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/lit/ - Literature

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3746991 No.3746991 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3746994
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>> No.3746998

yeah he's alright. I read that one book he wrote. it was alright. I like the part about fucking yer own sister

>> No.3747006

>we must transvalue our values and strive for the process of healthful valuation itself

>reaffirm your faith in the absolute

>affirm your faith in an absolute

>ironically enjoy basketball and die horribly in a car crash

>i swear the answer is in marx if you just stare at it long enough guys, try crossing your eyes WITHOUT crossing them

>i can do ne thing >: ) no morals bro \m/ metal 4 lyfe. u jelly christfags?

>> No.3747008

do i need to read hegel before reading stirner?

>> No.3747013


>> No.3747303

There's a little more to it than that.

>> No.3747319
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>> No.3747326


What is the point of this thread

>> No.3747361

Nietzsche seems like the illogical one. At least with Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard you can see they were weak men, they needed a little hope. I can sympathize with that.

>> No.3747404
File: 30 KB, 435x299, 12410_185228174958049_2117451735_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sympathizing with that

Come at me.

>> No.3747473

See how /lit/ would react

>> No.3747497

le upper echelons of sarepta-dom, fully disguised

¿que paso monsieur einzige?

>> No.3747534

tile tales pls go

>> No.3747541


tfw tiles doesnt exist

>> No.3747542

>crates tier

mon nègre de l'éternité

>> No.3747546

>tfw catherine doesn't either

>> No.3747549


please don't say that, stan. i've only posted when you've told me too.

>> No.3747556

bored as shit on a pleb-tier "mountain" (moderately large hill) waiting for my girlfriend
some dude dressed as a prince that sounds exactly like nardwuar is up here too but the dude won't sell me his cape

>> No.3747558
File: 54 KB, 470x352, zhuangzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw blackamoors cannae intae wu wei

>> No.3747559


stop arguing with yourself

>> No.3747565


>> No.3747566


sounds proper as fuck dude. is she the non-existent one? or is catherine someone else that doesnt exist?

>> No.3747567

this is zeta btw

>> No.3747569

Who is who in this thread?

>> No.3747571

nah that's actual stan

>> No.3747574

meanwhile, goats is on some asian path transmigrating the realms of stanndom as we speak

>> No.3747577

catherine is supposed to be me im pretty sure

>> No.3747582
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If I'm not me.. who am I?

>> No.3747595
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should i jump y/n

>> No.3747601



>> No.3747607



i see what u did there, i see that shit i fucking see it asshole AHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAAHAHHAAH wei wie wie wei wei iwei

>> No.3747609


underneath the path of misery, i leave you to your death, sweet tiles, rest in pieces

>> No.3747616
File: 120 KB, 640x460, Goat Gravitations A Post-Proletarian exploration of Picaresque Parsimony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually still trying to eclecticise post-compass dichotomy liberation paths into one non-nomer hybrid. The goat that can be named is not the eternal goat. The right way to go easy is to forget the right way, and forget that the going is easy. // I need a jug of wine and a book of poetry, Half a loaf for a bite to eat, Then you and I, seated in a deserted spot, Will have more wealth than a Sultan's realm. // I have enough to eat till my hunger is stayed, to drink till my thirst is sated; to clothe myself withal; and out of doors not Callias there, with all his riches, is more safe than I from shivering; and when I find myself indoors, what warmer shirting do I need than my bare walls? what ampler greatcoat than the tiles above my head? // A good traveler has no fixed plans
and is not intent upon arriving.

>> No.3747621


>> No.3747623


but if i went gold, i'd go right through the roof

>> No.3747632

le stop posting under my trip all of you i've had it

>> No.3747650
File: 132 KB, 568x595, 1366278777151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rather tempting were i to not hold dearly to my phantasms, for fear of losing myself against the backdrop...which is why i'd rather wear a giant fucking name tag as i choke sluts with my trouser braid (belt-latched-trouser-braid)

maybe in a few decades, apropos of le vide

>> No.3747655


shut up goats, id never say that.
actually looking to recruit more people

le takers?

>> No.3747662



all this time, twas before their eyes

only the blind can know peace from this something something

>> No.3747671


and they would all shout and bear witness,
pointing with their calloused fingers:
"there he is!" "arrest that man!"

>> No.3747688



>> No.3747717

I'm new. Someone fill me in. What's going on in here?

>> No.3747719

Nothing of importance, don't worry about it

>> No.3747724

stan likes talking to himself

>> No.3747729


postmodernism. you've probably never heard about it

also this>>3747724

>> No.3747768

Except that these three posts below were all posted in the same minute. I would like an explanation, if possible.


