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File: 51 KB, 800x566, hodges2twisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3749551 No.3749551 [Reply] [Original]

I feel as if I'm the only one who does not par take in the consumption of stupefying drugs.

>> No.3749564

woah now there holier than thou

not all drugs are stupifying

>> No.3749565

You're not, I think they're a crutch for hacks.

>> No.3749567


Just nicotine and caffiene. Booze too. Occasional aspirin.

>> No.3749568

Wearing a butt plug really helps me write

>> No.3749572

oh yeah and OP? there is THC in breast milk.

So, you, were likely once a daily cannabanoid user.

Where is your god now?!?!

>> No.3749583

>implying it's possible to produce any meaningful work in the post-modern era without experiencing psychedelic revelations at least once

enjoy your mediocrity. you who fears your own mind. i hope cowardice carries you to the grave as safely as you desire.

>> No.3749585

I bet you use some kind of modern implement to write. Bitch, in my days we came up with it and recited from memory. None of this faggy "hurr write it down so impohtant my voice is preserved for future generations." Nobody cares about you, motherfucker, except MAYBE the bitch who squeezed you out between her legs like you were a pile of shit. And I bet even she doesn't care about your opinions.

>> No.3749589
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>think's he's really experiencing his mind by using foreign substances

you niggas kill me

>> No.3749590


>producing meaningful work in the post-modern era
>using methods as old as the Romantics

Sure thing guy.

>> No.3749595

>There is THC in breast milk.

And Lo, my world did whence make sense.

>> No.3749598

dun goofed kid
hope you enjoyed them colors

>> No.3749604


Subjectivity hasn't been a major point of discussion until the past century, so psychedelic drugs would have been beneficial but far from necessary. If you want to have any hopes of breaking down the barriers and filters of your own consciousness to make any kind of valid commentary on subjectivity and post-modernism, then yes, using psychedelic hallucinogens is more essential that it ever has been for a writer.


You know, if you don't know anything about a subject, you really shouldn't be speaking about it. :-)

>> No.3749605

Get a load of this neckbeard samefag.

>> No.3749612
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Enjoy your ignorance, I guess? I'm told it's pretty blissful.

>> No.3749615

I agree but only psychoactive is necessary to temporarily dissolve ego.

It does not specifically require any visual or auditory hallucinogenic component.

>> No.3749620

But I do. Drugs are a crutch. You can do all that consciousness exploring just fine without them.

But I see you're more interested in pretty colors and "highdeas" than actually learning anything.

>> No.3749631

Hallucinogens have enabled me to acquire an avid interest in topics such as nature, philosophy, and the potential existence of god. These were things I personally disregarded prior to indulging in substances (namely psilocybin). Substances such as racetams are also used for the sole purpose of increasing ones cognitive abilities and I can vouche for their effectiveness. Sorry OP. You're probably just conceited and ignorant.

>> No.3749638
File: 73 KB, 465x342, dmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go big or go home.
smoke DMT erryday.


Making assumptions looks fun, let me try! You're a sheltered individual with a bunch of mental neuroses that have always made you fairly awkward around other people. The idea of losing control of yourself sounds like a nightmare to you, because your mind has always been your worst enemy. The thought of a substance that might dig into the depths of your subconscious and uncover something that might push you that tiny bit over the edge (which you're afraid that you're so close to) is too terrifying to even consider.

How'd I do?

Heck, let's even pretend for a second drugs are a crutch, as you say. Producing art, whether writing or painting or making music, is one of the most competitive fields that exists if you want to achieve any kind of recognition. If there existed something that could give you an edge on the competition and help you produce something actually meaningful, fresh, and insightful... why wouldn't you take it? Do you like being a mediocre nobody?

answer: fear ;)

>> No.3749639
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>trying to be elitist while namedropping Huxley

This board is 18+. Children pls go.

