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File: 47 KB, 506x267, 1368149332176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3748579 No.3748579 [Reply] [Original]

Your feels on nihlism, etc

>pic related

>> No.3748589

Well duh, there's no reason not to make it go left.

>> No.3748593

I'm just going to walk away from it and let the train do its thing, that way I'm not responsible for any deaths

>> No.3748597

I'd just pretend I didn't know what the lever was for

>> No.3748601


what if you don't know if the current level position makes the train go straight or left, and either you can leave it as is or move it and hope it's the choice you mean to make

>> No.3748602
File: 98 KB, 594x268, complete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way more nihilistic.

>> No.3748607

It might be for making the train go forwards and backwards for all you know.

>> No.3748609

i think i'd save the whichever side had the cutest girl tbh

>> No.3748610

Nihilism is for boring, uninteresting people. Any thinking person will actively try to fight nihilism anytime it rears its ugly head.

>> No.3748614

>implying nihilism

five lives are no more meaningful than a single one, as quantity is in this case not an indication of worth. it could be five rapists and one surgeon. or five rapists surgeons and one homeless man.

>> No.3748615
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>mfw people still think Nietzsche was an nihilist

>> No.3748618
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>implying not

>> No.3748619

how the shit are you defining nihilism?

>> No.3748627

hes just phrasing it poorly

>> No.3748626
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>> No.3748636

you're the first person to bring it up retard

>> No.3748639


escher, pls

>> No.3748645

Phrasing what poorly?

>> No.3748647
File: 171 KB, 765x363, nowwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3748648
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This is the real feels.

>> No.3748657
File: 180 KB, 939x398, nowwhat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a doggy dog world out there anon.

>> No.3748661

Which philosophers would you really regard as nihilist?
>inb4 there aren't

>> No.3748667

Haha, this thread gets more ridiculous with each post.

>> No.3748672


There aren't/weren't many. Any philosophers who deal with nihilism are generally speaking of it as a problem our epoch faces.

>> No.3748676

max stirner

not this >>3748672 faggy trash

>> No.3748677

funny as fuck

>> No.3748682
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>> No.3748683

>a man who praises the courage of autonomy

Retards in spades on this board.

>> No.3748696
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>> No.3748701

>Nihilism (pron.: /ˈnaJ.ɨlJzəm/ or /ˈniː.ɨlJzəm/; from the Latin nihil, nothing) is the philosophical doctrine suggesting the negation of one or more putatively meaningful aspects of life
this is the majority of what stirner does, you gigantic fag

>> No.3748705
File: 10 KB, 220x135, the_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that life is insignificant and pointless, and yet from this concept I draw a considerable amount of hope and strength.

I supppose this makes me an Absurdist.

>> No.3748713

nihilism is moral skepticism. his entire project was the outlining of a morality of individualism. you can't accept that it's a moral framework b/c you're still an edgy retard. and lol @ that poor irrelevant-to-philosophy wikipedia definition. grow up, kid.

>> No.3748714
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honestly, this should be the real question

>> No.3748720

nihilism is for nonthinkers

>> No.3748722

he wouldn't be able to push it forward, silly.

>> No.3748723
File: 64 KB, 375x500, hahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God, it gets better.

>> No.3748731
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>> No.3748732


>outlining the morality of individualism

oi m8 see you're just repeating what u said already m8 seems like u needa get sum revisions on the bloke stirner and youd know that post-exorcism you are left with nihilism since after an abandonment of all universals you then abandon all morals which hinge upon these "spooks", hence nihilism m8, get rekkd n fack off hth

>> No.3748737


>> No.3748738

lets say he's extremely flexible

>> No.3748741


Sweet jesus.
That's the hardest I've ever laughed at /lit/.

>> No.3748762

eigenheit isn't limited to just exorcism of "spooks", but also an awareness and detachment from your own appetites. if you can't see any morality in that, then idk what to say pal.

>For, if the heart did not become free from its natural impulses, but remained filled with the most fortuitous contents and, as an uncriticized avidity, altogether in the power of things, nothing but a vessel of the most various appetites - then it was unavoidable that the free understanding must serve the "bad heart" and was ready to justify everything that the wicked heart desired.

shit sounds like it comes straight outta the bible, son.