>> No.3747771


i have multiple laptops douchebag now fuck off

>> No.3747773

give me trip too stan

>> No.3747780

That's right, pal! You're talking to Stan 'TWO LAPTOPS' Johnson!

>> No.3747806

how cool are you

>> No.3747810


hey stan, can we recruit this guy >>3747773 or what?

tell you what,
you have one post to be as stan as possible.
then i'll give it to you.

>> No.3747815

bitch ass nigger cunt

>> No.3747822



post your email

>> No.3747830


looking forward to working with you!

>> No.3747843

I haven't been here for a while, how was Stan's trip compromised?

>> No.3747844

tiles pls

>> No.3747845

I'm awesome

>> No.3747855



please tell me you didn't give it to him.

zeta i told you to keep this retard on a leash

>> No.3747857

bad judgement on his part

>> No.3747859

What a fucking awful thread. Where the hell is the song?

You better watch out,
You better not cry
You better not pout, I'm telling you why
All moral values are merely a spook.

>> No.3747862


err...was i not supposed to?

>> No.3747865

>Telling your dog to keep someone on the leash
Womanlogics all over.

>> No.3747868

you fucking moron

>> No.3747869

Why did he give it away?

>> No.3747870


>bad judgment

dude if you think i give two shits about a tripcode you're stanning well enough/

i dream of a /lit/ brimming with billions upon billions of stans

>> No.3747883

what a glorious image
stan would be proud

>> No.3747895


post your email

>> No.3747903

hey guys, i think tiles has gone rogue.

>> No.3747910


what are you talking about dickhead, stan literally just said >>3747870 that he wants more stans.

right stan?

>> No.3747915


>> No.3747916


>> No.3747917

tiles... just turn your computer off

>> No.3747931


i want you to find the nearest sharp object and stab it through your jugular vein tiles

>> No.3747936


shit, i thought you were him>>3747915

sorry stan
the more the merrier right?

>> No.3747937


kill yourself

>> No.3747941


>> No.3747945

welcome, new stans.

stan is currently feeling a bit under the weather bacause of my expedited recruiting process. but i think that he'll soon realize that this is what he wanted from the start (since he told me to do this after all). i'll take all of your questions as of right now.

>> No.3747948


who the fuck are you?

>> No.3747953


how do i become a better stan?

>> No.3747955
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ITT: pic related

>> No.3747957


why are you still alive you fucking meat-headed shitsack?

>> No.3747960

don't be as big a faggot as tiles and you're golden

>> No.3747964

i'm hospital tiles
by being a well rounded horrible human being
i know you don't mean that

>> No.3747965
File: 45 KB, 568x378, doublepig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you post the trip in a post
after all, thats what santa wants

>> No.3747973


dont you fucking do it tiles

>> No.3747978


i'm afraid i cannot abide by your orders anymore stan. you seem to be unconcerned with the greater good of stanhood, which rests in direct promulgation of standom.
i'm exceedingly sorry stan, but it has to be this way.


>> No.3747979

That's probably some of the new stans that wants to keep the value of his trip

capthca copies eeffar

>> No.3747980

you dumb cunt

>> No.3747982

mirror mirror on the wall. who's the stannest of them all?

>> No.3747985

am i doin it rite gaiz

>> No.3747990


HAHAHAHAHA another trip bites the dust.

>> No.3747992

I'm sorry stan, thought he wasn't gonna do it.

>> No.3748005

First d&e and now stan. When will the carnage end?

>> No.3748018

with anon

but only the trip is destroyed stan writes quite distinctively

>> No.3748022

r.i.p stan
r.i.p d&e

>> No.3748028

can i now fuck my cousins?

btw i'm awesome

>> No.3748062

anyway, i'm switching to this trip now

lel, this all feels very familiar...deepthroat must be breakdancing in his grave

>> No.3748067
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that ones got that godawful plus though, try once more

>> No.3748079


hows this?

>> No.3748081


don't do this stan. the movement will fall apart.

>> No.3748087


lel, fuck off tiles

that was all getting very old, very fast

>> No.3748091


>> No.3748103

how the fuck did i barely miss this, i finish my icecream and like... what

that ones good
dude suck a thousand dicks, seriously

>> No.3748104

the icecream was great btw, got a waffle cone and everything, coconut milk peanut butter chocolate swirl w/ pecans... it was delicious

>> No.3748106

fuck i meant pistachios. pecans wouldn't have been nearly as good

>> No.3748121

seriously though, has anyone had pistachios in their icecream before? it's amazing

>> No.3748190

I'm trying to swallow heaps of cancer but it just won't hold. Things are wrong it seems. Let me Luddy.