>> No.3749642

you sound like you're insane

>> No.3749643

drugs are all so disappointingly mediochre though, they're never anything like as good as I was lead to believe.
fuck you aldous huxley

>> No.3749646


Awww. Did you just hit freshman year university and you're still so obsessed with the dichotomy of pleb vs patrician that you can only talk about an author's obscurity rather than their content? That's cute. Now fuck off.

>> No.3749649

>i have no argument and i must scream

esssoa pass

love sooooosa

>> No.3749651

Both true and false. For most people thats true it is for the most part completely possible.

It may not be possible however for people who are older or those who have had a lot of trauma in their life.

Dissolving ego manually is like walking backwards through life one step at a time resolving any illusions created to hide from conflict.

If revisiting past history causes further trauma and thus more ego development... a feedback loop can occur.

Plus if a person is old they may have a long way to go, even just being over the hill or middle aged can be enough to make the journey mostly improbable. Depends on how old and how much to dissolve.

Plus this is all if the person actually wants to dissolve ego and knows how to do it...

An acute psychedelic episode with a temporary moment of non ego clarity i think is the perfect taste tester, the person can literally try it for themselves.

With the right guidance of course. With the wrong guidance even trying to solve past conflict or make progress on ego without drugs could very well still go quite badly awry.

>> No.3749653

this, they're disappointing and shit and damaging unless you want to go ahead and have a whole datura pod.

>> No.3749655


You're either taking the wrong drugs or not enough, my friend.

>> No.3749652

Aye, so I was right then.

See the fellow above you, drugs were enough to get him ticking, and that's ok - but please don't act like they're the be-all-end all of self-exploration. That makes you look like another ignorant druggie to people who know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.3749658

I'm not big into drugs at all but doing mushrooms was a pretty eye opening experience.

I'm not going to be some fucking hippie and expound on the "oneness" you feel and shit, but all I'll say is that the experience I had was pretty significant to me and I'm glad I had it, so take from that what you will.

>> No.3749664
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>visibly riled

>> No.3749668

I don't think I am. I mean I haven't like gone through pihkal or anything but I've tried a fair amount of different stuff and it was all quite disappointing

>> No.3749669


>entry level trolling

Haha. Now who's entry-level? ;)

>> No.3749672


you're mom is

lulz epic post score 1 for me

>> No.3749673

Man, even the drug community on /lit/ is full of condescending pricks.

>> No.3749674

yeah man I be down for the dreamtime.

Im just saiying to the people here, they can experience some high quality self reflection and introspection with just a little herb, you dont even need to take any 'drugs'.

>> No.3749676


That's because people who do drugs are terrible people.

>> No.3749679

You can solve past issues with a sit down and journaling. That's my every day. It only seems like walking backwards if you go for it in a straight line, what ends up being resolved is best done by what's affecting you most in the present moment. That's something I still need to work on as I tend to go about things like an industrial assembly line.

>> No.3749680

Not really, I've met plenty of great people who use drugs and plenty of terrible people who don't. I think it's just this board that attracts the worst of both sides.

>> No.3749682

>implying that 'herb' is not a drug

>> No.3749685


>I think it's just this board that attracts the worst of both sides.
>just this board

lol what site do you think you're on again

>> No.3749686

>being this mad

Fucking with them O boys
You gon' get fucked over
Rari's and Rovers
These hoes love Chief Sosa
Hit him with that cobra
Now that boy slumped over
They do it all for Sosa

>> No.3749692

Well I guess everyone on the planet is terrible then.

Breast milk, Caffeine, Dopamine, Serotonin.

Everyone is on drugs. Fucking everyone.

>> No.3749690

i hate the feeling of being high and the stupefaction of senses

deal with it faggots

>> No.3749691


In that case, I dunno. I had a friend who took LSD with us a fair amount and it didn't really do anything for him either. He was pretty stupid though, we figured psychedelics can't put creative thoughts in a mind that's blank to begin with. Maybe you're just too stupid for drugs? I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

Or try DMT. A guaranteed mind-blower.


You straight-edgers started throwing the condescension and insults first, not us?

>> No.3749693

>Maybe you're just too stupid for drugs?

