron comes from.

>> No.3753494

Discipline is related to the word disciple. To show discipline is to behave as a disciple.

Also a shovel is called a shovel because it is used to shove.

>> No.3753501

OP are you literally retarded?

You didn't know "Martians" comes from "Mars"?

You think people say "face of the earth" because the earth has a visage?

You think "ravenous" comes from "raven"?

Jesus Christ, just kill yourself.

>> No.3753525

Ravenous does come from raven though, in the sense that ravenous comes from various words meaning someone who plunders, or who eats voraciously, or who seizes, all of which come from the Norse word for raven which is hrafn or the danish which is ravn.

But yeah, in all those other things OP is a retard and should kill himself.

>> No.3753541


>> No.3753546

The raven standard was the flag of the Danish Vikings.

>> No.3753552

It still comes from Raven in a meandering fashion.

>> No.3753608


>> No.3753699

plateau (n.)
1796, "elevated tract of relatively level land," from French plateau "table-land," from Old French platel (12c.) "flat piece of metal, wood, etc.," diminutive of plat "flat surface or thing," noun use of adjective plat "flat, stretched out" (12c.), perhaps from Vulgar Latin *plattus, from Greek platys "flat, wide, broad" (see plaice). Meaning "stage at which no progress is apparent"

>> No.3753705


>> No.3753706

vagina is the latin word for sheath

>> No.3754348

sarcasm comes from the greek word σαρκάζειν which literally means to tear flesh

>> No.3755332

Google etymology and then come back and delete your garbage.

>> No.3755346


>> No.3756852

From "smörgåsbord." Smörgås= sandwich, bord=table. A table with sandwiches.

>> No.3756873

Smör means butter
Gås means Goose

The word smörgås comes from the time when you still churned your own butter and small clumps of butter would float up in the milk like geese in the sky, one of those "geese" was perfect to take up with the knife and but on bread.

>> No.3756878


graduate studies with specialty in ancient gree /clit/ reporting in


this guy's right

>> No.3756881

"apo" in Greek means far or far away.
"peri" in Greek means near or close by

Our english word "appear" uses the two of these and would literally mean from far away to close by.

>> No.3756882

"Goy" means cattle in Hebrew. It is said jews call others Goy because they are easy to deceive.

>> No.3756884


>> No.3756885


No you fucking idiot, ravenous comes from Old French "ravinos" (rapacious) from "raviner" (to seize) from "ravine" (robbery, rush of water) from Latin "rapina" (rape, robbery) from "rapere" (to seize, carry off, rob).

Raven comes from Old English hrefn/hraefn from Proto-Germanic *khrabanas from the Proto-Indo-European root *qor- which was an imitative representing harsh sounds (cognate with Latin crepare to creak)

>> No.3756888


Yeah, swede here I was wondering about that.

Raven comes from Hrefn/hraefn which is a lot closer to Fox in swedish (Räven).

>> No.3756895

I wasn't aware cattle was particularly easy to deceive.

>> No.3756902


Nah Räven just happens to look similar, it comes from Proto-Norse *rebaz

>> No.3756965

whoa nigga dat's like super mindblowing dude

>> No.3756979


>A Thousand Stirners

>> No.3757065

Proletariat comes from the Latin word proli which means something like child maker. The ancient Romans used this term from people from outside of Rome who moved into Rome and all they did was make kids to collect child benefits

>> No.3757069

you really are an anal crust, aren't you

>> No.3757091

People who don't know this shit by the age of 18 at the very least are inherently dumb.

>> No.3757099
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somebody should make a picture of this

>> No.3757104

>People who don't know three banal pseudo-facts, two of which are just complete inaccurate, are inherently dumb.
lel, yet another retarded /lit/ tripfag

>> No.3757123

yet another thread ruined by 4chaners

>> No.3757126

Great comeback.

>> No.3760007
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>Martians are not just aliens, but are aliens from Mars.

You've had way too much of whatever it is you're taking if that blew your mind.

>> No.3760023
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Menatees. Plural dude.

>> No.3761951
File: 55 KB, 300x400, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no aletheia?

a = un
letheia = concealment/forgetfulness

truth = unconcealment or unforgetfulness

pic related

>> No.3761984


From Greek "Lethe", the river from which the dead would drink to forget their past lives. See "Lotophages", those who eat forgetfulness. Lotus also comes from the same root, as in "lotus-eater".

A-letheia thus indeed is "to unforget" - as in unveiling.

>> No.3761990

Next level etymology

>> No.3761996

These all suck.

>> No.3762028

lethe (Λήθη) and loto (λωτο ) are not linguistically related.

>> No.3762056

You must be right; my mistake must come from the two words being closer in French.

>> No.3762773


that is, something that you are in quest of.