1. The Stan that is Stan is not the Stan.
2. Le Abany grande fortre ne pas de
3. World is le thing.
4. Stan le hope sincerioco le stroke victim
5. Le hit up sincere two times, guard down
6. Mebbe tell futorosi > lumparis
7. Dunno likes, electrionic mailio?
8. No substances
9. Stan I really need those access codes for Corsica.
10. Le fucking mail m8
11. People getting restless. No joke, publish etc.
12. Dem honeys.

The manuscript is seriously done. I just need the environment.

>> No.3748195
File: 40 KB, 366x488, king goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot le pic

my pic, relevant etc no doubt, contact nigga, quick

>> No.3748432


goats i have just imbibed a catastrophic amount of maeng da kratom and i'm disintegrating (in the most awesome sense of the word), checked electronic depository of inscriptions and found nothing, the fukc

btw, im just going to keep this trip, even though everyone has it. the dialectic is hard to replicate and i enjoy the confusion.

about that manuscript, my heads are reeling with ideas.
i say we write it prose form, novelesque, sprawling magnum opus, character driven.
we each be responsible for 4 characters, and we write chapters from the sole perspectives of these 8 characters. their fates interweave and through spacetime extension of their organless bodies we transport the reader through destructively life affirming propaganda (philosophy),
we need to set forth a basic loose plot, so that we're not writing past each other.
we'll market it under one pseudonym. the reader will be that much more mindpenetrated by the subtle differences in writing style.

what u think, money? i think this shit is money, and since i might be taking a year off before law school i'll have plenty of time to write as i travel

and goddamn, i'd never tried kratom before but i feel like my balls are being lathered with kitten entrails, so soft

>> No.3748461


Love kratom. Better than opiates in my opinion.

>> No.3748473


idk about that ace,
like, you can't compare it to heroin or oxys but it's definitely better than say, vicodin or codeine

>> No.3748480

if you a bitch

>> No.3748503


It is better. It's just like an opiate without the withdrawals or liver failure.
Try this blend called ultra enhanced indo kratom. Take about 4-5 grams and youll be nodding off like if you drank half a bottle of prometh/codeine. And it's legal.

>> No.3748516


Where does one procure this kratom?

>> No.3748528


Internet. Are we allowed to post vendor links on /lit/?

>> No.3748542

yeah the reason purple drank will make you nod at all cause of the shitty promethazine
bitch nigger right here implying oxy is better than vic suck my fat dick you dumb cunt i will rape your face off you cancer

>> No.3748544

Do it anyways. Put a random period in

>> No.3748550 [DELETED] 

>oxys better than vic

haha you little uncouth fucking pederast, shut the fuck up

>> No.3748554

>vic better than oxys

haha you little uncouth fucking pederast, shut the fuck up

>> No.3748565


You think hydrocodone is better than oxy?

Do you know how I know you've never tried oxy?


Google phytoextractum
Get the ultra enhanced indo. Don't take more than 2 grams for your first dose and you'll be set. Hopefully it'll stay legal.

>> No.3748568 [DELETED] 


So this stuff is legal?

>> No.3748570

ahhahhahha go snort the essence of trailer park out your mothers arse crack you little redneck fuck i swear you god if i met you in real life i'd smash everyone of those rotten teeth out your queer head you little fuckboy suck my dick

>> No.3748598


lel, i would fucking massacre you you little upjumped british faggot. i'd fuck you into the earth and cut your cunt fucking faggot head off, and use your entrails as a condom to rape the diseased cunt of that fucking whore of a mother you anal discharge of queen elizabeth

>> No.3748643


I'll fuckin
I'll fuckin sew your asshole closed, and keep feedin you
and feedin you, and feedin you, and feedin you

>> No.3748649


em ee t H o d, man

>> No.3748652

hey you yank fuck i fucked your mothers wornout cunt last night and she loved it

>> No.3748668


oi that so m8 i dun hatefucked the ruddy nora out your mum's little puckered fucking pink minge last night while u was fuckin me mom n she tossed off me bollocks too n ah bloodied her gadge nise n good m8

>> No.3748698
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can get in on this too guys?

>> No.3749297

what the fuck

>> No.3749308

nice bump faggot

>> No.3749320
File: 162 KB, 960x960, making me nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make post trying to discuss a book with a well thought out opinion and questions open for discussion
>0 replies

>tripfag posts a minimalistic portrait of a philosopher
>122 replies

Fuck you /lit/

>> No.3749331

Have you seen these replies?
You wouldn't want this in your thread would you?

>> No.3749336

No you're right. I only saw the first couple posts. It quickly turned into a shit show from what I see now.

>> No.3749412

another trip dies rip risky cat

>> No.3749910

Apparently I didn't write a mail at all. Which is strange since I deemed it pretty urgent. Apparently. I don't know man. le brandy face

>> No.3750091


>> No.3750214

wtf there are way too many stans on this thread.