Oh Jesus, we've finally hit that point.

>> No.3749694

>You straight-edgers

>> No.3749695

Yeah nothing beats a DMT breakthrough. Not for everyone though. I don't think it should be Schedule 1. I really can't consider it a drug of abuse; it's too intense, it can be rather unpleasant at times (though that's just the yin to the yang) and it's not as if you can do anything dangerous while you're on it, or do it over and over and over again.

>> No.3749696

why do druggies always play this word game when they know damn well what people say when they refer to drugs? It's just a cheap copout and stopped being clever years ago.

>> No.3749704

or maybe the other way round, like it's only interesting to stupid people. The drugs did what they were supposed to, it's just I wasn't that impressed

>> No.3749708

Not really, because when I went to school there was just "drugs". Cocaine was "drugs" and LSD was "drugs" and no one told me that they were totally different things.

I lumped psychedelia in with the physically addictive, the stimulant-psychosis inducing, and the point-of-no-return crap.

That was horribly misleading. 'Drugs' is a very difficult issue of semantics. Everything is drugs but lumping them all together as one category, regardless of 'what you refer' to is damaging.

>> No.3749711


>not considering the vast quantities of literature on the nature of psychedelic drugs written by people far more intelligent than yourself
>"well they didnt work for me so i guess they're not that great!"

Confirmed for mindless anti-person.

>> No.3749713

Some of the most intelligent people of the past few generations have been awed and inspired by them. They are surely not only interesting to stupid people.

That said, some people just don't find them particularly enlightening, and everyone must enjoy their own road of mental or spiritual enlightenment; substance, or no. It's fine if it's not for you.

>> No.3749715

Within context of this discussion it's very easy to slip in the meaning of what the person is referring to, instead of throwing a wrench in the conversation with pointless interjections like that.

>> No.3749716

PKD here

fuck you

>> No.3749718


>> No.3749720


go to bed, phil

>> No.3749721

I lol'd

>> No.3749722

I too feel like I'm the only lame faggot in my social cycle. I am not joking.

>> No.3749730
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>entire generations were ruined by indulgence in drug/psychedelic and people still glorify them without question because that's the rebel thing to do

Social Darwinism general?

>> No.3749731

Ok you want a shortcut?

Ego is like a tangled ball of string, like when you get a huge bunch of cords all tangled. Every knot in the tangle is an idea the person believes that is not true, a true illusion. When conflict ocurrs that cannot be resolved lies are often accepted to continue functioning. When ever one of these knots is untied you will likely get an epiphany.

There is a few ways of solving this, you can grab the closest thread and start threading it out.... This is what you are doing now, the follow the last thread approach. Its the safe method.

Or if you are not easily scared and short on time you just pick up the whole lot, grab the biggest knot and shake the whole thing out to kind of knock the wind out of it first. Undo that and go from there.

That's the trick, go straight to the worst thing(s) that have ever happened to you and examine exactly how its made you feel and behave by extension ever since.

Usually like with a tangle the big knot is the problem, the rest are just threaded into that big knot. It all goes a lot easier when you get there.

But honestly DMT ? fucking epiphanies per second. You would have to be god to match that kind of progress.

To me psychedelic drugs are like experiencing the mind of god. People saying no are just all like nah i'd rather not experience the mind of god thanks.

Im like sure no problem eh forget about it.

>> No.3749741

He muttered, whilst naming others 'druggies'.

>> No.3749743

I'm not interested in spiritual tourism, I want to actually experience myself, and I do everyday.

People go on and on about how psychs are so great and how you learn so much, but I seriously doubt many of them have the mental discipline and insight to even use a fraction of the knowledge presented to them during those trips.

>> No.3749744

See guys: this is exactly the type of drug user you don't want to become. He's so overwhelmed by the effects of drugs it's impossible for him to fathom that people can achieve a deeper understanding of themselves through other means.

To be clear, that's not a knock on the use of drugs, but rather a knock on certain drug users (the ignorant ones, which is humorous since they see others as ignorant for abstaining).