>> No.3748769
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>> No.3748777

Oh shit, this dilemma is getting real.

>> No.3748781


>> No.3748788

>detachment from your own appetites

le wrong again pal, after stirner dissects and removes all unirvesals like god, country, man, etc and strips the human of all human goals and common aspirations, you are then left with nothing but a complete attachment to pure affect, hence the end result of the Unique One, a purely appetite driven hedonist nihilist (egoist), despite that pretty little quote of yours

if you read morals out of stirner id say philosophy isnt for you bud

>> No.3748795

Basinski pls go

>> No.3748808
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>> No.3748829

Can you explain me this aforism of Cioran Ive just read:
The existence of suicide is what makes life possible"

>> No.3748832 [DELETED] 
File: 984 KB, 3180x2088, litnihil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's that, glad we got that out of the way.

>> No.3748837


It's a bad way of saying you're alive because death.

>> No.3748846

Now that's fucking despair.

>> No.3748858

Thread of the year, right here.

>> No.3748876

But guys, we have to live for something, don't we?

I've been dwelling on this nihilism for a bit...read little Camus, Stirner, Nietzsche, read about how awful things are or whatever, and there really are no reasons...

..but then I hear a song or a poem or something and it hits me so hard in the feels that I want to live again, live for something; being bitter and selfish and full of hate (at least that is what I've experienced with nihilism, though I know it isn't about that) just sucks for me.

I don't want to exist in a world where everything is cheap. I mean, wtf. And coming up with your own meaning? So Arbitrary...

Meh, just feels so confused.

>> No.3748883
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Live for enjoyment.

>> No.3748885

>i steal nietzsche's shit

>> No.3748893

just be and think whatever you want

>> No.3748901
File: 51 KB, 577x435, 1368309855959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, okay.

Probably the best advice I'm ever gonna get.

Thanks anon.

>> No.3748902

read kierkegaard, become a knight of faith. or something.

>> No.3748904
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>> No.3748908

you're welcome
seriously though like you know how in the beginning of der einzige there's that line abt your cause being unique
if you're genuinely who you want to be (seriously, be who you want to be) you should be happy (unless you have terrible luck and awful things happen to you, but that's a different story) and if you care about people around you being happy then it's good for them too i guess? good luck

>> No.3748938

Yeah but then there's the hedonist paradox.

>> No.3748940

Really, all this thread shows is that the "philosophers" listed here as being read by you peasants is that these "philosophers" aren't worthy of consideration.

That is all.

>> No.3748952

could you explain your reasoning behind that? Thanks.

>> No.3748981



I was taking a philosophy class on "happiness" and I just gave up in the end because I didn't care...all the theories and the science and whatnot just seemed to be asking a question that shouldn't be asked in the first place.

>> No.3748998


>> No.3749065
File: 63 KB, 343x500, besove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end of story

>> No.3749202
File: 1.91 MB, 2439x2475, 5-12-13then-reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we broke it.

>> No.3749218


I wonder if OP knew how this would turn out.

>> No.3749521

You have make me curious, which philosophers do you consider good?

>> No.3749556

>babby doesn't know ceteris paribus thought experiments are retarded

>> No.3749561

i like the guy on the left, faggots on the right, not so much

where's your certainty now

>> No.3749570

I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the sheeple in a group were captured together, meaning they're too dumb to be allowed to live. I mean, they'd probably have kids with each other and cheat on each other and generally engage in all kinds of deplorable behavior.

>> No.3749574

not to mention they probably are godless athiests that voted obama

death by train is a sign of mercy

>> No.3749591

That's true. Any question I have ever been asked, I've disagreed with the ignorant majority.

>> No.3749592
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>> No.3749616

it's so hard living the galt's life, m8

>> No.3749618

Im OP and I didnt want to talk about the photo, its just I thought it was funny

>> No.3749717
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>This thread

>> No.3749738
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>> No.3749740

Obviously they have to collide, so the question is: Who's gonna take the hit?
>inb4 they just pull the spikes out of their feet and crawl of..

