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/lit/ - Literature

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3751048 No.3751048 [Reply] [Original]

Nice book, fag!

>> No.3751051

haha XD books arre 4 losars!

>> No.3751055

High-five bro!

>> No.3751070

Thanks I will

>> No.3751084

I knew I shouldn't have been reading my homo-erotic fiction while walking down the street.

>> No.3751107

mate i punch you in the gabber after i finish this sentece
>Lolita tap on the tongue of three
alright fite me fag

>> No.3751115


>> No.3751118

and the i threw the can and said 'hey malkovich, think fast!'
and then they paid me an extra 600 dollars

>> No.3751192
File: 119 KB, 580x348, 13682047072681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mom made me come back and apologize. Sorry.

>> No.3751195


>> No.3751196

Thanks you too

>> No.3751199


>> No.3751203

*wave* "He said "nice look bad ass!"

>> No.3751258


>> No.3751280

y-you too

>> No.3751916
File: 28 KB, 226x273, haroldbloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempted to read out of doors once and once only. The sounds of children "playing", wind blowing the pages askew, pollen molesting my olfactory nerves, and hooligans racing by in their wretched automobiles and referring to me as a bundle of sticks made it all but impossible.

>> No.3752162

Ugh why are children talking to me?

>> No.3752167

Post it on your Facebook, shitstain

>> No.3752170

because you buy them beer

>> No.3752189

>writing some poems at the park on my notebook
>car passes by
>"Look! There's the next great writer in the making!"
>I give them a salute as if I'm full of confidence
>I'm actually humiliated as fuck
>shreiking laugther mocking, scolding or merely chattering will assail the word in the desert, etc

>> No.3752205

I used to get bothered by things like this. Then I remembered how I used to do things like this. And I remembered how much of an insecure faggot I was back then. So I can't really get offended or embarrassed by this stuff anymore, not that it happens often or at all really. I feel like most people think I'm autistic or something, so they walk on eggshells trying not to offend me. It's always been like this.

>> No.3752208

How are you yelling a sentence about my activities while you are speeding past me in a car?

>> No.3752211

Why is there a fat black woman with an afro sitting in the back seat? I could easily offend her if I wanted.

>> No.3752313

Reading outside fucking sucks. You should do active things outside.

>> No.3752319

you got a problem with the blacks, sonny?

>> No.3752332

This actually happened to me once. I was moving into a new apartment and carrying a box of books down the street. Some guys in a car drove by and yelled NICE BOX, FAGGOT!

>> No.3752340

haha i remember that
got u gud
me and the lads still talk about it

>> No.3752388
File: 391 KB, 580x348, mystery of the douches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I usually read books on a smartphone

>> No.3753112

>>>/your mom's vagina/

>> No.3753134

This is quite likely the only board on which answering 'yes' to your question might result in a ban. And it's not a positive thing.

>> No.3753157


That's because we have an SRS mod.

>> No.3754461

Yes he does. You have problem?

>> No.3754586

l-like recite your favourite poems?

>> No.3754600

>Some guys in a car drove by and yelled NICE BOX, FAGGOT!
hahah things like that have happened to me too. In all honesty, the frame of time available for them is so short that it invariably results in some ridiculous phrase like that. For some reason things like that brighten my day. It's genuinely funny. Imagine it as a sport: you have to find the most effective, hilarious insult in such a short frame

>> No.3754616

And you turned British along the way?

>> No.3754625


>> No.3755342

I can't be bothered to read this entire thing on a laptop. Do you have a epub/mobi?

>> No.3755364

why is the bitch still laughing if he's apologizing
something doesn't add up and I'm going to get to the bottom of it

>> No.3755369

He's laughing to try and hide his embarrassment.

>> No.3756318

I wouldn't sit and read next to a street it'd drive me nuts

>> No.3756462

you again?

>> No.3756464

holy shit my sides

>> No.3756474
File: 18 KB, 560x407, 1353471103506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order to get out victorious from those situations you must do something unexpected.

<-- Do this face. Or do another random thing like shouting "look out!" as if they were going to run over a kid.