>> No.3749754

He added, being a passive-aggressive cockface with no branch to grasp.

>> No.3749763

Are you twelve years old?

>> No.3749766


He explicitly and patiently explained that you can achieve a deeper understanding of yourself through sober reflection, but aptly noted that psychedelic drugs can achieve the same effect with much more intensity and much faster.
You, on the other hand, completely misunderstood his argument and went straight for ad hominem arguments. And you want to call him the ignorant one?


Why don't you just try it and see for yourself before you make such sweeping generalisations and talking about something you've never even experienced? Because you're a fucking coward, just admit it. It would take half a day of your life to potentially change your future forever, and you're too scared to even try it. You're not reflective, you're not profound, and you're not superior to drug users. You're a scared and mediocre asshat, and you always will be.

>> No.3749769

Well that seems like pretty dumb conjecture based on assumptions about something you've never experienced.

Keep up the good work, Anon. Maybe if you keep posting you'll lower the average IQ of this board by another ten or so points.

>> No.3749771
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Drugs are bad, mkay

>> No.3749772
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>mfw cannabis addict promotes overdosing near me

>> No.3749774
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>> No.3749775

>that picture
Seems like someone was bullied in high school.

>> No.3749776

Well I am sorry but your doubts are completely unfounded and I am not particularly interested in discussing them.

Are you completely retarded? It is most obvious that I am not arguing for or against. If anything I am arguing for a both/either position, whatever works for you is fine.

Im just not going to misrepresent what i believe the truth to be and that is that psychedelics are faster and more effective than going it alone.

Seems to me a lot of people just want to 'bash druggies' out of some kind of righteous moral high ground, some kind of social studies type high ground where logic and specifics aren't important.

>> No.3749777
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>drugs are enlightening

>> No.3749779
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>Are you completely retarded?
Not, but if you're a drug addict you must be.

>> No.3749780

This is the most bullshit strawman argument I have ever seen in my life.

This one: >>3749777 appeared as I was typing it out, and while I haven't read it, I'm sure it's an equally stupid argument.

>> No.3749781
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>typical druggie

>> No.3749783

>someone mentions drugs

>> No.3749784
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>I'm to high to even think
Typical ignorant drug addicted scum, killing our brains and society. How ironic.

>> No.3749787

i cant tell if these ms paint comics are serious. like, everything about them seems to imply they're ironic.

but you keep posting them

are you just
an idiot?

>> No.3749788
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All drugs are the same--they all kill our brain and the world around. They are societal and cultural cancer and DO NOT help anyone.

>> No.3749789

You are the one who started with the broad sweeping generalizations, dont get all butthurt when people call you on it.

>> No.3749790

I fucking love Q.

>> No.3749791
File: 145 KB, 995x902, 1358375618775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm smart because I DON'T do drugs.

>> No.3749794

>b-but yu started it

cry more

>> No.3749792

Intensity and speed doesn't equal to efficiency, need I remind you of the many who've lost their minds from over-indulgence in drug use?

I love how you gallantly defend your dependency by calling me a coward and mediocre. I've had my fill of drugs, it's not the path for me.

>> No.3749793
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>> No.3749795

The guy who originally created them believed their contents to be accurate and took them very seriously.

I'm pretty sure the guy posting them now is either being ironic or trying to shut down the thread because it isn't book related.

>> No.3749796

Hope stoner shits are learning something here: real life doesn't appreciate your insolence.

>> No.3749798
File: 158 KB, 1000x682, 1358375987580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is full of junkies who can't even understand Rand

>> No.3749800
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>mfw everyone on this planet smokes...

>> No.3749801

>Working in any post post industrial revolution economy
It's like the guy who wrote these comics had no understanding of economics.

>> No.3749802
File: 172 KB, 1000x1000, 1358376212807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I have once again saved a 4chan board from the opening of drug markets.

>> No.3749803


I'm pretty sure he's posting them because they're a good example of the arguments used by previous posters used from another angle.