>> No.3749749
File: 1012 KB, 500x281, INTERESSANT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat sum cold war?

>> No.3749751

Spoderman would just derail the train.

>> No.3749753

Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.3749755

they don't have to colide.

>> No.3749759


>> No.3749764

That only kills one person, do( and maybe the drivers). It has the fewest casualties.

>> No.3749767

dodpol tred

>> No.3749778

Dali pls go

>> No.3749782

What has the bystander effect have to do with this?
In all cases he was technically alone

>> No.3749785

if you would hit the lever before trying to disentangle the people on the track that's already in danger, then you're an idiot

>> No.3749797

It's extremely unlikely a situation analogous to this would occur where the guy was alone.
And even if he is alone, the same motivations for bystander effect would come into play

"It's not my problem. The train company/driver/mechanics/police will do something about it"

In short, you're never alone, especially if you live in a nation state where responsibility for all this is transferred to government and associated private agencies

>> No.3749810

you're an idiot if you don't think that the tram is already moving.

>> No.3749830

I for one think these sorts of hypothetical situation things are a complete waste of time. There is nothing intelligent happening ITT. It's as retarded as the Ring of Gyges. Stick to reality, please.

>> No.3749838

A buzzword for people who want to be edgy.

>> No.3749839

No, anon. You are the unintelligent one here.

>> No.3749844


>> No.3749846


>> No.3749863
File: 56 KB, 776x437, fbhdfbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys knowhow to use photoshop or something?

>> No.3749874


Did mine in paint.

>> No.3749880

can't go more edgy that this post

>> No.3750039

I suppose you also refuse to read fiction, since that's autistic fantasies made up by those who're to scared to grow up and face the real world?

>> No.3750062


>> No.3750078


individualism is a spook

>> No.3750083

Who doesn't?

>> No.3750085

>you are then left with nothing but a complete attachment to pure affect
Stop theorizing from Wikipedia.

>> No.3750090

lel, try to put a little more substance into your arguments

>> No.3750144

It's an ugly, whiny lie that denies many aspects of experience and reality.

>inb4 define reality. fuck you.

>> No.3750159

you pull the switch and then only have to drag one person off the tracks

>> No.3750175
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One hundred and six replies, and none of us thought of this.

>> No.3750180
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>> No.3750187


How is choosing to not do anything any less of an action than pulling the lever?

I've never understood people who think walking away would absolve them of responsibility. When you choose to walk away you're aware that your choice will cause the death of 5 people

>> No.3750189
File: 61 KB, 554x314, RAMPIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3750191
File: 72 KB, 605x475, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nihilism

>> No.3750222

/lit/ is finally funny for once holy shit

>> No.3750223

request submitted. it should be at or near the top of the list. vote button is to the left. three more and counting till success.
(http colon slash slash) chanarchive.org (slash) request_votes

>> No.3750227

The paradox of nihilism is that there is not any action better than other, but whatever you do or you dont you are choosing something over the other options, and you dont have any philosophical argument to explain WHY

>> No.3750236

isn't the original example usually used as a scenario existing in the argument for or against Utilitarianism, not nihilism??

>> No.3750243
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>> No.3750245

Guys, that's not a train, that's a trolly. Since it doesn't have either a cable channel or a mast, and there's no engine or horse pulling it, it's not going anywhere. And since it's not under powered drag, the junction bar will have slid back and the leaf spring brakes will have locked the wheels onto the guide track. So it's a perfect example of nihilism, in that whether you pull the lever or not, nothing will fundamentally change, you cant even choose good or evil.

>> No.3750247

Sisyphus should have trained harder.

>> No.3750251
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I'm not even sure why I made this.

>> No.3750252


Goddamnit Anon.

>> No.3750272
File: 53 KB, 506x267, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3750279

I guess that simplifies things.

>> No.3750285

The guy on the top works for his money while everyone on the bottom is NEET. I think the choice is obvious.

>> No.3750291

How do you know that? What if someone's tied up a bunch of hard working capitalists on the train track, and the guy pulling the lever is just some neet in the wrong place at the right time.

