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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 302x327, pkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3751885 No.3751885 [Reply] [Original]

>forget orwell
>forget huxley
>realize dick

"The consensus SF world is long gone. The gleaming spacecraft, the extraterrestrial colonies, the world-transforming breakthroughs -- it just didn't happen that way. Furthermore, we know enough today to realize that it couldn't have happened that way.

But Dick's world -- that's something else again.

Consider the reality we're living in today. Schoolchildren kept in line by use of drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall. Technology that is as exasperating as it is necessary. Criminal syndicates operating at the speed of light from the other side of the world. A president with a record so convoluted and opaque that it's impossible to tell what is false and what isn't. (See Dick's short story, "The Mold of Yancy," in which a presidential candidate is totally unavailable and never seen outside of his video ads, because, it turns out, he doesn't actually exist.) Masses of people living in virtual alternate universes -- game clubs, social media -- in preference to dealing with the world as it exists. An encroaching surveillance state intent on tracking every living individual at all times under every possible circumstance. A would-be aristocracy slowly separating itself from the masses. Effectively invisible weapons that can kill from high altitude without the victim even knowing he was targeted.

What is this but a Philip K. Dick universe?"

>> No.3751904

Actually, I've been trying to reduce my Dick reading (lel), 'cause I have actual paranoid tendencies (Valis REALLY did fuck me up, tbh)

>> No.3751909

When I can own an electric sheep, get back to me.

>> No.3751913

sounds like i need me some philip k. dick

>> No.3751925

I was a bit out of sorts after finishing Ubik, myself

>> No.3751926

>The gleaming spacecraft, the extraterrestrial colonies, the world-transforming breakthroughs -- it just didn't happen that way
That stuff's usually quite a bit further in the future. Give humanity time, dammit. Dayum shame about the USA getting bored with the space race after the USSR folded, though. Hopefully China will pick up the slack.

>> No.3751927

Are you saying you'd like someone to give you the Dick?

>> No.3751936

yeah man apparantly this philip k. guy has a pretty deep dick sounds great

>> No.3751937

Weird thing is: I don't even come to /lit/ at all, but bought Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldtrich on a whim yesterday and decided to come here to see where should I go after finishing it. Then, I open it, and there's this thread in the first page.


>> No.3751969

Just a reminder that none of those themes or features are unique to PKD and all of them, to some extent or another, featured in the works of other writers (especially New Wave, post-New Wave, and cyberpunk). PKD treated them really well & in a very stylistically distinct way but this thing the writer wants to do where "all that shitty science fiction sucks, but this phillip k dick guy is so rad!" is unfounded.

>> No.3751981

>the writer wants to do where "all that shitty science fiction sucks, but this phillip k dick guy is so rad!" is unfounded.

I don't think that was what the writer was doing at all. He's just saying, 'when you debate which writer best predicted modern society, think dick'

>> No.3751988

maybe i kind of have a chip on my shoulder, and maybe i also haven't eaten anything all day and some i'm really hungry and irritable

>> No.3751998
File: 30 KB, 262x367, hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey, I'm always thinking dick. I don't need no piddling editorial to tell me that.

>> No.3751999

well, that's understandable.

>> No.3752014

>haven't eaten anything all day
>have a chip on my shoulder
Just eat the damn chip already. It'll be a start.

>> No.3752239

pkd changed the way I think