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/lit/ - Literature

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3742491 No.3742491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you CANT handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell DONT deserve me at my BeST!

Don't you hate this quote, /lit/, what does it even mean? Just sums up women's narcissism right. Makes me rage that women think this way and somehow still get laid, and I'm on /lit/ right now, penis flaccid.

>> No.3742497

This isn't narcissism; it's ego-defense. they're insecure. Reassure them. pretend you aren't really interested in them, but that you appreciate how hot they are. They'll fell better, and you're closer to getting laid.

>> No.3742503

It's like saying 'I can be a bitch and moody and you should take it because my best is amazing.'

Where is the insecurity

>> No.3742506

If someone uses shitty canned quotes like that to express themselves then I probably wouldn't be associating with them anyway.

Illiteracy and poor self-expression must be systematically purged.

>> No.3742508
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>> No.3742511

They feel as though they are unworthy of affection, because they are often moody and contrary. They try to reinforce their egos with the idea that their good behavior at other times balances this out. It's a rationale. Like saying, "yeah, maybe my free throws suck, but you can't beat me at the rim"

>> No.3742512

autists have difficulty differentiating between emotional states, so it's difficult to tell why a woman's worst is different from her best

I've only heard women use this quote ironically but maybe it's different in high school

>> No.3742513


What does this have to do with literature? Or anything besides a fucking misogynist circle jerk?

Get the fuck off /lit/.

>> No.3742521

MM said it and she was married to Arthur miller. Also it's psychology and you're a fag.

I think you're misinterpreting it.

>> No.3742524


I am so fucking sick of you off topic morons playing 6 degrees of literature.

You can connect ANYTHING to literature with your retarded logic. I could make a thread about cocks because Humbert Humbert got erect watching Lolita.

Also psychology is not fucking literature.

>> No.3742527


I fucking hated that film.

>> No.3742526

Is this now a cock thread?

>> No.3742531 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3742532

Dude, everyone is sick of you saying 'not literature' every second post. Why does it matter, who cares, hide the post.

>> No.3742535

I don't overly mind the quote itself. If someone is unwilling to put effort into a relationship to make it work, of course they don't deserve it (though the other party may not be any better). The problem is that it seems to be used to justify being a nasty person and not putting in any effort yourself.

>> No.3742536


Yeah who cares that the literature board is going down the road of never talking about literature. Today half the threads on the board aren't literature. We're going to become /b/ with books before long. The mods don't care, so we have to self moderate this shit, and the only way is to fucking ruin off topic threads.

Fuck you.

>> No.3742546

But you never do ruin anything. You don't have any impact at all, your valiant efforts amount to nought.

>> No.3742554

Of course she's going to get laid. We're going to fuck her and forget her. Her worst, my ass. Not dealing with it.

>> No.3742558


>implying you don't act like a piece of shit (near) all the time
>implying I should have to put up with it
>implying you have a best side

Then just walk away.

It's a silly quote used by silly people to justify acting like a piece of shit and expect no repercussions from the other party.

>> No.3742559

>it seems to be used to justify being a nasty person and not putting in any effort yourself.

This is why it grates with me. Imagine saying to a QT 'I can be an asshole and a psycho, but if you can't handle that, you don't deserve me at my best.'.

It bothers me that it's ridiculous coming from a guy but perfectly acceptable from a woman.

>> No.3742565

You for the "“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle."

It's a pretty reasonable statement if you're Marilyn Monroe though. The pockmarked sixteen year olds who adapt it as their motto, not so much.

>> No.3742568

>Marilyn Monroe
No shit, she had people telling her she was the most beautiful woman on earth and actually meaning it.

Now, stop being so ridiculously sexist and your flaccid penis might have a chance.

>> No.3742570


We bowed down to women all through the ages. I believe that is why all women are fat. because we take them anyway. We have no standards because we're sexually charged to a vivaciously high level.

>> No.3742576

It's just easy to read confident aggression into somthing that's more likely to be defense of a percieved vulnerability. Especially when that's what it's designed to broadcast. But ask yourself why a condfident, aggressive woman would feel the need to comment at all, let alone in this snide manner? It's like the troll threads wherer a guy says "Im so superior to you intellectually i don't even need to comment on your cretinous tripe." It's protesting too much, andLike the troll thing, it invites the question of why not show, instead of telling? A truly confident woman wouldn't need to point that stuff out, even if she did feel it.

>> No.3742582

Also, interpreting the meaning of a popular quote is pretty close to literature. It's not like we're fighting over the NEET lifestyle...

>> No.3742585
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don't tell me you seriously think "crazy" is used as a pejorative against men more than it is against women

>> No.3742607

If the most desired man in the world said that he could get away with it as well.

>> No.3742608

Not sure what you're saying here

>> No.3742609

what's the deal with this movie?

>> No.3742613

Yes but lots of women adapt this quote online, it's one of the top quotes on the Internet actually because of this. Not so for males.

>> No.3742615


No he wouldn't. He'd be considered an arrogant asshole.

>> No.3742616

It's called the holy mountain. It's experimental, like a religion inspired acid trip. I was about to nail a girl I was watching it with, then all these far more beautiful naked women appeared and it turned me against her, so I didn't.

>> No.3742618

No, people like him do. The more threads turn into off topic bitching and mass whining, the less I tend to go on a board. I'm running out of boards real quick here.

