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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 397x300, 1367424676806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3743123 No.3743123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/

I was wondering if you could make any suggestion to me as to books outlining the benefits of having a traditional family (man goes and works, woman raises the children and keeps the house). It is something I believe in and want to read further into it. Thank you.

>> No.3743132

Why can't the woman go to work and the man stay at home?

>> No.3743145

Of Human Bondage is a story where it says that the traditional path is better than anything else. The main character goes off to be an artist, tries to have affairs with several women and then settles down into a pleasant relationship with a woman who would make a good mother.

What's sad about it all is that it is written by a man who was homosexual. Imagine he wanted a traditional life but society and that point wouldn't allow it.

>> No.3743153

that wasn't the question

and also.

Women have gone through an evolutionary process over the course of hundreds of thousands of years in order to become as good as raising children as they possibly can. They have evolved mammary glands to feed them, wide hips to birth them, and the mentality to look after them (eg, lots of women cooing over a baby, they've been conditioned to react that way in order to take care of babies instinctively)

Men, evolved for hunting, they evolved to adapt according to their environment, to overcome puzzles, and to effectively track pray (all valuable skills in the modern day workplace)

>> No.3743156

Thank you, I will look into it.

>> No.3743157


Fuck off.

>> No.3743159

I don't know. We haven't invented a time machine yet to go back to the 1950s.

>> No.3743172

oh look, dumbasses with no actual knowledge of biology abusing evolutionary theory at 12. is it time for another /pol/ raid?

>> No.3743176


>> No.3743183


Take your theory in >>3743153 to /sci/ and see what they think about its veracity.

>> No.3743189

To make it clear. I'm not saying that this is the way it should be for everyone. It's up to the couple as to what they decide to do within their family. Freedom of Choice is also something I have a strong belief in. I, however, think that the traditional family role is the best basis to help raise your kids and have an efficient way of life.

>> No.3743203
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>> No.3743214

good thing no one gives a shit about what a stupid american thinks about how to speed up the "efficiency" of life by setting women's rights back half a century with some crockpot theory.

>> No.3743223


Well my wife does for a start.

>> No.3743216

the man in the grey flannel suit.

>> No.3743228

This is 19th century anthropology, for the most part. It's not wrong to talk about women's place within family, but a strict definition based on what "makes sense" for gender roles is unscientific.

I guess Italian fascists were pretty into rural families? That's all I can think of

I don't know what would describe "effete internet male" better than someone who posts a ready-made image on an anonymous message board to mitigate their own butthurt, though

>> No.3743229

Probably some Nazi book.

>> No.3743237
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>anything but being a bachelor or having a woman take care of you

Full pleb.

>> No.3743260

it's not a great book, but it's about a man with a traditional family who turns down a promotion in order to be able to spend more time with his wife and kids. it's from the twenties.

>> No.3743262

How can you believe in something and not already know the benefits of it?

>> No.3743349

guys, this isn't your normal faggot /pol/ thread, he's actually asking a valid question about literature
no need to be cunts this time
i actually want an answer to this one, i for one now plan on reading of human bondage

>> No.3743473
File: 32 KB, 260x392, 9780892813155_p0_v2_s260x420[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, look at all of the asshurt ITT.

OP, pic related might be relevant to your interests

>> No.3743480

that's a beautiful painting

>> No.3743492


Are you serious? You can't possibly believe that males and females are anatomically and psychologically the same with exactly the same abilities, right? Or do you really believe this?

>> No.3743500

>but a strict definition based on what "makes sense" for gender roles is unscientific

How is maximizing our potential by designing society in such a fashion that men and women are put in the most optimal positions for their unique skill sets unscientific?

>> No.3743515

the bible

>> No.3743522

No woman respects a domesticated man. She would be cheating on you constantly---if she didn't leave you within the first month of your unemployment, that is. Passivity as a character trait is more detrimental to your pussy getting ability than outright ugliness. Women just loathe it.

>> No.3743524


Vilar's The Manipulated Man

>> No.3743525

wow, so many edgy kiddies in this thread spouting politically correct hate speech

>> No.3743529
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If you want a modern day author Peter Hitchens is a good place to start. Although if you're not British some of what he says might go over your head.

>> No.3743531

it's funny how majority left-wing boards and forums are invariably less tolerant of divergent views than their right-wing equivalents.

>> No.3743532

Sorry this isn't really an answer to your question:

I find it pretty peculiar for somebody to ask for recommendations on reading something for the sole purpose of reinforcing beliefs he currently holds.

Unless you are subconsciously doubting your beliefs, and considering this is the only criterion you've given, it seems like a waste of time.

>> No.3743536

>I find it pretty peculiar for somebody to ask for recommendations on reading something for the sole purpose of reinforcing beliefs he currently holds.

Are you dumb, or just very inexperienced?

>> No.3743538

Yeah because if I were to post something about feminism, which wouldn't be criticism of it on /pol/ they totally wouldn't send me to SRS.

>> No.3743542


You sure are making a lot of assumptions. How do you know the OP isn't some gay same sex marriage supporting liberal that grew up in a single parent household who only wants to learn more about what traditional families are? Stop bringing your own bias into everything.

>> No.3743545

can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

>> No.3743547


There are at least 2-3 Feminist threads going on at any one time over at /pol/. The threads go on with lots of debate and it's not a problem for anyone. Criticism of any ideas is a good thing. Not sure what you're talking about here.

>> No.3743550


The difference is, the leftwing boards will shout you down and cry racism or mah feelins hurt, without ever trying to engage in a logical debate. The rightwing boards inundate you with facts, figures, statistics, and irrefutable data. And for all that effort, the usual response is just:

>but my feelins is hurt by dis!

>> No.3743556

>I have an uninformed opinion on a subject I'm interested in
>Plz refer me to works on the subject, but only those which reinforce my opinion

You are truly shit-tier human, OP

>> No.3743559


>> No.3743560

if by threads about feminism you mean hurr we need to kill all the liburtards and wymen because they are oppressing white man, you're right.
But those threads are of same quality as this one is. It's just the other side of butthurt.

