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/lit/ - Literature

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3751393 No.3751393 [Reply] [Original]

I took the AP Language and Composition test last Friday. College Board has released the free response questions, and here was the third one, the argumentative essay:

>For centuries, prominent thinkers have pondered the relationship between ownership and the development of self
(identity), ultimately asking the question, “What does it mean to own something?”
>Plato argues that owning objects is detrimental to a person’s character. Aristotle claims that ownership of tangible
goods helps to develop moral character. Twentieth-century philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre proposes that ownership
extends beyond objects to include intangible things as well. In Sartre’s view, becoming proficient in some skill and
knowing something thoroughly means that we “own” it.
>Think about the differing views of ownership. Then write an essay in which you explain your position on the
relationship between ownership and sense of self. Use appropriate evidence from your reading, experience, or
observations to support your argument.

So, high school juniors were asked to write a spontaneous essay on this prompt for potential college credit.


>> No.3751402

40 minutes is not enough time to write an acceptable answer to that prompt

>> No.3751437

I imagine most of my peers (except the 2 I know that are privy to philosophy) used the prompt to talk about consumerism, likely bringing up The Great Gatsby since that's the most recent thing we read as a class that's just barely related to the prompt. Well-adjusted people haven't/don't read Sartre, so I imagine most of them struggled.

>> No.3751441

I took it too and that's exactly what they did.
I talked about Epicurus and Diogenes for the Greeks, and Marx's theory of alienation from Sartre.
I haven't read Sartre or anything really, I just built it off Wikipedia.

>> No.3751442

>Well-adjusted people haven't/don't read Sartre

What? Everyone reads Sartre. Nausea Sartre, I mean. Fuck that Being and Nothingness Sartre.

>> No.3751445

this comment is incredibly pretentious and elitist

>> No.3751449

He's right. The prompt was really not edging you towards consumerism, but most people did go that route because it's easy.

>> No.3751461

they went hard with the existentialism this year
ive taken ap psych and ap lit and they've all been pretty tailored towards the same specific concept

cant wait 4 my 5s

>> No.3751464

I just took the text, and I wrote about political philosophy and self ownership

>> No.3751465

With my own essay, I thought it was a very abstract prompt, so I talked about it in very abstract, philosophical terms. This is about how it went:

>There once was a very clever man who, seeing the ground he stood on, called it his own.
>the extent of what man considers his "own" will continue to expand over time
>the post-modernists are wrong, however (such as in "The things you own end up owning you")
>Buddha had that notion "the foot feels the foot when it feels the ground"
>therefore, what we "own" is not really an object, but a suspect "thought" of that object, due to ownership stemming from the mind
>So, that clever man? Perhaps, historically, he was the first human. Because before him, he did not claim to "own" not only tangibles such as the ground, but even individual things such as his own thoughts and emotions were even alien to him, so the concept of ownership is historically important, and only before that moment of awareness can it ever be said that "objects owned us".

Yeah, really fucking flimsy now that I think back at it. But really, what did they want me to write? I can't wait to see the mean score for this question, the sample essays they put up, their justification for this question, and so on. I feel slightly ridiculous now.

>> No.3751476


>> No.3751479

I wrote about The Grapes of Wrath and Thoreau to attempt to distinguish possession from ownership but frankly it was a trainwreck that could not be saved

>> No.3751488

I got a little over excited when i started writing mine and it became very very un-organized which was quite a disappointment.. I talked about Thoreau, Lysander Spooner, Nozick, Rothbard, and Locke.

also, how about that prompt on monuments..

>> No.3751489

Well that's deep. I don't think my essay was 5 material.

>> No.3751499

That one on monuments was difficult to do well. Mine was a muddled mess concluding with "da monuments is made for rememberin but we gotta remember da monuments for them to remember 2deep paradox".

>> No.3751505

Don't talk to me about the monument prompt. I was so fucking stupid that I barely read the question and launched into this essay and whether or not we SHOULD build monuments, only to realize 10 minutes in that I wasn't answering the actual prompt. I went back and re-wrote it, but it threw off the rest of the test for me.

>> No.3751506

mine boiled down to
>dont fund monuments publicly
>do we not heave enough monuments of mans presence on earth all ready?
>and why the fuck do we need a Vietnam memorial when we have the dead bodies and burned countryside to remember it by
i got a little too edgy toward the end...

>> No.3751507
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Ok, gents

I wrote (decently, I think) on how much ownership historically influenced social position and identity, talking about everything from Greco-Roman Slave holding to modern materialism. I barely touched the philosophical side.