>> No.3750292

i'm not sure why this makes sense to me but this makes so much more sense to me than the original

>> No.3750309

Someone do one where the option is all six or none of them.

>> No.3750314

How lazy can you be?

>> No.3750318

The one on top is actually this baby:

Now what?

>> No.3750319

You can have a halfway installed Debian that you started on the evening before and you're using a minimal partition because you're making sure to thoroughly wipe all former data on the hard drive.

>> No.3750321

I think most of us were presupposing the dilemma as is usually stated: that you don't have time to do that. That's the way it's normally stated anyway. Creative answer nonetheless

>> No.3750324


>> No.3750326


>> No.3750328

i think i can i think i can

>> No.3750330

how do ou know the wagons are empty of passengers?

>> No.3750332

>mfw NEETs use nerdspeak to justify laziness

>> No.3750337

i dont see anyone inside of them therefore blah blah blah

>> No.3750339 [SPOILER] 
File: 299 KB, 2004x924, hereyougo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for you:

>> No.3750343
File: 17 KB, 558x440, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3750344

>I think the choice is obvious.

Everyone on the bottom are also attractive females from rich families whereas the guy on top is at the end of his tether, has no family, and soon to retire anyway.

>> No.3750345

one of the tabs should've been: "How many m's in hemmmmingway?"

>> No.3750349

>choosing to let a man die when you could easily kill off a handful of useless women

Next you'll probably tell me to check my privilege.

>> No.3750361

Antar att du inte kommer se detta men här är en annan svensk anon som gärna diskuterar lite skit

>> No.3750362

Min elefant har tolv vattenmeloner.

>> No.3750363

this is nihilism The train is our life and the human is trying to change his will but fails eternally because changes are merelly spooks.

>> No.3750364

Kål är min favorit mejeriprodukter

>> No.3750367

Everything is already archived at fuuka-warosu.org

>> No.3750370

I haven't got a picture of failure, but that would be about it.

>> No.3750379
File: 94 KB, 2004x924, truenihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True nihilism:

Whatever the choice you make now, the end result is the same: the train trundles on, and everyone dies.

>> No.3750383

and the lever guy will just stand there, waiting for it?

>> No.3750386

That's all he can do.

>> No.3750391

Meh, at least try.

>> No.3750397

Either he dies in a minute, or he dies in a few decades. Either way he will die soon enough, and it wont have made any difference. So it goes.

>> No.3750399
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>> No.3750402

No. that's depression

>> No.3750405

If medicine made people live for eve, what would happen with nihilism ?

>> No.3750412
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>> No.3750416
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the misfits

>> No.3750424

guys I don't think nihilism has anything to do with trolley's or people being tied to trolley tracks

>> No.3750426

Holy shit dis niggas on to something

>> No.3750430


>> No.3750434

....i don't follow

>> No.3750438

No, it's not. I think you're getting confused.

>> No.3750498


>> No.3750505
File: 54 KB, 507x263, tn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true nihilism

>> No.3750559
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tru nihilism is pic related

>> No.3750571
File: 2 KB, 506x267, le true nihilism face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3750578


>> No.3750586

jst taking the piss m8

>> No.3750602

i need to stop coming here

>> No.3750621
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>> No.3750622

Me too friend! Just taking a piss as well. Haha!

>> No.3750666

Actually they should be all tied to the tracks and thinking of pulling the switch.

>> No.3750684
File: 44 KB, 997x652, optimism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it really uncomfortable when people type out laughter on the internet, haha

>> No.3750737
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>> No.3750752


>> No.3750754

>implying followers of zen would not have any real problems

>> No.3750757


>> No.3750770
File: 82 KB, 450x300, smilingdork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is goddamn hilarious.

>> No.3750874

fucking lol'd

>> No.3750908
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>> No.3750915

no dilema there afaik

>> No.3750945

tep lol

>> No.3750946

I refuse to laugh at this.

>> No.3750949
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>> No.3750958
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i was there

>> No.3750965
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We all were
we all were

>> No.3750981

This thread is great, guys. I'm really proud of all of you.

>> No.3750986
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>> No.3750990
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>> No.3750994

I made this image myself, crying right now.