>> No.3743561




>> No.3743565
File: 9 KB, 213x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rightwing boards inundate you with facts, figures, statistics, and irrefutable data
best top lel evar, 10/10 m8

>> No.3743566

>How do you know the OP isn't some gay same sex marriage supporting liberal that grew up in a single parent household who only wants to learn more about what traditional families are?

Because he said this:

>It is something I believe in and want to read further into it

I'm not "bringing my own bias into everything" (Everything? This is one thing, if I were), I'm going off the information OP posted.

And it was a question.

>> No.3743567


No one wants to kill libertarians and women. You're talking about an extremist minority and extrapolating that as a representation of the entire /pol/ demographic, which is so vast and varying that it doesn't fit under any one political banner or ideology.

>> No.3743570

it does fit under any one political banner or ideology, /pol/ hates kikes and niggers indiscriminately

>> No.3743573

So you admit that /lit/ is just a mirror image of /pol/, then. But when you think about it, /lit/ is actually worse, since this board is meant to just be a place to discuss books, with no political agenda. This guy asked for recommendations, and you all Othered him to hell just because the books he wanted might have contained content you don't like.

>> No.3743574


It's like a kitchen because there is nothing but submissive beta males and their women overlords here, amirite?

>> No.3743575

shhh, read a book babby

>> No.3743576


>> No.3743577

I am. Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.3743580

Yup pretty much this. This thread, at least the beginning is as bad as /pol/.
Or worse, as politics should stay at /pol/.

>> No.3743589

That wouldn't happen if /pol/ didn't raid /lit/ on a daily basis.

I don't mind that kind of question in itself but the thread always ends up a shithole.

We need a board dedicated to humanities and social science.

>> No.3743590

>That wouldn't happen if /pol/ didn't raid /lit/ on a daily basis.
It wouldn't happen if shit reddit says didn't raid lit

>> No.3743611

>That wouldn't happen if /pol/ didn't raid /lit/ on a daily basis.

I don't see why right-wing readers shouldn't be allowed to discuss literature pertaining to their ideologies on here without interference. As long as the discussion is related to books, no ideology should be privileged over another.

>> No.3743618

Because it makes shitholes. And /pol/ is well-aware of that.

I would be glad to have cross-board discussions if it wasn't always like this.

>> No.3743622
File: 27 KB, 552x550, cletus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mullet detected

Go back to >>>/pol/ you filthy trailer park inbred.

>> No.3743623

you can maybe find copies of jackson's "life among ther savages" and "rasing demons" for a lighter hearted look at this. also you might like "cheaper by the dozen", "life with father" and "please don't eat the daisies" they're a lot of fun, and also the books of jean shepherd ("a Christmas Story") Garrison Kiellor and earle hamner jr. might suit you.

>> No.3743625

I want kids to leave

Don't cry about lit turning to shit if you ignore the argument of posters which you "send" to other boards.

>> No.3743627



>> No.3743628

That's classist. Why don't you check your privilege, ivory tower scum?

>> No.3743629


>> No.3743630

I'm pretty sure the "Mullet detected" spammer is black or female. Of course they aren't capable of rational discussion.

>> No.3743636


>> No.3743637


>> No.3743647


Go the fuck to >>>/pol/ now

>> No.3743649



Trash where it belongs

>> No.3743655

Get the fuck out
Do you know how absurd you sound?
You're sending people out of your "classy" board by calling them trash for no reason

>> No.3743654
File: 6 KB, 198x160, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>black or female

One thing you fear and another thing you ignore.

Interdasting. Tell us more.

>> No.3743660

Maybe you should go to /pol/, right-wing scum. Me, I'm a communist. I believe in empowering the proletariat, not oppressing them with offensive buzzwords like "Mullet".

>> No.3743662

>filthy trailer park inbred.

How ironic that you're exactly what you claim to hate. This type of stereotyping and bigotry is an essential part of your world view, isn't it?

>> No.3743664


Get the fuck out.



>> No.3743666

If you said that I feared girls and ignored blacks, you'd be slightly closer to the truth.

>> No.3743668

oh, and "Cheerfulness breaks in"

>> No.3743674

You are literally retarded. Why are you on /lit/? Do you even read books?

>> No.3743675
File: 582 KB, 753x899, leftist zombie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3743678


No, it's the other way. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

People like you hate what you fear and feat what you ignore.

And you don't get pussy, unless it is the sister's or with a fat, smelly stormcunt from a white ghetto.

>> No.3743680

Well, it seems that /lit/ is incapable of discussing things it doesn't agree with. Hardly a bastion of free-thought.

>> No.3743682


Go to >>>/pol/

Your people is there.

>> No.3743683

Dear god you are all horrible people

>> No.3743687


It is not. And we like it that way.

Now fuck off to >>>/pol/ scum

>> No.3743689

How about you go to leddit and stop shitposting same post over and over again?

>> No.3743693


Fuck free-thought. Free-thought is what got us the shithole that is /pol/. A community should be willing and allowed to enforce its own standards of what's acceptable.

>> No.3743695

>right-wingers try to discuss a book in peace
>left-wingers throw a shitstorm
>both sides tell each other to go to /pol/
The cycle continues. You exist because we allow it, you will read because we demand it.

>> No.3743696

In that case it is completely justified for pol to invade lit and change the standards that define it

>> No.3743697


This is my board and your kind ruined it. So, you've been ordered:

Fuck off to >>>/pol/

Either you do, or you keep whining here, which reinforces what we all already know, that you are a mullet raiders of the kind that ruined lit.

Your choice.

>> No.3743701

Whoa, why so hostile, Jamal? I don't have a problem with you, I have a problem with your people.

>> No.3743702

>shitpost and spam the same thing constantly over a dozen times in the same thread
>accuse others of ruining /lit/
ribbit pls

>> No.3743703


Read the rules of 4chan

Now, off to >>>/pol/

>> No.3743705

>Fuck free-thought

Ladies and gentlemen: leftism.