I talked about how one projects what they believe they are, and in doing so seeks to acquire that which people associate with what they hope to be.

How bad did I fucking misinterpret this question?

>> No.3751512

I think I misinterpreted the question myself.

>I talked about how one projects what they believe they are, and in doing so seeks to acquire that which people associate with what they hope to be.
You did fine.

>> No.3751517

I basically started out with, "with ownership there is no self, and without self there is no ownership. we own ourselves and thus the fruits of such"
and went on a downspiraling tangent for the next 3 pages.... I had basically written the same essay 3 times before for the class so by that point I was worn out and didn't explain my conclusions and cut corners because they were already in my head

>> No.3751518

Andrew you hanging around this thread?

>> No.3751522

You're all going to get 5s anyway, College Board has low standards.

>> No.3751531

yeah, hopefully there are a lot of Georgia Alabama and Mississippi folk taking the exam so the average is lowered...
What states you guys from?
>texan reporting in

>> No.3751532

A friend of mine confused decolonization with destalinization on the AP Euro exam, got a 5. So yeah, if you're a decently competent /lit/ regular you should be safe

>> No.3751538

Anyone take the AP Latin exam? That class was some shit.

>> No.3751539

welcome to /lit/

>> No.3751542

but i'm not a lit regular.. more of a /pol/ack... But thats just because I've never ventured here before

>> No.3751546

New York
But it's upstate so we're pretty much Vermont

>> No.3751548

My bud did.. said it was hard as hell

>> No.3751549

I don't even read, I just come here to make myself feel bad.

>> No.3751555

I'm barely going to pass the class with a D and I probably made a 4. Only really hard parts were the translations, which I completely bombed.

>> No.3751556

(putting on a trip now for convenience.)

if I have to read or hear the m-word ever again in a classroom setting, I'm going postal.

I did the essays in reverse order, and I was so manic by then I put a lot of sarcastic-dramatic energy into the synthesis. Here's the most I can remember of mine:

>[some stuff about how a monument functions are propaganda; such and such makes good propaganda, here is how it can be applied to monument-making]
>monuments gotta DOMINATE the landscape: take the Vietnam memorial, despite that builder's best wishes, no one who visits really remembers the scenery at all, so it's a successful monument
>of course no one wants to view a monument of a Lobsterman. you can make a trip to Maine if you want to go see one
>but people like Chris Columbus, is a long dead; plus, he was a total ubermensch (I did not use that term). so he's worth making a monument of GOOD GOD, MAN, LOOK AT THAT FUCKING MONUMENT. he's looking up at the sky because he wants us to look up with him. a monument must be INSPIRING.

I used sources A, B, F, G. Didn't even read the other sources at the time, didn't have the time.

Here's the sources for the synthesis for those who didn't participate: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/apcentral/ap13_frq_english_language.pdf

>> No.3751560

Ive never been further north than Colorado.. (i'm the texan)
and I'm going to NYC in a week.. is it terrifying? never been to a big city before (dallas doesnt count)

>> No.3751564

Don't look up at the buildings too much or people will know that you're a tourist.

>> No.3751568

Anyone here take the AP Psych exam? That first essay question was terrible, but the second one was the kind of question you would see in a 7th grade science class.

>> No.3751573

(me too)

my main point was you cant fund monuments publicly, especially for people who don't fucking want them

>> No.3751576

won't be a problem I hate buildings.

>> No.3751579

Connecticut reporting from a comfy white liberal

Yep, before the test our teacher gave us packets of the questions and sample essays from the previous 2 years. Since the mean score are usually around 5, and the questions are about just a confusing each year, I expect to get a 5 overall. I rocked the multiple choice. and that overall curve will help quite a bit...

Though, I feel pretty violated. Can't wait for those Lit, Psych, and MEH APs same time next year...

>> No.3751583

>Essay One: Monuments

General idea- If a monument is made with concern of modern life or profit it does not deserve to hold the title of monument at all, if it is made independent of time and with pure reverence to what it memorializes, it deserves the same reverence in return

>Essay Two: Nature bullshit

So I kind went off on this one, talked about use of allusion, anecdotes, and references, but attacked its hypocritical pettiness in the conclusion. I hated this one

>Essay three
See post-->>3751507

>> No.3751584

*comfy white liberal town, see if you can guess where

>> No.3751592

Fucking overjustification effect

>> No.3751600

my whole fucking essay was on his anecdotes. and tone. protip: if you analyze tone, the graders love that. also, i bulshited one more... something dumb like imagery.