>> No.3742624


>Don't you hate this quote, /lit/, what does it even mean?

It means you're a fucking shithead adolescent who worries about inconsequential bullshit.

Not /lit/ fucking take it to /r9k/ you pussywillow.

>> No.3742627

He probably means women have a long history of being dismissed as crazy, irraitonal, hysterical etc to disqualify them.

>> No.3742631

Maybe it'll work this time!

>> No.3742637

But they are those things

>> No.3742639

Yeah, but what he said still doesn't follow from the post he replied to.

>> No.3742648

Now be fair: If the quote were

"Oh lost, and by the wind mourned..."
"It's an ill wind that blows nobody good"
"Do I dare to eat a peach?"

you probably wouldn't be saying this.

>> No.3742650

just get off Facebook op

>> No.3742678

Well the idea behind it is true. That for relationships to work you need to be able to handle or at least put up with the worst of the other person.

Problem is people use it as an excuse to get away with shit. Part of relationships is being able to tell the other person to shut up or grow up.

>> No.3742709

After working in business for six years I can happily conclude that a lot of men have that attitude and suffer from narcism even though they don't say it aloud.

>> No.3742721

whoa guys watch out there's some personal experience right here

>> No.3742744

Well, guys don't get their period?

>> No.3742851
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>"Do I dare to eat a peach?"

>> No.3742887

"While Eliot only briefly mentions the peach in this poem, it has come to be one of the most critically contested images, in terms of deciphering its meaning. In his book, Ascending the Prufrockian Stair, Robert Fleissner dedicates an entire chapter to offering various interpretations of "Prufrock's Peach." Firstly, he considers the idea that the peach, in this context, could be a reference to the Forbidden Fruit of the biblical Creation story. With this interpretation, Prufrock must choose between knowledge and immortality. This struggle fits in closely with Prufrock's constant grappling with his own mortality. In Prufrock's eyes, he has already eaten the biblical fruit and must now heed the consequences: a burdensome awareness of the world around him and his own approaching death."

>> No.3742906
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>> No.3742919

holy mountain posh as fuck yo

read mount analogue, twas based on

props to zeta for the rec, where art thou cur

>> No.3742922

Oh ok, that's where it's from.

>> No.3742923

if you haven't experienced making a woman happy then you don't desire it

>> No.3742925

>Oh ok, that's where it's from.

peaches aren't biblical, apples are, he referred to a genital.

>> No.3742921

>Do I dare to eat a peach?"
>gibberish about bible

Peaches are symbols for vaginas, have you even seen a peach let alone a vagina?

And I don't mean a big hairy adult vagina with meat flaps hanging out, I mean a real vagina, something out of a Nabokov novel.

>> No.3742935

>peaches aren't biblical, apples are
There's nothing about peaches or apples in the bible. The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is never named other than that.

I always interpreted "Do I dare to eat a peach?" as him just being a prissy fuck who was too scared to do anything. It doesn't need to be a metaphor, the curtains are blue and Aeneas was just angry.

>> No.3742936


>mount analogue

You can't really appreciate that book unless you're on at least 2 hits of acid.

>> No.3742939

Not literature

>> No.3742948


>> No.3742947


i don't see how anyone can read on acid so i'll assume your lying is merely a vehicle for your appreciation of its non-linear abstractions, so, yeah i agree, its very mind rapey.

they only drugs which were made for reading are opiates. nothing else. maybe a few drinks also.

>> No.3742976


Counter sage

>> No.3742987
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>thanks hitler you always have the best advice

>> No.3743000

somebody once said that prufrock makes complete sense if you add two words: "impotence" and "whorehouse".

what? prufrock?

>> No.3743071

hostital miles feck eff

>> No.3743090


bbgirl hospital tiles doesnt have permission to post without my posting first

how u been zeta?

>> No.3743122
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>> No.3743136


fuck dude, you used to always do proper caps now i can never tell

i've lost the goat radar

>> No.3743143

How's lawschool coming around, Stanford?

>> No.3743175


i've been accepted to a bunch of really good ones.
thinking about whether i wanna start this fall or take a year off to roam ze worl, go to thailand and become a kratom dealer or something


>> No.3743184

"Makes me rage that women think this way and somehow still get laid"

that's the opener and theme of the thread. is not about literature, just a window for OP to vent his frustration in a selfish manner and not having the decency to admit this has nothing to do with literature other than him being "on /lit/ right now, penis flaccid."

He could have used /b/ to vent, or /adv/ -had he covered with another theme- but he chose this place go knows why.

>> No.3743195
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I still don't understand why you don't start an Epicurean commune in some pleasant cheap country and live there forever drinking beer and tomato juice on the beach. Like in thet DiCaprio film without the fuck ups.

>> No.3743207

I agree with you, but that is still narcissism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_defences

>> No.3743211

It means they are out of control borderlines incapable of emotional regulation. Avoid at all costs

>> No.3743215

>protesting too much
The quote "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" actually means "I think she's promising too much".

>> No.3743219

how can one even appreciate the book in the first place, the visual symbolism is what makes the movie so great

>> No.3743299

It applies to sports, too. Lots of people who aren't around when the team is getting trashed all season but then claim to be die-hard fans when they finally manage to win a championship.

>> No.3743309

I don't like it because it's too emotional