>> No.3743708

>Read the rules of 4chan
You read them. OP is ontopic. On the other hand, you're stating that community is what sets what board is about.

>> No.3743709


>Fuck free-thought. Free-thought is what got us the shithole that is /pol/. A community should be willing and allowed to enforce its own standards of what's acceptable.

Modern day liberalism gentlemen. Locke would be turning in his grave.

>> No.3743710

>Fuck free-thought.

/lit/ in a nutshell, lol.

>> No.3743711


Get. The. Fuck. Out.


Don't you have your sister waiting at the trailer park? Some NRA gathering? Black metal concert?

Just fuck off. Your kind is the cancer of lit.

>> No.3743714

>That wouldn't happen if /pol/ didn't raid /lit/ on a daily basis.

top lel

>> No.3743715


No, you read them, Cletus. No raiding is allowed.

Now go to >>>/pol/ with the rest of the swine.

>> No.3743718

I don't see any rules prohibiting right-wing beliefs.

>> No.3743719

>insulting black metal
I've been putting up with your shitposting thus far, but you just earned yourself an ignore with that gem, my good sir.

Eat shit.

>> No.3743723


Thanks. Now...


>> No.3743721

>No, you read them, Cletus. No raiding is allowed.
You're raiding right now.

>> No.3743722


Green text is pleb.

Fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.3743724
File: 476 KB, 960x720, nice cup of tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3743725


I am waiting for you to join your flock at >>>/pol/

>> No.3743726
File: 57 KB, 800x399, calm hitler vs irrational opposition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3743728

Why? I'm not raiding for pol
However, you're raiding for your own personal beliefs. You should be reported.

>> No.3743729


This inept buzzword-slinging dork (no offense to dorks intended, I'm one myself) does not represent us, and we do not condone his bigoted and intolerant views. All are welcome to /lit/ to discuss literature.

The sane half of /lit/

>> No.3743730


Do it faggot.

>> No.3743733

O.k., I am off to >>>/pol/ like the autistic ordered.

Fuck this place. Fuck you all.

>> No.3743734

For the love of god, just stop posting you morons. All of you.

>> No.3743736


>racist and bigoted stereotypes are ok as long as I'm using them!

>> No.3743737


Same here. Fuck /lit/

>> No.3743739

Claiming that there are "unique skill sets" is the unscientific thing, you fucking dolt.

>> No.3743743


Yeah, blacks are such a huge threat to white people, with their overwhelming political, media and banking influence. Gee, we just don't know what to do. We're so petrified.

>> No.3743744



>> No.3743745

Hey autistic social justice warrior, I'm still here, waiting for sane discussion. What now?

>> No.3743740



>> No.3743741


/pol/ internet defense force detected. Fuck off.

>> No.3743742
File: 54 KB, 468x286, hurt_feelings_police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This incredible butthurt

>> No.3743749


>> No.3743750
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>Your people is there.
>people is

Confirmed for Sub-Saharan.

>> No.3743752

Pretty much any treatise dealing with the stability of civilizations. Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Romans, etc.
The whole shebang with the dismantlement of the family unit started with marxism and is mostly championed by similarly minded sociology-dropouts nowaday.

>> No.3743757
File: 10 KB, 197x255, 8756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, blacks are such a huge threat to white people, with their overwhelming political, media and banking influence.

So who does have that influence?

>> No.3743761

The "family unit" didn't even come into being until the most recent few millenia and wasn't even a universal idea then. Societies outside of Eurasia have had other social structures (and continue to have other social structures) for untold centuries.

>> No.3743763

Hi there. I seem to be lost. I had hoped to find a place where I could discuss important contemporary right-wing issues like the Holocaust lie and how all feminism is misandry, but I must have somehow wondered into the wrong place. Could anyone suggest a board that would be more suitable to the type of discussion I am seeking? Thanks in advance.

>> No.3743764


Right, because women certainly aren't smaller and have lower muscle mass, making them less capable in physical positions... Do you even 3rd grade science?

>> No.3743767

Has anybody else noticed that these are the only posts suggesting books that fit OP's question, and neither he nor anyone else is commenting on them? They are all excellent books by the way, especially the Jackson ones.

>> No.3743768
File: 124 KB, 573x572, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon wants to read literature about the traditional family unit
>BACK TO /pol/

>> No.3743771


>i migrated here from Rebbit 2 weeks ago fair and square! THIS IS MY LAND NOT YOURS!

>> No.3743772

Statistically insignificant difference and also not universally true. There are many, many men with muscle mass that pales in comparison to that of some women.

All you're saying here is "strong people should do things that strong people can do".

>> No.3743775

I believe /sci/ has what you seek.

>> No.3743778

>tfw no1curr

>> No.3743779

>didn't even come into being until the most recent few millenia and wasn't even a universal idea then
Yeah, not like we have Babylonian and Assyrian law texts enforcing monogamy on their subjects for anything short of the wife being barren.
>Societies outside of Eurasia have had other social structures
Societies outside of Eurasia have never managed to achieve stable tribal structures to grow on.

>> No.3743781


>that straw man

Maybe you could try >>>/b/ instead.

>> No.3743783

>Babylonians, Assyrians
Temple whores
Overthrown by a bisexual
Who were at their most powerful when they were at their most decadent.

>> No.3743784

are you for serious, nigga? if bitches be equally strong to dudes, then how comes dudes be raping bitches so easily yo?

>> No.3743785
File: 421 KB, 620x676, black-powe-corte-penteado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you have your sister waiting at the trailer park? Some NRA gathering? Black metal concert?

Just like to point out this is the same crap that comes from the other side far too often, but directed at us. Please don't stoop to this level. You really are acting a fool right now with these racially based stereotypes.

>> No.3743787

>Statistically insignificant
That's a polite way of saying he's right.
If it's insignificant why are professional sports gender segregated?

>> No.3743788

I'm pretty sure some of old Hegel works also apply.
I think it's Philosophy of Right where he talks about family and it's importance for the state.