>white liberal town
I've always wondered which one felt worse: White liberal guilt, or Catholic Guilt...

also this is just a random question for you guys who are up north and kindof in that general area. Have you heard anything about the Free State Project in New Hampshire?

>> No.3751604

Well, I never took that AP in high school, but now I wish I had. It sounds interesting, at least.
I'd just ignore their citations of philosophers and treat it as "Write an essay on ownership and its effect on the sense of self."

This actually sounds fun to write. Anyone else want to write some essays up and post them later?

>> No.3751605

Fuck the whole thing
I knew what every single one of those terms meant, but it was difficult to connect them to the situation without some serious bullshitting.

>> No.3751618

You don't have to work with the philosophers they quote, you can use any outside sources from your head. I wrote one about the morality of taxation vs Man's inherit right to own him self. Will post it if anyone is interested.

>> No.3751627

Upstate NY here
I've never heard of it before
All people talk about around here is how blue-blooded liberals are taking over the state

>> No.3751633

For the argumentative essay prompt last year I quoted Benjamin Franklin and claimed the "the only thing we can be certain about is uncertainty," and bullshitted the rest. I got a 5

Just write well and make a half decent argument and you'll do fine.

>> No.3751636

hahaha well atleast they are accurate

>> No.3751641
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You guys are way overthinking this shit

I got a 750 on writing and was just rambling about Hunter Thompson cause I was way too amped on fucking coffee and barely understood the question, but I made it sound reasonable so I guess I did good I guess

Dont remember the prompt it was a couple years ago

>> No.3751648

dude I didn't know what any of the terms in the first prompt meant

our teacher only taught us half the curriculum and gave us the other half in a packet the week before the test

>> No.3751649

you talkin SAT m8?

>> No.3751652

I argued that ownership doesn't exist, and the desire to achieve ownership is ultimately pointless and destructive.

>> No.3751659

Do i own myself?

>> No.3751661

Damn, that sucks
My teacher didn't teach much in class, but we had a pretty good textbook
Mostly I just flashcarded myself, since the test is pretty much a vocabulary exam

>> No.3751670
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>Finish writing the rhetorical analysis
>Look back and realize barely any of it analyzes anything.
Yeah, fuck that shit.

>> No.3751673

yeah, I've heard of it. But I'm a left-libertarian, not a right-libertarian. Vermont should huddle together all the left-leaning libertarians (hell, they elect Bernie Sanders there), NH all the right-leaning ones. libertarian neighbors.

I'm in favor of most gun rights though. background checks, fine, but banning is always just a dumb knee-jerk response. I'd say I level with Dennis Kusinich on everything BUT gun control..

one reason they have the blurb is as a trap, because some writers will write an essay that paraphrase the philosophers' viewpoints instead of expanding the writing topic. Those are the type of essays that get 2's, as the examples from previous years have shown.

>> No.3751682


>> No.3751685

>Those are the type of essays that get 2's, as the examples from previous years have shown.
O-oh. I expanded the views of related philosophers. shit

>> No.3751687

No. I essentially argued that "total" ownership requires complete and full control of something, along with other entities recognizing that you "own" it. Due to competition to material goods, this is impossible, and no single person or group can get everyone else to recognize that they own something as long as it has value and is "worth" owning.

>> No.3751696

well, if you expanded it, that's fine. those quotes aren't off limits. but if you used them as a crutch, that's bad. if you used them as a starting point to generate your own thoughts, that's absolutely allowed.

>> No.3751709
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>spend the entire essay writing about the traditional definition of ownership as compared to ~*true ownership*~
>never actually define true ownership

>> No.3751719

took the lit&comp one this year. pretty sure i'm getting a 1 or 2.

>> No.3751728

I failed the class itself, got a 5 on the exam. That was two years ago.

>> No.3751730

I assume you were a lazy asshole and didn't study at all?

>> No.3751736

See, I thought the multiple choice was easy as fuck, as well as the first two questions.

On the last question about bildungsromans I wrote about Stephen Dedalus.

I realized very quickly that being able to read Ulysses does not mean being able to write about it. It wasn't horrible. at least a 5/9. Probably made a 5 overall. But it could have been a lot better.

>> No.3751737

I had to answer this. My essay fucking sucked, but the graders are stupid as shit and will give you a 4/9 for an essay that doesn't even address the prompt.