>> No.3750999

dont be sad anon

>> No.3751003
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>> No.3751007

Tears of happiness, kind brother.

>> No.3751012

infinite lel

>> No.3751026

its a lever? that makes so much more sense than a metal detector

>> No.3751050

My stance on nihilism/existentialism is that life is like being executed by a firing squad. It may seem unimportant to spend your last seconds making jokes, but it's a lot better than staring into the guns.

>> No.3751061

what are some good books/articles/essays/etc to read on the topic of nihilism

The thought of absolute meaninglessness kind of calms me down

>> No.3751062


>> No.3751067

rhymes with fax stirner

>> No.3751094
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>> No.3751098

didn't mean to quote

>> No.3751111
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they're all 10/10 qts.

checkmate utilitarians.

>> No.3751139

this is actually brilliant

>> No.3751143

Such an amount of bodies would cause a lot of friction thus stopping the train earlier.

doesn't make any difference

>> No.3751158
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>> No.3751181
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>Real human being
>And a real hero
>Real human being

>> No.3751185
File: 32 KB, 816x461, a jump through a loop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3751193

>loop = fun
>people = sacrifice
>to have fun, you must sacrifice something
Good one, anon.

>> No.3751230


>> No.3751241

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.3751242


>> No.3751277


get it??

>> No.3751330

I hope someone is archiving this shit

>> No.3751356
File: 5 KB, 128x180, nilixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 thread

>> No.3751360
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>> No.3751390


is there a name for the thought that would have you choose to kill five people in a dilemma like this?

>> No.3751400

could he pull the lever to the one guy, run over and pull him off. he has plenty of time and everyone would be saved.

>> No.3751430

It archives automatically shithead.

>> No.3751432

Depends why you chose it.

>> No.3751438

>has plenty of time
As if m8. The guy is tied to the tracks and he has maybe 10 seconds to untie him and drag him off completely.

Also, it's a thought experiment.

>> No.3751440
File: 680 KB, 847x1138, 1364655461264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo nihilists, quick question: is the statement "there is no truth", true?

the best I've heard in response so far is that the contradiction is simply representative of the limitations of language or some such shit

>> No.3751456
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>> No.3751459


Somethings have to be true. "There is no truth" just doesn't make any sense, and you're right on the contradiction. It would be like me saying "Everything I say is a lie."

>> No.3751463
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>> No.3751468

>Somethings have to be true.


>> No.3751474

Most people say, "There is no truth, except this one."

>> No.3751480

Seems like a cop-out

>> No.3751492

Thorium contains protons.
Since containing protons is part of thorium's definition, no other thorium can exist, for then it would not be thorium.
Also, mathematical axioms.

>> No.3751497

What does "cop-out" mean?

>> No.3751501

Do you even 'subjectivity is truth'?

>> No.3751503

What exacly on kierkegaard?

>> No.3751525

>protip: the lever isn't connected to the tracks.

>> No.3751530

nihilism is part of my day

the rest is spent suffering then experience joy when the suffering abates

>> No.3751540


Mathematical axioms by definition don't "have to be true", we just assume that they are so that we may have theorems off which they are based. They're unprovable assumptions or givens. Such as how Euclids geometric proofs only apply when on a Euclidean plane.

>> No.3751567

holy fuck, you're an idiot


>> No.3751571

meaning does not exist

>> No.3751574

define 'exist'

>> No.3751581

Under Berkeleianism there is technically no such thing as protons. Checkmate, empiricists.

>> No.3751590

define 'define'

>> No.3751594

define ''

>> No.3751597

The fact that I'm writing this post means I don't have a girl to share my accomplishments and experiences with.

>> No.3751606

>I don't have a girl to share my accomplishments and experiences with.

Good thing you won't be having much of either, then.

>> No.3751608

Thanks for the input.
Never change, /lit/!
Well, if that's how you want to look at it, I like cheeseburgers.
I'm not big on geometry, sorry...

>> No.3751619


>> No.3751640


>> No.3751643

This thread made me laugh so hard I farted.