>> No.3743792

>Societies outside of Eurasia have never managed to achieve stable tribal structures to grow on.
You are completely full of shit and know nothing about history or anthropology. A fucking Cracked writer would be more well-informed than you.

>> No.3743795


An average male is significantly stronger than an average female, so it's not statistically insignificant at all.

>> No.3743797

>No raiding is allowed.
>posting anything I disagree with is raiding and should be banned!

>> No.3743798

homo > bi > heterosexuals

deal with it cis hetero scum

>> No.3743802

Greek love, splendid

>> No.3743803

>Temple whores
Yeah, and? Do you understand what family means?
>Overthrown by a bisexual
Again, and?
>Who were at their most powerful when they were at their most decadent.
Not at all. The west Empire's late period left them so weak they couldn't even keep internal control anymore.

>> No.3743809

That's a whole lot of butthurt with no examples to go with it you got there.

>> No.3743813


bi > hetero > homo

now back to /pol/ you go!

>> No.3743814

>Statistically insignificant difference
>roughly 50% more upper body strength and 30% lower body strength on average

>> No.3743815

What does that even mean?

>> No.3743817
File: 398 KB, 200x150, 1359519168268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Statistically insignificant difference and also not universally true.

It's not statistically insignificant. We learn this in elementary science class. Women have more fat and less muscle and men have less fat and more muscle. It's a fact. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge it shows the level of brainwashing you've allowed yourself to succumb to. When all logic and science is dismissed because of:


You know you've lost touch with reality. Get help.

>> No.3743818

>from the other side far too often
It's extremely common from all sides.

>> No.3743820

>tfw you will never partake in radical gay subculture

>> No.3743821

Have you noticed how the /pol/tards keep referencing elementary school science?

>> No.3743826

No, but I have noticed that radical leftists like to pretend to love science but don't really understand it and are very quick to attack biology as "evotruth".

>> No.3743827

That or basic summary from Wikipedia.

>> No.3743823

Have you noticed how the libtards keep getting things wrong on elementary school science level?

>> No.3743824

So sleeping around is not detrimental to the family structure?

Apparently, bisexuals are more successful than virtuous family men, if your generalizing is to be applied fairly.

The Romans were probably at their most decadent under Augustus. The declining Western Empire was staunchly Christian. Read Gibbon.

>> No.3743832

Homosexuality was cool before it went mainstream. Now it's totally lame. Who wants to be associated with those shrill mincers?

>> No.3743835

That's only because your lot keep getting it wrong, lol.

>> No.3743838
File: 188 KB, 1096x2893, fag data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So sleeping around is not detrimental to the family structure?
Have some data

This. It was okay before everyone feeling bad took it up to fill the hole in their heart. It's all about debauchery nowdays.

>> No.3743841
File: 51 KB, 502x258, joe-rogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rebbit is where you belong, plebeian.

>> No.3743844


lol damn you guys are ready to jump on people now haha

>> No.3743845

Tacitus believed that the Empire had become more decadent since Augustus's death.

>> No.3743847


Oh boy is it infographics time now? This is my favorite part of /pol/ arguments

>> No.3743851

Don't forget to check the citations listed on it!

>> No.3743854
File: 40 KB, 312x500, mockingbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted, no wife in the book, but there are consequences to that. Atticus came off as mopey and withdrawn (mind you, it's been years since I've read this) to me, and Scout is a tomboy with no maternal figure. OP, you need to delve into some Mark Twain (Tom Sawyer, not so much Huck because that's I'm-on-a-boat-with-a-darkie and his father's disappeared for most of the book) and Faulkner. Southern writers, essentially. As to the thread, I'm from /pol/ and was curious to see if /lit/ was as bad as they said. This was a cleverly disguised troll thread (I'm not OP). Move along with your retarded lives.

>> No.3743856
File: 99 KB, 500x375, Jeremy Brett Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So sleeping around is not detrimental to the family structure?
Clearly not if it doesn't affect the family. The strength is in how stable of a ground it is, not being "nice".
>Apparently, bisexuals are more successful than virtuous family men
Apparently one of them was. White supremacists share that very same logic and they have far more data points.
>Read Gibbon.
A work outdated by 224 years of advancement in a field that, at the time, amounted to little more than taking written sources as fact.

>> No.3743859

I was talking about temple whores and you give me data about homosexuals. Good job, son. I know it's pointless to continue talking to you now.

>> No.3743860


Oh I know, I've got to look at every citation and refute every word or he wins! And then he just has to post another one!

>> No.3743863

You don't need to check every citation, just point me to the reason why the data is wrong.

>> No.3743867
File: 42 KB, 386x439, 1363772273756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know it does, but what I am trying to say here is that it is pointless to try to fight racism by using racist stereotypes against people that you don't agree with. I see this same crap far too often and I always call it out. How can someone complain about common minority stereotypes when they're slinging stereotypes about white people? It's self-defeating and makes us look bad. I am alienating myself from this idiot because I don't want to be associated with it and I want you guys to know from your political perspective that not all of us engage in this type of bigoted behavior.

>> No.3743871


Those facts are rock solid.

At Uni we did a class analysis on them to debunk at least some... and the teacher canceled the project when defeat was the likely outcome.

>> No.3743872


How were later Romans less decadent under Augustus? It seemed to me that greed has run so rampant in the later empire it rotted from the inside, but I haven't read Gibbon (it's on my list) so I'm curious what he says.

>> No.3743873

>>Apparently, bisexuals are more successful than virtuous family men
Good job leaving out the bit about your generalizations. Apparently when bisexuals are concerned you shouldn't generalize?

>> No.3743874

>white people
Stop. White people don't exist. White is a designation for the ruling class and are defined by oppression of minorities.

>> No.3743875

You realise you're basically conceding defeat, right? You're saying "I know I'm wrong, but I will still act as I'm right because fuck it!"

Anti-intellectual scum.