I don't read a lot of philosophy, so I just did a lot of economic name dropping (Marx vs Friedman/Sowell/Hayek). Then i talked about Buddha and Jesus's views on material possessions. Then I talked about consumerism and how it was detrimental to the individual, using American Psycho and Brave New World as references. Predicting an 8/9.

Stupid prompt for high schoolers. The graders come up with the worst argument essay questions for high school kids.

>> No.3751739

y'all need to take art history. wow haha

>> No.3751741

"Were"? Child, I did that through all of my schooling, and I continue to be a lazy intellectual leviathan.

>> No.3751742

>intellectual leviathan
Well then!

>> No.3751745

You'll get higher than a 5/9. On the mock exam I wrote about why I enjoyed the Shining and got a 4/9 when the prompt was, "Explain the relationship between certainty and doubt."

>> No.3751747

because it was hard, i mean.

>> No.3751750


>> No.3751755

I took ap lang last year, got a 5 to my surprise

honestly if you have any aptitude for writing at all you'll do fine, many of my classmates got 4s and I can confirm from peer reviewing essays and shit that they were all awful writers and largely incapable of critical thinking

>> No.3751758

Maybe so. I remembered detail, it was just lacking a central image. APs really arn't that difficult to ace after a while.

And that's fucking ridiculous by the way. Good for you, but probably not good for kids trying to get an accurate representation of their skill level.

>> No.3751760

I guess it's kind of cool how they make the essays extremely tough, allowing for a wide range of responses. But I don't think these questions are really suitable for college undergrads, either (that's what the credit's going towards)

>> No.3751762

I took this and I only wrote the first essay. I spent the next two hours amazed that they would ask high school seniors who almost unanimously have no exposure to philosophy to write a philosophical treatise in 45 minutes based on the a brief paragraph about what some philosophers thought about ownership.

>> No.3751764

Multiple choice was easy
Essays didn't go so well because I was not in the mood
i wish tests were just multiple choice and nothing else so I wouldn't have to think

>> No.3751768

Did any of you take AP Chemistry or some shit? I doubt it.

>> No.3751770

>Not educating yourself on art history

>> No.3751773

Your sarcasm amuses the mighty Caesar.

>> No.3751775

i think it was hella hard. maybe i'm just stupid or didn't study enoug and i mean i think i got a four or a five but still

>> No.3751780

What relevance does that have to a thread regarding AP Language? None. >>>/sci/

>> No.3751781

To be fair, the Lang and Comp last year was one about absolutism and doubt. Had a quote from some fanatic and Bertrand Russell, and asked to compare. So it wasn't this bad before.

So I guess the questions range from village-slut easy to grad-school difficult?

>> No.3751783

Is this an original thought?

>> No.3751787

>studying for anything ever in high school

>> No.3751791

I think anon was trying to say that he's better than the /lit/ter.

>> No.3751792

i took literature and composition last year and it was super easy. language and composition sounds way harder?

>> No.3751794

Not sure if shitpost or self-deprecating.

Sage anyway.

>> No.3751798

you guys are so pessimistic

>> No.3751799

Oh no, I didn't take those classes either. Don't get the wrong idea, imperator.

>> No.3751806

It was way easier last year.

>> No.3751807

did they release the ones from last year? I took it and got a 5 but I don't remember this

>> No.3751818

Not sure. I remember them having two quotes, Russell said everything was better with a tinge of doubt.

I wrote about atrocities and evolution, I think. Very vague. But then again, it wasn't really an essay worth remembering because the prompt was so gosh-cunting easy.

>> No.3751830


this is what you're looking for.

>> No.3751831

On the mock exam I didn't read the essays that the multiple choices were on. Then for the essays I wrote one semi-serious one (8/9), and then I wrote off-topic essays about why I liked the Shining on the "certainty and doubt" one and about how I liked Phil Ochs on the rhetorical analysis about JFK. I got 4/9's on both of those and ended up with a 4 that was one more multiple choice away from a 5.

test is a joke. you guys have nothing to worry about.

>> No.3751834

I did, amigo. Along with AP Lit.

>> No.3751835

oops, disregard that, that doesn't have 2012 for whatever reason. here's 2012 though:


>> No.3751838

What's on the literature and composition test? I might just take it without taking the class.

>> No.3751839


>> No.3751851

yeah mc was easy, but i really didn't want to do the essays. so i left two blank, or maybe one, and did the bildungsroman.

>> No.3751852

The multiple choice was basically "can you read this prompt and answer questions about theme." Essays consisted of pretty easy literature analysis. "How does X use language to describe the relationship between Y and Z." The last question requires you to have read at least one or two "lit-worthy" books in your life.