>> No.3749806

To make my point clear. Drugs are only good for loosening up your perception, you're sadly mistaken if you think they're anything more than that. It's like trying to play videogames as a replacement for experiencing life.

>> No.3749807

I'm not so sure on that.
If he is he's laying it on pretty thick.

>> No.3749809

Have you not noticed how thick everybody in this thread is?

>> No.3749811


You're sadly mistaken if you think you're ever going to do anything of value in this world when the best argument you can come with it is that shitty straw-man argument.

Again, enjoy your fear, enjoy your mediocrity, and enjoy lying on your death-bed one day and realizing that you never really lived a day in your life.


>> No.3749813

peac 420

>> No.3749815

yeah, i kinda doubt anyone on lit is an objectivist

>> No.3749816

For all your grand insight you can't even see that you're doing the same thing.

>> No.3749818


blaze it faget

>> No.3749822
File: 174 KB, 660x1023, forest-dinkum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people talk about drugs and i eat sand for secrets

>> No.3749823

can we get a feels thread going!!?

>> No.3749825


These comics suck, he didn't say 420 blaze it fagget or even shake the small child.

>> No.3749828


You want me to respond seriously to a non-argument like "drugs only "loosen" your perception" ...? What the fuck does that even mean? How is loosening a good or bad thing? Are you suggesting your perceptions float out of your body or something? That sounds fucking awesome. Or are you regressing to the argument that 'drugs stupefy you herp derp'? Really, after an entire thread, you're back to that?

And how is altering your mind and allowing you to interact with your external environment from a completely new perspective anything like vicariously playing in the closed-system simulation of a video game?

You're a fucked fucking retard. You're not superior to anyone, so stop acting like it.

>> No.3749837
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u soond angy stunner

>> No.3749842
File: 10 KB, 530x501, dfhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sometimes i feel like the only one here... who's trying to get onto smack..

>> No.3749845
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I-i can s-smack you anon...

>> No.3749873

Wow. I thought you understood but just resisted, seems you're just another dullard.

You know that "breakthrough" folks like you love to harp about? That's what I mean by loosening your perception, as most people are sort of locked into a very base perception - drugs help to oil the bolt, and too much will have you unhinged. This is basic shit.

On my videogame analogy. If you actually cared to learn from your everyday experiences you'd get lots of useful and information, my time with drugs did not deliver that. I liken it to tourism more than anything, playtesting with higher states of consciousness but you'd never get anywhere near the real thing while using them - much less learning anything amazingly useful. You may get some feeling of oneness and preach about it but you're still a shitlong way from actually knowing what it means and what it takes to get there, you're a pretender with no real experience.

Is you self-imaged threatened by me pointing these things out, things I learned from experience? Don't worry about it, keep taking your tabs and shrooms and going on your awesome trips, but don't ever act like you're some know-it-all while dependent on a substance to gain insight. That's full-retard and insulting to people who are actually interested in life.

But I'm the fearful and insecure one, because I dare to face myself and life as I am without these substances? Get real.

>> No.3749875
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What kind of faggot is OP? You can't fully comprehend and enjoy the works of Stephanie Meyer before you injected heroin into your haemorrhoids.

>> No.3749891


>> No.3749931

I'm not this guy your talking to, but I am interested in your view. I am the other guy who was talking about ego.

I think your analogies are a bust.

I mean aside from pure meditative reflection, physical traveling and experiencing other cultures is one of the best methods of manual non drug self reflection and ego dissolution.

Are you saying no one grows/develops from real travel?

How many people travel the world and _don't_ come back changed??

I'm missing what your core view / argument here is I don't think you have defined it very well.

I have to agree with the other anon, as mad as he is, I have no idea what you mean and specifically what you mean by loosening perspective. Maybe I have not read the specific book you are using the terminology from.

For me insight and living not burdened with ego is all entirely about mental clarity. What you are saying sounds more like all the drugs that actually make you loose like alcohol barbiturates sedatives etc they all detract from clarity and none of them are much use for anything intellectual beyond escapism.