>> No.3743876

don't miss "the road to many a wonder" and "Mrs. Mike" either, and a lot of louisa may alcotts books too stress the traditonal family and its ups and downs. You'll find quite a bit in late nineteenth and early ywentieth century literature. You could also do worse than to read Kiplings story of his marriage and family life from "something of myself"

>> No.3743877


>I'm right prove me wrong

I thought this was bannable on 4chan

>> No.3743878
File: 9 KB, 200x295, Take a hike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously believing the family unit is a post-industrialization phenomenon
Sociology hasn't believed that since the 60s. Read some Laslett and unplebify yourselves.

>> No.3743879

I provided you with a reason why I'm right. You're refusing to refute that reason.

>> No.3743880

That Christianity brought down the Empire. I don't strictly agree, but it is worth noting that the Romans could be debaucherous deviants and still rule the known world.

>> No.3743882


Yep, I concede defeat. You win the internet! Congratulations! Your trophy is in transit!

>> No.3743883
File: 59 KB, 400x368, 1360061004641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I noticed a lot of retarded creationists ITT saying crap like men and women are physiologically identical, etc.


No, retard.


>> No.3743885

not sure if serious

do you people understand the concept of phenotypes?

>> No.3743888

So Michael Jackson was white?

>> No.3743893

Great. So you acknowledge that homosexuality is a degenerate culture and a mental illness. I'm glad you've seen the light.

Oh, but you haven't, have you? You recognised data that you couldn't dispute, but instead of acknowledging it and re-evaluating your position, you prefer you close your ears and shout "la la la I'm not listening!" because your ideology is more important than the truth.

>> No.3743895
File: 34 KB, 474x600, 1465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White people don't exist.

Of course they do. Are you living under a rock? Europeans are colloquially known as white people because, well, they're white! Diversity isn't something to be ashamed of. Did you know that Africans are the most genetically diverse on the planet? Not saying that makes Africans better, just an interesting fact. We all have unique differences about us and I do believe that all races on Earth serve a unique purpose.

BTW, whenever I post something about "Black Power" I do not mean that as an equivalency to "Black Supremacy" which many idiots will confuse it with. Just to clear it up in advance, I don't think any race is superior to another.

>> No.3743897

oh god you honestly are retarded aren't you? why is /lit/ so science illiterate?

>> No.3743898

/lit/ hates /sci/

not that /pol/ is more /sci/ than /lit/

>> No.3743899

Phenotype: how it looks
Genotype: what's in the genes

Don't be so arrogant if you don't even know basic biology yourself, you cunt.

>> No.3743900

Some of the new left's more favorite authors abuse science like it's going out of style.
Lewontin's Fallacy is STILL an extremely common chant of the new left.

>> No.3743901


Dude you already won what more do you want lol

>> No.3743902

If you're going to cite wikipedia at least keep reading beyond the first few lines.

>> No.3743903

hating /sci/ doesn't mean you have to hate or ignore science. that's retarded. i have to say that i'm very disappointed by /lit/, it really seems like an awful board. /tv/ had such nice things to say about you, too.

>> No.3743904
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Hey SJW, if blacks and whites are exactly the same physiologically since evolution is a big lie from satan and all that, why are there no white CBs in the NFL?

Furthermore, why can't white Europeans win a 100 meter dash since blacks started competing? I'll be waiting for your feel-induced response.

>> No.3743906

You know, if you were a eugenicist designing people for better adattation to the earth, you'd probably make them all short and black, but with better digestive enzymes and different immune characteristics.........and wait a minute, isn't this thread for books featuring traditional families in positive lights?

>> No.3743908

Guys, you're forgetting that science and logic don't matter in post modernism. We're on /lit/: post modernism general

>> No.3743909
File: 61 KB, 700x716, 1304009759411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has gone down in quality since pseudo-philosopher shitheads invited their political friends.
>muh lacan, deleuze, kuhn, feyerabend

>> No.3743910


That's never what this thread was for and we tried to tell you that. It was obvious /pol/ bait.

>> No.3743912


Oh my god I haven't read this in ages... you just inspired me. Thank you anon.

>> No.3743913

it's not citing wikipedia. it's citing high school biology, which you obviously never took

>> No.3743916

the phenotype is largely the product of the genotype. michael jackson had cosmetic surgery to disguise his true phenotypical traits.

>> No.3743917

>You're refusing to refute that reason.

Because he can't. If he engages you, he knows he'll lose. See the SRS rules for non-SJW; you never engage them fully or you lose, they know this.

>> No.3743918

well, in that case wouldn't it amke it a better /lit/ thread if thats what we actually talked about? there a re plenty of great ones. at the worst, it would kill the thread.

>> No.3743920

Erm, it just says that chemical and behavorial properties are also part of the phenotype. So, uh..

Being raised by a doctor of Biology I'm pretty fucking confident I will win this argument, son.

>> No.3743923

thank god all those references are all 30 years old. god. I might've been worried that homophobic heteroscum been right with his outdated data.

>> No.3743926


Good job rising above it, moron.

>> No.3743930

>I don't have to behave like a decent human being because you don't either!

>> No.3743936


Gibbons was proved wrong by fellow historians. The military and economic theories stand, but not the Christianity one.

>> No.3743933

this board is only going to get worse

and it isn't fucking /pol/'s fault

>> No.3743934

Good thing that no one on /lit/ reads books older than 30 years because they're outdated.

>> No.3743935 [DELETED] 
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Gee, nobody wants to touch it with a 10 foot pole. What's the matter? I'm sure there is some non-physiological, non-biological, non-adaptive explanation for all of this, right? Come on, show me what you got.

>> No.3743940

>>muh lacan, deleuze, kuhn, feyerabend
implying those philosophers are bad.

>> No.3743941

You just demonstrated you know fuckall about science and academia

>> No.3743942


This is like atheist+ fedoraland.