Piss-easy. All you really need to be is a decent-good writer, and have read a book.

>> No.3751847

Also, have you guys ever read any of the 9 essay samples? They're completely incoherent and/or juvenile and based mostly on fallacies/cliches. If you talked about something other than "DA CONSTITUTION" or Elementary School History you'll get a 9.

>> No.3751855

I've a sense of humor.

>> No.3751872

Having a sense of humor doesn't mean you can't also be a jerk.

Although there is a pretty neat metaphor comparing a large, floating whale and someone who aces school and doesn't study.

>> No.3751876

Cool. Maybe I'll drop the class then for next year.

>> No.3751882

fuckin' rekt

>> No.3751890

Aces school? I failed the class. Unless by "aces school", you mean "is a goddamn wizard". I'm curious, though. What makes me a jerk?

>> No.3751902

As opposed to sinking whales?

>> No.3751918


I only remember the jfk one, and all I really remember about it is that I read the whole speech in jfk's voice

just glad that class is over and done with, everyone in ap classes always seem to be insufferable cunts obsessed with getting into a "good college"

>> No.3751932

Holy shit this.

My graduating class was full of competitive fucks

>> No.3751971


the majority of the kids in my class are panicking about what college they get accepted into, when most don't even know what they're majoring in in the future. their parents are paying for them to fuck at expensive schools, and they paid for their kid's AP tests too.

there is actually an individual in my AP class who decided not to take the AP test. I was in disbelief.

>> No.3751974

My school seemed to be the outlier in terms of these assholes. Aside from like one kid, my AP classes were full of normal. funny, cool, and pretty chill people.

But we had mandatory Satirday sessions where we'd go to a random school on Saturdays to take seminars related to the course. People from about four other schools would show up, and they'd always be competitive and weird as fuck.

>> No.3751976

I just took them to get out of college classes and for their own sake. I imagine most people here are the same?

>> No.3751986

I took/will take them for that reason, saving money and time. And I like the challenge. Just not the other kids I'm with...

>> No.3752001

They just wanted you to write an essay about Walden

>> No.3752017

Lucky bastard. My school also had those Saturday thingamajigs.

>> No.3752028

I had a blast at those. My friends and I just sat in the back of the room mocking the shitty sample essays.

Are you from MA, too?

>> No.3752039

Damn, seriously? I was forced to spend my Saturdays painting set pieces for the play/musical

>> No.3752044

To elaborate, I believe it was part of a grant. Think the acronym for it was POD, but I'd have to talk to my graduating class to be sure, and fuck that.

>> No.3752037

No, CT.

>> No.3752047
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>just not the other kids I'm with

dude for real. learning for the sake of learning is like some alien concept to them, it's all just for SUMMA CUM LAUDE TOP OF CLASS image; they just see it as a career asset or some shit.

I swear not a single one read outside of school, aside from the standard hunger games and harry potter

>> No.3752049

I took it too. What a load.

>> No.3752050

Pretty much the same state. We had ours from a grant, too, the MMSI/Mass Math and Science Initiative.

>> No.3752054

this is getting dangerously into "huff huff us patricians, am i right guys?" territory

>> No.3752056

Wow, AP at my school is essentially the class that keeps the ass-picking dunderheads out. 95% of the AP kids are all about Harry Potter, John Green, etc. -- if you pardon the /lit/ elitism. Half don't take the AP exam; the class itself is l-a-x as hell.

Couldn't imagine a "competitive" AP class.

>> No.3752070


it just bothers me that the supposedly smartest people that were in my school didn't actually pursue intellectual activity, only a "good job"

>> No.3752073

I don't pursue either. Feels great.

>> No.3752074

Welcome to the Factory Model of education. Sounds like someone hasn't taken his ritalin today.

>> No.3752080

On the nature bullshit, man, fuck...

My goddamn second major was all about how his example of the car ride is some metaphor for the circle of life.

>> No.3752085

my class has about 25 people. There are only 5 people, including I who read any of the books directly, i.e. not with Sparknotes. I think the book that most of them actually read bits of was The Glass Castle.

I'm not trying to be elite, but they sure make it easy.

>> No.3752092
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>Took APLAC test last year
>Prompt was about certainty and doubt
>Ramble on about circles (yeah, the actual shape) for the majority of my essay
>Score a 4 overall.

I'll take it.