I still think that psychoactive compounds can not only bring about personal insight and dissolve ego but are still better at it than manual approaches.

>> No.3749954

"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial stimulates. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation. That is why I have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it, for I am the only one in the world." -Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of Four.

>> No.3749955


>Using emoticons on an imageboard.

No other board tolerates that shit (except when it's Japan in /int/).

>> No.3749960

When people proclaim they have never done drugs, I'm always reminded of this quote from Leaving Las Vegas:

>to him there’s no better meshing of social and biological functions than paid sex. It’s always gratifying, leaving him quite pleased with himself and with the world in general. He is amused by men who proudly proclaim that they have never paid for it. This remark, so unnecessarily spoken yet spoken out of great necessity to the speaker, indicates to Ben that these guys are either completely superficial, or strongly homosexual and running scared, or… what? Why must they assert this, and always using the exact same phrase? Unless of course they’re stating that money is more sacred to them than sex, a position that would truly separate a man from his species.

>> No.3750011


But the thing is if you go to a guy and say 'i've paid for sex, how about you?' he'll respond 'i've never paid' usually because he's either telling the truth and finds prostitution immoral, or because he's being kind to you because you have to stoop to the most banal methods of achievement. Just like drugs.

>> No.3750017

Sherlock smoked opium.

>> No.3750030

and sherlock also committed suicide via phallic asphyxiation. so what?

>> No.3750043

the first part of your statement was okay, but then "most banal methods of achievement" betrays your immaturity.

and yes, people who brag or constantly talk about doing drugs are just as bad as those who make it known that they never do so themselves

there are a certain type of people who live life in the extremes and it's these people who tend to not only get into the most trouble, but also be the biggest bores

>> No.3750053


>Are you saying no one grows/develops from real travel?
No, I'm saying that trying to get as much knowledge as you can from everyday experiences is highly affective in personal development, since these things pertain to what you're doing *now*, and what's more important than now?

I was too nebulous with my terminology on perception. Let's just say drugs make it easier for you to access new and wildly different points of view - my stance is despite this, they are not the best means at gaining knowledge, compared to stable development by learning 'manually' via life experiences, introspection and dreams.

Drugs can show you a great many things, but what's more important is what's going on with yourself then and now and only you can figure that out alone. Drugs take you on their own ride - making it very very easy to get caught up many great insights about the world, but still not knowing much about yourself at the end of the day. Not to mention the irreversible damage caused by over-use of these substances. It's just not worth it to me.

I don't follow any beliefs about dissolving the ego, say it's there for a reason and to be honest some separate thing to be removed. I go under the belief that we all have to seek to cooperate with life rather than withhold ourselves to any which way, having a foot in both doors. After all what are we if not a coupling of matter and spirit in this short time?

>> No.3750055


Citation please.

>> No.3750059


Guy you're replying to here, I guess that was pretty purple. Anyway, I drink and smoke.

Bored yet?
Guess you're not extreme enough aye.

>> No.3750061

See His Last Bow "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot"

You get the picture.

>> No.3750071

I would add that most men have paid for sex in some way. Any man that has ever uttered the line, "Let me by you a drink", for example. Others have "paid" (in the other sense of the word) after the fact.

>> No.3750075

Are you zizek

>> No.3750076

No; why do you ask?

>> No.3750086

Drugs rip apart my already emotionally fragile mind. I've foresworn drugs for my mental health. Not to mention, though this is anecdotal, almost every regular marijuana/drug user I know is an emotionally immature manchild.

>> No.3750092

this is another statement that screams "this is an important distinction to me"

who fucking cares if you've paid for sex or not

>> No.3750096

My point was the opposite. Most men have paid for sex; the only variation is how directly and how much, and how much social skills and probability came into it (very little if at all for a prostitute; quite a lot otherwise). This being the case, why should the one be thought worse than the other?

>> No.3750097

It's the implications it could have about ones character that makes people self-conscious about it.