>> No.3743946
File: 472 KB, 300x169, Alan Rickman Table Flip Portraits in Dramatic Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to me as to books outlining the benefits of having a traditional family
Peter Laslett.
The World We Have Lost: England Before the Industrial Age.
Household and Family in Past Time.
Statistical Studies in Historical Social Structure.
The World We Have Lost: Further Explored.
Family Forms in Historic Europe.

Pic related is for all the off-topic bullshit.

>> No.3743947

I'm aware. Still, it's worth reading. Interesting stuff.

>> No.3743949

Based anon

>> No.3743953

They're the fucking worst of the worst.
There's people actually seriously arguing that people couldn't have died of diseases before they were officially discovered thanks to solipsist demagogues like kuhn and feyerabend.

>> No.3743955

ohh no. did I hurt your poor hetero feelings? it sucks being hetero in this homonormative world where you can be straightbashed if you're taking a walk home, or not having basic human rights or having people label you mentally ill. my deepest apologies, my fellow het brethren. your oppression is well noted, I shall check my fag privilege.

>> No.3743959

It's not easy finding research on topics that are politically correct. Moreso in last fifteen years.

>> No.3743962

You just proved how little you actually know about any of those philosophers thoughts.

>> No.3743965

good thing there exists fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.3743968
File: 144 KB, 1255x505, class lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your aids. Knowing your kind, you're spreading it everywhere intentionally

>> No.3743969

>destroying the family unit in the name of "womyn's empowerment"

Feminism is/will be the downfall of society, which will ironically be the end of female "choice" once we are back to living in caves.

>> No.3743970

Or rather, you proved that there are idiots that don't understand them.

>> No.3743973
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You don't know shit about science. You have a total lack of respect for any scientific literature that disagrees with your indoctrinated Marxist worldview. You're a braindead lemming serving a political class of oligarchs that don't give a shit about you.

I'm about to crush you SJW faggots under the weight of peer reviewed evidence. Hold onto your fucking ovaries, because shit's about to get real.

>> No.3743976


What in the actual fuck is this post?

>> No.3743980
File: 61 KB, 349x470, foucault08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this picture so much.
The best thing is that Foucault didn't only know and even understood analytical philosophy, but also agreed with it and appreciated it.

>> No.3743981 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 670x870, 1363465315532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FACT is, homosexuality is a fetish or a hobby at best. Nothing else.

>> No.3743982

I shiver with anticipation.

>> No.3743979

a) You can't claim "not understanding them" because at least Feyerabend opposed such qualitative judgements cause you can't prove shit through empiricism anyway and b) they're a bunch of obscurist hacks who are known solely for their opposition to Science in favor of making us all sociologists guessworkers instead.

>> No.3743986

It should be that way, but the majority of fags prove it to be otherwise.

I'm okay with a homosexual. I'm not okay with a fag on a parade.

>> No.3743983


Oh boy oh boy it's time for the infographic bomb! Everyone grab your popcorn and milk duds!

>> No.3743988
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Let me preface this by saying I strongly believe all humans to be equal in rights, but to say our genes have not been selected on differently is erroneous and shows a lack of understanding of natural selection.


Africans have brains that are between 9%-20% smaller than Caucasoid/Mongoloid brains (see sources). And while there is certainly a correlation between brain size and intelligence in relation to body size as indicated by this study:


scientists continue to argue to what extent brain size and intelligence are related. In other words, there is a correlation, and that correlation has been determined to be significant, but some argue about how significant it is.

What we know today is that the hominid brain tripled in size over the last 3 million years from Australopithecus to Homo erectus to modern humans, so obviously brain size has something to do with our development as a species. Growing a larger brain requires more resources (in the form of calories, food intake), and our understanding of natural selection tells us that the body is designed to run as efficiently as possible. The larger brain would have been developed in an era of food scarcity, so it is hardly an accident or coincidence that hominids developed larger brains; it had to be selected for. Having a larger brain gave earlier hominids a distinct advantage and therefore, those individuals with the larger brain (and the advantage that larger brain gives) passed those genes down to their offspring, while our smaller-brained ancestors didn't make the cut.

Brain size and intelligence:


African brain:


>> No.3743990

>100 images omitted

At least it's becoming funny.

>> No.3743993

Well I read only two books by Feyerabend, but I think he's basically saying:
a) identifying AIDS as AIDS isn't anything really
b) you can't cure it just with scientific identification of something.
c) The cure might be in something that is currently seen as pseudo-science, just like heliocentric system was.

>> No.3743994
File: 58 KB, 648x486, bdsm_by_Listentothevoices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foucault, philosophy.

>> No.3743998
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Sorry. Now I'm off to my swag party with my niggers Jay-Z and Rihanna, get high on weed, and shag delicious mamas.

Enjoy your basement!

>> No.3744000

I don't even get what are you trying to imply.
But before you try to imply something wrong you should read Archaeology of knowledge.

>> No.3744005

top lel

Thanks anon. I'm saving that to my studies.txt file

>> No.3744009

If that were true though, and Africans were really mentally less capable, why aren't they getting government compensation for their disability?

>> No.3744011

>Brain size and intelligence
Again with this bullshit.
Even if there is correlation, that's just correlation between size and capacity for intelligence.
You can be born with large size of brains, but that won't help you if you don't use them...

>> No.3744012 [DELETED] 

>Furthermore, why can't white Europeans win a 100 meter dash since blacks started competing? I'll be waiting for your feel-induced response.
Because Africans can't afford complex sport installations and running is cheap so it's the thing they focus on. It ain't rocket science.

>> No.3744013

Kuhn was reasonable most of the time but decided to start bullshitting about how old science was suddenly not living in the same world as new science and that it was a fundamental mistake to consider more refined and accurate methods to be better.

Feyerabend meanwhile was a relativist prick who outright states he believes "anything goes" solely arguing that it's true cause all methods have their limitations. He's only ever brought up because he did his best to legitimize pseudo-science.

>> No.3744016
File: 57 KB, 699x467, hdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well played.

>> No.3744018

>You can be born with large size of brains, but that won't help you if you don't use them...

Platitudes are cool and all, but did you care to refute the scientific evidence, or...?