>> No.3751653


>> No.3751657

>this has been a presentation of nihilism by anon and anon

>> No.3751663

ITT: A bunch of faggots who have an emotional, but not logical, reaction to nihilism.

>> No.3751674

There's no logical reaction to nihilism. Actually, pure logic leads to nihilism.

>> No.3751683

dumbest shit i've read today. guess i have a new trip to add to the filter

>> No.3751693

Which is why it is the dominant philosophy.

But don't try to counter it or anything, that would just be stupid.

>> No.3751708


>it is the dominant philosophy
>dominant philosophy
>implying people actually believe in nihilism

>> No.3751713

It was 'countered' (implying there was anything to refute, you simply stated something wrong as though it was some profound insight) by the post above me. You clearly have no idea what nihilism actually is, or you would have never wrote that retarded post in the first place. The fact that you used the term 'logical' in the same sentence as nihilism is laughable in itself. Dumb fuck.

>> No.3751721

>believe in

>ad hominem
>but you're the dumb fuck

>> No.3751733


>implying nihilism isn't believed in

Then it's no longer a philosophy as you claimed it to be.

>> No.3751748

this thread has gotten significantly worse since the pictures went away (allegory of life, aging/growing up, life gets worse, u suck)
I am nihilism

>> No.3751765

Why do nihilistic threads get progressively worse until we are through the looking glass known as the asshole of life?

>> No.3751782

Because the nihilistic threads themselves are a representation of a tendency to nihilism.

>> No.3751796

So, in a typically nihilistic way, these are the best threads on /lit/ in terms of sticking to its subject.

>> No.3751801

Depends upon how one defines "belief". Nihilism is not a doctrine. It can be acknowledged as truth, but there's nothing more beyond that.

>> No.3751814

Pull switch to halway point. Train derails. People inside are probably okay, people on tracks also probably okay.

>> No.3751821


But there's a chance the train tips, killing everyone in the scenario. Such is life.

>> No.3751846
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Aw yeah.

>> No.3751854

Life is a pinball machine.

Your parents fuck and birth you = shooting the pinball into gameplay.

Shit happens you get knocked about, good or bad, you apply whatever "meaning" = random stuff happens with the flippers.

Dead = ball falls past the flippers

>> No.3751868
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bro u r lyk.. totally blowing my mind

2 deep bro 2 deep

>> No.3751874

bro u r lyk... totes riginal

2 betr then anon 2 betr

>> No.3751875

The final solution.

>> No.3751888

Life's like a box of chocolates on a pinball machine.

>> No.3751895
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bro dis means alot 2 me srsly thanx

u r my friend now ok??? ok

>> No.3751975


so who is playing the pinball machine?

>> No.3751990

I dunno. What keeps everything running?

The paddles themselves would be your parents, teachers, etc. whacking you about. If you're lucky you get good shots, or not. If you're unlucky, you get to make this post, like I just did,

>> No.3751994

What do people think about this (read it somewhere recently):
Nihilism has been ingrained into philosophy ever since people started philosophizing. Plato's philosophy is founded on the fact that we are living in the world of forms and not full reality, meaning that this life is not in a sense 'real'.

Any thoughts??

>one could say the same thing about Christianity and other monotheistic religions also...

>> No.3751995

It doesn't matter who, it just matters that someone is. Free will does not exist, your circumstances, decisions, and the outcomes are all predetermined.

>> No.3752002

eat shit tiles

>> No.3752083
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>tfw literary life

>> No.3752090
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Do breasts have free will? What makes them twitch/bounce?

>> No.3752093

I do it with my cock.

>> No.3752101

>whole week off from work
>break from school before summer semester starts
>tfw finally get to experience the literary life for a short while
I'm going to savor it, and lower my /lit/ time by 3 hours so I'll only spend 6 hours a day here.

>> No.3752103

That's pretty gross anon. Who's controlling your cock?

And what about butts? Do butts have free will? What if your hips are moving on their own?

>> No.3752108

The bystander effect doesn't mean people won't do something to help, it just explains why everybody nearby doesn't try to help.

It's very rare for nobody to try to help.

>> No.3752110

I know what you mean. Sometimes it's like something is sucking me in.