>> No.3752098

One day I remember pretty well was when we were reading Brave New World, and the teacher was like, "How are X and Y different?" When nobody said anything she called on like 70% in the class individually and they all admitted they hadn't actually read it.

>> No.3752104

>not smoking weed
>being a gaylord

>> No.3752113

who owns me then? no one? If I say I own myself and am going to act on that pretext how can you stop me?

>> No.3752127

>sense of self
Self what? Identity? Belonging? Esteem? For a group of "English" specialists, you would think that they could communicate more clearly.

>> No.3752128

My AP Stats exam was the easiest thing i've taken in my life. Why does this test seem so much harder? Aren't they supposed to be standardized? Maybe they're trying to discourage you from becoming a useless lit major.

>> No.3752138

>useless lit major
But liberal arts majors are the best and brightest and most beautiful among us.

>> No.3752282

Mfw I took this exam Friday

>> No.3752368

I also took the test on Friday.
I think I wrote about how ownership teaches responsibility and preservation. I think I also referenced the First Lady scooping up JFK's brains after he was assassinated to demonstrate the effects of this preservation.
Needless to say I probably got a 3.

>> No.3752403

Who else here took the AP Lit exam?

>> No.3752753

>I think I also referenced the First Lady scooping up JFK's brains after he was assassinated to demonstrate the effects of this preservation. Needless to say I probably got a 3.

Hahaha dear God that's funny and honestly quite brilliant. Hope you get the 5 you deserve.

>> No.3754932

I can't. But certain people and institutions can claim to "own" you to an extent. A sense of mutual responsibility evokes mutual ownership as well. You are expected to be something for certain people, and if you aren't then you end up getting pressured into fitting that mold.

>> No.3754958

I did.

>> No.3755252
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I didn't think the first question was too bad aside from the central route to persuasion bullshit. I laughed obnoxiously when I read that second question, that experiment was such a clusterfuck. Also

>tfw when Eric can't do anything right and Maria's mother won't love her unless she gets straight A's

>> No.3755263
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Anyone take the AP Art History Exam?

>tfw when not sure if mosque or sandcastle

>> No.3755290

I did. Essay three was easy as shit, just rambled on about Stephan Dedalus for a good three pages. That radio question on the multiple choice was funny as shit, I was actually concerned that I was going to get kicked out for laughing. The horse poem was creepy as fuck

>> No.3755306

When I read the pony poem I imagined every brony in the US simultaneously ejaculating into their spaghetti-laden fedoranators.

>> No.3755313

I went to see a production of Equus this year and the whole time I was thinking the guy was going to fuck the horse. Essay 3 was a joke though. I wrote about A Separate Peace, which is in entirety a boyhood->manhood story.

>> No.3755319

>that book
n-no homo

>> No.3755344
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I have to take both the AP Gov and the AP french exams tomorrow

>mon viasge quand

>> No.3755356

>Seeing it as a gay love story
Welp. Enjoy your 2.

>> No.3755378

No you're right, Gene talking about the sensuousness of Brinker's ass was totally not homo. Neither was his description of Phineas' golden brown skin and Adonis-like figure. Nothing remotely sexual goes on at all-boys boarding schools....

Don't tell me reading it didn't give you a boner

>> No.3755463

I agreed with Jean-Paul Sartre. I mentioned enlightenment, knowledge, and physical prowess.

I used Hermann Hesse, Albert Camus, and the movie Fight Club for examples on how one can own enlightenment, I used Srinivasa Ramanujan and paying 50k for a college degree as evidence on how one can own knowledge, and I used professional athletes on how one can own athletic prowess.

Basically I said by owning something intangible, you can own something tangible.


It's graded as a rough draft.

>> No.3755471


>tfw I didn't know what Source Amnesia

>> No.3756127
File: 45 KB, 500x329, 1368499595205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moi aussi

>> No.3758353

While I agree the Lit and Comp test was ridiculously easy, I'd hold off on dropping the class, at least if your school works like mine did.

Chances are, you'll have to take an English class anyway. At my school, AP Classes carry a hefty modifier and are generally better than the others because of the atmosphere in them, the pace of the class, and the attitude of the teacher. The accelerated teacher at my school is a bitch and is assigning those kids retarded assignments, so I'm glad I took AP even though I could have passed the test without it, easily.

>> No.3758398


In many states, English is a requirement anyway.

If I have the option of retard English or AP Lit, I'd take AP Lit 10 out of 10 times.

>> No.3758580
File: 856 KB, 320x240, 1361015898708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how did Gov/French treat you fuckers?
>pic related