>> No.3744024

But anything does go.
Shit if anything wouldn't go we'd still believe that Earth is the centre of solar system and that oxygen is dephlogestinated air.

>> No.3744026

How does that Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study not disprove your entire argument? You showed that differences in home environments have enormous effects on IQs.

>> No.3744028
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The 15 point IQ difference between blacks and whites is in part due to genetics

>> No.3744030

>Intelligence is Real, Objective, and Mesurable
oh dear

>> No.3744031

I'd say the best fictional treatment I've seen of this idea has got to be "greenwillow" by B.J. Chute. She tells a great and fun light fantasy love story about a boy who want s to marry a nice orphan girl, who also wants to marry him, but he is afraid that his family "curse" to wander off and leave your wife to raise the children alone, will strike him, and he can't stand the thought of deserting her in that way. He has had to take care of his family farm, including his grandmother and mother, both of whom were deserted by their husbands, and several younger siblings. He makes the farm into a going concern and educates the next oldest to take care of it when he leaves, as he feels he inevitably must when his "call" comes. Involved in all this is a possibly magical minister at the local church, an old miser who was jilted by the grandmother, a lot of cats that cause theological disputes, and the devil himself. I's an amazingly good book on families and relationships and you couldn't ask for more traditional virtues. I'm surprised there was never a movie.

>> No.3744036

That's just basic logic.
Early anthropologists and psychometricians found correlations, but modern studies began with Van Valen 1974, which suggested a correlation of 0.3. Jensen & Johnson's 1994 "Race and sex differences in head size and IQ" wrote of the successive literature that

"In all of the 25 independent studies we have found in the literature, nonzero positive correlations between head measurements and intelligence measurements have been found, all but five with correlations significant beyond the .05 confidence level. The average correlation between various external measures of head size and IQ is close to + .15. But external head size is a rather weak proxy for brain size. Two recent studies have measured brain size per se by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and found correlations with IQ in the .30 to .40 range (Andreasen et al., 1993; Willerman, Schultz, Rutledge, & Bigler, 1991)."

Nguyen & McDaniel's 2000 meta-analysis[3] found similarly, as did McDaniel's 2005 "Big-brained people are smarter: A meta-analysis of the relationship between in vivo brain volume and intelligence":

"...based on 37 samples across 1530 people, the population correlation was estimated at 0.33...For external head measures, Vernon et al. (2000) reported the population correlation between head size and intelligence to be 0.19. Nguyen and McDaniel (2000) reported population correlations from 0.17 to 0.26 for three different sub-categories of external head size measures. Studies assessing the correlation between in vivo brain volume and intelligence are more rare. Vernon et al. (2000) reported data on 15 such correlations and obtained a population correlation of 0.33. Nguyen and McDaniel (2000) reported the same population correlation based on 14 correlations. Gignac, Vernon, and Wickett (2003) reported data published in 2000 or earlier with a mean correlation of 0.37."

>> No.3744037

>But anything does go.
Not in the pursuit of truth in science, which is what he was arguing.
The methods he spoke of were the scientific method(s).
He said that since they're all limited in some way anything should go.

Which is like sort of like the idiots bringing up Gödel's incompleteness theorem in non-arithmetic systems only far more blatantly retarded.

>> No.3744041
File: 2.14 MB, 3741x3887, ethnicity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using taxonomic arguments when talking about races
>implying races have any kind of biological founding principles

>> No.3744044
File: 24 KB, 600x450, 1360766276935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Intelligence is largely heritable

CNTNAP2 and MCPH1 genes.
The rs10784502 (T allele) variant of the CNTNAP2 gene associated with increased cranial volume has a greater frequency in
East-Asian and Indo-European populations, and less in most African populations:

The Haplogroup D allele of MCPH1 gene is unique to Eurasian populations. Sub-Saharan Africans lack this allele:

>> No.3744046

>correlations from .3 to .4
muh social sciences

>> No.3744051

/lit be honest you just don't -feel- like reading black authors, can we keep /pol/iticking out of this?

>> No.3744054
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>> No.3744055
File: 1.00 MB, 1323x1627, 1359440478326 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ongoing Adaptive Evolution of ASPM, a Brain Size Determinant in Homo sapiens

Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans

Mainstream Science on Intelligence

Haplogroups as markers for genetic intelligence/cognitive ability

Negroids of different lineage to Caucasians, haplogroups A&B

>> No.3744058

But you just showed a ton of different nongenetic factors that can affect IQ

>> No.3744063
File: 202 KB, 723x948, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards don't understand how discussions work.

>> No.3744065
File: 2.75 MB, 1296x1728, 1359440395208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In 1959, AAMD set the IQ threshold for mental retardation at < 85. The civil rights movement of the next decade forced psychologists to rethink this boundary, because half of the African American population fell below it. In 1973, responding to this concern, AAMD changed the threshold for retardation from IQ < 85 to IQ < 70. The boundary moved south by one standard deviation! The proportion of blacks below the threshold instantly dropped from about 50 percent to 12 percent. Subsequent refinements made it still more difficult to meet the criteria for retardation.

Erectus Walks Amongst Us

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic

>> No.3744069


Nature and nurture both play a role. Your point?

>> No.3744064

Gödel's incompleteness theorem is always a fun thing to name drop if you try to sound like a pretentious fuck.
And again, you can't deny that some of the biggest epistemological breaks came outside of the mainstream science.
Why should we now try to limit ourselves on just what we understand as science fact, if this changes all the time?
Stop cargo worshipping scientific facts, just because they're said to be scientific facts.

>> No.3744073
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>> No.3744084

>epistemological breaks
Is not what scientists are after. They recognize the limitations of the systems they work within even if people like Feyerabend liked to pretend they were far more limited than they are.
>on just what we understand as science fact, if this changes all the time?
It doesn't. Like most things they are iterated upon, more refined than before. As long as you are aware of those limitations it can be safely acted upon.
You're pretty much just arguing in favor of creationism at this point. "Teach the controversy".
>Stop cargo worshipping scientific facts
Stop replacing ego for thought like most degenerate continental worshippers. "But it's soooo interesting!"' the Frenchmen cries as his dinosaurs no longer live next to his cavemen.