>> No.3752134
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That's really unfortunate. How do you control yourself in public?

But seriously guys, do breasts have free will? This question has serious existential implications.

>> No.3752774

This is my theory: I dont know ho was created the universe but I dont think we, the humans have some special mission. We are only mattery under biology, which is not more than a consequence of the interactions between particles. Its like a puzzle.
I dont think such abig universe like this was created to allow human life and prove us.Sorry I try but I cant.
What doctrine is what I said?

>> No.3752775

>exams are done and have 4 months to do whatever I want
>spend first day of freedomdrawing shitty metaphors on an imageboard about books with people I've never met in my entire life
Welcome to the 21st century.

>> No.3752785

This is my theory: I dont know ho was created the universe but I dont think we, the humans have some special mission. We are only mattery under biology, which is not more than a consequence of the interactions between particles. Its like a puzzle.
I dont think such abig universe like this was created to allow human life and prove us.Sorry I try but I cant.
What doctrine is what I said?

>> No.3752848

Come on, have some respect

>> No.3752937

Idiot here, I don't normally come to /lit/ but I misclicked and ended up reading this thread.

I had understood nihilism to be the belief that things cannot be objectively or intrinsically true.

What exactly is wrong with this?

I'm not very well read, I apologize.

>> No.3752950

>ribbed sweaters

>> No.3752996

I swear to fucking god if this is Marl or a friend/associate of Marl I'm gonna shit myself.

>> No.3753009

This fucking killed me the first time I saw it, holy shit.

Here is the true nihilism.

>> No.3753011


It is more the belief that there there is nothing and not even that.

>> No.3753021

It actually kind of depends on the type of nihilism you're talking about.

There's also political nihilism which involves the belief that society has to be completely destroyed.

>> No.3753100

Sabin supplexed a motherfucking train!

>> No.3753167

A better solution would be to say "Anything is doubtful" and to admit it as a postulate to the scientific method : you have to be doubtful about your researchs, and you can consider this postulate to be the least doubtful idea.

>> No.3753241

It was funny. We were talking about nihilism anyway.

This is epistemological nihilism. There are other kinds of nihilism, here most people talk about existential nihilism.

>> No.3753249
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>> No.3753285


Old school 4 chan

>> No.3753339

If you accept that walking away from the lever and letting the train run over whomever it will makes you responsible for the results, then you accept responsibility for every death that has occurred since you were born.

>> No.3753348

respect for what? he's not here to see it and neither is his family. respect for the fans? you're a big boy, you can handle it. have some humor...

>> No.3753350

but you can safely say you had no way of influencing those deaths directly, not the way you had influence over that lever

>> No.3753354

Can you? Perhaps you did, but simply did not notice.

>> No.3753388

Please respond

>> No.3753405

yes, I meant to include deliberation in my sentence. when you walk away from the lever after seeing the situation you are doing s deliberately. you can't honestly say that you have the same level of involvement and responsability with every death in the world

>> No.3753414
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>> No.3753467


>> No.3753518

finally, thank you.

>> No.3753834

This had to be done.

>> No.3754108

Can someone define the point of view of nihilism?

>> No.3754122


>> No.3754129

Yes, but I won't.

>> No.3754427

Nihilism is for faggots

>> No.3754500

Get out, Nietzsche, you're dead.

>> No.3754887

Bump for interest

>> No.3754911

It's past bump limit nerd.

>> No.3754944

What do you mean with limit?
Also I remember I wanted to make a joke about nihilism by saying:Bump for nothing, but I forgot it and wrote interesy

>> No.3754974

It means it can't be bumped anyway holy shit what a retard

>> No.3754985


Yes.. But i dont know if it is for the number of replies or the time since I createdit

>> No.3754998

m8 i dont no what the fuck your talkin about but u better shut ya fuckin mouth

>> No.3755215

Which is the logical reaction to nihilism?

>> No.3755215,1 [INTERNAL] 


my dick in ur ass lol

>> No.3755215,2 [INTERNAL] 

tip lil

>> No.3755215,3 [INTERNAL] 

It truly was a top kek for me too.