>> No.3750101

Lots of people care. Most social interactions are built on assumptions.

>> No.3750104

>almost every regular marijuana/drug user I know is an emotionally immature manchild
That would be because they're stuck in the mode of thinking of "gratification now, not later", which is the quintessential childish way of thinking. But the real question is, does habitual drug use cause childishness, or does childishness cause habitual drug use? I think it's quite obviously the latter, so you certainly shouldn't look down on the drugs, but the people who take them--and the people who have that mindset of instant gratification even though they don't take drugs.

>> No.3750105

all i know is trying to say that buying a girl a drink is the same as paying for sex is bullshit unless you're going to start making grand generalizations about all types of things.

and believe me, i have nothing against paying for sex.

yes, but if you just realize that their implications are a bunch of bullshit then you're a-ok anyhow

>> No.3750112

Not in the real world. In the real world, where you have a job and a family and friends, your relationship with all of these people - people who make up your life - is dependent on how they see you. If it is known that you have payed for sex, regardless of how justified or innocuous it was, then your relationship with these people will be harmed, and so too will your existence.

Appearances are vital to being a functioning human being. I don't particularly give a shit how I look, but I pay for a tailored suit anyway because it looks good, and makes people think good things about me.

>> No.3750118

>all i know is trying to say that buying a girl a drink is the same as paying for sex is bullshit
But it *is* paying for sex, just in an indirect, roundabout--and unlikely to succeed by itself--manner. Paying a prostitute for sex is direct, honest, open and has almost no chance of failure. You could then argue that someone who pays prostitutes does so out of cowardice, not willing to face romantic rejection. I've never paid a prostitute, and I look down upon those who do as having no social skills or being cowards, but people who buy girls drinks and gifts are doing something quite the same--make no mistake, when a man buys a woman a drink or gifts, there is only one thing on his mind. These are all cowardly methods in their own ways.

I'm not making an argument here, you understand. Just ruminating.

>> No.3750122

No one is saying that somebody should declare they pay for sex.

I am saying (and read carefully so we don't end up playing a needless game of creating new arguments/positions as we go) that the need to declare it without prompting one way or the other is an indicator of something else.

What you're saying has no bearing on that. If I were into hardcore but harmless S&M that would hurt my standing with people too, but it doesn't make me wrong for being into it.

>> No.3750128

>If I were into hardcore but harmless S&M that would hurt my standing with people too
Really? Maybe it's the people I hang out with, but in my circle if I was *not* into S&M I would probably be thought boring.

>> No.3750129

I want to be friends with those kinds of people.

>> No.3750132

Okay sure. Also, owning a smart phone is the same as running your own sweat shop. Oh and being an American? If you are not actively out and about rejecting all forms of war, you are basically responsible for the deaths the military causes.

What would be a non-cowardly way of getting a girl? Playing a nice song on your guitar for a girl is paying for sex because you're probably in it for the sex, not the love of music. Going to a yoga class isn't because you want to get into shape it's because you want to look at chicks asses and get laid.

By your stupid definition of paying for sex, you're just erasing boundaries for your own convenience.

>> No.3750134

Okay, you have cool friends, just switch around my example with something else harmless but not socially acceptable and you can get my point.

>> No.3750135

White collar crime, for example.

>> No.3750139

Way to muddle/strawman.

>> No.3750141

Arson then?

>> No.3750149


>> No.3750153

Murdering muslims?

No people are harmed.

>> No.3750158
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>> No.3750161
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Ok, now stop samefagging.

>> No.3750167

But nobody here is samefagging. What would even make you jump to that conclusion? Usually when someone calls samefag there's some valid reason for it, such as a bunch of people all sharing the same opinion and writing style as one moron, but I'm just not seeing that here.

Care to justify yourself?

>> No.3750681

And injected cocaine.

>> No.3750822
File: 73 KB, 738x532, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quentin finished his school shooting post with: smoke weed everyday, you should pack a bowl in my memory..............