>> No.3744089
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>> No.3744090
File: 53 KB, 458x480, minnesota-transracial-adoption-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean the study that clearly shows black admixtures reduce standardized test scores, no matter whether they're raised in white households or not?

It's not all nurture, anon...

>> No.3744094


>proof niggers refuse to work and steal and kill instead

>> No.3744105

>Because science came to an end. There's nothing we can learn, nothing that can be discovered. We have reached the absolute knowledge!
I pity most of modern so-called scientist being afraid to go into unknown, because it's scary and might be wrong.

>> No.3744100

That's not the murder rate by ethnicity anon!
Those are even worse.

>> No.3744104
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This is a chicken or egg scenario. All you have to do is look at bastions of non-white areas like Haiti and Detroit to see what a nigger left to its own devices devolves into with no white interference.

>> No.3744109

And how would they go into the unknown?

>> No.3744110


They are. It's called welfare and white people are paying for it.

>> No.3744113

So what's the problem then?

>> No.3744115

Scientists work with the unknown.
They just look for things in nature, much like all philosophers of value, rather than pretend water has memory or that physical constants are all relative.

>> No.3744116

>Even if there is correlation, that's just correlation between size and capacity for intelligence.

You basically agreed with him and didn't even realize it. This is the whole point of the post, he's saying that blacks have a smaller capacity for intelligence than whites and that's shown by the data. That doesn't mean that a black cannot be as smart as a white, but that the white person has a genetic advantage when it comes to this physiological trait.

>> No.3744127
File: 24 KB, 720x557, 1359414258927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So none of the scientific evidence for difference in mental acuity is accurate, yet this is:


Funny how nobody even bothered trying to refute this. It's so blatantly obvious that blacks have an advantage that to even acknowledge this post means facing the reality of the situation: humans evolved in different geographical areas and developed different traits most suited to that environment.

Deal with it.

>> No.3744135

Well yeah, and again, maybe I'm misinterpreting Feyerabend, or maybe I forgot that part. But the way I understand his reasoning is, that every method works if you attain actual measurable results.
Which is basically what science should do.

>> No.3744137
File: 754 KB, 3059x2048, 1367898787495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggers are a burden.

>White Americans have an average IQ of 103 (tied for 5th highest globally)

>White Americans score 7th highest internationally on PISA reading comprehension test.

>White Americans have an average income of $55,000 (9th highest in the world)

>White Americans have a adjusted Disposable Income of $39,000 - the highest in the OECD (even when adjusted for the benefits of the welfare state and government healthcare).

>White Americans have an unemployment rate of 6.6%

>White Americans have an average net worth of $110,000 (2nd Highest in the world after Australia, higher than Switzerland and Norway)

>White Americans have a murder rate of only around 3.5 per 100,000 - equivalent to the European average.

and finally...

>White Americans have a gun ownership rate of 44%, well above blacks and hispanics and by far the highest rate in the developed world.

If one simply looks at the white population of every nation, White Americans are arguably the most developed in the world (when a range of indicators are examined). This is all the more impressive because there are 200 MILLION of them and they are surrounded by 100 million non-whites dragging them down.

White Americans truly are the Master Race.

Even the British acknoledge American superiority.


>> No.3744141

I can agree with this.
This still doesn't mean, that blacks are less smart on average than whites.
Also, the differences are so small that don't really mean that much.

>> No.3744146


Acknowledge even.

>> No.3744153

>that every method works if you attain actual measurable results.
The thing is he doesn't qualify measurable results and actively opposed the only disciplines that have actual depth to their qualifications i.e. the scientific method. (falsifiability, reproducibility etc)
Anarchist hackery at it's worst.

>> No.3744166
File: 62 KB, 382x461, detroits_rise_and_fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This still doesn't mean, that blacks are less smart on average than whites.

Of course it does. All standardized testing shows it. The employment numbers reflect it. The crime rate reflects it. There is no denying it. In fact, the decline of major cities like Detroit, along with the increase in crime and murder, directly correlates with increased black population and white flight. I'll look for the graph.

>> No.3744181

>the scientific method
When Catholic church denounced heliocentric system, they also defended the scientific method.
Seriously stop with this cargo worshipping of a certain way of doing things.

>> No.3744187

This graph proves no such thing though.

>> No.3744191
File: 63 KB, 1214x665, cleveland-homicide-changes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One for Cleveland. As successful white populations decline and move away from the encroaching black plague, crime rates drastically increase.

>> No.3744192


I said:

>I'll look for the graph

And here is one from Detroit:


>> No.3744194

You might as well come out and admit that nothing will ever prove it to you because you've accepted racial equality as a dogmatic, absolute truth.

>> No.3744205

>they also defended the scientific method.
Which at the time was heavily flawed.
You don't actually think it's the same one, right?

>> No.3744211
File: 87 KB, 1600x900, detroit-white-flight-crime-rise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is Detroit.

>> No.3744213

Its pathetic just how much Foucault has been re-appropriated and misread by the left to fit into their agenda. Earlier in his career some people were calling him a fascist, now he's held up as some kind of freedom fighter.
What's worse is that his critique of the modern penal system promoting self-surveillance and panopticism is exactly what SJWs are now promoting (consistently monitoring one's own thoughts and actions for any sort of "privilege" or micro-aggression).

>> No.3744214

>Which at the time was heavily flawed.
>You don't actually think it's the same one, right?
This exactly what I got from Against Method.
The scientific method is always flawed.
You do know that they didn't see it as flawed, just like you don't see current scientific method as flawed, while 100 years into the future they'll laugh at our stupidity.

>> No.3744222

>You do know that they didn't see it as flawed
The people who actually used it did as they had already improved on several earlier forms.
Hangers-on like you of course will champion anything you think sounds nice at the moment.